Sara and Willow's Adventures Pt. 01

A new series from sara`s mind.

sara and Willows Adventures Part 1 The Auction

“Now ladies, you will visit this room from now until Friday afternoon, your sale time.”

My heart sort of sunk, i loved it here, i would even be tied.

Sir opened the door and let the other 2 in, “sara will join you shortly.”

He took me to a side room and closed the door.

“Would you like fucking against the door roughly whilst stood up slave?”

My robe was off and i leant against the door, met hands raised and holding onto the coat hook as i was fucked, rubbed, nipped, and slapped by Sir.

When he tire of my front he spun me round and belted my bottom with his belt.

He rubbed and fingered me from behind and then lubed my bummy before easing in and fingering me as he fucked my bum.

I was lucky i had the hook to hang on to or i would have fallen in a heap.

I cleaned us both up from the sink and went into join the others.

You would never guesss in a thousand years what was there?

A beauty parlour.

Hair, make up, nails even sun beds, what pampering we got.


Just to remind you where we were.

The Slave Emporium, a name by definition meaning, a large building or area selling or hiring different goods and chattels of a particular type.

ALL slaves had the right to leave service at a minute`s notice, no penalty or repercussion on them or their family.

They left, clean, fully clothed, with a spare set of clothes and a bundle of food and drink to last them 2 days but the important thing, they have to have a place to go to.

So the Slave Emporium, buys, hires, rents, sells, loans and trains, slaves.

A monthly audit held on-line with free evaluation on site for the more local clientele.

Every three months an auction for the slaves bought, to be sent worldwide, only the slaves wishing to go into this audit permitted.

The same time as the slaves were bought worldwide was a special sale of special exhibitions showing exceptional quality.

These girls were priced, and priced high, no bidding for these special ones,

Nothing ever forced and the winning bidder not only paid for free passage but also deposited an amount for a return fair if the slave required it, to date, in 20 years never needed the return fee.

The Slave Emporium would offer colour, size, experience, age, over 18 only, any sex, male or female, fetish, sexual status.

Also a multiitude of timescales, from a 2 – 3-hour personal usage, 5 – 6 hours waitress service, a day whilst off work, a week whilst on or going on holiday, or long term.

As an added business bonus, if an owner was going on holiday for a day – week – month and did not want his slave with him, he could take it in to be hired out, so no cost to him with it at home and the chance of it earning him some money.

So where is all this taking us, well, the owners basic train all the slaves themselves in obedience, the main training aids, hand, for slapping and not holding, hairbrush, as a paddle not for brushing hair, belt, as for lashing, not for holding anyone’s pants up and a cane, for striping bottoms.


We all chose what we wanted to be sold/hired out as, me as a Domestic Discipline slave.

Once i had filled all the forms in i was told i would go to Sirs and spanked after breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day to ensure my bottom had the correct hue for the buyers.

Willow wanted to go to anyone with a heart big enough to give her a tiny bit of it and look after her.

She would accept the spankings, beltings and caning if she was really naughty and would look after all their children and serve all the adults put to her.

She craved belonging, owned, loved, and of course respected.

She had also indicated she would go anywhere, worldwide.

Friday had arrived, i just had a slice of toast for breakfast and soup for lunch,i was not so much scared as, well, terrified.

We were to knee on a table with partitions and blindfolded to keep the anonymity of the buyers.

I was examined in every hole, juggled in each hand and fingered for responses.

My red sore bottom was squeezed and spanked and hair and pussy lips pulled.

Dare i say i loved the attention?

All went quiet and we had our blind folds removed and we were allowed to stretch and have 5 minutes on our own, would i be called common if i clipty wanked?

Ok, call me common!

Sir collected us, “all sold girls, well done, and looks like you have 6 good Masters.

sara, just come with me please, they went back to our dorm and Sir lent me over the landing rail and fucked me from behind, heaven.

I knelt to clean him, then stood, put my arms around him and thanked him for looking after me.

Right girls, all apart from Willow will be collected at 9.00 in the morning, Willow, you will be collected the day after at 8.00, taken shopping and then taken on the 2.15pm plane to your new home and family in, Paris.

We were all given new knickers and bra, a summer dress and a cardigan, short socks and sandals.

Someone had taken their time to dress, we all had different colours and styles and all looked perfect fits.

