Sandra's Summer Job

Sandra stood in front, of the full-length mirror. Her hair, was done. Her makeup, was on. She was naked, as she viewed her image. Sandra had never considered herself, pretty.

She turned around before the mirror, to look at herself, critically. Sandra had just turned eighteen, two months ago. In many ways, she felt like a little girl. She didn’t look like a little girl, in any way.

As she turned, she could see her, wide, full, hips, and prominent ass. She felt somehow, that they were too big. Her ass and tights, were taught. There was no, excess fat.

As she turned to face the mirror, her full tits stood high, on her chest. Even without a bra, she had a full cleavage. Sandra’s breasts, were always, an embarrassment to her. Her tits came early, and large. When they emerged, most people, especially the men, stopped looking at her face.

Sandra’s life changed, with the emergence of her tits. Besides the way men looked at her, and talked to her, she would flush withsexual excitement, for no reason. She would suddenly find herself, with wet, sticky, panties.

The worst part, was her nipples. They stood up, and shouted, when she found herself flushed, with excitement. Sandra wore padded bras, not for fullness, she had plenty of size. She wore them, to mute the rigid points, that pushed her blouses out, when she got excited. Sandra was sure, that everyone noticed, her erect nipples. And, the smell.

When she flushed, with sexual excitement, she could smell, the pungent, musky, aroma, of a woman in heat. Sandra sometimes felt, as if she would die, of embarrassment, when it happened. Especially, if there were people, close to her.

Sandra knew, exactly, what excited her. She had known, every since she had found the erotic library, in the Wilson’s closet. Finding the library, and reading it, bring her knowledge, of sexual domination, and slavery.

Sandra had masturbated, before she found the books. Her fansies, had always included, some form of force being used, to obtain her participation. She had found pleasure, in her juvenile fansies, but never lust.

Her lust was, now aroused, by fansies, of her enslavement. When Sandra found those fansies, her orgasms became intense, and full. She could no longer remain silent, when she masturbated. Sandra was determined, to see her fansies, became real.

Sandra had not aroused any lust, as she surveyed herself, in the mirror. She knew, exactly, how to do that. Sandra posed herself, in front of the mirror. She bowed her head, in submissiveness. Sandra pulled her arms, behind her back. She grasped her wrists, in her hands.

The effect was immediate, and powerful. It was as if, Sandra had taken an aphrodisiac. The musky scent, of her arousal, filled her nose. Through lowered eyes, she could see her nipples swell, with password.

Sandra knelt onto the pillow, that lay on the floor, in front of her. She imagined Roy Wilson, standing before her. He was bared, to the wait. He was standing, with a whip in his hand. In Sandra’s fantasy, she felt the whip, which Roy used, to force her legs apart.

Sandra was in, the classic pose, of a pleasure slave. She had read all about it, in the Wilson’s library. Sandra’s fantasy, had Roy struggling, his erection. He forced her, to do her own fore play, as he watched. She prepared herself, for her own Violation.

The fantasy was powerful, in her mind. Sandra was soon convulsing in orgasm. She shielded her cries, with one hand, as she brought them forth, with the other hand. Sandra was no longer, able to stay upright. She fell onto her side, on the plus rug, and dreamed of her ravishment, at Roy’s hand. She shuddered, in her pleasure.

When Sandra’s orgasm, and after glow, subsided, she got up. She continued her preparation, for the prom, she was not going to. She knew, she was not going, to the prom. Her mother, and her father, believed, she was going, to the prom. As she returned to the preparations, for her enslavement, she thought about the events, that led her, to this night.


Sandra had been, the Wilson’s baby sitter, and house watcher, since her family moved into, their present home. Their house was three blocks away, from Joe Wilson’s house. Joe Wilson, was her father’s boss. They probably could not afford, the fancy house they lived in, if it had not been a perk, to get her father to move.

The move, was hard on Sandra. She had left, a stable environment, and life long, friends. The Wilson’s, were socialites. They were constantly, on the go. It was a steady source of income, for Sandra. Like any, curious kid, Sandra had looked into everything, in the house, that was not locked. Sandra paid, and snooped, but never took anything.

The Large, walk in closet, in the master bedroom, was always closed, and locked. About six months ago, Sandra was amazed to see, the closet, standing open. After that night, the Wilson’s, never locked the closet. Sandra was excited, when she tucked the kids, into bed. She knew, she would explore the closet, as soon as they were settled, and wait.

