An hour later Sandy had shown and changed, wearing a white t-shirt and trousers to match. She had business.
Sandy marched into the gym of the health club, and immediately saw Marco and Yvette. Yvette was the female aerobics instructor, short blonde hair, slim, but her curves were shown off by her Lycra outfit, a blue lootard with white Lycra shorts. Marco, however, made more of an impression on Sandy. In grey vest and blue shorts the male gym instructor, with pale blue eyes contrasting with black curly hair, bound in a red bandana, was every woman’s essential to visit the gym more often. His body spoke of strength with power and grace. The way they talked to each other spoke of lovers, but when he spoke to Sandy his body language was emphatic. He showed her around the gym as Yvette went to take a class. Sandy wondered how much Marco knew of the goings on here – the real story.
“Have you tried the other facilities?” asked Marco, his eyes burning the question into her.
“I have had a massage, yesterday,” replied Sandy. She half-smiled. Marco picked up on this.
“Simon is a professional – as I am. I hope he gave you a proper going over?”
“Yes,” replied the woman, both sides skirting around the unsad acts. “It was very… special.” Sandy chose her words carefully.
“I can understand that,” said Marco, smiling. “I offer the same service for Some ladies, and as our latest member of staff I would be honoured if you would accept an invitation if you’d care for a personal workout. Unless you’d prefer Yvette – she would be only too pleased to offer the same ….”
“No, I’d prefer to be put through my paces by you,” answered Sandy, trying to ignore the bulge in Marco’s shorts. Whether it was the thought of her alone with the man or his imagination of her with Yvette she wasn’t sure. There was one way to find out.
“I’ll be free by six.”
“Perfect, so will I,” said Marco, giving her an understanding smile.
He watched her walk off to talk to other staff. Marco couldn’t wait to see her – and as she so rightly put it, “put her through her paces”. When the time came he would pack some skipping ropes…
When Sandy answered the door she was stripped for action. Her hair was platted again, body in her Lycra lootard, black and red with thick vertical stripes, emphasising her body. Black shorts and trainers completed her Attire. Marco was as she had seen earlier.
“Shall we began?” he asked.
“Yes” was Sandy’s only answer.
They began with some stretching exercises, Sandy following Marco’s lead, but her eyes were drawn all the time to the increasing bulge at his crotch. She knew he wanted her.
“Shall we tried some sit-ups?” asked Marco.
Sandy compiled. In a moment she was lying on her back, hands behind her head. Marco held her ankles as she raised her torso. His face lost at her as she exercised, up and down, eyes penetrating hers, watching her as the sweat came. She could sense him breathing as hard as her as their faces nearly touched. For his part, Marco was enrolled as he lingered over the woman. He could see from her leotard that she was wearing no underwear. Sandy had thought about this, but if she was going to entic the man…
He knew how he wanted her. He knew how she responded to the masseur’s touch yesterday. And his bondage.
“Stop” he commanded. Sandy lay in near exhaustion. “Just lie there.”
Sandy obeyed Marco. As she lay he stroked her body. Over the lycra, along her bare arms, feeling her pulse, holding her wrists, then he pinioned them to the floor.
“God, Sandy you’re beautiful.” She knew what he wanted, trapped there beneath him.
“I want you!” he almost cried as he said that.
Nearly out of breath, Sandy could only nod.
Quietly he picked her up in his arms and carried her towards the bedroom. He knew what he was doing. His eyes never left hers.
He laid her on the bed. Starting at her shoulders he began to peel the lycra off her body. Her torso was firm, beautiful. He lingered over her legs as the tights came away. In a few seconds, she was naked.
“You just wait here.” Said Marco. Sandy dared not disobey.
When he returned he was holding two skipping ropes from the gym.
Sandy understand, and held her arms up. Letting the man coil the ropes around each wrist, then Secure them to the bedposts, above her head.
After he had made sure that she was securely bound, he stroked her body, from her neck, down her torso, between and around her breasts, her navel, and down, slowly, between her legs…
“Oh, God, yes Marco!” Sandy nearly screamed. In a second he put a hand over her mouth.
“Sssssshhhh… quiet! We want to be discreet, don’t we?”
“Mph!” was the only reply Sandy could give. He released his hand, and then pulled off the bandana from his head. He rolled it into a thin strip and held it taut between his fingers. Sandy could guess what was coming next. Before she could protest – even had she wanted to – the clothes was thrust into her mouth, and quickly tied behind her head. Securely gagged Sandy was helpless.
“Now, my dear, for your real workout” Marco breathed the words as he watched her mistake, bound and gagged. Strong hands parted her legs. She was his…
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