Me and Willow hugged, this was goodbye, my closest ever friend of just 2 weeks and we would never be able to keep in touch so never meet again.

We both cried, its what girls do.


sara waited in the hall, it was 8.50 and Mr, Phillips was walking past, “ready for off slave?”

“Yes Sir, please may i suck your cock before i go Sir?”

“Why of course slave.”

He dropped his pants and i flicked his cock, “Aww, too fucking bad loser, my lift is here now and here is your lift Sir.”

I kneed him as hard as i could in his balls, he fell like a sack of potatoes falling off a wagon back, screaming, as he landed a final kick with allmy might, right on the end of his swollen cock, as i walked over him.

Matron came out to see what all the noise was about, “Would you like those swollen balls bathing Mr. Phillips?”

I never heard the response i was out of the door and into a taxi with my collector.

“My name is Charles and i work for your new owner.

We will catch the 9.25 train to Sandsea and will be back insides by around 2.00pm, is there anything you want or any questions?”

“No thank you Sir, my name is slave sara, pleased to meet you, if there is anything you want Sir.”

With that his fly went down and i was hooked on and emptied him as we got to the station.

“Did you enjoy that sara?”

“Yes Sir i did, it’s what i do.”

He rubbed my hair and i linked up with him to our train, a First-Class compartment, i smiled, bet/hope i get well fucked in there.

He stopped the buffet car going past our cabin, i was allowed anything and i got a ham sandwich, Golden Wonder Cheese and Onion Crisps and a packet of fruit pastilles, oh and a coffee.

Once the ticket collector had been he pulled down the blinds as i pulled down his zipper and started cock sucking part 2.

“Remove your knickers and brassier sara, dont want them damaging.”

“Why no we dont Sir, new on this afternoon.”

I stood up, took off my cardigan and pulled my dress over my head.

I pulled my knickers up so tight they silhouetted my young puffy lips and slit, he pulled them down and patted my pussy, i let him undo my bra and rub my tits.

He put both in his brief case and i popped my dress back on.

I got him stiff and he sat me facing him on his knee his nice stiff cock just rubbing backwards and forwards over my slit, i raised up and popped him in between my legs and gently sat back down on him.

We make the most passwordate love, he was such a gentleman, in fact so much i had to ask him to play with my tits as i gently but firmly rod him.

He nodded so i pulled my dress arms down to my wait.

“I see why he chose you sara, he adores tiny girls ping nipples and tits, he lean forward and my favorite one and i cum, again, and again.

I cleaned him up and went for a pee.

He stopped the buffet again and got me another coffee and a KitKat chocolate bar.

We chatted a bit and i put his hand under my dress for a fingering, he was Very, very good.

I could not resist one last suck and he cum as we arrived at Sandsea Station.


Willow was still upset sat on her bed, Sir asked if she would like a nice warm bubble bath, what girl could resist the offer?

She followed him, 2 paces behind, as taught by sara for her quick guide on how to be a true loyal slave.

They went into his room and he closed the door.

“May i knee before you Sir?”

“Shall we undress you first Willow.”

How could she have forgotten such a simple task?

She went to remove her purple dress she was issued, he stopped her.

“I am going to have to spank you Willow, 1 for not thinking and 2 for not waiting to be told to strip naked.”

“Sorry Sir, i appreciate your help in my leaning Sir.”

He sat on his bed side stool, lifted her dress to her wait and pulled her over his knee.

She was pulled well over so her pussy stick up like a shiny beacon as decoration to her sit spot.

He was a good shot and a hard spanker but the intermittent fingering and lips rubbing made it bearable.

She was left over until her flow of tears subsided into sobs.

He helped her up and she was put into a corner, dress held around her waist showing the scarlet bottom he had just bestowed on her.

Someone at the door, h knocked and walked in.

“As promised Jim, a bright sparkling bottom for you, i have not unwrapped her fully, thought you may like to as you are paying for her, i will be back in an hour to bath her.”

“Thanks for that.

Come here redbum, for my belt you are an evil slave, what are you.”

She walked towards him and few slaves in her inner tighs and pussy lips helped her to reply.

“An evil slave needing a Sirs belt Sir.”

“A choice, tits, nipples, bottom or back whipping slave?”

He unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the trouser loops as he spoke.

“Thank you for allowing me the choice Sir, please will you whip this evil saves bottom?”

