What You Were Missing

Josie fumbled through her pursuit trying to find her goddamn phone. Gum wrappers. Keys. Wallet. Cigarettes. No phone. Maybe she had stayed at the bar with her friends a little too long; that last whiskey shot might have been what did her in.

Finally her fingers collided with cold metal.

She pulled the iPhone triumphantly from her clutch, smiling as she wobbled her way up the stairs of her rented downtown house.

The cute duplex had been rented by her and her boyfriend Mark for about eight months now and was finally furnished to their trendy and eccentric tastes, just like Josie always imagined for herself.

Mark was a decent boyfriend and likable guy, but lately their sex had been stale. Predictable. A means to an end. But Josie loved Mark and stayed loyal despite her boredom and wandering imagination.

But Mark wasn’t home tonight…

It was always so much easier to turn down the guys at the bar and her male friends when Mark was around because he madefor a pretty obvious barrier. But tonight, when she’d been out with her friends, Josie felt free for the first time in months and when her childhood friend Christian began to shamelessly flirt with her she didn’t conceal her smiles this time.

In fact, when Christian told a joke, she couldn’t help but lean forward and put her hand on his chest as she laughed.

Christian was the antithesis of her boyfriend Mark: where Mark was clean-cut, modest, and simple, Christian was rugged, bold, and intriguing. Mark won Josie’s heart with his humor and kindness, always looking out for her best interest. His skinny hipster look of glasses and plaid fit right in with his city office job where he made plenty of money as a social media guru.

Mark on the other hand had been Josie’s friend Since high school and their dads still went hunting together during deer season. Mark and Josie had always been a little flirty but Mark never took things further than a little playful grab-ass when they were drunk.

Josie sat down on her front steps and lit up a cigarette while she contemplated the way Christian’s called, hard working hands felt on her hand when he dragged her to the bar for another shot that night. Whiskey and Budweiser were his choice every time. Christian’s thick bear, sleep of tattoos, and working boots all read one thing to Josie: man’s man.

Taking a drag off her cigarette Josie (almost) involuntary texted Mark

“Hey. Wyd?”

Almost immediately her phone dinged with a reply.

“Leaving the bar. You make it home, fucker?”

Josie smiled at his cruelness that she was so fond of.

“Yea. Not ready for bed though. Come listen to shit records and drink wine with me ass face,” she texted back.

Josie paused and thought about it. She could have invited any of her girlfriends over to hang if she really wasn’t ready for bed. But for some reason (refusing to think too hard about it…) she wanted to see Christian…

Another ding.

“Otw” was his only reply.

Josie would be lying if she said her heart didn’t jump a little a his reply. But…it’s not like they were going to do anything. So what if Christian was fucking smart…with that effortless swagger that most men could only clamor for? So what if the way the smell of his sweaty band tees mixed with his deodorant filled Josie’s senses when he was close, in a heady, utterly masculine way?

Her mouth watered just thinking about it.

No! Records and shitty merlot, that’s all.

Just a Josie was stubbing out her second cigarette and making her rounds on her favorite sub-reddits, a white truck squealed into her driveway.

Flicking out a cigarette and adjusting his hat (like he constantly does), Christian came swaggering up the stairs.

“I thought you said you were tired and wanted to go home? Now your home and wide awake all of the sudden?” jabbed Christian who stopped his stride at the bottom of the stairs, eye level with Josie’s chest.

For the briefest second, Josie considered what it would be like to bury his face in her chest right then and there. Let the smell of her perfume fill his head while his lips brushed her satin-soft cleavage…

“I was just tired of the damn bar. Ready to take these fucking shoes and dress off…” Josie prattled, not realizing the implications of what she’d said until it was out of her mouth.

A look flitted across Christian’s face. A dark, lucky look that made Josie hold her breath.

But Christian quickly composed himself and turned his “careful what you wish for, little girl” eyes into a teasing crinkled grin.

“Well shit, I can help you out there. Just turn around, where’s the zip on this shit??”

Christian lunged for Josie, but even in her heals she was up and bolting for the door with a laughing squeal before he could get his hands on her.

Josie unlocked the door to the house and tossed her keys and pursuit on the concrete countertop. Kicking off her shoes Josie calmed her heart rate and padded lightly in her mercifully bare feet to the fridge for some wine.

