Sarah Goes to College Ch. 10

Chapter 10 in “Sarah Goes to College”

“Sir, we’ve detected an anomaly in the cheer coach’s house. There are 3 puppy slaves, but the coach’s vital signs are coming from one of the suited slaves. The home computer system has the auto-defense fields up, and all attempts to reach the coach have failed. How do you wish us to proceed?”

The junior security officer was working to restore the damaged computer networks around the slave university following a major storm which had disrupted and reset almost all of the networked computers, and had resulted in almost 3 days worth of backups for the teachers, students, and slaves at Slave University. The cheer coach’s house was on the express list, thanks to the “missing” status the coach had entered. Now the techs were working to try to figure out what had happened and how to proceeded.

“Are her vitals stable, and is the home taking care of her?” One of the senior techs asked of the junior tech.

“Yes, it is sir. It seems like she’s living out her usual weekend fantasy. Although I am not sure how smart it was of her to try it this weekend, with a known storm coming.” The junior tech responded.

“Then let’s work on getting the security fields down around the house and move on to the other trapped staffers. If her vitals become unstable, patch in and check on her. If you can, reset the computer with the backup copy of her hard drive, and if it doesn’t work, we’ll send someone out when we have the personnel available.”

“Yes sir, deactivate the outer security perimeter, now.”

In the house, the coach, Sarah, and Meri all were huddled together on the sleeping pads, when the computer voice boomed out ‘Feeding time, slave puppies. Move to the wall, and begin feeding.”

All three of the suited women got onto their knees and elbows, and crawled over to the wall unit. On it, three hollow dildos were hanging out, each run by computer direction. The goal was to teach the slaves how to suck cock properly. If they did it right, the sensors would dribble some liquid nutrients into the slave’s mouth. If they messed up, they wouldn’t be fed. The coach had originally wanted to make it a pussy licking trainer, but the techs were unable to program the units properly. Now, the coach was sharing the humiliation with her puppy slaves.

Sarah, having been suited first by a trick, then forced to remain suited following a court ruling for the period of the school year, was staying at the coach’s house because of the storm. She was getting used to the suit, despite her revulsion of being treated like nothing more than a puppy. It was also nice, she thought, of getting out of classes. But, there was the issue of not being in control.

Meri had been suited 2 weeks before, following the cheerleader’s inability to sell enough tickets during one of their Fundraisers. She had originally been scared, but when the coach had adopted her to be her personal puppy, Meri the puppy slave had almost flopped over from excitement. Since she had first met the coach, she had been secretly dreaming of being taken by the coach. That dream had been fulfilled the other night finally, and Meri had loved it.

The coach had been teaching at Slave University for the better part of 5 years, following a successful season with a few of the major league football teams. She had been successful in molding the Slave University squad into the premier squad in college cheerleading, thanks to the simple threat that the girls who failed to measure up would become suited slaves. She had also been taken in by the way a few of the suited slaves had reacted, and as a result, she decided to try it out herself. That was how she found herself trapped in her own suited hell.

As the 3 trapped puppy suite slaves worked on their dildos, the Computer was tracking their progress. It found Meri and Sarah were doing their hardest to suck the dildo, and rewarded them with a dollar of the liquidnutrient, which each slave quickly swallowed. The coach, however, was not paying attention, and the computer initiated a low level electric shock, bringing a yelp from the started coach.

The computer was working thru a program the coach had written to train her personal pet slaves, and according to the log, the next step was to wash the puppies. As the feeding cycle ended, a leash snapped closed around the collar of each of the puppy slaves. The lean drew the helpless slaves towards a washing area, where one at a time, they were led in.

Meri was in the washer first, and she let out a yelp of surprise as a dildo was inserted into her pussy. Meri tried to watch, but the computer controlled lean kept her head forward, and to ensure no mess from the water, a mechanical stock unit closed around her head, effectively trapping her. The wash cycle was a 4 part process. It started with a warm water rinse, followed by a soap wash, then another rinse, and finished off with a suit poisoning and air dryer.

