Having woken up early in the morning from what felt like a decent nights sleep, the first thing I realized that the crotch was sticky from the nights…private activity. Unfortunately as I slipped out my sheets and started fumbling my clothes off to hide the evidence of my masturbation, I noticed far too late Leanne standing in the doorway.
Shyly I smiled and nodded as I pretended that she hadn’t noticed the wetness on the pyjama bottoms crotch as I bundled them up and shoved them in the hamper by my wardrobe. Apparently someone came and did our washing during classes. Leanne hesitantly came in, and with a few quick glances at me, started getting undressed too. After hearing all the little groans and sights from last night as the girls in our room had gotten themselves off, I wasn’t at all surprised by the wetness on the blonde girls clothes.
“Are you allowed out of the room to go for a jog before classes?” I whispered to the slender girl, trying to not wake the others.
“Yes. There is a running track, an outdoor pool, a weights room and a dojo that we are free to use when there are no classes. I usually go for a swim before any of the boys are up.” she whispered back, not catching my eyes as she leaned into her wardrobe and started pulling a school uniform out, laying a white shirt, short red skirt and black shoulder fasting top onto the bed before pulling some underwear on, Very conscious of me standing neary getting undressed. Her self awareness was affecting me and I quickly started rummaging through my wardrobe for something suitable.
“Boys give you hassle?” I asked, pulling out my school uniform and slipping a bra and underwear on.
“Sometimes.” she replied quietly and the sudden mental image of being cornered by the boys of this school made me stop and think.
“Would you like to go to the dojo with me? I trained in martial arts when I was younger and could show you a thing or two if you’d like?”
She paused in theact of pulling a thigh high stocking on and looked me in the eye, a shy smile spreading across her face.
“I’d like that.”
We finished getting changed in silence and before leaving I impulsively grabbed extra panties out of my draw and quickly put them all on. When I pulled the 4th pair on I saw Leanne watching me in bewilderment. I grinned, showing a flash of teeth.
“If they want to touch me, they’ll have to earn it.”
We left the dorms and headed into the school grounds, Leanne leading the way to the dojo. We passed very few people, mainly guards who we gave a respectful nod or “Sir” to as we drew level to them. There were a few other girls up, quickly making their way to wherever they were going, heads down, darting about and trying not to draw attention to themselves. There were a couple of boys, small and scared looking, trying harder then the girls to blend in. In a school where sexual dominance was the measure, they obviously hadn’t adjusted very well.
We made it to the dojo and got changed in the empty girls into t-shirts and tracksuit bottoms, Leanne showing me where all the extra clothes and sports equipment was kept. They had plenty to choose from, in all shapes and sizes so we managed to pick up gloves and shin pads in the right size before we went through into the dojo itself.
In a classic Japanese theme it was large and sparse. The flooring was wood but with a slight spring to it to avoid damage when falling. Paper screens covered the walls and for the first time since coming here I felt a twinge of familyarity. It looked a lot like the one my Father had back home. Being a wealthy business man he had converted one of the rooms in our house into a private dojo after he had found out I enjoyed Martial arts. A pang of loneliness hit me and I quickly reined my thoughts away from home. The swish of wood pulled me from my memories as I finally noticed that we weren’t alone in the dojo, indeed there was a young man, in fullkendo gear practicing down at the other end of the dojo with a wooden sword. He took a step forward, striking down with the boken and then stepped back, and stepped forward on his other foot, repeating the move over and over again. With his light complexion and dark hair framing his face I wondered where he was from.
“That’s Chris.” Leanne said from behind me, watching him swinging the wooden boken back and forth constantly. “Stay clear of him. I’m not sure why but noone goes near him, and Rebecca said he did something to 3 boys who tried to grab him in the corridor.”
The way she said “something” told me enough. The guy was dangerous.
We ignored him as I started showing Leanne moves, punches and kicks and soon we were making our way through the movements that seemed so long ago for me. She was a lot more graceful then I, her slender legs almost daintily flicking out, her hands sweeping out, that I was sure she must have had dance classes, possible even ballet. WithThose long graceful legs she was certainly built for it. Compared to her I felt…clumsy. My punches and kicks were fast, violent things but for right now, in this school, suited my mood. As I got into the routine of punching and kicking, dodging and ducking, I told myself I was no longer going to be a victim. I felt ashamed for how I acted yesterday, letting all those horrible things happen to me. I felt weak, feeble and yet even thinking about the way my body had been touched…how my body had been used..I felt the sudden flash of arousal run through me.
