“Well, it looks like we have a winner, or should it be looser? HAHA, ok folks, our next puppy slave is going to be cheerleader number 4, Meri.” The announcer had drawn out the selection for a little bit, to get the crowd excited and make the girls chained to the examination frames squirm a bit more from nervous fear. When Meri’s name was called, however, the crowd burst into cheeses and laughter while the Cheerleaders all looked at Meri with a mix of relief and sorrow.
Meri was a sophomore at Slave University. She was 22 years old, with a nice athletic frame and C cup breasts. The girls on the squad, some of them anyway, were envious of her popularity and her skills as a cheerleader, so they were a little glad that she had been chosen, but at Slave University, looks usually doomed girls on the selection blocks because the majority of the people voting in the choices were men.
Meri had joined the cheerleading squad as a freshman, and had been fortunate that her abilities on the squad were able to erase some of the mistakes she had made during some routines. She had even designed a few new chefs for the squad, which had helped to keep her in an exempt status for her first year. That status had ended, however, because of a few ill timed mistakes during a budget meeting, where the dean was arguing with the coaches about their request for more mascot outfits for the girls who were not doing so well. She was doing a routine the girls had been practicing that week, and she had nailed it before, but this time her shoe was loose, and instead of being the graceful flyer, she found herself on the mat with a sore ass. From that moment on, her exempt status had been revoked.
Now, as the crowd cheered, the other cheerleaders were allowed to claim their uniforms and dress, while Meri was left chained on the examination frame for the amusement of the crowd. While the mascots were not suited in front of crowds as a rule, that didn’t prevent a few of the voters to begin chanting for the suit at the end of the game. The announcement, however, had waived the noise down, and the gym eventually cleared, but not before Meri found herself gropeed and fondled by what seemed to be the entire crowd.
Sarah, Maurine, and Brian meanwhile were being released from the mating frame in the lobby. Sarah felt raw from all the fucking she had been forced to endure while helped restrained in the mating frame. Maurine likewise was raw, but she had been spared some, as Brian was the only one fucking her. Brian too felt wound down and in pain, thanks to the addition of a paddling arm on the frame, which constantly delivered a smack to his ass, forcing him to continue to fuck Maurine. All three puppy slaves were tired and wound out from their time on the frame, and were happy to get back to their kennels and curl up to sleep.
Meri was released from the frame she was on after the crowd had left, and was led into an outfitting room, where she would be foldedinto a bitchsuit. Meri had seen the suits before of course, and had a grim idea what was going to happen, but she wasn’t prepared for the extent of the process of suiting a girl for the rest of her life.
First, Meri was forced to enter a chemical bath which killed the hair particles on her body, and also acted as a lubricant for fitting the suit. As Meri covered herself in the chemicals, the cheerleading coach apoligised to her, for her fate, and vowed to buy Meri instead of leaving her to the school kennels. Meri said a thank you to the coach for the effort she was going to put into her life, but she couldn’t hold back a tear as she saw the suit the coach was holding, a black rubber bitsuit, with a white spot on each hind area where Meri’s rump would be.
Meri exited the chemical bath, and was soaked with water to remove the hair that had stuck to her body After the removal process. She was surprised that all her hair was gone for good, and with a tear in her eye, she climbed onto the fitting table, to begin the supporting process.
The coach first took some electric sensors and placed them on Meri’s clip hood, nipples, and tighs. The coach explained that the sensors would be used for both punishment and reward. The units would deliver an electric shock or gentle tingle, depending on what was required. Meri giggled a little as the coach activated the units in turn, to give an example of the pleasure feeling. Meri wiggled her hips in excitement as she felt herself slipping over the brink, and moaned as she came.
After verifying the sensors were working, the coach took the suit down, and began folding Meri into its tight confines. She started with Meri’s legs, folding her feet back so they touched her ass. At the same time, she worked the leg sleeps onto Meri’s legs, till the built in heavy duty knee pads were snug on Meri’s knees. The pads were essential to maintain the puppy girl’s pose, and to prevent injury during her movement.
As theleg sleeps moved up Meri’s thighs, Meri was left to ponder her fate, and hope the coach would be a kind owner for her. The coach meanswhile was left to admit the curves of the poor girl she was suiting, and taking some time as she worked the suit up the thighs to imagine all sorts of interesting and erotic displays for her slave pet to perform.
The coach paused as the suit body reached Meri’s ass. The coach took out a large butt plug tail, lubed it up, and began working it into Meri’s tight ass. Meri moaned and squirmed as the plug forced its way into her tight rear passage, but with the coach pushing it relentlessly forward, Meri knew it wouldn’t take long for it to pass her anal ring, where it would be seated firmly. With a loud squeal, the plug slipped home, and Meri had her tail. The coach slipped the end of the tail out the back of the suit, to hold it in place.
