Sampson Slavery Laws Ch. 02

This is a sequel to a previous story of mine called Civic Experiment. It will show the world with new slavery laws through the eyes of the various people around a small town. It will continue Tyler’s story from Civic Experiment.

Thank you for reading.


I can’t believe my ears. After the third modification I think I had an out of body experience. I didn’t even hear the last one but can only suspect it was awful. Filth, formally known as Tyler unlocked Rob from the table he was attached to.

‘You can speak now Filth, tell the new slave what his life will be like,’ Dr Sampson said.

‘It will be OK, eventually you will come to enjoy it. Life is good without the stress of needing to making decisions for yourself,’ Tyler said.

He sounds brainwashed, how could anyone enjoy this lifestyle, being naked constantly.

I was ushered out of the room by Filth to find my three new Masters. The look of mischief on their faces is unsettling. The three Mastersare staring at me. I am happy they will get their Visa’s and maybe after a while Carl will forgive me for my prank.

I look down at my now hairless naked body. The hair just fell out leaving me as smooth as a baby. The only thing I am wearing is the metal collar. I am happy the leg restraints are gone. I’m about to begin my year of slavery. Carl walks up to me and connects the lean to my neck.

‘Come on now, it’s going to be a long walk home. We are going to take the scenario route’.

He pulls on my leash and I walk through the door of the processing plant and towards my second experience with public humiliation.

It’s getting close to evening but the air is still warm on my smooth body. The ground below me is not as hot as earlier. I look at the soles of my feet which are now black from all the barefoot walking I have done in the past few hours.

The streets are still busy and the onlookers star at my naked body. My hairless cock bounces up and down as I walkbehind my Masters.

‘I think we should test the rest of the modifications on the way home. I want to see if they are working properly,’ Pat said.

Dr Sampson had offered to show them how they worked but Pat had insisted the privacy of the lab was not the appropriate place to try them for the first time.

‘Which one should we try first?’ Pat asked.

They huddled together so I couldn’t hear. Pat Walked over to me with a shit eating grin on his face that has been plastered on it the whole day. He is definitely the leader of the group. He opened his phone and pressed a few buttons.

I am getting self-conscious standing here naked. The free men on the street all look at me as they walk by. Then all of a sudden, I can feel blood rushing to my cock and it starts to grow. Within seconds I now have the largest boner of my life.

‘This is one of the modifications,’ Carl says while laughing.

Carl opens his bag and removes a piece of rope. He ties a knot aroundthe base of my balls. He touches my dick which causes me to moan slightly. This is so humiliating it’s bad enough being naked but with a huge erection is even worse.

We walk through the streets my three Masters ahead of me. The guy I tormented pulling me by a rope attached to my rock-hard dick. A couple of teenagers, maybe 18 years old walk past me. One of them spits in my face as he walks by and the group bursts into laughter.

We walk towards a café that we used to frequently quite a bit. I am friends with the owner Jordan. I hope they walk by this place and don’t stop. I guess for the next year I won’t be going for coffees after my morning surf. I won’t be having a morning surf.

As we are approaching, I notice Jordan chatting with Zac. How could this get any worse I just want to be back at the house where my shade will be hidden. Me and Jordan have regularly bonded over our dislike of the new slavery laws. Really, I just fancied him.

Jordan is married to Dr Sampson. He opened the cafe slightly after the new laws came into place. He was very hesitant to talk about his dislike of the slavery laws. Especially since he helped bring them into place. Our conversations were always very secretive.

Behind Zac stands a lean naked slave. He has long straight dirty blond hair. He has menacles attached to his wrists and his ankles that look permanent. He is wearing a chatity cage that Dr Sampson said if my injections are a success will become obsolete in the future. He is also wearing a spider gag.

‘Hey guys, how are you getting on with your new slave?’ Zac asked no one in particular.

Jordan stared at me in shock and disappointment. Jordan has likely been told I volunteered which will make me even worse in his eyes.

‘We are just getting used to it. Maybe we can have a coffee and you can give us some tips?’ Pat requested.

‘That’s a great idea. But slaves aren’t allowed into establishments like this but they do provide storagee areas for your property. I finally convinced Jordan to get stocks in. It allows your slave to be humiliated as we relax,’ Zac said.