What was wrong with me?
I was about to start showing Leanne some of the self defense techniques when voices filtered through from the boys changing room, causing both of us to freeze. I could hear them, joking and laughing as they slammed locker doors and made as much noise as only rowdy boys can make. Leanne grabbed my arm.
“We should go.” she whispered urgently, pulling on my arm.
“It’ll be ok.” I reasurred her but she shook her head, her body trembling.
“You don’t understand. If they think they can get away with it, they’ll…” she trailed off breathless with fear. I put my hand over her trembling one.
“Ok let’s go.”
We hurried over the door to the girls changing room, the boy’s voices getting louder as we drew close, the doors being next to each other. As I reached out my hand the door to the boys changing room banged open loudly and five boys stepped out and on seeing us frozen.
“Hey! You’re the new girl who has the record for the most times on her first day!” one of them blurted. The five boys were roughly my age, 19, two with sandy blonde hair and matching heights, the other had brick red hair and was carrying a little weight on him. The others had dark hair, with tanned dark skin and greasy smiles.
Leanne had frozen in place, practically hiding behind me as she shivered. I just stared them down.
“That’s me.” I told them, pleased at thelack of tremble in my voice. Hopefully if I could fake confidence long enough….
“Pretty, aren’t you?” one of the other boys said as he stepped forward and blocked our door. The red haired boy starting walking around us, examining us like some prize horse.
“I prefer them skinnier.” Red Hair said with a smile in his tone causing Leanne to hug into me tighter. I turned my head to look him in the eye.
“And I prefer mine with more intelligence.” I replied coolly. His friends laughed as he blushed.
“She has a point, Barry.” The first boy said as he stepped forward closer to me. I held my ground as he advanced, stopping when there was only a foot distance between us. He leaned in close, as if for a kiss.
“Do you not want to train with us?” He whispered silently, his voice turning a little husky. “I promise we won’t be too…rough.” I shuddered slightly. His friends where fanning out, Red behind us, the others backing up the leader and blocking our exit. Of coursese there was the main door to the corridor but I wasn’t going to turn my back on these idiots.
No more being the victim.
“I’ve got to get back and get ready for class.” I said, glaring at him and then flinched when one of his friends laughed loudly.
“Breakfast is in another hour, and class is a half hour after that. Nice try, tits.” The boy smiled, staring at my chest as if he could see through the plain white t-shirt. It was quite the effort not to raise my hands in front of myself but I did it, anger and embarrassment burning inside of me. The leader was close enough that it would take very little effort to reach out and punch him in that smiling face.
“Come, stay a little longer.” The leader said, his face inching closer as the anger built up inside of me.
“I tell you what how about we play a game? You know, to encourage competition?” The tone in his voice told me that the stakes weren’t going to be pleasant. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calmness.
“What are the stakes?” I asked. Leanne gave a low moan of fear from behind me. Leader smiled.
No more being the victim.
“A sparring match, if I win…”
I punched him as hard as I could straight in the face. He reeled back, stumbling, hands to his face where I had punched him as I raised my bare foot in a kick, placing it on his chest and shoving him backwards into two of his friends, throwing them backwards onto the floor. Leanne shrieked as I spun, elbow slamming into the side of Red’s head, sending him spraying. I gave the blonde girl a shove to the doors, screaming at her to run as the boys clambered to their feet, one who hadn’t been touched already grabbing my arm and spinning me round. I put my knee into his soft stomach but he held on, his grip tightening so I hooked my foot around his ankle and throw myself forward, tripping the both of us.
“Pin the bitch!” I heard someone shout and a heavy weight pressed down on my back but I was already wriggling free, my hand gripping someone by the hair even as I punched out hitting someone else in the face. I rolled to my knees, just in time to see Leanne bowling through the main doors when one of the boys punched me in the stomach. I gasped loudly, climbing shakily to my feet and backed up. 2 of them were still picking themselves off the floor, Red was holding his head and looked like he was going to be sick while one boy was groaning and holding himself. I must have kneed him harder then I thought.
