On my way to detention I was getting well acquainted with the noses and crannies of the ground floor of Sandler Finishing School. Mainly due to being shoved into most of them while one of the guards pawed and grabbed at me every chance he got. My breasts and thighs already showed small bruises from his fingers. My panties were wedged between my nether lips and tight between my bum cheeses as the guard had laughed and pulled them roughly.
Luckily the other guard seemed to take goal on me, either that or he was fed up with his companion because every time I got manhandled he stepped in to remind the other guard that I was due for detention and they had to be going. From the sullen glowers he was getting from it, this news wasn’t well received, but I found myself intensely grateful for his presence. Otherwise I might have been raped countless times before we made it down the cold stone steps into the dungeon.
And a dungeon it was. While the ground floor of the school looked like a traditional school, with its clean linoleum flooring, neutrally painted walls and homemade banners declaring sports day in a weeks time; down the stones steps lay a very traditional looking dungeon. Dark shadowy stones walls, briefly lit by flaming scones lining each side of the wide corridor. Heavy oak doors were set each side of the wall, the occasional muffled sounds bleeding through them tantalizing and scary. I flinched at each one, trying to identify exactly what the noise was. Mainly moaning or screaming out. One sounded like water gushing…but we were already past the door before I could properly hear it. The nicer guard pulled a clipboard off the wall as I was marched past and consulted it before singing and hung it back on the wall.
“Place is fully book” He told his companion in a bored voice.
“Let’s put her in with whoever was last in.” The other guard sneered, pulling me close by my hair.
“Looks like we’re over crowded Princess” He grinned in my face, the sour smell of tobacco wafting across my face. “Let’s go meet your new friend.”
He reached past me and pulled open a heavy door before shoving me through.
I stumbled through and caught my balance before falling down on my face. The guards stepped through the room, the door slamming close behind them with a thud of finality. The kind guard pulled my arms behind me tightly and turned me to face the room as the other guard stepped up in front of me, a nasty grin plastered on his face. His hand reached out and grabbed the collar of my shirt as I tried to pull back out of his grip. It was no good, the guard behind me tightened his grip, pushing me further forward even as I tried to shrink back. My shirt tore free, the buttons ripped clean off exposing my chest as he pulled it roughly up. His eyes shone with lust as he grabbed both my breasts in his hands and squeezed painfully hard. I cried out, tears threatening to spill as he pawed roughly at me, ripping my bra off and grabbing me once again. I struggled, trying to pull free, trying to get out of both guards grips, but they were well trained and my struggles brought me no relief. His hand dropped between my legs, his fingers hard against my pussy, fingers searching for my opening. I cried out, tears now dripping down my face as I began to beg for them to stop. The guard just laughed as he hooked his fingers into my panties and pulled them sharply. I heard the fabric tears but not rip as it pulled on me, between my pussy lips. Another sharp tug and they tore, the guard flinging them to the ground in front of me before grabbing my skirt and pulling it off. I kept my tights tight together, scared and crying for what I knew what was to come. They had taken me down here to rape me. The guard grabbed my thigh in Those hard fingers, pinching and forcing them apart as he stepped between my legs and started fumbling with his fly. Suddenly the guard behind me wrapped an arm around my wais and pulled me back behind him. I was shocked to see him standing toe to toe with his companion.
“James I’ve told you. That’s not what detention is.” He said in his grainy voice, the type that is only got through chain smoking.
“Get the fuck out of my way old man!” The other guard, James, spat as he tried to shove past him and get to me. I shrank back further out of his reach.
“Back off James. I’ve warned you.” The older man replied. James took no heed, clearly drunk on his own power and need to fulfill his arousal. He reached out and pushed the older guard to the side, one hand grabbing my bare shoulder. Suddenly his grip was wronged painfully off me and he spun back in surprise. The older guard had his wrist in his hand as he took a step to the side and twisted his own hand, pulling James off balance and sending him tumbling to the floor with a curse. He slammed into the ground, the older guard instantly stepping over him as he twisted his arm behind his back and held him down. He let the younger man struggle and swear for a couple of seconds before leaning in close to his ear.
“I warned you twice, James” He grew “You never just take the hint, do you? I’m taking you to the Dean’s office. If you try to struggle I’ll break your arm and drag you by it. That clear?”
