Sampson Slavery Laws Ch. 03


I lay awake all night watching Todd, Zac’s slave sleep. Although being exhausted I couldn’t sleep. Todd looked so peaceful as he slept. I wonder how long it took him to be conditioned into being able to sleep this way. How easily he accepted being called Scum. Seeing his missing tongue was alarming.

I needed to pee so badly and tried to hold it for as long as I could. I Didn’t really want to piss on the naked slave in front of me but as each minute passed it became harder and harder to resist. Then it got too much and I let loose, all over the toned blonde boy.

The warm liquid cascading over Todd woke him up. He opened his eyes and we once again were forced into eye contact. Todd seemed independent and after I finished pissing just closed his eyes again. He was completely unfazed.

I was so ashamed of what I had just done. I knew he didn’t have a choice which added to my shame. Naked, caged and collared I was left with only my thoughts and regrets. I wantedto speak to Todd but I knew he couldn’t respond so I decided not to speak.

Why did I agree to this. I should have taken my chances with the processing plant. Maybe I could have convinced a guard as to what was happening to me. But even Doctor Sampson was involved in the conspiracy. If only I wasn’t so mean to Carl.

The door to the dungeon opened and the overhead light flicked on blinding me and waking Todd. The four Masters entered looking down at the two naked slaves collared together in the cage. Joe reached into the cage and unlocked the padlock that joined us two slaves together.

The cage was opened and Todd crawled out. I decided to mimic my slave brother. If I seemed obedient then surely, they would take it easy on me. Todd crawled to each Master and started to kiss their feet. He Couldn’t say good morning, Sir, but he kissed their feet none the less.

I followed but I wasn’t as quick. My legs were cramping from the cage and my knees hurt on the cold concrete floor. I finally made it to Joe and started to kiss his feet. I can’t believe how far I had dropped in life. I made my way around the four Masters kissing their bare feet and saying good morning, Sir.

‘Look how filterthy the two of you are, against the wall,’ Zac said.

I looked down at my body. I was covered in grime from the basement floor. I could just imagine how I smelled. I haven’t showed in a day. In that time, I have been spat on and pissed on multiple times.

Todd walked to the further wall of the basement and put his hands against it so he had his back to the Masters. I followed suit and stood beside him. I was terrified as to what was to come but knew better than to not follow the blonde slave’s actions.

I put my hands against the wall and looked at the ground. A moment later icy cold water was being sprayed on my back. It made it hard to breath. The stream lasted for five minutes before I was told to turn. The same treatment happened to my front side. My body was tingling.

Zac said his goodbyes to my Masters while hooking a lease onto Todd. He pulled him up the basement stairs. The blonde twink was dripping water and shivering as he walked up the stairs. Carl walked over to me and clipped a lean to my collar and spat in my face.

I’m so hungry, I really hope they let me eat. It must be at least 24 hours since I last ate. Rob Thought as he was directed up the stairs. He noticed dirty dishes and frying pans in the kitchen. To his dismay he realized they had already eaten.

‘Clean up, we are going to get our surf boards ready,’ Pat ordered.

I looked at the mess on the table and often. It was going to take me a while to clean all this up and I’m so hungry. I filled the basin with warm water and started my task. Cleaning naked in Their house was both humiliating and a turn on. My dick started to grow as I cleaned.

As I was cleaning, I noticed some leftovers on one of the plates. I hadn’t been given permissionon to eat but also, they didn’t say not to. I gobbled it down in a second. I barely even chewed it I was so hungry. It was some bread and sausages and a few beans but it was amazing.

I didn’t notice my three Masters return and Pat walked over to me and grabbed me by my hair.

‘This fag just ate without asking first,’ Pat announced.

I looked at Carl and Joe who were shaking their heads in disapproval. Little did I know they had left the food there as a test. One that I had just failed miserably. Pat pulled me over to the chair and bent me over his knee. He started to spank my bare bottom. I started to plead and beg for it to end.

‘Let’s try this modification,’ Joe said while going through his phone. A moment later I was unable to make any sounds. I have been silenced like Todd.

Pat continued to wail on my ass. I was trying to speak, trying to plead but no sound was coming out. It was a very unusual feeling. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t scream. What if I never got to speak again.

Finally, he pushes me of him I fall to the ground. My face is covered in tears.