“You’re so going to get it, you fucking slut!” The leader hissed as he held his side, breathing hard, murder in his eyes. I couldn’t help but throw my head back and laugh.
“Shame, 5 boys and little old me.” I chairled, breathing heavily to catch my breath. The adrenaline was Coursing through me, triggering my flight or fight.
No longer a victim. I repeated to myself and a nasty grin spread across my face.
I sprang forward, skipping to theside to dodge a slap aimed at my face as I heel palmed the leader in his sore side and stamped on the bare toes of another boy who yelled out in pain. As he started to hunt over I punched him straight in the eye, snapping his head back but before I could follow up on it something hit me in the back of the head shoving me forwards.
Groggily I shook my head, trying to clear it as arms encircled me, crushing me against a chest. Someone hit me in the stomach even as a open palmed slap hit my face, and I kicked out completely missing with one foot, but connecting with the other as I let whoever held me take my weight. I felt someone grab at my hair but I always already stamping on my grappler’s toes and then smashing my head back into his face once, then twice. Red had my hair twisted painfully in his grip so I stepped forward, feeling a kick against my leg, and elbowed him in the face again. He held on, pulling me down on top of him as I cried out in pain, someone already piling ontop of me. No amount of wriggling would free me so I lashed out, kicking and punching all around me, not able to even see who or what I was hitting. I heard grunts and moans of pain as blows landed but the pressure was constant and I couldn’t free myself.
I could feel and hand slipping up my top, cool against my warm skin and it roughly shoved its way into my bra and squeezed tightly. I yelped, thrashing around but it was no good, another hand grabbed my other breast through my t-shirt and bra and pawed at me. I groaned, my nipples harden of their own according, even as I felt a hand slip down the waist band of my tracksuit bottoms. It grouped around, a finger pressing between my legs and through my panties to push against my slit. Another hand snaked down, pulling at the fabric of my underwear even as a third hand slipped in and grabbed a handful of my ass, squeezing and kneeling painfully.
“Bitch has a couple of layers on!” one of the boys laughed loudly, causing the othersto join in. I managed to free an arm and slam it into something soft before it was grabbed and forced behind my back once more. My t-shirt was ripped, 4 hard yanks to tear the fabric in half and as I was jerked up to my feet I felt it tied tightly around my hands, still in the combat gloves, keeping them behind my back. I kicked out and missed, the boys laughing at my struggle as two of them held me while the others stepped in. I kicked out again, into others should but he shrugged it off, trapping my ankle in his hand as he yanked me off balance. I managed to kick him with the other foot, making him drop me but the others moved in quickly, a slap to the face dazing me and a painful pinch to my bare breast causing me to yelp. They pulled my bottoms off, laughing as they pulled down layer after layer of underwear as I kicked and compromised, trying to knee someone in the face.
Soon I was standing there naked with only the combat gloves and leg and foot pads. My hands were tied tightly together behind my back with my own t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms discarded by my feet. Their hands explored my body, grabbing at my breasts, clutching a handful of ass, fingers dipping between my legs and into my pussy. Perhaps worse was that was the commentary – about my curves, the triangle of public hair between my legs, the wetness of my pussy. I was horrified to find my body responding, traitorously responding to the boys rough administrations. Excitement was practically dripping from me, I could feel a small trickle running down my leg, warm even against the warmth of my body.
I was forced to bend over, my hair falling past my face, obscuring my view as hands spread my bum cheese apart and a finger slowly pressed into me. I groaned loudly as I felt it push into me, slow but unyielding.
“Fuck me, she’s tight! Bet she’s a virgin back there!” I heard him joke and I shut my eyes tightly as if to deny what was happening to me. A school bag was dropped in front of me andhands pulled a couple of items out. My hair was gripped tight again, yanking my head up as one of the boys stepped close to me with a gag in his hands. It wasn’t like the ball gag from before, instead of a ball it had a circular ring.
