Meri was in an orgasmic bliss as the van pulled into the coach’s driveway. The probes in her bitchsuit restraints were driving her over into orgasm almost every minute, brinking moans and yelps from her bound body.
Meri had been forced into the humiliating bitchsuit the other day as the result of a voting event held following the cheerleaders of Slave University being unable to raise the needed funds that would have saved them from the selection process. Now, Meri was in the suit, the new pet of the cheerleading coach who had adopted her the other day following her suiting.
The coach had reached her home as the 10th orgasm had crashed over Meri. The staff of Slave University had worked out a deal with the builders of the town and school areas, to include as standard fittings in the homes slave kennels, a fenced in back yard, all the modern appliances and fixtures of a smart house which would get to know the needs and desires of the owner, and of course all the best in bondage and slave training gear, including a dungeon with furniture that the owner could request via a catalogue.
The cheerleading coach had programmed her house to also act as an autonomous Mistress, so she could indulge in some of her submissive fans without having to worry about becoming a trapped slave herself. Since the coach had dreamed of owning a puppy slave since she had first seen them and had also dreamed of what it would be like to be a puppy slave herself, she had programmed the house to treat her as a puppy slave when the program was activated. The house could even suit her in her own bitchsuit which she had ordered from the school supply offices in her size. Now, she had her own puppy slave, so the computer would be updated with a sensor to track each of the occupations.
The coach led Meri into the puppy slave quarters, and scanned the tag on her collar with a handheld scanner. The computer was adopted, indicating a new slave was being registered in the house system, and then began going thru a list of prompts which the coach began checking off.
As the coach entered her selections into the computer, sub-programs were activated and written for the new puppy slave. When the coach finished with the programming of the computer, she smiled and activated the programs for Slave 2, Meri. Immediately, Meri felt a shock as the computer voice ordered her to move to the bedding in the kennel area, and lay down on the pad. The computer could track the movements of the house occupations using both video and digital signals embedded in the collar tags to determine the position of the person being controlled. The coach watched as the computer put Meri thru some basic programs designed to build a computer profile of her reactions and movements. As the coach watched, the house ordered Meri to sit, beg, drink from the water dish, eat from the food dish, stretch out on the doggy bed, move to the outside door, walk in the outside enclosure, return to the mat, and finally bark, whine, yelp, pant, and cum.
Meri went thru the entire process, shocked to see how efficient the house was in controlling her to do as commanded. Meri could see the coach as she watched Meri going thru her paces, and Meri could see a wet spot on her panties from watching her performance. She watched as the coach shifted her thighs before seeing her tense up as she was racked with an orgasm from the performance. The one thing Meri couldn’t figure out was why there was 2 of everything in the kennel area, and what the steel panel was that looked like it led off into part of the house. Soon, however, she would find out.
As the coach watched, she felt herself slipping into orgasm, and knew that following Friday night’s game, she would probably have the computer activate her program, and spend the weekend with her new pet. In the meantime, however, there was work to be done, so she reluctantly got up and changed into some workout clothes and began the yard work and grading the performances of the cheerleaders remaining, monitoring their practice session via a remote uplink to the gym. She could see 2 of the girls having a heated argument about how to use the 3 puppy slaves for their next performance, and she knew eventually that one of the 2 would make a challenge, the squad would vote, and that would be the end of it until it came time for peer evaluations. Then the loosing girl would probably find herself at the low end of the ratings, unless the act was a dud, in which case the one who proposed it would be on the low end of the ranking system.
As the coach knew, a chefleader who had the lowest average peer reviews at the end of the year would be subject to bitchsuit punishment. As she reviewed the chefleaders’ scores, she could see the 2 who were fighting over the routine were near the bottom of the list already.
As the coach reviewed the weekly squad evaluation report, she could see that consistently Brenda was at the bottom end of the squad, followed by Katie. The whole squad had been dealt a harsh score during week 9 because of a very poor performance during the administration review of the program. The girls had been asked to complete some individual routines and were judged by the dean of students and by other faculty members, and naturally they had rated the girls performances low, because as most of the evaluators were men, they had wanted to see more pussy peaks and panty exposures, and none of the girls had done that during their routines, for fear of being labeled as sluts.
As the coach looked over the practice session, she could already begin to see the routine for the Friday night game would involve Sarah and Maurine doing some sort of obstacle course, but the coach didn’t want to observe too much until it was Thursday night, in order to allow the squad to make Their own decisions. She wasn’t too concerned since if the squad messed up, the announcer could easily have a crowd selection and pickThe cheerleader to be punished like they had done to Meri.
Meri meanwhile was being exercised by the house computer. The coach had activated the program for her, and her new life had begun. She was still in love with the coach, who had saved her from the squad’s humiliations, but little did she know her own fate and that of the other puppy slaves was going to be drastically changed shortly.
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