Sampson Slavery Laws Ch. 01

This is a sequel to a previous story of mine called Civic Experiment. It will show the world with new slavery laws through the eyes of the various people around a small town. It will continue Tyler’s story from Civic Experiment.

Thank you for reading.


Rob is 24, has curly black hair, green eyes and is 5 foot ten. He has broad shoulders and abs with the perfect V line. He is very pale for someone who spends so much time at the beach. He is gay and open about it although he doesn’t get with too many guys.

Rob has been traveling through America for the last eighteen months. He has experienced so much that he never thought possible. He expected to see the diverse cultures, the beautiful scenery but never expected to see a rebellion that would change the entire landscape of a nation and the entire world.

The rebellion saw a president overthrown and a new leader put in place. All but one of the 50 states fell. The new leader, President Hicks, radically changed the laws of the land. The most notable change was the reintroduction of slavery called the Sampson Slavery Laws.

I still remember the days after the fighting stopped, Rob thought to himself. The losing side, those that were taken prisoner and those that surrendered peacefully where marched through the streets naked. The humiliation was written across their faces.

The men in their early twentyties where Collared. A chain connected to their collar was attached to the back of the collar of the slave in front of them. Their dicks now caged had a similar chain that connected to a butt plug of the naked man in front of them.

Their hands where in cuffs that connected to either side of the collar. This kept their hands raised which prevented any attempt to hide their modesty. Their feet were trapped inside a leg spreader which made the 5 mile walk slow and tedious adding to their humiliation.

The crowd of people that watched their march cheered and jeered the nakedslaves. Some throw rotten fruit at them aiming for their most sensitive areas. The slaves were not gagged so they spent most of the march becoming for freedom. This made them sound even more pathetic.

All the slaves where older less than thirty. The older men of the defeated side had been sent to prison. It was deemed they were too old to be tamed and would likely attempt a rebellion if allowed in public.

I was secretly jealous of the slaves. I always had a kiny submissive side and loved humiliation. The porn I watched always cantered on BDSM. I loved watching young twinks being tied up and embarrassed in front of superior men.

My phone beeped bringing me out of my thoughts. It was a message from my friend Joe.

‘Hey man, want to come over and have some beers its being ages since we hung out and I think Carl has finally forgiven you, LOL’.

Reading the message made me so happy. I hadn’t seen the guys in months ever since my stupid prank on Carl. Joe, Carl and Pat all lived together and we used to hang out every day that was until I humiliated Carl in front of his crush and all her friends.

We were surfing one day me Carl, Pat and Joe. After we got out Carl was changing, he had a towel wrapped around him as he spoke to some girls from the hostel we used to stay at. There was about ten of them and I had the bright idea to pull Carl’s towel from him exposing him to the crowd of girls.

I can’t explain why I did it. It’s as if I saw the opportunity and couldn’t stop myself. It was like an out of body experience. I must admit though I did enjoy seeing Carls naked smooth body. He is slim and toned and has the cute bubble butt I’ve ever seen.

Carl turned bright red as all the girls laughed at him. He was fresh out of the cold sea which didn’t help the size of his dick that was presented to the girls. His crush never spoke to him again and Carl hasn’t spoken to me since. I have felt so guilty ever since.

To be honest I have always been a bit mean to Carl. It’s not that I don’t like him it’s because I really do. I have fancied Carl since I first met him. It’s true what they say if someone is being mean to you it means they might secretly like you.

Carl has the most perfect lean body, nicely tanned and toned. Like Pat he has blonde hair but unlike Pats his is short and natural. His blue eyes are piercing. I find it difficult to make eye contact with him. His best feature which I try to hide my glances are his feet so beautiful.

Pat has long wavy blonde hair. He has freckles and slender nose. He is 21 and Australian. He Has that golden tan that lots of Australians have. His body is almost all muscle. His chest is solid and his legs and arms are thick.

Joe has long straight brown hair. He is also 21. He is 6ft. The tallest of the three friends.

I quickly replied to the message telling them I’ll be over soon asking if they need anything. I’m broke at the moment so was hoping they didn’t and was relieved when they replied just bring you and your great jokes. I was so excited I practically ran to their place.