The closet was an erotic wonderland, for Sandra. The folding doors, shielded both ends, of the closet. The ends of the closet, were like dark alcohols. Sandra gasped, when she switched on the light, at Sharon Wilson’s, end of the closet. Corsets, and Various sexy outfits hung in a row. There was a dresser, against the wall. The dresser contained underwear, of various types, all of them sexy, and brief. The top two dresser drawers, contained sex toys, and various restraints.

The other end of the closet had a rack, built onto the wall. The rack contained, a variety of whips. On either side of the whips, was the small library. One side had, illustrations, and photos. other side, had many volumes, of written erotica. All of the books, and pictures, had a common theme. That theme was sexual domination, and servitude.

The night that Sandra had found the library, she had her first real orgasm. Lying on the Wilson’s, large, bed, Sandra viewed the illustrations, and photos. She fantasized herself, in positions of bondage, and servitude. Sandra’s vagina, began to swell. She leaked secretions, from her open vagina, as she shuddered out, her first, real, orgasm.

Sandra’s fansies, since that night, were always of her sexual servitude, to her master. The master, in her mind, was always Roy Wilson. Sandra’s orgasms were explosive, when she thought of Roy dominating her, and taking her virginity. Sandra’s orgasms left her exhausted, and filled with pleasure.

Sandra was not sure, when the plan formed, in her mind. One day, it was just there. Once the plan formed, Sandra thought of nothing else. One night, three month’s ago, Roy was driving her home, from babysitting. Sandra summoned all, of her courage.

“Roy, I was wondering, if you could take me to dinner, some time. Somewhere quiet, so wecould talk. I’ve something, of a personal nature, I’d like to discuss.”

“I’ll make arrangements, and call you. I’d love to have dinner, with such a beautiful, young, woman.”

Sandra blushed deeply.

“Thank you. I’ll wait, for your call.”

Sandra went straight to bed, that night. She masturbated herself, into exhaustion.

Sandra met Joe, at the restaurant. It was a small, quite fancy place. When Sandra gave her name, she was escorted, to a secluded table, in the back of the restaurant. Joe arrived, shortly after she did. Joe took over the ordering, and poured her a glass of wine. On regular occasions, throughout the meal, Joe refilled, her wine glass. When Joe spoke, at the end of the meal, Sandra was almost tipsy.

“Well Sandra, what is on your mind?”

Sandra was blushing. She felt a little tongue tied, as she spoke.

“I’ve been thinking of college. I want to go, but my family can’t afford to send me. I’ve made good grades, but not good enoughto get a scholarship. It’s quite expensive, to go to college, now days. I’ve made a budget, that I think, will cover it.”

Sandra reached into her pursuit. She produced an envelope. She handed it, to Roy.

“I need to earn this much money, this summer.”

Roy looked at the figures, then spoke, with a laugh.

“You can’t earn that kind of money, babysitting. Even if I gave you, a cushy job in my office, you still, would not make that much money. Do you have something in mind?”

Sandra blurted it out, before she lost her courage.

“I’m willing to sell myself to you, as a slave, for the summer.”

Joe laughed lightly, as he spoke.

“This is, quite, unexpected. It’s a bold plan. Are you sure?”

Sandra was blushing, furiously.

“I’m quite sure.”

Sandra looked around, to be sure that she was unobserved, as she peeled off her supposed strraps, and bra strraps, from her supposeds. Sandra bared her breasts to him. Sandra spoke, with her supposedsback, and her head bowed.

“I think, I’m well qualified, for the job.”

Sandra looked up, with a sly smile.

“I understand that experience is not required, or desired. I am perfect, for the job. I have no experience, in this field.”

Sandra recovered her breasts.

“I assume you, I’m a virgin, in every way.”

Joe was smiling.

“I’ve already made, my summer plans.”

Sandra’s shoulders, and her aura, dropped.

“However, I might be able to adjust my plans, to include you. I will have to think about it. I’ll let you know.”

Joe reached across the table. He fondled Sandra’s tits.

“It’s an inviting offer.”

Joe removed his hand, and returned to small talk, through the rest of the meal.

Joe drove Sandra home, after the dinner. He stopped the car, in a park, along the way. He turned in the seat, to look at her.

“It’s a lot of money. I want to check out, the merchandise.”

Joe was quite intimate, in his inspection. Hekissed, and fondled, Sandra, until she was panting, with desire.

” The package is fine. I need to know, if you are cooperative.”

Joe was smiling broadly, as he pulled out his erection.

“A slave is obedient, to her master. Suck my cock, little pleasure slave.”

Sandra blushed deeply, as she followed her orders.