Meri squirmed and humped the dildo as the machine worked to clean and poison her, and as the air drying started, she yelped and came from the sensings and the over stimulation caused by the high speed buffing rags rubbing over her exposed nipples and clip. Sarah had next entered the chamber, followed afterwards by the coach. Both also had a powerful orgasm as the scrubbers went to work, and the coach suddenly Understooth why some of the puppy slaves had been so eager when it was their time in the washing unit.

As the washer let the coach out, a new voice sounded. “Don’t you look the sight, Marie, dear?” The coach looked up to see her best friend on staff, Alice, looking down at her. “I got a call from the IT squad that I needed to come to your house to check on you, and what do I find but you in that special puppy suit I got you.”

Marie, the coach, looked up at her friend, and let out a whimper, as she knew she wasn’t going to live this down.

“I know you wanted to try it, but I never thought you would put yourself into that suit, when a storm was coming. Well, I guess temptation will win out, in the end. Come on over to the door, and we’ll discuss your options.”

Marie crawled over to the changing room door access panel, which slide open upon command from Alice. Marie crawled thru, and Alice closed the door behind her to Keep Meri and Sarah inside the puppy training room. Reaching down, Alice removed the muzzle from Marie’s mouth, with a “thank you” from Marie.

“Don’t thank me yet, dear. I haven’t unzipped you yet, for 3 reasons. First, is that unless I had come over, you would still be in the suit going thru that training program. Second, if I do release you from the suit now, there’s no guarantee that you won’t try to get back into it right away. And the third reason is selfish, but you do look cute down there, so dependant on me to make the decision as to what to do with you now. Now, your choices aresimple. First, you can ask me to remove the suit now, in which case I would, but I would also take it with me. Secondly, you can ask to remain in it, in which case the school would reclaim all the items in the house, and sell them off to the new cheatleading coach. Or third, you can choose to let me decide what to do with you, in which case there is no assurances you would get unsuited now, later, or ever. Take Your time, and think about it now, Marie.”

Marie had to sit and think, but she knew she liked the way the suit made her feel, and knew Alice would respect her decision, but she also knew that since Alice had gotten her the suit, and was aware of the monitoring cameras, she wouldn’t go back on her word. So Marie asked the simple question: “If I let you make the decision, could we set a time limit or activity limit?”

“Well dear, I am glad you read the manual on volunteer suiting procedures, so yes, we can set activities and time limits. Since in theory you would have to report for work tomorrow, that leaves till midnight tonight. And since this house is fully equipped, I see no reason to go outside currently. And since the collection of the slave Sarah is scheduled for tomorrow, and Meri, as your personal puppy, won’t leave ever, I think we can make some sort of arrangement for you, if you choose to remain as you are, till midnight.”

“Then I will Leave the choice up to you, provided that I am released no later than midnight tonight.”

Alice smiled, and buckled the muzzle back on Marie’s mouth, and then took the leash and led Marie back to her bedroom. Once there, Alice strapped on a dildo, and got down behind Marie, and began fucking her best friend’s dripping pussy. Marie yelped and panted as Alice fucked her dripping pussy. Alice also reached down and began rubbing Marie’s engaged clip, further stimulating the helpless puppy slave.

As Marie yelped and howled her first orgasm, Alice smiled, and redoubled her thrusting, smiling asShe could hear the squishing as the juices Marie’s pussy created lubed the dildo. Marie was lost in her second orgasm, as Alice pulled out, turned Marie around, and thrust the soaked dildo into Marie’s mouth. Marie let out a startled yelp before the dildo thrust into her mouth, and she sputtered and gagged as it was repeatedly thrust in and out, but since she was unable to prevent its entrance, she was forced to lick it clean.

Alice knew how to break her best friend down, and she knew now as she watched Marie’s head bobbing on the dildo that she was getting close to breaking down Marie. As the school’s official bitch trainer, she had seen the same look in countless other students (and a few staffers) as they were forced first into the helpless bitchsuits, then into their first sex training classes as newly suited slaves to know when someone was going to give up and accept their new position in life. The only thing remaining was figuring out the best time to get Marie to give intoher will and submit herself to Alice’s control.


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