I scan around the exterior of the building and see 5 wooden stocks set up. The type where your head and hands are held through holes in the wood. The stocks aren’t hidden in the back but in an area that receives the most foot traffic. This is going to be humiliating.

Zac directs his slave over to the stocks. As he walks by me, I notice welts on its ass and back. He must have been punished lately. It is clear he has been a slave a while he doesn’t protest, he just obeys. I wonder how long it will take for me to become like that.

On his back in bold writing is the word Scum tattooed. It takes up the upper half of his back. It must have hurt when he got it done. The slave’s ass is beautiful, I always wanted my own slave. I wanted this blond twink, or was it the injections making me feel that way.

‘This is Scum. I will bring it over lat night to demonstrate how a slave should behave. Here is a spare spider gag. The position of the stocks makes them drool twice as much. Scum, I think, feels humiliated as it looks like it is drooling over the passing people,’ Zac explained.

‘He has no tongue and why do you refer to him as IT?’ Pat asked surprised.

‘Yes, I had it removed. The spider gag isn’t to stop him from speaking it’s so everyone can notice what has been taken from him. Don’t feel sorry for him it was a bad guy in his past life. He isn’t a he, he is just an object, an it,’ Zac answered.

I guess Joe must feel left out to my torque because he quickly grabbed the spider gag. I was hoping he might be the one to show me a bit of mercy during this time. I guess I am wrong. He attached the gag spreading my mouth completely open and pulled me by my hard dick to the stocks.

The gag was uncomfortable. I wanted to protect. Seeing my friends about to go into my favourite café made me feel like Iwas missing out on the fun. I suppose that’s the least of my worries. I lowered my head and then hands onto the slots and then Joe closed it around my limbs.

‘Speaking of Scum drooling over the surfers passing by. That allows us to try out a new modification. The modification to make chattity designs a thing of the past. We can edge him while he waits for us. It will be like he is getting the best hand job of his life,’ Pat said and Zac laughed

‘So, as he is drooling at the shirtless guys with surf boards, he will also be getting edged. Everyone will think he is a slave for being a pervert. Let’s go I want to learn about all the modifications,’ he said leaving us locked in the stocks.

Pat pressed a few buttons and it started. It started slowly I could feel this light violation on my dick as if there was a device set up to it but there wasn’t. I think I can handle this it’s not too bad I wrongly thought.

The sensing grow and grow it felt like I was being pleasureed by someone who knew exactly what they were doing with each second that passed the sensing grow. I could feel my dick getting wet with pre cum as I tried to resist the urge to moan. I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction.

I have moaned as much as the next guy especially when I’m the one doing the simulating. I have had my dick sucked and played with by others and while I did moan it was mostly brought on by trying to make my partner believe I was more into it then I was.

I didn’t expect it but I moaned loudly. This was a surprise to me the feeling of a growing orgasm made me moan involuntarily. I start to trust my hips hoping I get the release my dick badly needs. I must look ridiculous in stocks. My body thrusting as I moan with drool pouring from my mouth.

I feel like a dog in heat I am so close I need to cum. The moaning is now so loud as I’m so close. There is now a crowd of on looksers all recording me on their phones pointing and laughing at me. Just asI am about to come it stops. I am so frustrated I need to come.

The crowd is dissipating as I attempt to catch my breath. There must have been about a hundred people watching me moan through my spider gag. Thrusting my rock-hard cock at fresh air hoping to push me over the edge. My legs are sore from all the thrusting.

There are still two young lads recording on their phone. Rob recognizes them as the ones who spat on him earlier. They have their phone in one hand a tourist pamphlet in the other. They are clearly tourists. This might be one of their first experiences seeing a naked slave. I must be quite the sight.

‘Look at this filthy animal. Disgusting he has no self-respect humping the air and moaning in public,’ the dark-haired boy says.

His friend who has short brown hair walks up to me and spits in my open mouth. They sound like they are from a posh area in London.

I am helpless to do or say anything. I can just stand here with my ass in the air anda hard on as they speak about me as if I’m not here. The dark-haired boy walks behind me and starts spanking my ass. It stings so badly and I have no way to shield the blows.

‘The guys at home are never going to believe this Ollie,’ the brown-haired boy says.

‘They will when they see the videos Mikey. But I think we need to be in the shots or they will just think we downloaded it from the net,’ Ollie replied.

‘Yeah. Here shoot this,’ Ollie says as he walks up to me.

