What's That?

“What’s that?”

She snatched her hand out of the bag and turned around quickly. The look on his face let her know she was in trouble. This was the third time this month that her candy stash had been found. The last time he gave her the worst spanking she had ever received. Her butt had been singing for hours after the session ended. AND he made her stand in the corner. How annoying. That was the worst part- just her and her thoughts to eat away at her confidence.

“I know that isn’t candy. Cause you know what that would mean for you, right? We talked about this baby… you know Daddy will give you some if you Ask.” He took the bag away from her and turned his back to walk away and re-hide it from her. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

Her heart sunk. The guilt was setting in. He really would’ve given her a piece or two if she had just asked. The issue was that she wanted more than a piece. She missed the days where she controlled her candy. Those days were long gonethough, and she was happier today than she was back then. There was freedom in having less control. Today though, the control hurt. Not only had she been caught and knew she was going to get her butt beat, but she started hearing what sounded like her candy being dumped in the garbage.

“Daddy?!?! DADDY?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!”, she started to move towards the door but at the very Last second remembered that he asked her to stay there. She so did not want to earn more punishment on top of what she was already owed.

He came back in the room with his eyes fully trained on her. She looked contribute, head down and silent. “You knew I had to baby. The temptation of keeping that bag in the house was too much for you… and apparently the trunk of the car was also too much temptation. Like, really? You were that desperate for more? You had to go out to the car in this cold? Baby…” he trailed off shaking his head.

Sitting down on the couch, he patted his thigh for her, and she knew. She draped herself over his legs with her skirt and panties still on. He lifted up the skirt and smoked her playfully on top of her panties. She gave a little whine for more and turned her head to look at him. He smiled down at her and shrugged happily saying, “you’re wearing one of my favorite pairs of underwear on you baby. That deserved a love-slap. But no, this spanking is Not going to be fun, and it is definitely not going to be on top of these panties.”

He yanked them down to her knees. It was fast and the force behind it set the tone for how she expected this spanking was going to be. She was not wrong. He just started. Left. Right. Center. Thighs. THIGHS?!, she thought to herself. She hung her head right down in resignation. He hadn’t even given her a number This time. These kinds of punishments were always the worst. No end in sight, just “until he feels she’s learned her lesson”.

He kept hitting one specific spot on her butt. He watched as a darker shade started to form there. That’s when he grabbed one of his extra special surprises. After warming it just enough with his own mouth, he took it out and let the entertainment begin.

She flinched as she felt an ice cube run from the top of her ass to her thigh. She hated this. The contrast between the heat from her spanking and the cold from the ice cube messed with her head. She wanted it to soothe her, and it Did, but then on the heels of that was the heightened awareness of what had happened and the pain from the spanking. He loved to do this. The masochist in her loved the extra bit of fun coupled with her spankings.

That’s when he saw it. She was soaked. The trickle that had started inside her pussy was now between her tights. He parted her legs a little more to watch her arousal growth. “I’m sorry, are you enjoying This too much Little One? Do you need more correction?” He slipped an ice-cold finger inside of her and hooked it to hit her g-spot.

Moaning and squirming against his palm, she whimpered when he started to pull away. “Nooooo Daddy… No more…”, she while. She loved when he talked to her so formally and made her answer questions. The part of her that wanted to be nonverbal during a punishment was forced to the background with him. He knew she loved the humiliation of answering even more.

He began to move his fingers faster in and out of her. She pushed herself down into his hand as much as she could at the punishing rhythm he was setting. Starting to shake, she asked permission to cum. The sensings of the spanking, ice, and now his fingers were too much for her to handle.

That’s when he stopped. He just pulled his fingers out and spanked her once on her sensitive and swollen lips. She while. With humor in his tone, he ended his lecturing. “What’s that? Next time I ask you “what’s that”, I expect an answer and it had better be a good one. Hope you enjoy the last bit of correction, Brat. That edging ought to teachyou not to mess with Daddy’s rules”.


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