Christian made his way to the record player and dropped the needle on the already sitting vinyl disc and began thumbing through Josie’s record collection for the millionth time.

“When are you going to start listening to good music?” mused Christian.

“I don’t know, probably When you start drinking good alcohol,” Josie jabbed back.

Christian smiled and took the ice cold Budweiser from Josie’s outstretched hand and she took some long sips of her deep burgundy wine. They stood like that in the kitchen for what had to be an hour, he leaned against the kitchen table, she sat on top of the counter, bare feet dangling, drinking glasses upon bottles, talking about their dad’s and music.

After maybe one too many glasses, Josie became slightly unaware of how she was sitting. She leaned over far as she laughed and didn’t notice the way her low cut, sleepless dress was exposing her double D’s perhaps a bit too provocatively. She barely noticed how Christian’s eyes couldn’t help but drift from her elegant neck, to her collarbones, to her ample, bouncing chest. She unknownly touched her chest, allowing her hand to rest and linger on her breast as she told a particularly funny story about the time Mark found a raccoon in their chimney.

As Josie reached for the bottle of whiskey by the sink her legs drifted apart to keep her balanced. Again, Christian couldn’t help but notice.

The fucking tease was literally flashing the most adorable black lace covered lips he’d ever seen… He swallowed hard, but felt his cock twitch in his pants.

God he had noticed her all night.

Every time she touched him at the bar, his skin tingled with the heat of her skin. She was impossible not to notice, even if she seemed totally unaware of her allure to the opposite sex. Her petite frame begged to be picked up and tossed around, while her creamy skin, with its light dusting of freckles on her face and shoulders, was absolutely bite-able. Her waist length, brown hair that she always kept wound up on top of her head was down in a cascade of waves, brushing past tits so big they look as if they could top her over.

Her effortless sex appeal had been Christian’s wet dream since they were 18, not to mention her mind and humor Always kept him on his toes, anticipating their lively debates and drunken texts.

And fuck if she didn’t look like a meal right now… practically inviting him to bury his face in her pussy, perfectly perched on the counter.

Josie offered up a shot glass full of amber liquid. Christian took it and tinked his to hers and said, “So are we cheersing to you finally getting a break from D-bag Snark?”

“Hush your shit Christian Jones! Mark is fine and I actually kinda miss him!”

Chris rolled his eyes and with air quotes mocked, “Kinda. Miss. Him? He’s supposedly the goddamn love of your life and you’re the happiest right now than I’ve seen you in months.”

“Fuck you Chris, just because I decided to settle down rather than fuck every bar skank that walks by doesn’t mean I’m not happy. You should try it sometimes. Relationships can actually make you happy if you just fucking put away your dick for two seconds.”

Now Christian was actually kind of mad. Of course he hadn’t settled down! The girl he wanted was busy spooning some tool while he just had to sit back and watch it happen.

“You know what Josie, you can lie to Mark, you can lie to your friends, you can even lie to yourself, but you can fucking lie to me. You’re fucking miserable.”

Josie tried to interrupt, jumping off the counter and taking a step closer to Christian, but he towered over her, all his masculinity seeing from him.

He continued before she could get a word out, “And you know how I know you’re not really happy?? Cause you’ve wanted to fuck meSince the second I walked through that door. If you were so happy you wouldn’t have even invited me here. So go ahead and run your mouth little girl, because you’re the one who’s jonesing for decent pounding and if you keep it up I’m liable to be the one to give it to you.”

With that he turned on his heal and marched straight out the door, slamming it behind him.

What the fuck was he thinking?? She was prime for the picking! The way she stood there, defiantly trembling under his dark gaze… Why did he let his anger get the best of him??

Inside Josie was yelling insults at the door, pretending her anger was for Christian’s words and not the fact that he’d just walked out the door without…..

Just as Josie turned around and started to walk towards the sink, the door burst back open.

In a flash Chris was on her.

His hand grabbed the back of her head and pulled her head into a kiss that was not at all gentle.

Josie immediately lifted her arms up and around his neck and returned the kiss as much as she could, but it was clear who was dominating this embrace.

