Sara felt a heady mixture of excitement and trepidation as she pulled her car into the car park of the hotel and restaurant where they had agreed to meet. She felt good about herself; a fit and healthy lady who, for her early 50s, was still in good shape and attractive to both men and women. She wore a grey wrap around dress, with her new pretty lingerie and high heels. The man she knew as SirP had agreed to her outfit, “subtle but suggestive and very sexy, just like you” he had said.
She had met SirP online through a BDSM dating site and they had chatted via mail for a couple of months. During that time she had grown to trust him as he helped her to talk about and explore the feelings and desires she had hidden for so long. Her children were grown up now and about to leave the nest, so this was her time to explore and make the most of her life. SirP had made her smile and introduced her to a world of kink that excited her in a way she couldn’t quite understand. The tasks he had given her to do for his entertainment took her out of her comfort zone, but she felt happy when he had said he was pleased with her.
Sara knew SirP was already waiting for her in the restaurant, and she spotted him at the corner table as she walked in. SirP immediately stood and greeted her with a warm embrace and a tender but strong kiss to the cheese. She felt his hand reach down and firmly grope her ass out of sight of the other diners.
They ordered salads and a bottle of crisp cold chardonnay for lunch. SirP took from his pocket a leather picker necklace with a ring at the front. “Wearing this is a sign of the submission you have chosen to give to me. Will you wear it now and be mine?” he asked her. Sara’s heart fluttered and she felt a strange welling up inside. “Yes, for you SirP” she said a little shyly looking down at her plate. “Say that again, to my face” he said. Sara looked him in the eye and, with as much confidence as she could muster, said “Yes, I will wearYour collar SirP”.
SirP stood behind her and lifted her shoulder length hair to place and lock the chaser in place stroke her neck and cheat as he did. The touch of his hand on her hair and neck sent little shudders down Sara’s body. Sara gasped with surprise as SirP grabbed a handful of her hair, pulled her head back and nipped her neck with his teeth. Then he reached down and, slipping his hand inside the front of her dress caressed her breast roughly. Sara felt her nipples harden.
Conversation over lunch flowed freely, they smiled at innuendos with each other and made fun of the other diners. SirP smiled as Sara nervously and self-consciously touched her new picker as they chatted. Toward the end of the main course SirP slipped a small package onto the table for Sara. “Open it” he commanded, gently. Sara slowly unwrapped the small box, then gasped as she saw the glimmering butt plug he had bought for her. They had talked about this online but Sara had never held one in her hand. It felt cold and heavy and the jewelled end glimmered in the lunch time sunlight. She turned it in her hand feeling the weight and consciousness of other diners around them. She wondered how it would feel buried in her ass. She would soon find out.
“Take your panties off and put the plug in your ass” SirP commanded. “What here, now?” Sara asked incredulously. SirP gave her a disapproving look. “You should know by now not to question my instructions. You’ve earned a punishment now!” Sara looked crestfallen and SirP smiled. “You can go to the ladies and do it……but now!” Sara blushed and, picking up her clutch bag containing the plug, hurried to find the ladies.
SirP smiled, Sara was a delightful and obedient submissive and he was very much looking forward to playing more with her. Soon, SirP saw Sara making her way through the diners looking flushed and self-conscious. “How does the plug feel in your ass?” He asked as Sara sat back at their table. “It feels a littlestrange, but I like it. I keep thinking everyone knows I’m wearing it!” “You are a good girl wearing my collar and plug in public” said SirP. “Don’t worry, its our secret. Now, give me your panties!” Sara looked a little shocked and blushed.” What here and now?” she asked. SirP gave her that look again and smoked the palm of his hand with a spoon. She knew at once that he was warning her of a punishment. She fumbled in her clutch bag and took out the crumped panties, handing them to SirP under the table. “No, on the table. Put your panties on my plate!” Sara looked around nervously and quickly put them on SirPs empty plate. She was shocked and embarrassed to see SirP blatantly lift her panties to his nose. “These are damp — you are such a slut”. Sara looked down and blushed — she He was right — she wanted to be his slut.
Just then the waiter appeared and SirP slipped Sara’s used panties into his pocket. SirP ordered a desert while Sara slipped her chardonnay. He was deliberately spinning lunch out as Sara sat with the heavy weight of the plug deep in her ass and the dampness of her pussy. He smiled as she squirmed in her chair. Eventually, SirP finished his desert and signed for the meal. “Shall we go and find our room now?” He asked smiling. Sara felt butterflies in her tummy and her nipples harden once more. “Yes please SirP” she said.
SirP helped her from her chair and walked behind her across the restaurant, opening the door for her as they headed towards the hotel. He held her hand supported until the rounded a corner and had some privacy. He span her around to face him and greedily kissed her hard his tongue probing in her mouth and slipping his hand up her dress and struggling her now damp pussy. Sara feel her knees go weak as she responded password carefully.
“Let’s find our room, I have plans for you” said SirP.
To be continued…..
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