‘This is the first half of your punishment. I promise you very much that you will regret eating without permission,’ Pat said.

I slowly got to my feet. I glanced at myself in the mirror. My ass is bright red.

I’m directed out of the house through the garage. At the entrance of the garage are three surfboards and a rickshaw that can hold four people. It’s like the type of one in ancient Rome where a horse will pull the guests. I guess I’ll be the horse.

‘Put the surfboards under the seats,’ Pat orders.

I do as I’m told because really what’s the point in fighting it. Pat then tells me to hold the two sticks and steady the carriage. I lift up both sides and my three Masters climb aboard. It is surprisingly light and easy to balance.

‘Now take us to Cosy Corner, we want to have an early morning surf. Don’t make us use thewhip,’ this time its Carl’s turn to give me orders. Although how early it is the sun is quite hot. Pulling the rickshaw won’t be as bad but I’m so hot despite being naked.

As I start to walk. I hear laughter from my Masters and can feel blood rushing to my dick. I’m now pulling them with a rock-hard cock and no way to cover it up. I shouldn’t be suspired they chose this option. There are so many people staring at me as I walk slowly pulling my Masters.

After 30 minutes I finally arrived at the surf spot nicknamed Cosy Corner. I look down at my body and I am completely drenched in sweat. My dick is still hard as pre cum leaks from it and I am so thirsty it is unbelievable.

I unload the surfboards and look around at the crashing waves, how much I would like to cool off in the sea ​​right now. But to my right I notice the long cage for storing slaves while their Masters enjoy the beach. I had totally forgotten about these cages.

The cage is rectangular in shape and holds 10 slaves. There are currently 4 naked slaves on their knees in the cage. Spaced along the two longer walls is four dildos. That when sucked release a liquid. The other side of the dildo is a basin for free men to piss into.

Free men use the basin as a urinal. They piss into it filling it up and it gets stored there with a tube connected to the dildo. The slave’s collars are connected to a chain just below the dildo, Their lips are basically touching it. It’s their job to suck on the dildo squirting the piss down their throat.

I remember it was just last week I came here from a surf desperate to piss and watched the look of humiliation in the slave’s eyes in front of me as I pissed knowing it would be soon consuming mine. Now I was about to be put in the same situation.

Pat walked over to me and lead me into the cage and stood me in front of one of the free dildos. He pushed his knee into the back of my leg forcing me onto my knees in front of the dildos.

‘Open your mouth,’ he ordered. I did as I was told a slight tearing forming in my eyes.

He took my hands and attached them with a small chain to either side of my collar. My hands where now stuck there. He attached nipple clamps to both nipples that had a small weight on them that caused a sharp pain when it fell.

The dildo slide about an inch into my mouth. I could see from the corner of my eyes the other slaves and noticed some of them had pissed themselves. They must have been here for hours. Drinking piss then needing relieve their bladder as they continued to suck on the dildo.

‘Oh, you are worried you are going to piss yourself? Don’t worry, we are going to try another one of your modifications. This one should be fun. Not for you of course,’ Joe said with his phone in one hand and his surf board in the other.

I didn’t want to drink more piss but I needed to drink something. My mouth is so dry and I feel so dehydrated. The cage is advertised on TV with the slogan. Rehydrate your slave while it practices its sucking skills. I think they need to work on their slogans.

I started to suck on the dildo, each time I moved forward piss was squirted down my throat. I feel so humiliated locked in a cage on my knees naked with my hands chained either side of my collar as I suck on a dildo that is releasing piss down my throat. The basin in front of me is almost full.

Carl walks around to the front of the basin and puts his surf board down. He pulls his soft dick out of his board shorts and starts to piss into it. As the streams hits it starts to over flow. Carl redirects the stream onto my face.

The guys leave for their morning surf and I’m left there sucking on a dildo and consuming a wide range of free men’s piss. I did this for about twenty minutes before I started to feel the need to pee. I didn’t want to knee in a puddle of my own piss so I held it.

The urge grew and grew I ignored the urge to pee. I mean I have been humiliated so much what difference does it make if I’m kneeing in my own pee. OK, I’m going to pee or so I thought. I tried to pee but nothing came out despite how badly I needed to pee.