Almost immediately Christian hooked his arms under Josie’s bare thighs and hoisted her up to the counter. There, the juncture of her thighs rubbed against the front of his jeans and a quickly growing hard on.

The way he devoured her mouth put Josie in a haze; she almost couldn’t feel the Relief of finally touching this man over the intense sensings screaming through her body for what feels like the first time.

Chris demanded and she yielded. When his tongue went into her mouth, searching for something deeper that they both desperately wanted she thought she would melt into his chest. As his tongue darted in and out of her mouth, stoking a fire between her legs like a bellow, his hands (those sexy, called, working hands) dug into the backs of her pale, kitten-soft thighs like they were clinging onto life itself.

But Chris was too hungry to stay there for long, after a solid minute of learning Josie’s taste, he moved to her neck.

These were Josie’s tenderest spots and when Chris’s ragged breath came across her ear she shivered in pure lust, drenching her already wet panties.

Christian was on fire with her heated reactions and her unwitting grinding on his now throbbing dick. He swirled his tongue on the delicate shell of her ear and grazed his teeth on her tender lobe.

Josie couldn’t stand it. She let out a moan in his ear. “Fuck Chris…” she breathed.

Involuntarily he bucked his hips towards her sopping cunt. He wanted to be at least some what gentle but goddamn this girl was not going to let him.

He yanked her strapless dress down and pulled back enough to ogle those show stopping breasts.

Her skin was satin and her rosy pink nipples pumped out, begging for his mouth. Cupping each one he licked around the areola, taking the time to glance up at Josie’s eyes.

They were hazy with lustand the way she was biting her lip drive Christian up the wall. As he circled she whimpered, begging him with her eyes. But he wanted to hear her say it out loud. Hear her tell him what she wanted him to do to her little body.

He pulled back an inch, breathing over her damp nipple,

“What do you want, Josie?”

She looked at him over the tops of her exposed chest and his dark, rough hands enveloping her perfectly ripe melons and begged barely above a whisper,


“Please what?”

His teeth grazed her nipple making her squeeze her eyes shut and thrust her chest forward.

“I want you to taste me.

Touch me.

Fuck me.


How could he deny such a plea from those bee-stung lips? Especially when his cock strained painfully against his jeans…

With newfound fertilizer he took her peachy nipple into his mouth and sucked and teased, hovering his mouth and rapidly swirling the hardened pebbles.

Josie squirmed and moaned when he pressed her tits together, clenching them almost painfully hard, bringing her nipples close together and licking back and forth between the two.


Josie bite her lip and let her head roll back. Being touched like this, with such masculine surety and tender aggression sent waves of pleasure rolling through her belly.

Christian, however, had barely began.

He dropped to his knees and push Josie’s expensive party dress up to her hips and hooked his fingers through those lacy black panties.

His breath caught in his throat as he slowly revealed those pump, pink lips he’d caught such a fleeting glance of earlier in the night. He had known in that moment that, despite their years of friendship, and her godawful boyfriend, he was going to ravage that cunt like none other tonight.

Slowly, he parted her legs. When he feel a little resistance he knew fucking D-bag Mark had probably neglected this delectable quim and deserved to be shot on sight.

When he looked up and saw her hesitant, bashful face he slowly rubbed his hands from her ankles to her knees while giving her a meaningful look,

“Open up for me, Jos. Daddy just wants to make you feel good. Don’t you want me to make you feel good?”

His deep voice melted Josie on the spot and she became nothing but a pool of liquid fire as his delicious words and breathing ghosting over her. She opened her legs and he dove in….

The initial contact made Josie jump, but oh my god, the feeling of his wet tongue on her wet pussy created the slickest, most pleasant sensing Josie had ever felt. Her embarrassment immediately evaporated as Christian stuffed his tongue into her dripping wet cunt.

“Fuuuuuck…” she squeaked out.

In and out of her hole, Chris tongue fucked her tangy juices till her breathing became just shuddering gasps.

“You like when I lick that little pussy?”

“Jesus. Christ,” was all Josie could get out.

Christian then flattened his tongue and went to work on her sorely neglected clip, lashing her within an inch of her life. He felt her hips buck and knew she was getting close, which turned him on almost more than he could stand.

With her moaning and whimpering invitation, he rammed his fingers into her pussy over and over while he ate her alive.