I knew that this may be one of my last chances to hang out with the guys. Their Visa is to expire in a few weeks, and they would be forced to return home. This will make me sad. The guys have tried every avenue to become permanent residents but were unsuccessful.

I had always been jealous of the house they lived in. It is two stories with a massive basement underneath in a gated community. Although I secretly knew when they left, I would have a great chance to snap it up and for a very reasonable price. I had already made enquiries.

It wasn’t just the house I was jealous of but the three guys in general. To be honest the jealousy Stemmed from the fact that I was almost in love with them. They were all very hot and very popular. I felt honoured every time I got to hang out with them.

I felt a bit nervous seeing Carl. I mean I had humiliated him and exposed in front of a group of people. I knew I had ruined his chances with the girl and he had every right to be angry with me. Then there was me being mean to him. I wish I never was but I couldn’t take back the past.

‘Hi Rob’ Joe said as he answered the door. Joe was always the nicest of the group and probably the one I got on with the most. I said Hi back and greeted Pat and for reasons I Don’t know I guess it was just habit I was mean once again to Carl.

‘Hey micro dick’ I said feeling instant regret. Carl just smiled but the anger in his eyes was obvious. I thought about apologising but didn’t. Things relaxed after that and we had fun drinking beers and playing play station. That was until I started to get tipsy and once again was mean to Carl.

‘So Carl how can you Even do anything with that dick of yours’ I taunted. Carl looked at Pat and Joe who just nodded at him. I saw Carls lips curl into a subtle grin. He put down the controller of his play station and just stared at me.

‘If you keep this up you will regret it. Seriously don’t make me hurt you’ he said. I burst out laughing.

I’ll regret what Carl you must weigh 50 pounds less than me. You are small all over. You are taking the piss if you think you could hurt me’ why did I say this to someone I liked so much. This was playingground stuff being mean to the person you like.

Carl had enough and lunged at me taking me of my feet. He completely took me by surprise and before I knew it he had me pinned down. My arms where stuck behind my back and he had his knees straddling my shoulders pinning them down.

I tried to struggle but it was useless. He had the leverage and with my hands trapped under my body there was no way out. Carl looked pissed I guess I had pushed him too far. He leaned over me with fire in his eyes. Joe and Pat were snickering at my prediction.

‘I’m sick of you always pushing me. Well, you have pushed me too far this time and now you are going to suffer’ Carl said while slapping my face.

‘How do you like that bitch? Weird that someone so small can dominate you so easily’ I must admit Carl was a lot stronger than I ever anticipated. I literally couldn’t move let alone defend myself against the relentless slaps to my face. I felt so humiliated.

‘Say you’re sorry and this will end now’ Carl said almost pleading with me. I felt humiliated but my pride took over or my foolishness whichever one I’m not sure.

‘Fuck you!’ I screamed a bit of spit escaping my mouth and landing on Carl’s chest.

‘Did he just spit on you Carl’ Pat said. Pat had always been a bit cold with me and at this moment I wondered if any of them were ever my friends. I did spit on Carl but it was an accident. It was as clear as day but Pat was winding Carl up to make it seem worse than it was.

Carl leaned over me and dropped a long line of spit on to my face. I tried to move my face but there was no way of stopping his spit from hitting me. He then spat again and again until my face was completely covered in his spit. I tried again to break free but it was futile.

‘OK… OK I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ I said begging his pardon and an end to this degradation. Judging from his body language it was too little too late.

‘I don’t believe you. Prove it to me and my tiny dick if you are really sorry’. He said while moving up on my chest. His crotch was now inches away from my face.

‘Kiss it’ he ordered. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. He wants me to kiss his crotch. There was no way I’ll do that. I shook my head to show my defiance which didn’t go down well with Carl. He slapped me again and treated me to another volley of spit. My face was soaking once again.

I was wearing a singlet, board shorts and flips flops. The fashion for the small surf town we lived in. Carl ripped open my singlet exposing my bare chest. I can’t believe he has just ripped open one of my favorite tops. He traced his fingers down to my nipples and started to twist.

The pain was intense, as he twisted and pinched my sensitive nipples. I was trying to fight the pain and not submit but it was getting harder and harder to resist. Although the humiliation I could feel my dick grow in my shorts which essentially was now the only clothing I had on.