Then it hit me what Joe means when he was on his phone. The modification. He has enabled the option of denying me the ability to pee. This actually may be the worst torture I’ve experienced so far. The urge too pee is intense but I can’t do it. This is an all-new feeling of degradation.

The three guys surfed for three hours a lot longer than normal. They wanted to prolong my humiliation as long as they could. The waves were majestic that day which made Rob even more jealous of his situation. He wanted to be out there with them.

I finally heard my three Masters voices coming from behind me, it Feels like I’ve had this dildo in my mouth for half a day. I still need to pee so badly. The urge is unbearable. I just wished my bladder would work the way it normally does and I could let loose.

Carl comes in and unhooks the chain connected under the modified dildo. I pull my face back slightly and can finally close my mouth. My jaw is aching. He unhooks my hands from my collar which are also sore. I have no idea how I am going to pull them home.

‘Sir may I ask a question please?’ I ask feeling my best way to be allowed to pee is to be very polite to my torqueors. Carl Nods.

‘May I please pee Sir, the feeling is unbearable, Sir please?’.

‘Not, yet. But soon. Now get ready we have a few stops on the way home,’ Carl answers.

A few stops, what now I just want to go back to their place and climb into my cage. I never thought I would say that to myself. The three guys climb on their chariot and I put their surf boards in the storage area below.

‘OK, slave takes us to your old apartment we have to get your affairs in order,’ Pat shouts at me.

I can’t believe this, I haven’t even had time to think about my apartment. I live in a nice apartment that is quite social. I hope none of my neighbors see me like this.

As I start to pull the rickshaw I can feel blood rushing to my dick, not the sensing I was hoping for but I expect that whenever I pull this vehicle, I will be hard. It’s about noon and the sun is beaming brightly. The 15-minute journey to my apartment leaves me breathless and covered in sweat again.

I stop the rickshaw Just at the entrance and my three new Masters hop off. Carl walks over to me and grabs my arm. I offer no resistance. He attaches one hand to my collar followed by the other. I hope they change the status of my dick I don’t want my neighbors seeing me hard like this.

‘Please Sir, can you make me soft Sir?’ Carl slapses my dick which gives me the answer.

He attaches a lean to my collar and drags me towards the lobby. Once inside we head towards the lifts. We haven’t to my relief ran into to anyone yet. Maybe I will be fortunate.

To my horror as the lift doors open two of myneighbors walk out. Sam and Alex twins who are 20, walk out and star at my naked body and burst out laughing. It’s an uncomfortable laugh and they seem more in shock than anything else.

Sam and Alex are identified twins. They have bright ginger hair that flops down over their foreheads. They are very pale and slim with some definition in their arms, they are both beautiful with very thin lips and button noses.

‘What happened to you?’ Sam asks.

But before I can answer Joe takes his phone out and prevents me from speaking.

‘He voluntarily became our slave. He said it was his life’s wish. He is actually the first person to be enslaved by their own free will.’ This causes more laugher.

‘Wow that is pretty pathetic. Look at him Sam, look how horny he is. He must be loving this,’ Alex said to his twin. I know Sam is gay, I’ve seen him steal glances at me when I’m in the pool, and all of a sudden, I can feel his eyes all over my body.

‘We are going to hisapartment to collect a few things if you have any more questions to ask?’ Joe says to the two beautiful ginger twins. They nod their agreement and they step back into the lift. For a moment I have almost forgotten my urge to pee.

We enter my apartment and it is empty save for my two suit cases in the middle of the room. Where is all my furniture all my belongings, my TV and PlayStation. The room is bare, everything is gone. What will happen in a year when I’m free.

‘Don’t worry slave, we have put all your stuff in storage, we are going to rent out your apartment to give us some extra money. Now stand in the middle of the room,’ Pat orders. I do as I’m told. Sam gives me a pat on my ass as I walk by him.

‘I forget you had a massive crush on him Sam,’ Alex says to his brother.

This makes me head lower as instead of the onlookers seeing me naked laughing at me Sam is most likely lusting over me. It makes me feel totally different.

‘Yeah,’ Sam says while walking over to me and putting his hand on my rock-hard cock. He starts to gently massage my dick making me moan lightly. As he does, he brings his lips to mine and gently cares them. His other hand is on my ass.