Her voice started as breathy whispers,

“Fuck… Oh shit…”

Quickly got louder,

“Fuck. I think I’m gonna come… oh my god I’m gonna come!”

With that Josie, moaning at the top of her lungs, came apart in his mouth, pulsing around his fingers.

Chris sat back on his heals to admire his handiwork and listen to Josie’s breathing return to normal. When he stood up, despite the earth-shattering orgasm that just rocked her shit, Josie leaves off the counter with a devilish grin painted across her face.

“All right mother fucker. Your turn…”

With the impish grin of a woman unleashed Josie walked her victim back to a chair and pushed him down into it.

Straddling his lap, she kissed him to taste herself and god if it didn’t turn her on…

She pulled the remainder of her clothes off and Christian pulled his shirt over the back of his head revealing a hairy chest that made Josie play her hands in admission and grind her bare, wet pussy on Chris’s jeans.

Christian could feel the wet spot through his jeans and realized if he had to wait one more minute for this woman’s pussy he was going to fucking lose it…

But that was before Josie dropped to her knees and gave him that look…

Like a woman possessed. Positively hungry for cock.

Slowly and deliberately she undid his belt and top button. Her small hand rubbed along the ridged length of his cock on the outside of his pants. She ran her teeth from base to head, ready to consume him whole.

He was happy to oblige. Damn if he hadn’t wanted this petite brunette’s mouth for so fucking long… andHere she was kneeeled in front of him like a cock-sucking goddess.

Together they yanked his clothes off, leaving his standing erection inches from her waiting mouth.

She rubbed her hands up his thighs. Slowly. Staring, dreamy eyed at his veiny member.

She kissed the inside of one thigh. Then the other, trailing wet hot kisses all the way to his pubes. Just when he thought her teasing was too much she wrapped her hand firm around the base and held the head up for a slow lick.

Good god if she didn’t look like a kid with an ice-cream cone… She sweetly licked the head like she thought it would melt and she wanted to catch all the drops before they fell…

Christian made a hissing sound through his teeth and knocked his head back in the sweet torture.

With doe eyes Josie looked up,

“What’s wrong Daddy? Don’t you want me to lick it clean?”

“Fuck yea baby. Maybe you can clean it real good with your whole mouth though.”

Josie nodded and smiled; she loved using his dirty little game against him.

She took his whole thickness as far as it would go into her mouth and then some. Almost to the base. God it was heaven…

She bobbed her head up and down keeping a pumping rhythm with her hand that had Christian seeing stars.

So she did know how to use that fucking mouth….

Josie gagged on his cock and spit right on to it, using it as lube to pump him faster. While she did that, she took one of his balls in her mouth, giving it a lick then swallowing it whole and giving the other the same treatment. She licked the seam down the middle of his sack while she pumped his cock with both hands. Then she got an idea…

Raising up on her knees Josie spit on her beautiful tits. Right down the middle. And stuffed Chris’s cock right in between them and began bouncing up and down like a rubber ball.

“You like the way those tits feel on your fucking cock, baby?” she asked as she bounced even harder, leaning down to lick his head every time it emerged from the top.

“Fuck yea, Jos. Shit…”

Those tits felt amazing but there was only one place he was going to come tonight and it was on Josie’s sweet cunt.

He’d had enough of the games and the foreplay; the arguing and years of waiting. Christian wanted what was his.

With those rough hands and without a word of warning he snatched Josie off the ground and flun her onto the dining room table. She looked terrified and thrilled as Christian tore his day-time mask off and let the animal come through.

He rubbed his leaking head on her soaking wet entrance (god she was ready for him…) and popped just the head in. She gave an unearthly moan. He couldn’t wait.

He slammed his length into her, right to the fucking hilt. She had gone still and was holding her breath. He was big but surely she was OK. Shit, he hadn’t hurt her, had he?

He leaned up to look at her and saw nothing but raw lust, like fire, inher eyes. Only then did he begin to rail her against the table.

“Jesus…Christ….Chris,” she said between breaths, “If I would’ve known it was going to be like this I would’ve fucked you in the bed of your truck when we were 16…”

All those years of wanting her and not having her came flooding to Chris and he felt his anger rise again.


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