His crotch is now level with my open mouth. He grinds his crotch against me. My drool is now soaking his pants. I have left a damp spot on his pants. He notices this and is far from happy.

‘Look at what you have done’ he says as he grabs my hair and tilts my head back. He puts his hands into his pants and pulls out his floppy dick. He places his dick in my mouth.

‘Take pics of this everyone at home will love it,’ he almost orders his friend.

Mikey is taking pictures from all differentent angles. When he is finished and his friend has pulled back, he shows me his favourite one.

I look at it in disgust. How did he manage that angle. You can see Ollie’s dick in my mouth drool rolling down my chin as if I’m salivating at what is happening. In the frame is my rock-hard cock that still has pre cum leaking from it.

Out of the corner of my eye I see two more people walking towards me. When will this end, I pray for my Masters to finish their coffee. I hear familiar voices and my head just sinks lower. Its Bryce and Jack. I know they love to humiliate people. Slaves and free men.

‘Do you want us to take a picture with both you guys in it?’ Bryce asked the two Londoners.

‘Yea, can you please?’ Mikey said as he handed Bryce the phone.

The two teenagers looked at each other and smiled. They walked to either side of me and dropped their pants lightly. They pulled out their dicks and rested them on my cheeks. They looked to the camera smiling as Bryce took his time taking the pictures, he seemed to take dozens.

‘Do you want another picture?’ Bryce asked.

‘Yeah, one last one before we have to go,’ Mikey said.

As if moving with telepathy the two boys got into position. Ollie stood in front of me and put his balls in my exposed mouth. I could smell the sweat of them.

Mikey walked behind me his dick still hanging out of his pants. He stood behind me as my ass stood up in the air. He then started to hump me. I can feel the warmth of his dick against my ass crack. Bryce laughs as once again he takes countless photos of me.

I imagine from the pictures it looks like I am getting spit roasted by two teenagers.

‘OK, we have to go, dinner reservations.’ The Englishman says as he takes his phone back from Bryce. I see the two boys walk away but to my dismay Bryce and Jack remains. Jack looks closely at Scum.

‘Look who it is Bryce,’ Jack says.

‘Holy shit, it’s Todd,’ Bryce says leaning over and looking closely at him.

It clear that Jack and Bryce knew the slave in its former life. Jack walks over and runs his hands through Scums hair. Scum or Todd for the first time looks worried by what is happening.

‘Actually, guys if you have a bit of time could you do us a favour?’ Jack shouts to the two Londoners as they walk away.

The two guys look at each other as if to say why not and retrace their steps back to me. What is about to happen I wonder.

‘We have had a week-long bet going. But we need to finish it. We are tied 3-3. Best of seven. But we need judges for our last competition. Do you mind helping us out?’ Jack asked them.

The guys nodded clearly enjoying their power and the events of the day.

‘OK we both need to pee really badly. We are going to choose a slave and see who can aim and get the most into our chosen slave’s mouth. But we will disagree on who wins, so can you consult and make a decision please?’ Jack asked.

The two guys nodded. I can’t believe what I am hearing. It was bad enough Jordan seeing me like this but now two more so called friends are going to humiliate me. Jack walked up to me lifting up my head as if examining me and then did the same with Zac’s slave.

‘I’ll take Todd, another victim of the humiliators,’ Jack said. I don’t know what it means and frankly I don’t care.

They both agreed a suitable position that was far away enough to make it a challenge and unzipped their jeans. I was so jealous they got to wear jeans.

My mouth full of drool was positioned slightly up with no way to move my head. I have no defence. Bryce pulled out his semi-hard dick. It was smaller than expected and a lot smaller than Jacks who I could make out barely out of the corner of my eye.

‘3, 2, 1 go!’ Jack said.

Bryce aimed his cock at me. It seemed to take and age but eventually piss squirted from his dick hitting my hair. He directed the stream down my face blinding me as the warm piss entered my eyes and then he finally reached his target.

My mouth start filling up with Bryce’s piss and there was nowhere for it to go except down my throat. This wasn’t like when Carl pissed down my throat, I could barely taste it but now I am tasting every drop from this twinks dick.

The two Londoners were now cheering on the boys and encouraging them. The piss filled my mouth and started to pour out down my chin and down my body. How much can this guy piss I thought as it was another thirty seconds before it stopped.