‘You can play with him for a short while but he won’t be able to cum. You will make him very frustrated though,’ Sam starts to increase the speed of his strokes. I feel an orgasm mounting as he edges me. I know I am unlikely to cum but I am willing it as hard as I can.

Sam is staring into my eyes strictly as he does it, he removes his hand from my ass and lifts my chin. He kisses me and it’s the first nice feeling I’ve had since I became enslaved. I kiss him back passwordately before feeling a thug on my shoulders pulling me away.

‘That’s enough for now Sam, maybe in the future we will bring him over but for now we have one more errand to run,’ Carl says ruining the happiest moment I’ve had for a while. Sam just shrugs and says that slaves are easy to get heisn’t sure he likes me so much anymore. That hurt.

‘Pick up your suitcases and bring them down to the front, you may take two visits,’ Carl orders.

Two visits that’s two trips down and up in the elevator and more chances that more neighbors will see me in this situation. Carl uncuffs my hands from the collar and I begin my task.

I make my descent with the bigger case first. It is heavy to my relief as that means my clothes are at least in there. Maybe I will wear clothes at some point in the next year. The lift is empty on the way down and I properly look at my naked body in the mirror of the lift.

I bump into my neighbors from the floor above me. They just stare at me and don’t say a word. I keep my head down. I don’t really know them that well which makes it a little less embarrassing. I retrieve the second case and my Masters and Sam and Alex join me in the lift on the way down.

I pack the bags beside the surf boards. This is going to make the journeyhome even heavier. My arms are already sore from the two trips earlier. I look at Sam who just divers his eyes. I wonder if I will ever see him again.

I had always found Sam cute despite him being a few years younger than me. I knew he found me hot as well but it never dawned on me to pursue anything. I guess I was too self-centred. Now there is no chance. My heart sank at that Thought.

‘We are going to the hostel on the way home boi, then we will let you rest and if you are lucky eat,’ Joe said as the three Masters piled on the rickshaw.

‘Alex and Sam, we will be in touch,’ Joe added. I didn’t wait for the twins to respond and started my journey to the hostel.

For over a year I lived and worked in this hostel. It’s a surf hostel that has a lot of long term residents that either do jobs around the hostel for free rent or get reduced rent during the quiet periods of the year. This is where I first met Joe, Pat and Carl.

I still have lots of friends at thehostel. Seeing my neighbors who I made small talk with and the odd beer was one thing but friends seeing me like this is so much worse. I pulled my three masters with my dick still pointed out straight not even thinking of everyone who could see my nudeness.

We arrived at the entrance of the hostel, I was again tired and sweaty. The sun was starting to lower but it didn’t seem to cool me down. I looked up to see an audience outside the hostel. I’m guessing one of my Masters texts someone in the hostel that I was arriving.

The crowd looked on as my three Masters dismounted. Pat walked behind me slapped my ass then once again attached my hands to my collar. I was stood there in front of all my friends naked, collared with a rock-hard dick pointing out in front of me.

There must be about thirty of my friends standing in front of me staring at me. Including the girls that I humiliated Carl in front of. Then I started to feel it and before I could do anything about it, Istarted to pee.

It felt good at first until I looked around at my audience.

With my erect cock it shot out high and long. The crowd burst into laughter and there was cheering and catcalls. The feeling was amazing despite the humiliation. I can only imagine it looks like I am enjoying it as my friends or former friends now look on.

Carl pulls me by the lean by his former crush and into the hostel. It’s so weird being back here in this state. I used to love this place. The hostel owner who was behind reception noticed me. He is talking to a staff member Troye. A beautiful blue-eyed slender twink.

The hostel owner Clay smiles when he sees me and come out from behind reception. He walks over to me and doesn’t even acknowledge me. He wasn’t the greatest boss so I expected nothing less. As he walks by me, we make eye contact and he spits in my face.

‘So, this is your new slave? Any chance you can take these two off my hands too. They are even more worthless than this one? Think I might fire them soon,’ Clay says while motion over to Jack and Bryce who are sat on the sofa drinking beers.

‘Maybe one day,’ Pat answers.

‘Troye, get the three lads a beer,’ Clay screams at the blonde twink who quickly jumps to the task. He comes back and hands the three Masters and Clay a beer. Clay doesn’t thank him. Clay, Joe, Pat and Carl click beers before chugging them down.


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