“Sure will, tits and nipples it is, strip,”

He whipped the belt across the top of her thighs and clip.

She screamed he slapped her face.

“As i whip your tits you will get my cock out and wank me slave.”

She stripped and he as good as his word whipped her tits and nipples, not over hard, in fact, manageable but she kept throwing in the screams.

She was used to wanking young and older men and soon found his SPOT, he was a bottom or the shake man.

Another tip off sara, to avoid her tits cutting up, she knelt and took him fully in her mouth and soon had him gushing into her mouth.

He never spoke, zipped up and put his belt back on as he left the room.

A shame to miss the moment, still resting on her heels, with 3 fingers and her clipty thumb she had a few cums.

She heard the staircase creek and jumped up back against the wall, Sir came in.

“Ah all alone Willow, a choice for you.”

Not another choice?

“Bathed first or play, got to say, you will be here all night being fucked?”

“Please Sir a slave is not allowed to choose.”

“Back here on your knees slave, time to test a proper mans cock.”

That was the theme of the whole evening, one she really enjoyed as it happens, she was treat proper.

She was bathed again and taken back to her dormitory, 15 minutes before lights on and the room wake up call.

Got her pretty undies and dress on, had an early breakfast and was taken to the hallway at 7.50 to wait for her adventure to begin, the new chapter in her life.

As she waited Mr. Phillips came out of his office.

“Well, well if it`s not the slave girl, have you something for me before you go?”

“Yes Sir,” she slowly undid her buttons on the front of her dress and struggle with the last one.

“Could you please help me Sir?”

He could not wait, as his hands left rubbing his cock to attend to the button her knee came up with such a force he lifted off the floor as she crunched his balls together, just as the door opened for her chaperone.

His screams brought Matron out again,

“Looks to be an occupational hazard you keep getting hit in the balls Mr. Phillips, would you like an Aspirin?”

As she walked past him he made a grab for her leg, she was too swift of foot and both her feet, in her new sandals. crunshed his fingers this time.

He looked up and she spit right in his eye, “Fuck you Mr. Phillips.”

Her collector had a taxi waiting and they made off to the shops.

Ashe was in charge of her he went into every changing room with her, a little finger here, a squeezed nipple there, in almost every shop.

She retired the attention and was getting hotter and hotter, below.

“May i have a Pee please Sir?”

They found the sign in a large store and he followed it down.

She saw a baby changing room and took him by the hand and led him inside.

“May i strip naked to Pee please Sir?”

His face lit up as she walked towards him to help with my dress buttons.

He was a clumsy as Mr Phillips but got his hand put onto a nipple and not a bag of swollen mixed nuts.

We took our time and i was soon sat on the toilet Peeing.

He was a gentleman and tore 2 pieces of paper off and passed them to me and i finished myself off.

“Thank you Sir, i am all yours.”

He dropped his trousers and helped me to my knees and i sucked him to the size of a pole.

He helped me up and bent me over the changing table for one of the best fuckings i had ever had, and i have had some cock over my life.

Libido satisfied they continued shopping and eventually got to the Gold Star airport waiting room.

They had a meal and a drink.


He nodded.

“I noticed a baby changing room when we came in Sir and wondered…”

Within the hour they were landing in Paris.

Part 2 sara`s Journey

I cleaned him up and put him away and was allowed to go for a pee.

Whilst i was away he stopped the buffet cart again and got me another coffee and a KitKat chocolate bar.

We chatted a bit and i put his hand under my dress for a fingering, he took no persuading at all, he was very, very good.

I could not resist one last suck and he cum as we arrived at Sandsea Station.

I was so excited, fed, watered, fucked and a First-Class rail travel into Sandsea Station what other slave could compare their day?

I had watched the scenery change during the last half an hour or so from the built up city and work places, just what i was so used to growing up, even past one of the supermarkets like the one we had at home.

Then housing, terraced houses and better living houses on new industries next to green fields, sheep and cows and the last 5 minutes were of the magnificent east coastline.

“What are you thinking sara?”

He had seen my tears rolling down my face and dripping off my chin.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped my cheeks and face.

Instinct took my head onto his shoulder, i sobbed a little then realized just what i had done. “Sorry for that, just so happy Sir, and would it surprise you i have never seen the sea before Sir?