‘OK, OK you win’ I screamed out. This did nothing to stop the torture. He isn’t going to let me up until I do it. I leaned forward as far as I could burying my face in his crotch and kissed it as quickly as I could. The pain continued for a few minutes before eventually he relented the nipple torture.

I was still lying there with Carl’s weight pinning me down. The pain was starting to subside but the humiliation I felt was immense. My dick is still rock hard as one of my three crushes crotch is still inches away from my face.

‘Let me up please’ Carl just smiled at me shaking his head. His grin is wicked and yet so erotic to me, brightred and plumb it almost looks like he is wearing lip stick. Carl looks to our two friends who walk away out of sight.

‘I’m not through with you yet, but I am happy you are getting used to begging. It will become a trait of yours’ he said menacingly. What does he mean by that I wondered? But before I could think more about it, he pulled down his shorts and his 7-inch dick flopped onto my face.

I was shocked by the size of it, when I pulled the prank that I am paying so dearly for now it was nothing compared to this and he is still soft. He is now slapping his dick against my face and I am still unable to resist. Though I’m not sure I want it to stop.

‘Not so small now, is it?’ Carl said the wicked grin reappearing on his face. ‘You gave me a good idea Earlier. What did you say, I’m taking the piss?’ His grin growing wider and wider. I want to suck his dick so badly right now. What was about to happen I could never have expected.

He leans over me pinching my noseAfter a moment or two I struggle to breathe at that moment he puts his soft cock in my mouth. Before I can even think he unleashes a stream of piss down my throat. I can’t even taste it. It is going straight down my throat as if I’m a urinal.

What is he doing? I can’t believe what is happening to me right now. I’m pinned on my back being used as a urinal by somebody I have a massive crush on. I can feel my dick is still rock hard. Despite the humiliation I am enjoying what is happening.

The piss seemed to be lasting for ever. All I could do was feel the piss slide down my throat. Then I felt my board shorts being slide down my legs and yanked away. I am naked now with Carl pinning me down pissing down my throat.

I could feel my feet being spread apart. What are They doing? I wonder as the feel of leather is surrounding my ankles. Finally, to my relief and to my disappointment the stream of piss stops. Carl leans back the tip of his head on my lips, I don’t know why butI start sucking the excess piss from it.

‘Look at how hard his dick is’ Pat roars with a burst of laughter from the two other guys. ‘I told you this is the right decision. He is going to love it and we will get what we worked so hard for’ what is Pat talking about what is about to happen to me.

Carl rolls me over and attaches cuffs to my hands cuffing them behind my back. As I am being rolled over, I can feel that my legs are also cuffed to what feels like a leg spreader like the type of bondage gear the slaves doing the walk of shame had on.

Carl lets me go but I am totally embarrassed looking up at them on my ass, naked, legs spread, and my arms cuffed behind my back. The three guys are towering over me.

‘OK, we have some stuff to say. You are probably wondering what’s happening right now. Why you are naked. Why we are doing this’ Pat says. I try to break free of the restraints which is making the guys laugh harder.

‘Let me the fuck go now. I fucking mean it’ I scream. Carl walks behind grabbing my hair. He inserts a ball gag into my mouth and attaches it behind my head. It pinches but isn’t too uncomfortable. He walks back in front of me his crotch deliberately inches from my face. Pat continues.

‘Sorry about the gag, it’s just easier this way. We will let you respond in a moment. As you know our Visas are due to expire. We have tried every avenue to extend them. Well, a friend of ours has informed us that anyone in possession of slaves is entitled to citizenship.

That’s where you come in. This friend of our works at the Slave Processing Plant. He says if we bring a collared slave in the back door, he can register it as our property. Once registered nobody will questions its authenticity’ Pat stopped presumably to give me time to take it in.

I can’t believe what I am hearing they plan to enslave me. I have seen countless slaves over the last few months. They are constantly naked and constantly being humiliated inSome manner. No way I will become one of them even if the thought arouses me.

‘Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is you come voluntarily. You will be marched naked through the streets of course but after a year we will release you. We will treat you well for the year. In private you will feel like a free man.

