She saw that I was done reading, and rather than say or explain anything to me, she brushed past me, and grabbing me by one nipple as she past, she drug me out to the living room where I saw men of all ages and races sitting and standing about the room. All of them had their pants open or off, and were rubbing themselves while a porn played on the TV. We stepped into the middle of the room and let go of me and addressed the men in the room.
“Gentlemen, as I promised, here is the ugly sissyfaggot I promised you… Jaqui!”
She handed me another piece of paper and hissed “read this out loud” and stepped off to the side, leaving me in the middle of the room by myself.
I read:
“Gentlemen, as you know, real woman and pretty sissies get the real cocks out there, so it is left to us less desirable sissies to take care of the rest. No real men such as yourselves should be denied having your cocksworshipped. No matter how small your cock is, you are all real men, not a sissyfag like me.”
I knew my face was burning red with humiliation, but I knew I had to keep reading.
“A sissy is the lowest rung on the sexual ladder. Everyone has the right to use us.”
“I know that I am an ugly gurl, but I have a very beautiful mouth, and hopefully between my mouth and the tits on the screen and in the room, it will be enough for you to look past my looks. Also, well, I will pay you $20 to let me suck your cocks…”
I was glad that the note ended there as my mind and mouth went basically numb with the exception of some calculater part of my brain that automatically did some math and realized I had 20 20 dollar bills… that means that there was 20 cocks… 20 loads of cum in this room, and they were all aimed at me.
m’Lady stepped back up to me and took the money from my hand. She looked around at all the hard little cocks, pointed to one man that was rolling his cock between his thumb and forefinger. “He looks ready” and she gave me a little push his way as she moved off to sit in her chair, saying “Remember gents, first load goes down her throat! After you cum the first time, she will move on to the next hard lil pecker. Come see me and I will get you your compensation and then you can decide to head out or stick around if you have a round two inside ya…”
I barely heard all of what she said as the humiliation of it all began to set in.
m’Lady knows how much I love the feel of a cock in my mouth, and the taste of someone’s cum filling my mouth and throat as I suck them deep, but here she was giving me what I love in the most unfulfilling way. Except she was going to fill my stomach with cum… out of these tiny little things… AND I had to pay them to let them cum in my mouth. She planned this well.
All of this ranThrough my head while I began to knee to do my best to give this tiny cock a decent blowjob. I knelt down and took this unknown man’s two inch cock into my mouth. I began to suck and swirl my tongue around it, and I was honestly almost in tears, but then something happened. He moaned and pressed his hands on the back of my head.
This was such a known thing to me, this was the other part of giving head that I loved… their reaction. I decided that I was going to truly worship each and every one of these tiny little penii and give them the best damn blow job that any of them have ever had…
Since his cock was so small, I was able to actually take his cock and his balls into my mouth at the same time. I pressed the back of my tongue against the roof of my mouth which put his cock into a tight grip while the tip of my tongue ran around his balls.
I alternated between this action and pulling back so just the time was in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tip of his cock and licking at his piss hole.
I don’t think he probably had been touched by anyone else in a long time because it did not take more than two minutes before his hips were bucking and he began shooting jet after jet of hot cum into my mouth. I have no idea how many times I felt him tension and contract in my mouth, but I had to swallow multiple times just to contain it all.
When I felt his body relax, and there was no lingering cum oozing from him, I lifted my head, smiled at him and said “Thank you honey, you needed that!”
Hearing my remark, m’Lady spoke up, “Oh, Jaqui… did I remember to mention… I asked them all to edge without cumming all week long…” a chuckle “I wanted to make sure you were a well fed slut…”
Smiling, I simply said “thank you m’Lady” as I took the next lil weenie in my mouth.
By the time I had swallowed down myfifth or sixth load, the guys had all really started to get into it, they surrounded me, touching and caresing me, squeezing my lil titties and pinching my nipples, squeezing my ass cheeks and the occasional finger slipped into my asscunt. When someone had reached between my legs and started to fondle my dickette, m’Lady asked them all to please refrain from playing with my cockette and balls, and to limit my cunt play, she didn’t want me to have an accidental discharge she said laughing…
I have no idea how long I was at it, stopping only briefly between cocks to occasionally take a sip of water now and then. I was actually starting to feel full from all of the cum that I had swallowed, the room was feeling hot, humid and full of sex. I was in a glorious place. I still ‘hated’ the size of these pathetic cocks that were still ‘better’ than me, but I loved being the center of so much fun and cum, so when I Swallowed the last load, it actuallySurprised me a bit when there was not another dick ready and at my lips.
I blinked a few times and looked around. As I had been blowing, I had heard the front door open and close a few times, so I knew that some had left, but I did not know how many. When I looked at where m’Lady had been sitting, but she had moved to lay back on the long ottoman. I saw that the ten to twelve men that had stuck around were surrounding her and caressing her body. They were rubbing and sucking on her tits, she was even letting them care (but not finger) her very wet cunt while she was letting her hands roam around all of the once again hard cocks.
She motioned for me to a place at the foot of the ottoman as she placed her legs down on each side of it, giving me an excellent view straight up to her tasty cunt. Letting me see and smell her, but not touch or taste her.
She looked up and the men around her and spoke.
“Alright you pathetic little wankers, Like I told you before, we are going to feed Jaqui another course, but this time a blend, and off a tray… or, should I say,my tits.
I am starting a timer that will go off in five minutes. You need to have shot your load on my tits, AND ONLY ON MY TITS before it goes off, or you will not get to. Then it will be Jaqui’s turn to lick all of your cum off of me. You are welcome to stay and witness the cumslut in her natural state of eating cum for a bit, but please dress and head out quickly.
I heard the beep of the timer, and I saw all of their hands (and fingers) start to pump quickly. It seemed like all the time was going to pass before anyone came, but then one began to moan and started cumming. His aim was true and hit m’Lady right in the nipple which caused her to moan slightly.
It was like dominoes after that, and it looked like streamers flying at her tits from all directions, and she was getting seriously glazed across her chest.
When the last man was done, she just said “Get licking bitch”
I darted up to her chest and began licking and sucking the pooled cum that was all across her wonderful tits. I liked and sucked at her nipples before licking all around and under her breasts. I licked at rivulets of cum that drizzled down her sides and into her armpits. I sucked up the cum that pooled at her neck. I licked at every inch of bare flesh that I could reach.
I had gotten all of the cum off of her, but was still languidly licking at her when there was a knock at the door. I started, but m’Lady just laid there unperturbed. Looking at me, she said “Get the door Jaqui.”
I was terrified at these words as not only was I dressed as a slut, I knew I looked like a thoroughly used slut, but the look in her eye forestalled any argument, and I went to the front door.
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, and a tall black man stood there. He looked at me, well, sneered at me, and said “where is the cunt at faggot?”
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