The younger man hissed in pain.
“You’re going to pay for this you old bastard” He muttered darkly before he was pulled to his feet, his arm still held behind his back in a painful looking hold. He glared at me, anger for showing weakness in front of me etched onto his nasty features as he was pushed out, past me. The older guard looked at me as he pulled the door open. He looked me up and down, studying me. An instant of familiarity flowed Through me like a slap to the face and the truth hit me. It was undeniable. I knew this man from somewhere. But where? He must have seen it on my face because he quickly looked away.
“Remove your shoes and stockings. StayHere. If you try anything stupid, you’ll just get it worse. Understood?” I nodded my head mutely as I desperately tried to remember why he looked familiar. The door closed behind him, the metallic sound of a lock engaging telling me that there was no way out. I brushed away the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand and then pulled the rest of my clothes off. It would be stupid to not do as I was told, They would rip them off me if I disobeyed anyway.
It was only then did I notice the rest of the room. I would say there wasn’t much to see but I would have been dead wrong, although only a small patch was illuminated in a pool of light, that patch was immensely eye drawing. I hadn’t realized that I had made a step until I was already in the light, standing before the huddled shape of a kneeing girl. I wanted to reach out, touch her, my hand was already stretching out in front of me, inches from her down turned face. I stopped myself, the sound of my heart beat painfullyThrough my chest the only sound I could hear. The only sound that mattered. The girl in front of me was fairly short, maybe about my own height, with short, dark hair that seemed like liquid pooling down her face to her chin. I looked down on her, mesmerized by the pale smooth skin, goose bumped from the chill of the room, as I drank in the sight of her naked form. She had a perfect hourglass figure – large full breasts, trim waist and wide hips that demanded attention. I didn’t know where these feelings of lust were coming from but I was powerless to resist them.
My fingers slipped through her silky brown hair, trembling slightly at the excitement of it as I slowly curled them around her head before tracing her jaw line, the smooth skin like water beneath my fingertips. Across her jaw and under her chin, I slowly raised her head up and stared down at those deep brown eyes. The dainty features and slight colouring spoke of an Asian ethnicity which contrasted with the sprinklingof freckles over the bridge of her nose, trickling down her cheeks, to her shoulders and chest which would mean she had an European heritage too. Her deep brown eyes latched onto mine, like vast depths that pulled me in. I felt like I could drop, and do so happy in those eyes. Something warm trickled over my hand, jolting me from those liquid orbs and suddenly the rest of her attire became obvious to me. In her mouth, a black ring gag forced her mouth wide, her pink tongue visible as saliva dripped past her open lips and spilled over my hand. She had her collar on, her name tag on it telling me her name was Ada Fair but just below that was the leather collar of a straitjacket. Covering her neck, shoulders and arms, it tied her arms behind her back, leaving a perfect view of those heavy breasts thrust out in front of her. My hand slipped down, trailing over her neck and between her breasts. Kneeling down in front of her, I traced my fingers underneath her breasts, enjoying the firm and heavy weight of them. Slowly I slipped my thumb over her nipple rubbing it lightly before using my fingertips to tweak them carefully. A moan escaped between her gagged lips, my eyes fastening back onto hers as she looked at me pleadingly.
Something took possession of me then. A need to have this girl in front of me. Ada. Such a sweet name. She was here, vulnerable. And I had power over her. With her arms behind her back in the straitjacket she couldn’t stop me. So very powerless. So very needy. I pinched down, hard, on both her nipples at the same time. Her suddenly cry of pain was musical to my ears and I relented only for the second it took for it to die down before twisting them hard to enjoy its sound once more. She throw her head back to shriek again and my hand was already there, tightening in those silky locks as I pulled her head up to stare at me again, her panting making her breasts raise and fall seriously. My head diplomad down, planning a hard kiss on those immovable lips, my tongue slipping past the gag to touch her tongue before I withdraw quickly, shocked by my own behaviour.
Was this because of what happened between Leanne and myself earlier? I couldn’t tell and, right now, I didn’t care. My hand ran down Ada’s bareback, enjoying the goose pumped flesh against my fingers as I circled around her hips and across her stomach. Ada shivered, her eyes dropping down to my hand before I pulled her head back up once more. I was being pulled into the depths of those dark eyes once more and I allowed myself to delve into them. My breathing sounded harsh to my own ears, my heart beating painfully fast and I held myself on the blink of losing control. Then my hand slipped down her stomach and along the smoothness of Ada’s body. I was surprised to feel smooth skin all the way down to her hard little clip.
