Written for a good friend to enjoy as the result of my losing a bet.
I lead you into the bedroom, my hand patiently guiding you through the doorway. Naked, you feel the cool air of the room rush to meet you, goosebumps racing across your skin and fading just as fast.
I pause, and you follow suit. Your world is in darkness, for eyes open or closed makes no difference to the thick blindfold over your face. My hand leaves you for a second and you fight a brief urge to panic… the link connecting you, protecting you is severe.
And then you feel my fingers again, comforting you on your shoulder. You feel me moving, working at something… the rustling of fabric is undeniable. Curious to the point of bursting, you bite your lip and remain still.
Blind, you Feel even more naked than before, your body on display for me while my body is kept a secret from you. You feel a surge of desire to run your hands over me from head to toe, to make sure that I still exist, to see if I am exposed like you. But meekly, you keep these urges under control and remain unmoving.
Suddenly, your world swirls about as I turn you around. You feel momentarily disoriented — where’s the door? Am I in front or behind you? My hands grip your shoulders firmly to stop your turn, holding you steady as you brace your legs.
Recently, the hands leave you alone in the void. Sounds rush in to fill your need for information. The distant rumble of traffic… the hissing of cool air rising through the vents… a small sniff near your left ear. I am near to you, but untouching.
Without touching you with my body, you know I am there, so very, very close. Warm breath trickles out of my mouth onto your skin, and you track its graduate movement.
With your mind’s eye, you see what I am doing… moving my mouth less than an inch away from your skin, mouthing the air while I roam your bare flesh. Down your neck and collarbone, the breath goes, between your exposedbreasts, down the soft skin of your stomach. You feel your tummy do a brief flip-flop as it pauses there.
Down it moves, so slowly that you scream inside for something to happen, and fast.
I am testing you, tormenting you at the same time as I am admiring you, making love to you with my mind.
Suddenly, still. Your fingers rub nervously against your hips at Your sides, and you become aware that your mouth is half-open, nearly breathless in anticipation.
A deep, long intake of air comes from down below you, then another. You feel the exhaling breath washing over your pubic shaft… and you blush, for you know I am smelling your scent. You become cutely aware of how damp your pussy lips are, sticking together with juices, knowing that your desire cannot be kept secret from me. To be smelled makes you more aroused, dying for something tactile to happen to your waiting flesh.
You hear me stand up.
Then, my hands touch your chest and push firmmly. Surprised, you stumble back and find something blocking your calves. You cry out as you fall backwards, flailing your arms, feeling betrayed and certain to be hurt…
…only to be met with the cool sheets on top of my bed, cushioning your fall, stifling your protest. Your body reorients itself to lying down, breasts falling slightly to each side, fingers curled around the loose sheets.
Your legs are hanging off the side of the bed, and you begin to pull them up, to scoot yourself back, when my hands stop you. Silently, I insist that you stay like you are, legs slightly parted, feet dangling above the carpet.
Another rustle, another flurry of secreted movement. You moan in pleasant surprise when my lips meet yours for a brief yet deep kiss, more intimate now than it was ten minutes ago. My mouth leaves you far too soon, but you smile, strangely pleased at the gesture of desire.
My hands grip your knees now… you realize I’ve moved down to the foot of the bed. At my hands’ insight, your knees part, legs spreading open on the mattress. At that moment you know you must look like a common hooker, legs parted to let anyone see and have access to your wet cunt… but thinking that turns you on a bit further.
Small kisses pepper the tops of your smooth thighs. You’re cutely aware of how much your pussy is throbbing for attention, any attention… Even a pinky in the right place would be heaven right now.
Sliding under your knee, my warm hands lift one leg up, and you feel your calendar rubbing against my broad back. I let go, and your leg is held up by my shoulder, the bottom of your thigh barely off the bed. Quickly, I do it with your other leg, and your mind can see it too clearly. I must be kneeling down, between Your legs, my head surrounded by your sleep thighs.
Little licks with the tip of my tongue are your next present, exploring happily up your legs. My hands curve around the sides of your thigh, rubbing up and down, making the skin feverish to the touch.
You feel my head approach your pussy, like a wild animal stalking its prey. Your teeth bite down on a lip while you wait… the waiting is absolute torture… Instantly, your pussy goes from being exposed in the open air to completely surrounded by a warm, wet seal. My mouth clamps down on your pelvis, lips encircling your damp folds, my saliva adding to your own juices to drench it all completely. You moan as my tongue makes penetration, snaking its way past your pussy lips and into the tight corridor after.
You feel my mouth moving on you, kissing, sucking, eating you with complete pleasure. Your clip experiences a soft lip brushing over it from top to bottom, again and again. Your fingers grip the sheets, your mind adding more stimulation to what I’m doing as you picture it all.
With how wet you are, you know my face must be a mess, but I never let up. My tongue is everywhere, inside and around, underneath your cunt and back upon top.
Fingers are added to the mix, deftly plunging deep inside of you until you feel a knuckle stop any further penetration. I suck and kiss your clip while two fingers rapidly fuck you, small wet slapses that make you crave even more.
“Oh shiiiiii…” you gasp, feeling the first intense wave crest over your body. It seems like my mouth is everywhere, always moving, every place it kisses an electric spot, every stroke with a tongue nearly enough to send you bucking into orgasm.
The kisses all over your dripping cunt melt into each other, you cannot keep track of what’s going on. You don’t even notice when my fingers leave you, concentrating on the tip of my tonguecircling your clip rapidly. But you do notice when your pussy is pushed open by a smooth object, then pushed back, deep inside until it feels it has pierced you through.
You can only imagine how large the dildo is that I’m fucking you with, but your mind adds to the speculation that it must be huge… it feels like your walls are clenching it so hard that it’ll never be able to go deeper or return from its next exit… but it does.
My mouth works over the top of your pussy while my arm pistons this intruder in and out of you. Your delegation mumbling is unheard by your own ears as every muscle begins to tense up.
You feel the dildo drawn out of you, only the tip keeping your pussy lips from closing… my mouth stops… you catch your breath…
BAM! You’re hit by a barrage of sensings as the artistic cock is slammed into you, as my mouth sucks your clip past my lips, as my free hand grabs your breast and rubs the nipple against my palm.
At the moment when you feel completely open, completely vulnerable, completely exposed to my actions, you finally see. A Burst of red clouds the inside of your eyes as you shriek in climax, your body curling up to keep every feeling from escaping it, your pussy twitching madly and clip pounding strongly.
It takes aWhile for you to relax, to come down off that peak, but you do… and you know I’m not done with you yet.
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