sara and the Festival of Harvest

sara and the Festival of Harvest

Not so much a Harvest Festival, more a Festival reaping what has been sold.

I was told to but some fruit and veg for a charity auction to be held in the afternoon.

Marc said to get a few each of whatever i thought would be good, i just nodded and went to our greenrocer/general store.

They packed them in a box for me and i called at the newsagents for Some coloured craft type tissue paper.

I made our fruit and veg into a lovely box of goodies, thought it may get a better price for the local charity we tend to support at fundraising.

Marc said it would be a pool party after so to pack some towels, no mention of a bikini or even just pants, i may have had a slight tingle, below.

We arrived at Jamie and Becki Lees home and i counted 9 other cars in the drive, some i knew others no idea.

We all swam naked for a while in their pool, twice as big as ours and in its own building.

We played games, one was you swam under water as if going through the man`s legs but sucked onto his cock instead and he had to swim and his back and me on my front and the first to the other end won, if his cock came out you had to drop out.

Well you all know my love of cocks, held it in all the way, think we were second and i got his cum as my reward.

The winners had to fuck on the diving board in front of us all.

Other winners of other games had other challenges, making love on an inflatable crocodile, sucking him off as he sat on the side of the pool, and the girl being fucked from behind going up the steps, i think you get the theme of the pool games.

You all know how i love cocks and being fucked, pussy`s too by the way, well i made sure we never won, i like to show off but not to fuck in front of 16 other pairs of eyes.

As we watched i was wanking Marc under water!!!

Auction time, we girls had to parade out fruit and vegetables around the pool and the men had to put a bid in for every girl but his own.

Jamie and Becki collated all the bids as we put down our goods.

When all sorted they led us girls by the nipples to the winning bidder cock.

It was us girls who had been bid on.

I was more interested to see who Sir got, Hmm, by ex-school friend Ellie, oh good, that made me so happy i nearly cried.

I was put onto the smallest cock in the room, not tiny, but not 8″ either.

We were given either a room, one of 2 sheds or one of 2 tents.

We got a shed, with a bed.

I lead him to our place for the next hour or so and he was well stiff by the time i knelt before him in the slave position.

He asked permission to cum in my mouth, which was a first, i soon had him arching and spluting.

He lay me on the bed and massed my breasts and nipples to a cum, or two.

Then my pussy and clip to even more, he ate me after each one.

Then he was ready again so i knelt to stiffen him, something told me to add extra spit.

He stood me up and i was put over the bed in the spanking/ belting position.

Hi poked my pussy from behind then slide into me, nowhere near my spot but i cum at once.

He pulled out and found my crinkly bit and slowly pushed in, i pinched it closed and took a spanking for my trouble.

I learn my lesson and relaxed him in, i should not have worried, his hands easily reached my nipples and clip in turn, i flooded with cum and he eased out and cum on my back and bottom, got to say, it was special and pretty wonderful to say i am not a bottom type of girl.

I wiped him and me clean with the wet wipes provided and knelt, without instruction and sucked him off one last time, and as i cum a bit he sucked me out too.

What an afternoon/evening, another fabulous auction and we came home with a basket of fruit.

We were bathed in bed and i was being fucked before midnight.

The morning after was Sunday, so maintenance, i got 5 extra stripes for not trying to win any games, he knows me so well and he could not wait until after church, i was fucked over my maintenance pillows, another first.


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