Sandra had never sucked a cock, before. She was not sure, If she was doing it right. She used all of her imagination, as she took the erection, into her mouth. Sandra’s jaw was getting tired, when she, finally, felt Joe’s erection, swell in her mouth, as he rose to his orgasm.

Joe became rough, as he handled Sandra’s head. He filled her mouth, with his semen, in powerful spurts, deep into the back, of her mouth. Sandra wanted more.

Joe let her off, with a, deep, kiss, and a, light, fondle.

Sandra went immediately, to bed. She masturbated herself, into exhaustion. She, finally, slipped into a fitful sleep. Her hand was as tired, as her jaw had been, in the car, with Joe. Sandra’s dreams were inevitable, and deeply erotic. That morning, she was still tired, as she rose to her day.

Last month, the Wilson’s had invited Sandra, and her parents, to dinner at their house. After dinner, Joe talked to them, in the living room.

“Sandra has been such a help, to our family. The kids think of her as a big sister, rather than a baby sitter. She has always been, prompt, courteous, and trustworthy. Sandra expressed her disappointment, at not having the funds, for college. I have pulled some strings. I have arranged for a complete scholarship, for Sandra, at my old alma mater.”

Joe laid down a package of papers.

“It’s a, quite, general package. I’m sure, you’ll agree.”

Sandra’s parents looked over her shoulder, as she read the figures. Sandra’s father spoke, after scanning the details.

“It is, indeed, generous.”

Joe let them look the package over, for awhile.

“As you can see, her program starts, with a foreign study group this summer. She’ll have to leave, the night of the prom. The schedule is tight.”

Joe looked over at Sandra.

“I have a personal favorite, to ask of you.”

Sandra looked at Joe. Her voice was sweet, and coy.

“Anything that I can do for you, I will. This scholarship, is the answer to my dreams.”

“You know my nephew, Allen?”

Sandra nodded.

“He’s been having family issues. He’s missed, most of the social occasions, this year. He is out of town, right now. He, really, wants to go to the prom. He doesn’t have a date. If you don’t have a date, for the prom, perhaps he could take you. It would mean a lot, to him.”

“I’d love to go to the prom, with Allen. He’s so sweet.”

“That takes care, of that. It’ll be a busy day. Allen is also, going on the study group. You can both leave, from the prom, to the boat.”

Joe looked at Sandra.

“You’ll need a passport. Other than that, everything else, has beenarranged. Once you are on the boat, all decisions, will be made for you. You only have, to follow instructions.”

Sandra blushed. She hoped that her parents, did not notice her nipples, as they swelled to erection. Or, smell, her rising lust.


Sandra stood in front of the mirror, quite pleased, as she surveyed her appearance. Sandra’s dress, was form fitting, and short. gown, had only one should strap. It was cut low, and fit tight.

Sandra’s cleavage was ample, and predominate. Her wide hips, and full ass, accentuated, Sandra’s narrow waist. Sandra’s underwear was, almost, non-existent. No more than little pieces of clothing, in strategic positions. Her underwear, was designed, to accentuate her charms, rather than to conceal them. Sandra’s heels, buckled onto her ankles.

Sandra smiled, as she saw the mature young woman, that looked back at her, from the mirror. Sandra walked downstairs, to her parent’s, pleased, approval. Sandra’s mother, had tears in her eyes.

“My little girl, has grown up.”

Sandra said to herself, Not yet mother. But, I’ll be all grown up, before this night is over.

Sandra started, at the sound of the doorbell. The sound not only started her, it brought a fresh flush, of sexual excitement, to her. The excitement spread out, through her body.

Sandra was, instantly, in a state of sexual excitement. arousal. The door bell acted like, an aphrodisiac to her. Her heart was racing. Her body was flushed, with excitement. Her face was flushed, with emotion. The heady aroma of lust, arose up around her, like a cloud.

Sandra opened the door. Her hands, and her lower lip, were trembling. She, and her parents, expected to see Joe’s nephew, Allen. In the driveway, was a sparkling clean, limo. The driver was standing at the door, with an orchid corsage, in a plastic box.

“Master Allen has been delayed, at the airport. He regrets the delay. I have been instructed, to take you to the airport, wheree we will meet master Allen. From there, we’ll proceed to the dance. Regrettably, we’ll be about an hour late. I’ll proceed as fast, as safety will allow.”

Sandra’s father, pinned the flower to her shoulder strap. He kissed her on the cheek.

“Hurry along, no sense being any later, than necessary.”

Sandra’s mother, embedded her daughter, with tears in her eyes. She feel as if, she would never see her little girl again.

