Sarah Goes to College Ch. 11

Wrapping things up

Chapter 11, the last chapter, in Sarah Goes to College


Marie, the former college cheerleading coach, lay on a pad inside a cage in Alice’s house on the campus of the Slave University. She had been moved over there after a weekend of sex training at Alice’s hands. She knew her old life was slipping away, but she desperately hoped Alice would at last un-suit her and let her get back to coaching the cheerleading squad. She missed the girls and she missed her house, but the thing she missed the most was her personal pet Meri. Alice had left Meri and Sarah at Marie’s house for the weekend. Now it was getting close to the time when Alice had promised that she would release Marie from her bitch suit and let her take care of her charges.

Marie had found herself helpless in the Restraining bitch suit following a power outage over the weekend. Thanks to Alice’s rescue of her and the girls, Marie wouldn’t be stuck in the suit for the rest ofHer time, but Alice had made it clear that Marie wouldn’t get off that easily. Marie had spent the weekend being fucked by a fucking machine at Alice’s house designed for puppy slaves, and despite her initial fear and revulsion, Marie had soon grown to love the continued fucking the machine gave her. Her pussy was sore from the experience, but if she had been asked, she would turn the machine in a heartbeat.

Alice meanwhile had been busy handling the hearings for Sarah and Meri, the 2 slaves Marie had been left to take care of. Since Sarah had been sentenced to a year as a puppy to teach her to be careful of the people she hung out with, she needed to return to the care of the head cheerleader. However, the courts ruled that given the lack of concern some of those students had shown to her, Sarah was to be released from her suit.

Sarah had barked thru the ring gag in excitement, and hurried off to the un-suiting room. Sarah’s excitement continued, as the workers unlockedthe lock holding the zipper closed. She could feel them opening the zipper, and her skin was once again allowed into the open air. She was so eager in fact, that as her arms and legs were released from their bindings, she helped the workers pull the suit off her. She then stood before they naked until they retrieved her old cheerleading uniform, which she took and dressed in before giving them a smile, and leaving the building.

Alice meanwhile, was still addressing the court. She had made mention of the other slave charged to Marie’s protection, Meri, and asked the court to grant her custody of the puppy slave, until such time as Marie was capable of taking care of the slave. The court agreed, and Alice was granted care and custody of Meri. Finally, Alice asked the court to declare Marie converted, since she was currently inside a bitch suit, and had been that way since before the storm on Friday night. The judges considered this, and then banged the givel down, sealing Marie’sfate.

Alice walked home with Meri’s lean, stopping only briefly to confirm that Marie’s house would be put up for sale the same day. After gathering a few trinkets and making sure the house was secure, Alice walked to her house, and entered. Meri followed obediently along, out into the back yard and to the kennel there. Alice sent her inside, and closed the gate.

Alice then went into her house, and knelt down before Marie’s cage. “I have some bad news puppy. The courts have declared you to be a slave puppy now. They gave as the reason the obvious self conversion practices you prepared, the endangerment you placed yourself and your slaves into, and the repeated occurrences of your self suiting as the causes for your conversion. So from now on, both officially and legally my dear puppy slut, your mine to train and use as I see fit.”

Marie was devastated. She was going to be stuck in this suit for the rest of her life, unless Alice let her out. And Marie knew the chances of that happening were slim to none. She let out a sad howl, and looked sadly at Alice, trying to gain sympathy, but all Alice did was smile, and clip a lean to her collar before taking her out of the cage.

“Come little slut, I want to take you to your new home.” Alice led Marie out to the back yard kennel, and put her inside. Marie was sad she wouldn’t be inside anymore, but she was happy to see Meri in the kennel with her. The 2 puppies went to each other and began licking each others faces, happy to see each other, but sad that they were now stuck like this forever.

“Oh, before I forget, come here Meri.” Meri left Marie’s side and crawled over to Alice, and was shocked by what she was holding. Alice was holding a stick on harness system. Meri saw it was fitted with a longer dildo and Also that there was a dildo for her and a clip vibrator attached to it. Alice bent down, and began to strap the harness onto Meri’s body, planning the dildo into Meri’s pussy before strapping the harness on tightly.

Meri let out a low moan as the dildo invaded her pussy, but then gave a startedled yelp as Alice pushed a button on the remote wand, activating the clip vibrator, sending a pulsing tingling up thru Meri’s clip, and sending the helpless slave puppy into fits of thrusting and humping. Meri was humping the dildo buried in her pussy, almost oblivious to Alice moving in a small mating frame and strapping Marie onto it.

Marie whimpered as Alice slipped her thighs and arms into the padded sleeps of the mating frame, and closed the head stock around her neck. She could feel the sleeves inflating, trapping her helplessly against the frame. Then she felt the head of a dildo slipping into her pussy, and the humping it was getting from Meri’s thrusts, and she began to whimper as she was fucked by Meri.

Alice watched as the 2 puppy slaves fucked and whimpered as their bodies gave into the building pleasure the double dildo and vibrator was causing in them. Alice pressed one more button, and both puppies felt the dildo swell inside their pussies, stretching them wider and wider. With a howl from both a few minutes later, Alice knew they had fucked themselves to their first of many orgasms. She closed the kennel cage door, and setup a live webcam, so the rest of the paying internet community could watch the antisciences of her newest puppies.


“Heel, puppies. You know it is shopping day today.” Alice led the two suited slave pets to the local supermarket and put them in the provided kennels outside. After five years of training, the two puppies were finally beginning to look and act like the slaves they were. Meri and Marie were better behaved than some at the market, but still, the envy with which they looked at the passing humans was evident to anyone who took the time to look.

Walking into the store with Alice was a girl both puppies recognized, the released slave Sarah. She didn’t look down at the puppies, butBoth could see under her skirt a small wet stain appear as she passed their cage. Sarah hadn’t been back to the university since her release all those years ago, but the images of the suited puppies stirred up her feelings about them. Now, she was back, applying for a coaching job that had become available.

Life at the Slave University continues. Who will be the next to fall victim to the rules and submit themselves to the life of a pet slave? Maybe you might suffer as one of the characters here, dear reader?


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