“Both of you on your knees now”
My heart thudded painfully in my chest, my palms sweaty. I couldn’t look the guard in the face, staring down at my shoes instead. A hand grabbed mine, pulling me down. It was Leanne’s, the look on her face telling me not to fight it. She was already on her knees. Slowly I knelt down, my knees touching the cold hard floor. I Keep a hold of her hand to give me strength. The guards hand came up and his fingers caught my chin forcing my head up and making me look him in the eyes as he sneered at me.
“Good little slut got there in the end.” he told me, fumbling with his fly. My cheeks reddened and I nearly told him that I wasn’t a slut, but I knew it was no good. I was in this finishing school for a reason. Undoing his fly, the guard reached into his trousers and pulled out his erect cock, holding it in front of my face.
“Now suck me off.” He demanded as he directed it towards my mouth. I froze, I couldn’t do this. Not here. I’d never had oral sex with anyone and here this man was, someone I didn’t know, holding his cock and pushing it towards me. My jaw clamped down, I couldn’t do this! It was unfair! He grabbed my face again, anger now on his features as he pulled my head towards his member.
“I said suck it, you filter slut!” He commanded. I could feel tears building up inside of me, I wanted to bolt, to run, surely he wouldn’t be able to catch up. Not with his prick out and… Leanne pushed past me, mouth open, and placed her mouth over his dick. His hand left my face as he grabbed a handful of her hair, pushing her hard down on him. Her fingers tightened on my hand as she took strength from me and all I could do was squeeze back. The guard moaned loudly and pushed his other hand in her hair. He pushed against her mouth again, working his hips as he started face fucking her. Leanne had her eyes screwed up as she opened her mouth wide to take him. I couldn’t help but stare as she managed tofit his entire cock, all the way up to his public hair, into her mouth. She gagged slightly, moving her head back to catch her breath as streams of drool from his cock to her mouth threatened to spill on her. She pushed her face forward onto him again making him groan once more. As her head bobbed back and forward, the name tag on her collar pinned against the metal ring on its front. I could see her name on one side, but her crime I couldn’t quite make out…..
The guard slide his cock out of her mouth, saliva dripping on her chin and he turned towards me again. His hand tangled painfully in my hair pulling my head forward and sliding his member into my mouth. I could taste Leanne’s saliva mixing with the taste of him as he thrust into my mouth making me throw my head back to avoid gagging. I could hear him laughing at my struggles and I screwed my eyes up tight to not have to see him. Using my hair he pulled me back onto his cock, fucking my face as he groaned loudly. I had tobe careful not to gag, even when I feel the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat. His grip tightened in my hair as he ordered me to look at him. Hesitantly I opened my eyes, and looked up at his grinning face as he paused to look down at me.
“Look at you with your mouth full of cock, slut!” He sneered, and I felt so ashamed I wanted to cry. He thrust himself at me again, his pubic hairs tickling my nose as he fucked my mouth slowly and then started building up some speed. My free hand, the one not gripping Leanne’s fingers in a death grip, was shaking, holding onto the folds of my skirt to stop myself from trying to get free. Suddenly he pulled out of my mouth and I had a second of fear thinking her was about to cum, but he wasn’t through yet. Letting go of my hair with just one of his hands, he grabbed Leanne’s long blonde hair and pulled her face close to mine. Her blue eyes starred intently into mine, so close to my face. I looked down, embarrassed and caught sight of hercollar one final time as the words became visible to me.
Leanne Birkin
I was shocked. We had learned about it in Sunday School, it was one of several sexual sins that you were punished for. Personally I had never understood what the problem with loving someone no matter what sex they are, but now that I was kneeing next to a lesbian my mind was in shock. It didn’t mean she was in love with me, did it? I didn’t know what this means, noise I’d ever known was openly gay…I didn’t get the chance to think about this as the guard thrust his cock between us and pushing our heads together with another order to suck him off. I ran my tongue along the side of his dick, across the smooth skin, and all the way down to the base. His hand pushed my head down more until my tongue was against his testicles and I opened my mouth sucking on one of them, eliciting another loud moan from the guard. I could feel the smooth skin of Leanne’s cheese against my own, her silky blonde hair obscuring my vision. Her hand was still holding tightly to mine. Her mouth moved of his cock, and suddenly I was being yanked forward to replace her as he slid his cock into my mouth for a couple of thrusts before pulling me off.