“Open your mouth.” he ordered me and if it wasn’t for the fact that someone was still holding my legs I would have kicked him. Stubbornly I kept my mouth closed, drawing my head back as far away from the outstretched gag as possible. A hand sneaked round from behind me, pinching a nipple hard and causing me to yelp. In that instant the gag was shoved into my mouth, the boy fighting as I shook my head to stop him from fasting behind my head. Another painful pinch of my nipple gave him enough time to close it into place. My mouth was forced to stay open with the gag in place and belatedly I realized that this way I couldn’t stop them putting their cocks in my mouth. I was pushed forwards onto my knees and the boys gather round about me, pulling downgym shorts and discarding vest tops as they pulled their erect cocks out. Something cold and wet was dripped between my ass cheats and once again a finger slide, much smoother into my ass, pushing further then before as I tightened around it reflexively. As it was withdrawn I felt something thicker, smoother pushed against my rectum and suddenly I could feel the cold wetness of the lubricant being squirted directly into My orifice as I groaned loudly, throwing back my head to wail at the strange sensing inside of me. I had a split second view of Red stepping in front of me when he took advantage of the ring gag, his cock slipping through the ring and into my mouth. It filled my mouth, almost tickling my throat and I could feel myself start to gag. I tried to pull my head back, but he had a hold of it, keeping me in place as pubic hair the same colour as the hair on his head ticckled against my nose. Tears reflexively trickled out of the corners of my eyes as he started thrusting withhis hips, groaning loudly in appreciation. A few thrusts and he was pulling out, drool trickling from my mouth and down my chin as I was pulled back, falling onto another boys lap, his cock pressed between my legs.
I tried to beg, the words pouring out as garbled nonsense and drool dripping down onto my chest as the boys lifted me and slowly pushed me slowly down onto his hard cock. It slip into my ass, pushing past my tightness and into me, sliding further and further into my rectum. I cried out, one long high squeal as he pushed as far as he could into me, his thighs crushing against my buttocks as he groaned loudly. His hands gripped my hips, fingers pinching painfully as he started to thrust with his hips, his cock slipping in and out of my bum. It felt…intense, being fucked this way. My breasts jumped with each thrust, jiggling and shuddering as I felt him impale me deeply. He was larger then the probe that had measured me during my first examination, stretching my hole ina painful but pleasant way.
Pleasurable? What is wrong with me?
A boy knelt between my thighs, his erection in front of him as he guided it between my legs, ignoring my protests as he shoved it into my pussy, fast and rough all the way in.
I had never felt so full!
I cried out as he started thrusting into me, working in tandem to the boy fucking my ass. As one started to pull out, the other would thrust in, scrambling my insides into goo. It didn’t take long before my body completely betrayed me, as both boys thrust deeply into me at the same time I felt myself orgasm, sharp and almost painful as I tightened, grosses coming from all three of us as my body shuddered and spent itself against my wishes. Juices leaked out of me, dripping down my spread thighs and down past my spread cheeses.
Of course noise had finished with me yet, so as I hung there simply they continued pumping into me furiously, hands on my hips and stomach, controlling me. A boy straddled my chest, I didn’t even see who before they had their cock in my mouth, fucking it deeply while I tried to control my gag reflex. His cock tasted salty, pre-cum already on my tongue as he thrust it in and out, drool dripping down my chin and onto my breasts.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum!” announced the boy between my legs, and he withdraw his prick from inside of me, shoving his friend using my mouth out the way. As that boy stepped away I caught a view of the other 2 boys, strucking themselves as they watched, hands pumping hard meat as they grinned and moved in closer, one of them kneeling between my legs and shoving his dick into my now vacant pussy. I groaned as it slid in, my view blocked by the first boys standing in front of me, holding his cock aimed at my mouth….
Hot cum splattered my chin and mouth, startling me at its heat as it slipped onto my tongue. I flinched as another jet hit my cheek this time, I could feel some of it cling to my hair as it dripped down. Lastly he thrust it inside my mouth and more cum poured out, directly into my mouth this time, flooding it with its salty gooey taste as he spasmed, his hips bucking as he spent himself. When he withdraw my head hung alone, sperm dripping between my lips and onto my chin.
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