Breaking eye contact I leaned back and stared at her crotch marveling at the smoothness of her pussy. She was completely shamen? Interesting. I kept my own public hair trimmed right down to a small patch above my vagina but this complete smoothness was…exotic. And I could feel myself responding to it. My nipples were already hard buds, tightening in the cool air and achingly hard. I could feel my own wetness slicking my pussy lips, wanting sex, wanting something to fill me, to tantalize. To fulfill my own aches and desires. My clip was like a hard bullet, becoming to be touched. But not as hard as Ada’s clip. I could see it, I could feel it, the hardness demanding attention which I willingly gave. My fingers found it and rubbed small circles with it. Ada groaned before leaning forward, her head on my shoulder for stability. I pushed hard against it, rolling it between my fingertips and then pinching it hard, enjoying the groans, moans and then cried coming from the bound girl in front of me. My fingers were wet with her juices, just as my shoulder and chest were wet with drool. I slipped a finger along her smooth lips, reLesing another small wave of wetness on my hand, lubricating my finger which I slowly pushed into her vagina. She throw her head back, crying out shrilly, her eyes wide and unfocused before dropping her head back on my shoulder. The muscles of her pussy gripped my finger as I pushed it further into her, marveling at her tightness. Slowly I withdraw it, her juice glistening on my finger which I brought up to my mouth and carefully put it in my mouth tasting her juices like it was nectar from the Gods.
She lifted her head to stare at me with very wide eyes and I couldn’t help but grin before slowly inserting it into her again. A long groan of pleasure poured out of her, her eyes rolling up, her breathing heavy as I reached up with my free hand and dug my nails into the plumant flesh above her breasts. She cried out as I slowly drew them across her nine skin, scarlet lines appearing in rows in their wake. I withdraw them, carefully scraping my thumbnail down down her chin and smiling at her. Her lips quivered in what could have been a small smile before I clawed down her chest and along her smooth stomach to another groan. A need to give more filled me and I grabbed her head and pulled her face close, my mouth opening as I fastened my teeth onto the hollow of her jaw. My need was great but I was still careful as placed my teeth against her unblemished skin and bit gently into her. She cried out Once more but I didn’t pierce the skin, just left vivid marks on her neck as I carefully withdraw my mouth from her and turned her head to get a better view of my bite marks. Bruises were already showing, small little teeth shaped bruises along her jaw and neck. I turned her head the other way before biting her in the same place, gracing her with my mark – a mirror image to the previous one.
Maybe her cries of pain and pleasure masked the noise, maybe I had gotten so carried away that I was oblivious to all around me. All I knew was that one second I had my teeth on Ada and the next I was being dragged away by my hair. I cried out in pain and fear. But I also cried out in loss, as I was thrust onto the ground away from Ada. Her eyes were wide with fear as she stared at me and the guard released me. Stepping over me he stood above me and stared down at me, a disappointed look on his face. It was my old friend the older guard.
“I warned you didn’t I?” He grew in his voice, like the rumbling of a bear given words. “I warned you and you didn’t listen. Did you Abby?” Tears spilled out in shame and I felt their heat drip down my face as I turned my face away.
“No Sir, I’m s-s-sorry” I blubbered, hating myself for crying but unable to stop. I couldn’t look him in the eye, he had saved me and I had thanked him by disobeying. I felt the shade burn inside me and I curled my arms around my legs to try and stop the shaking. I heard him walk up to the other girl before pulling her along and pushing her in front of me. I glanced at the bruisingon her neck, the red welts across her skin and the moodure between her legs. I looked away. Suddenly she fell on top of me, pinning me in place as the guard leaned down and started unknoting the ties that held her straitjacket. He looked down on me, his face frightfully still.
“I think you two might be made for each other” He grumbled as he pulled the last tie undone and unzipped the straitjacket. His fingers undid the buckle on the ring gag and she spat it free. “So I’ll let Ada decide your punishment this time.”
My eyes widened in sudden anticipation and a flash of fear ran through my body, a thrill of adrenaline. Ada stared down into my eyes. She grinned.
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