He stared down on both of us and grinned nastily.
“Both of you sluts together now.” He demanded pulling us forward again as my mouth licked and sucked on one side of his dick, Leanne doing the same on the other side. My tongue flicked out and I felt Leanne’s against mine, just for an instant. I froze. Had I just pressed my tongue against hers? No time to think about it, I had to keep going. As I kept sucking and licking my mind was fixed on the idea. Did I just lick her tongue again? Was that her lips that I felt for a second upon my own? The Thought sent a hot flush through me, I could feel myself blushing as the now familiar feeling of heat between my legs caused me to wiggle slightly. Oh no, I thought, please tell me I wasn’t gettingwet.
The guard let me go, grabbing Leanne’s hair with both hands as he shoved his cock deep in her mouth again.
“Oh shit..I going to cum!” He held her head still as he came inside her mouth, her eyes wide and staring at me. He pulled out, a small droplet of cum dripping past her lips as she struggled to hold it all in her mouth. He looked at her and then slowly turned his head to me, a horrible grin spreading across his face.
“Now kiss each other. I want both of you little sluts to swallow my cum.”
I feel ice form in my belly. Please no..but Leanne was already pulling me close to her, an apology in her eyes and her mouth slowly opening to show me the milky cum still on her tongue. I couldn’t do this. Not this. Not me…our lips touched. My mouth locked down on hers, her tongue darting into my mouth, fast and forceful. I wanted to pull away as the taste and texture of slimy salty cum filled my mouth, but something about the kiss held me. I realized that Leanne had a hand on the back of my head, holding me in her kiss as I half straddled her, my crotch on her thigh. I could feel it grinding against my clip, waves of heat and pleasure running through my body. In a moment on insanity I kissed her back. My tongue pushed into her mouth, I did want this, I wanted her so badly. Now. My lips locked with hers as I twisted my mouth, careful not to spill a drop of cum between us, as I pushed tightly against her. My hand pressed between her legs, fingers pressing against her damp panties, feeling for her hard little clip. She groaned in my mouth, pushing her body against me…….
A hand in my hair pulled me off her and I fell backwards, landing on my bum. The guard was holding us apart now, looking from one of us to the other, a hard look on his face.
“None of that now!” He told us. “Open your mouths” I did as I was told, opening my mouth wide as he looked down to make sure we had cum in it.
“Now swallow.” I swallowed quickly, the slmy warm cum slipping down my throat, a warm path to my stomach as I winced at the taste. A quick peek at Leanne showed her face screwed up with the same reaction. The guard looked pleased.
“Stay there. I’ll take you to the dinner hall now.” I stayed still as he came around behind me, zipping himself up and pulling a pair of metallic handcuffs out and fasting them around my wrists. He moved behind Leanne and cuffed her too before pulling the both of us to our feet and walking us in front of him down the corridor.
“So he came right in front of everyone in the class! Professor Trebem made him do it 3 times before he could take his seat again!”
The girls around me giggled at the news. Meal times would take some getting used to. We had been ushered in and sat down at a long benchmark with students on each side, all with their hands cuffed behind them. Apparently this was the normal way to eat at Sandler Finishing School. WhenI had seen this I had wondered how in the Heavens we were meant to use knives and forks like this, but the school had already solved that problem. Pet bowls filled with either food or water sat in front of each student, who simply leaned forwards and ate out of them as if this was the most normal thing in the world. 5 large benches filled the dinner hall, a shorted table was set at the end of the hall, all the teachers sitting and eating with proper plates and utesils as they chatted to each other. I studied the food in front of me, it was a warm stew, and although I was embarrassed to eat like some kind of animal, it was actually quite tasty. The meat and veg in it had been spiced lightly and cut into small bite size pieces for easy of eating. It still took some getting used to – I already had gravy on my chin and had dangled the tips of my hair in my bowl several times. I’d have to shower again before bed. Students sat and ate, chatting easily with each other. When they had hadEnough they simply stood up and waited for a guard to take off their handscuffs before they could leave. Very occasionally a student from another bench, a different House, would come over and taunt someone from our benchmark as they walked away. The guards didn’t seem to mind. They certainly didn’t do anything when one guy walked past and sneered that it had been announced in front of everyone that I had broken the school record for getting punished as soon as I was through the door. I felt shade run through me and would have cried if it wasn’t for Leanne, rubbing against me for comfort. That caused me to blush again. I wasn’t sure how I felt about our sudden password and I really didn’t want to talk about it.