As the coach rolled the suit up Meri’s torso, she paused to slip Meri’s breasts thru the holes in the suit, and then took some more time to fold Meri’s arms to her shoulders, and slip them into the arm sleeps, again making sure Meri’s elbows were firmly seated on the think padding. With no way now for Meri to escape the suit, the coach took out the ring gag and fitted it to Meri’s mouth, buckling it tight.
Meri now had her tongue hanging out the gag, unable to prevent herself from drooling or making any noises besides the pitiful whiles of the puppy girl. The coach smiled to herself as she finished the suiting by pulling the head flap over Meri’s head, framing the girl’s face in the opening, before zipping the back of the suit closed, and applying the special adhere that would make the suit zipper unable to open until the special solve was applied. The finishing touch was the over face muzzle, which completed the look of a puppy slave and the addition of a collar around Meri’s neck.
The coach took a step back, and admitted her work, before turning on the electronic probes,sending waves of pleasure thru the helpfully bound slave. Meri squirms and wiggled as the pulses raced over her sensitive parts, bringing moans and a lot of erotic ass wiggling as her orgasm grow and enveloped her. The sight of the helpless girl before her sent the coach to orgasm too, as she watched the erotic display Meri was putting on. With a loud moan, Meri came, her juices coating the outside of the suit.
As the coach watched Meri’s hard cum, she smiled, knowing the helpless girl was now hers to use as she saw fit. She clipped a lean to a ring on Meri’s collar, lifted the bound girl off the fitting table, and placed her on the floor. Meri blushed crisis as the coach slipped her arm between her legs to lift her off the table. Once Meri was firmly on the ground, the coach took the leash and gave it a gentle tug, leading Meri to the kennels in the gym for the night. Meri crawled along behind the coach, nervously.
As they reached the kennels, the coach opened the gateto the women’s side, and nudged Meri into the enclosure with her foot. Meri crawled in and was met by the other puppies with nuzzles and rubs, as Sarah and Maurine tried to show their sympathy for the newly suited pet. The coach closed the kennel door and left for the night, leaving Meri to ponder her fate.
The next morning, the coach arrived at the adoption center, and entered Meri’s student ID into the database. Her number came up almost instantly, and the coach quickly punched in her ID number, to request an adoption of the puppy slave. As the system checked her status to adopt records, Meri’s compatibility records, and other documents that the school used to determine ownership of the pet slaves, the coach thought of the night before, and her wild dreams for the puppy slave’s fate.
After 10 minutes of the computer doing its checks, and sending out the notifications for the adoption, the ID maker began clattering with a dog tag for Meri. On one side was her human name, sstudent ID number, and her owner’s name and home phone number. On the reverse was her puppy name and ID number around a paw print. Also, the printer was at work issuing the license and other legal documents to make Meri officially the cheerleading coach’s pet for life, with a 20 year release clause. Smiling to herself, the coach took all the necessary documents, stopped at the school’s vet supply shop to pick up some items, and then made her way to the gym kennels to collect her pet.
Meri awoke in the kennels that morning to the sound of metal dishes being fitted to the cage door. The bowls were filled with water and an oatmeal mixture for food. Reluctantly Meri joined the other puppies as they fed, knowing her ass was raised as she was bent over to lick the food out of the bowls. The gym door opened soon after the puppies had finished eating, and Meri saw it was the coach, carrying a leash and a manila folder. Meri and the other puppies began barking in their cage, happy to see someone.
The coach smiled at the barking puppy slaves, and decided to take Meri out so she could parade her new pet slave all over campus before taking her to her new home. The coach came up to the kennel, opened the gate, and clipped the lean to Meri’s collar, leading the puppy slave out before locking the cage behind her.
Meri was a little disappointed that the other puppies couldn’t leave, but she was happy to be out of the kennel. Meri watched as the coach reached into a bag she had, and removed 3 bells. One she clipped to Meri’s collar, while the other 2, she clipped onto Meri’s nipples. Meri yelped as these bells were added, but there wasn’t anything she could do to prevent it. As she was led away now, the bells jingled, causing her more humiliation, knowing they would draw attention to her.
The coach was all smiles as she paraded Meri around the offices in the gym, then led her puppy slave out to her car, for the short drive to her private house. As the pair reached the car, Meri was loaded into the back, inside a traveling cage. In essence, the traveling cage was just a means of keeping the puppy in the back without letting her go sliding over the floor as the car moved. There was a rug on the base, and 2 vertical metal fences, making a basic cage. Meri was lifted by the coach into the back of the van. The coach next locked closed the gate that was then closed followed by the back hatch.
As the coach started the van, and began the drive home, her face was all smiles as she knew now why people who owned puppy slave girls were almost always smiling. She had turned on the electronic probes, bring moans and panting from the bound slave in the back of the van, and a few moments later, the yelps as her orgasm washed over her.