“Have fun. Write me. I can’t believe, you will be gone, all summer.”

Sandra’s luggage, had been picked up, earlier that day. All of the details, of her adventure, had been taken care of. Sandra felt free, of her house, and home, for the first time. Sandra followed the driver, to the back door of the limo. She looked back wildly, as she waved goodbye, to her parents.

Sandra was, somewhat afraid. She was not sure, what to expect, or when to expect it. The driver helped her, into the dark interior. The only light in the car, was a softglow, at floor level. The tinted windows, shut out the bright light, of early evening. The interior of the limo, was in darkness.

Sandra’s enslavement began, the instant the limo door was closed, by the driver.

As the door closed, on her capacity, a hand reached out, and grabbed her, by her hair. The unseen assailant, pulled her, roughly, to the floor.

Sandra instinctively, raised her head to scream. A rough hand, pushed a ball gag, into her open mouth. Sandra’s hands, were pulled behind her back. They were quickly, and securely, bound.

Sandra could smell, the sweet aroma, of the crushed orchid on her shoulder. The man, roughly, pulled up Sandra’s dress. He striped her ass, with several sharp blows, of a whip. The pain was intense.

Sandra’s fansies of being whipped, were Not like this, at all. Sandra was weeping, from the pain, and the indignities, the man was taking with her body.

His voice, was harsh.

“Do what you are told, or I’ll beat you unconscious.”

Sandra lay on the floor, in tears. The man inspected her body, with his hands. He reached his hand, into her crotch. Sandra instinctively, closed her legs, tight.

The man said nothing. He used the whip, on Sandra’s, almost, naked ass. Sandra was sobbing, as she relaxed her legs, giving him open access, to her charms.

Sandra was embarrassed, as the man stroked her. Sandra’s panties were wet. Her vagina was open, as he explored her intimately. His finger found her maidenhead.

“Just the way she likes them, sweet and pure.”

Sandra’s head reeled, as she heard him speak.


Her plea was muffled, by the gag in her mouth. Her mind, was running, like crazy. She was sure, he had said, ‘she.’ Sandra was in turmoil, as she fought back the tears.

Joe was, to be the one. A ‘him’, not a ‘her’. What did he mean, when he said, ‘she’ wanted her pure. Sandra was, almost, in a panic. It had started so soon, and was starting out, all wrong.

The man finished his inspection. He pulled Sandra up onto her knees, by her hair. The pain was intense. She was crying softly, from the indignity, as well as the pain.

Sandra’s eyes, adjusted to the dim light. She saw the man’s face, just before, he placed, a tight fitting blindfold, over her eyes.

Sandra was horrified. The man inspecting her body, was not Joe. This man, was a stranger to her. Sandra blushed deeply. Her tears were flowing, down her cheeks. The man slapped Sandra, soundly, across her face.

He grew, with menace in his voice.

“Scream, and I’ll slap you silly.”

The man pulled the ball gag, from her mouth. He let it fall, to her neck.

“Please, there has been a mistake.”

The man laughed.

“The only mistake, made here, has been made by you. Your mistake is, you got caught.”

The man held her head still, with her hair. He kissed her lewdly. His kiss was wet, and intrusive. He explored her mouth, with his tongue. When his kiss was finished, he licked Sandra’s face. Sandra pulled away, from the lewd assault.

The man pushed her onto the floor, on her stomach. He used the whip on her ass. His voice was harsh.

“You’ll never pull away from me, or anyone else, ever again. Your body, is no longer your own. It’s now, a toy. I intend to play. I get paid, just as much, for a girl that is bruised, as one that’s not.”

The man pulled Sandra up, onto her knees, before him. He licked Sandra’s face, again. This time, she did not pull away. Sandra wanted to pull away, from his, lewd, wet tongue. Her fear, keep her in place.

He kissed her again. He mauled her tits. He was rough, in his play. His wet mouth, was all over her face, neck, and tits. Sandra was in tears, of humiliation.

The man released Sandra. She knelt before him, with tears streaming down, her red cheeses, from under the blindfold. Sandra heard his zipper open. Sandra plead, in a soft voice.

“Please don’t. I can’t, do it.”

“You’ll do it. Easy, or hard. You’ll do it.”

The man pushed Sandra’s mouth, onto his erection. Sandra knelt in submission, letting him violent her mouth, with his cock.

The man pulled his erection, from her mouth. He pushed her, onto the floor. This time, he whipped her across her ass, then onto her upper thighs. The pain was intense. Sandra was in hysterical tears.

He pulled her back up, by her hair.


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