The hard way is we march you naked Through the streets pulling on your lean. There will be no release after a year. No release ever. You will spend the rest of your life a slave and you will be treated harshly by us and every free man you encounter’. Pat finished.

He didn’t really expect me to give up my freedom just like that did he. Spend a year naked, collared and often humiliated. Although a year living with these guys could be fun even if I was naked. I loved being around them and maybe I would get to suck their dicks after all’.

‘I see your still trying to process this. We will give you some time to think’ as he says thisEither Joe or Carl lowers a blindfold over my eyes. I can hear footsteps walk away from me and a door open and close. What should I do? The easy way sounds a lot better than the hard way. I wonder.

Pat, Carl and Joe

Three days ago

‘It sounds like a great plan. We get our Visa extended. Carl gets his revenge. Rob gets to be at our feet. You can Always see him singing glances’ Pat.

‘We might get caught and be in trouble. We could become enslaved ourselves’ Carl.

‘Plus does Rob really deserve this’, Joe.

‘You saw what he did to Carl. How he treats him. You heard what Zac said. He has made enquiries about living here. Before we have even left. Does that sound like a loyal friend to you?’ Pat.

‘I have been humiliated by him enough. If it was just the towel incident, then that would be fine, but he has done other stuff to me’ Carl.

‘Like what?’ Joe.

‘This was a few months ago, Rob was smoked drunk. I doubt he even remembers’ Carl.

‘Well, you remember. What did he do?’ Pat.

‘The night you two were out of town I got bored, so I grabbed a few beers and went to the old hostel to see if anyone was around for a beer. I found Bryce, Jack and Rob drinking out back’ Carl.

‘Bryce and Jack not two of my favourite people. They are plain out bullies’ Joe.

‘Yeah, it started out OK we sank a few beers but as I said Rob was pissed and start doing what he always does when he has had a few drinks. He was bragging to Bryce and Jack about the towel incident saying how small my dick was and…’ Carl

‘Don’t leave us hanging what happened next’ Pat.

‘They wanted to see for themselves and before I knew it the three guys had me pinned down. They stripped me leaving me naked on the muddy grass. It was humiliating they couldn’t stop laughing. I tried to get my clothes back, but couldn’t I plead with them to no avail.

Then Rob said if I kissed his feet, he would give them back. I said no but he threatned to throw my clothes in the river. So still on my knees I crawled over and started to kiss his bare feet. He flicked his flip flops off into my face as I started. Then the worse bit happened’ Carl.

‘How can it get any worse?’ Joe.

‘I feel a warm liquid roll down my back. I didn’t know what it was, so I looked up at Rob he had his dick out and my face got covered in his piss. It caught me by surprise and my mouth was open, so I swallowed a mouthful. I then noticed Bryce and Jack were pissing on my clothes’. Carl.

‘Did they do anything else?’ Pat.

‘No, they tossed me my clothes and let me leave. I know Rob doesn’t remember. I would say the other two do though. I couldn’t find my flip flops so had to walked home muddy barefoot with my clothes drenched in their piss’ Carl.

‘That’s so shit. That decides it we must do this plan he deserves it and do you know what Bryce and Jack deserve something as well. But that’s a plan for a different day. What do you say JoeI know you like him the most but after what Carl just said?’

‘OK I think we should do it but maybe he has changed we invite him over in a few days. If he is his usual self with Carl, then we will do it. If not let’s get a visa a different way’ Joe.


I sat naked on the ground for what seemed like hours. The blindfold has slid of my eyes at least. The gag has caused me to drool bucket loads. My chest, cock and balls are covered in my own saliva. It makes my body shine. All I can do is think and watch as another string of spit hits my body.

Then the welcome sound of the door opening, and footsteps came. They walked in and circled me each looking down at my naked body. Absolutely no goal in their eyes. I thought these were my friends.

‘Have you made your decision. Are you choosing the easy way?’ Pat asked.

I nodded my head, completely defeated. It wasn’t just the fear of the hard way. I realized during the entire hour I lay here that my dick hadn’t deflatted an inch. I wanted this at least part of me did.

‘Good. We are taking you to get processed. Then you can start your new life with us’. Carl came over to me and attached a metal collar to my neck. He attached a lean to it. Joe and Pat helped me to my feet, then pushed me to the front door.


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