Bryce walked up to me and stuck his dick in my mouth. ‘Lick it clean, savour the taste,’ he said to me.

Jack was still going with Scum. Clearly, it’s not only his dick that is bigger than Bryce’s. Scum has clearly been broken in by Zac. There is no look of shame no look of anything on his face. He is just accepting what is coming his way. I wonder how long till I reach that point.

‘OK, so who wins?’ Bryce asked as if it wasn’t obvious.

The two teenagers huddled together but it didn’t take them long before they came back with Jack as the victor. Bryce looked disappointed. I might feel bad for him if I wasn’t naked with a hard cock after drinking his piss. Zac and my Three masters returned.

‘Hey, leave our slaves alone,’ Zac ordered. Bryce and Jack smiled when they saw Carl.

‘We are just leaving,’ Jack said as he blew Carl a kiss which caused Carl to look to the ground.

‘Don’t worry karma can be a bitch around these parts. They will get what they deserve eventually,’ Zac promised Carl. It was clear he wasn’t trying to reassure us.

Zac stared at Jack as he walked away. He looks so angry at him.

Joe came over and unlocked the stock and surprisingly helped he to stand up straight. My dick was Still rock hard. I wish they would change the setting. I also had an urge to cum badly. The edge obviously a big factor in that sensing.

My three Masters and Zac walked ahead of the two of us.We finally seemed to be going in the direction of home. It had been a very long day and darkness was beginning to creep in. When we arrived at the house, I had to walk naked by more strangers. I am starting to get used to it.

I didn’t realize how tired I was. It has been a really long day. I just need to sleep I haven’t eaten anything since lunch time and my stomach is rumbling. We enter the house and I’m told to get on my knees. Pat fishes his phone from his pocket and pressed a button. My dick shrinks to a soft state.

‘OK, we think you have had enough for one day. We are going to let you sleep. Is the basement all set up?’ Pat asks Zac.

‘Yep, it’s all set up but I think you should tell them the morning and night rituals first. It was a rule I first implemented a long time ago,’ Zac suggested.

‘Oh, yes good idea. To show respect for us and any free man in the room at the time. Every morning when you wake up you will kiss the bare feet of every person present and say good morning, Sir. At night you will all kiss our feet saying goodnight, Sir,’ Pat explained.

Carl comes behind me and removes the gag from my mouth. My jaw is aching from hours wearing a spider gag. I decide that protesting is useless and will only lead to a punishment before bed. I crawl over to Pat. He flicks his flip flops off exposing his bare feet.

I kiss his left and then right foot. His feet are beautiful. I have always had a foot fetish. I say goodnight, Sir and crawl over to Joe who is already barefoot. I repeat the process and Joe rubs my head like a dog. I feel so degraded.

I crawl over to Carl to kiss his feet. He was the only one who wore socks and shoes when I started my walk to the Processing Plant. He was now in just his socks. They smelled slightly of sweat. I bent down and kissed his white cotton socks. I felt a smack on my ass.

‘Didn’t you listen slave. I said you must kiss his bare feet not his socks,’ Pat chided me.

Carl had sat down at this point his feet resting on the coffee table. I crawled back to him. And as I started to take his socks off with my hands, I felt another smack to my ass. ‘Not with your hands use your mouth,’ this time it was Joe’s turn to lesson me.

I got on my knees to reach his feet. I gripped the top his left sock with my teeth and tried to peel them down. It is very difficult and takes me a few minutes to get it off the whole time my nose is buried in his socks. I eventually get both off and kiss his sweet feet and said goodnight, Sir.

I then crawled to Zac to kiss his feet and got criticized for remembering it was every free man. I then got to rest as I watched Scum kiss the four master’s feet. Scum like the other three is stunning. His blond toned body is amazing. When he finishes, I ask permission to ask a question.

‘Yes, slave go ahead,’ says the leader, Pat. He nods for me to continue.

‘Can I have something to eat before bed please Sir? I am starving Sir pleasurese?’ I begged surprising myself and how quickly I had begun to beg.

‘No, I’m sorry. You will have to earn your food tomorrow. OK its bed time,’ Pat lifts me up and puts a blindfold on me and Scum.

Zac explains that Scum used to be called Todd, but he committed a terrible crime and lost his freedom and name.

‘I don’t want you seeing the dungeon just yet. We will save that for another day,’ Pat added.


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