I leaned forward and spoke to the dark girl in front of me.
“Erm….mind if I ask something?” She smiled at me.
“Of course, you’re new. Ask me anything you want.”
“Well……my boyfriend…” I started. She smiled knowingly.
“You’re wondering what happenedto him?” she asked. I nodded.
“Was he attractive?” I was surprised at her question. What did it matter how he looked?
“Why….” I started again but she shrugged.
“Only attractive people get sent to a finishing school like this. They get chosen depending on just their looks. They send the others to working schools to build roads and stuff.”
“Oh…” I looked away. Jon WAS attractive. With those full lips, deep dark eyes and his lightly tanned skin, he had always attracted attention wherever he went.
“Yeah he was really handsome.” I told her, blushing at his memory.
“Then he would have been sent to another finishing school like this one. There are 3 in all of the Holy Land and each has records of all the students from all of the schools. But there is no way we would be allowed access the system to check. Sorry hon.” she told me, real regret in her voice. I sawed and sank lower on my benchmark, the warmth of Leanne’s body giving me small comfort. I hearda snort of laughter from behind me, and spun round. A boy was standing just behind me, his hands secured behind his back and a knowing sneer on his face. It ruined the rest of his face, with warm dark eyes and a bold nose, if it wasn’t for the look on his face, I would have thought him handsome.
“Pathetic. First day here and you’re already pining for your stupid little boyfriend.” he sneered, his unfamiliar drawing accent twisting the words. I burrowed my browser.
“What would you know?” I told him, turning back to my food, disdainfully. I had no time for more mocking.
“What would I know?” He repeated in a little sing song voice. “Pft, I know that he didn’t get sent to ANY finishing school at all.” My eyes widened in shock and I spun round, nearly slipping off my bench in my haste. The boy was already walking away, his slim back a wall to me as I called out to tell me what he knew. A guard noticed my yelling and stepped towards me threateningly. I could see my bench looking at me, trying to shift away a bit to distance themselves from any trouble I would cause. Quickly I stood up and when the guard came close I told him that I was finished. He gave me a look and muttered about about demanding princes as he roughly pulled my hands towards him and uncuffed me. As the cuffs came free his hand snuck under my skirt and groped my ass hard before he sent me on my way. I stormed off, still staring at the boys back as he sat down on his own table, starting a conversation with the boys around him. I moved up behind him, anger building in me, making me reckless. I needed answers.
I stepped up behind him, my arm wrapping around his throat as my other pushed under his arm, locking the grab. He thrashed for a second, but my knee pushing down in the chain links between his hands pulled his body back into me and held him tight.
“Tell me what you know.” I hissed angrily in his ear.
“Get off me you stupid bitch!” he muttered, clearly embarrassed that I had done this in front of his friends.
“Tell me how you know that he didn’t get sent to a finishing school.” I hissed once more, tightening my grip on him, turning his face red.
“Let me the fuck go!” I clamped down harder, my knee jerking into his spine painfully.
“You’re going to tell me how you know or I’m going to smoke your face into your bowl and dropped you in Your water” I grew, anger giving me strength. I was causing attention. His friends muttering angrily about me, guards looking over, one peeling away and slowly walking towards us. All around me I could see students staring at us, a couple of them standing up to get a better view.
“I saw your records on the system” he whispered. “Normally they will have his files linked to yours but they had blanked out his name so there was no record. He doesn’t exist on the system.”
The guards were close, I had seconds left.
“Who did you get into the system?” I demanded
“I do favours for Professor Allomar. I saw her enter her password once and sometimes I can get access to their computers.”
The guard was reaching out towards me.
“What’s the password?” I demanded.
The guard was on top of me, pulling my arms off the still nameless boy and forcing them down. Another grabbed my hair as a pair of handscuffs were forced onto me again.
“Stupid girl” The guard laughed before shoving his hands between my legs and groping me. I struggled to get away but he didn’t care. He withdraw his hand and grabbed my breasts painfully, squeezing tightly as he felt me up. The other guard leaned in close.
“Bad move girl.” He told me “It’s your first night here and you’ve already got detention.” And with that they marched me out of the dinner hall, Every ones eyes following us out.
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