Come to that Sir, sniffffff, nor sheep or cows in real life Sir.”

He hugged me and gave me his handkerchief.

A guard in a black and purple striped uniform opened the door for us.

He saluted his peaked cap and said he hoped we had a pleasant journey, then to Sir see youagain Mr. xxxxxxx i just did not catch his name.

I put up my hand.

“Yes so polite sara?”

“Please Sir, May i ask, do we need to catch a bus or is it walkable Sir?”

“It’s a few miles away sara, we should have a car waiting.”

It was only a small car park and as we left our station platform the train pulled away to its destination, i guess.

A big black car like you see photos of the queen in was at the top of the car park, i looked behind to see if it was someone famous behind us got off our train, nope just us.

As we approached the car the driver got out, all in uniform and peaked cap again.

Let me describe him, maybe 25 years old, six foot or more for sure, but me only being 5`2″ everyone looked six foot.

He was black and dressed in black, he looked stunning, did I mention the huge bulge in his trousers where his Willy should be?

Anyway he opened the car door for us, also saluting his peaked cap.

“sara would you like to gostraight home or look at a few of the beauty spots on the way, we even have a nudist beach at Raisethorpe Cove?

Your Sir will not be home until early evening.”

“The beach Sir please, i have never seen a real live one.”

Really, within minutes we actually pulled into the cove car park, now this is me being a romantic writer;

The large sedan pulled into the empty parking lot and pulled up facing the sea, not a soul about.

A wide expansion of silver sand highlighted by the turquoise sea and a backdrop on the horizon of pure blue sky.

An artist would never have an easier picture to paint, just 3 colours.

The princess was helped out of the vehicle, her toes hit the soft sand and, SLAP

“Frame yourself girl unless you want an over my knee session, do you?”

“Sir, would i be a common, gutter girl if i said please?”

“Of course not, let`s get onto the beach first though.”

We were only 10 or so paces off the actual beach itself.

“Would you like to leave your clothes in the car sara?”

“Oh may i Sir?”

“Of course, Carl, undress her, i will be on the beach, no hurry.

I stood in shock as my dress was brought over my head.

“No Knickers slave?”

“Sir has them in his brief case Sir.”

“I am Carl not Sir, sara, i suppose as a service i am a sort of slave too.”

“Are you paid too Carl, like over someone’s knee?”

“Yes i get paid too, all the staff doo, boys caned or whipped and girls spanked or belted.

I was able to yesterday, i will show you later if we are allowed to swim.”

“Swim naked Carl?”

“I could keep my pants on if you wish.”

“Sorry Carl, there won`t be any surprises When you take my bra off, my titles must still be growing.”

He removed my bra, as i stood naked i put his hands on them and i gripped onto his bulge, he unzipped and i knelt on the sand and rubbed it, still covered.

I tried to bite it through his trousers, and hepushed himself into my face.

As i released it i let it flop down, Fucking Wow!

What a specimen, jet black and so shiny, i could not wait, i licked it like i used to lick ice lollies as a girl.

Not too thick but enough to stretch my lips as i took him in and down my throat, well as far as i could.

I sucked in and out, backwards and fortunes, i felt him arch and was ready for his cum.

He pulled out and put my hands around it and i had him squirt his cum, surge after surge over the sand, wow.

“Come on now sara, remember you have a knee to go over.”

“Oh yes,” i smiled and skipped down to the beach.

Carl brought down 2 folding chairs a rug and a small bag.

My knee was waiting for me on the small dunes joining the beach and car parking area.

“Had fun sara?”

I blushed the same colour as my bottom will soon be and gently climbed over.

The sound of hand on bare bottom skin echoed around the small cove, my tears flowed, yes the spanking hurt, don`t they all, but the other tears were not hurt tears, i was just so happy.

“May i knee to thank you Sir?”

“Yes, maybe another time, but go play, Carl is already in the water waiting.”

I hugged and kissed him and ran to cool my bum off in the water.

I was soon impaled on Carl`s slippery eel, not up me, as yet, but through me.

Between legs from behind, lifting me feet of the sand.

We swam and played a bit, although not warm, it was ok once you had been in a while and it worked wonders for my nipples.

I ran back up the beach to Sir and put my hand up.

“Yes sara?”

“Sir, i looked down, may i, well could i, would it be ok if?”


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