What the Fork

Pain. Oh sweet raw pain; so misunderstood. Now you may be of the opinion that pain is for sick fucks or you may be in the camp that the mention of pain makes your cunt clnch or cock throb. There’s the kind of pain that we all hate such as stubbing our toe or whacking our funny bone but then there’s the sweet, sweet pain where two worlds mesh and it becomes difficult to distinguish between the aching and pure pleasure. Now I’m no expert and don’t believe I’m a sadist although some may disagree. I believe when pain is delivered in the right doses, the setting is ripe and a dash of creativity is added pain is in fact heavenly.

The story to follow is fictional although for someone I adore; it will soon become her reality.

Forks, yes forks the everyday utensil we use in our everyday lives. With a little creativity and imagination they can become devilish little toys. I hope after reading this story you will never look the same way twice at the innocent of forks.

The story begins…

She is summoned to the dining room table knowing she is going to be given a lesson on how to be forked. She arrives as requested wearing a dress shirt of Mine and a pair of her “Sunday-go-to-meeting” panties. As the gentleman I am I pull out her chair, grab a handful of hair and place her down gently into the seat which is directly across from Mine. I love how she trembles as her body betrays her mind and her limbs start to shake outside of her control simply by ripping into her hair and twisting her down and into place. Moving in behind her I place the palms of my hands on the top of her head carefully intertwining her hair through my interlocked fingers massaging and tugging while I explain our play in a whispered hush.

“You are about to meet Tom. Dick and Harry. They are new toys you will watch me build. Once built your new playmates will be used to map you with My marks. Is this understanding?”

She simply nods.

Taking her wrists and movieng them into place behind the chair the cuffs are applied giving her just enough room to remain comfortable. Another set of cuffs adorn her ankles and fastened to the chair legs. Next applied is a red ball gag that I look forward to her whimpering through once play begins. For the final touch is My frisky little black leather collar with an inlay of red hearts and an “O” ring.

Now that she’s secured into place it’s time to play. I take my seat across from her and lay out six harmless, gleaming stainless steel forks lined up like little tin soldiers.

“Watch Me build and don’t you dare remove the forks from your gaze.” growing at her.

“Your first set will be named Tom, the second set Dick and the third Harry. Remember these as your new play toys ‘lil girl.”

Picking up the first pair of forks I simply face them away from one another back to back. I peer up at her and see her eyes open like saucers. Now with a few elastic bands I tightly band the around the handleto secure them against one another. To finish off the handle from a spool of velveteen ribbon I wrap it around hugging the steel tightly to form a nicely finished appearance.

“Tom will be used to torture your breasts and nipples. Do like like your new friend Tom?” I ask rhetorically.

The next set I pick up and begin to clean the tines with a chamois before placing them facing each other and interlocking the tines.

“This is Dick and he’ll be used to drag your ass, tailbone and rim your pretty little asshole. Is this understanding?” said in a hushed tone.

Once again the handle is finished in the exact same fashion as the previous toy.

The last implementation to be put together is Harry. Harry is formed by placing one handle on top of the other with the prongs facing up in the opposite direction to form one long two ended fork and again secured with elastics and the ribbon handle.

“This is Harry My dear and he’ll being teaching you to cum like a good girl through some risk and reward play while you learn to cum through the pain.” stated with certainty.

“Are you ready to meet Tom pretty thing? Are you ready to wear My marks?”

Moving in behind her with Tom placed in my hand like a painter would hold his brush I notice a trickle of sweat beading and rolling over her temple. I lean into her and kiss away her salt to taste her appreciation. She is beautiful and delicious and she fuels My password for pain.

“We must open My shirt and expose those wonderful breasts.” I whisper in her ear.

Now with the prongs grasping under a button I began to twist the fork around the threads and with one quick, hard jerk the button disappears, drops and tinkles across the hardwood floor.

Each button is removed slowly and systematically until all are removed and My shirt is opened exposing her wonderful full breasts and hardened nipples. The first order of business is to scrapl My name into her heaving breasts as the fork spin their magic. F-R-O-Z-E-N. Her head snaps back as the first few letters mark her. I’m careful to write lightly at first but with each letter the pressure of the prongs sink deeper. H-E-A-T. Her breasts light up as the welts formed by the path of the tines redden. Her whimpers and moans speak to Me and I know she is there for Me; presented and willing to give herself over. The prongs of Tom are played open and allow me to pass the prongs on either side of her nipple without touching it. I can see her ripe, hard nipple displayed properly imprisoned between the bars of tines. I cares her breast avoiding her nipple with each pass and she remains still as the trust and connection build between us.

“Do you need Me to hurt you? I demand.

She hesitates which sets me on fire. I’m not a patient man when I’m made to wait for answers.

Do you fucking need Me to hurt you? I repeat laced with anger.

Her response is immediately this time. “Oh. yes Sir I need your pain.” her voice shakesto Me.

“Good girl.” I tell her

The forks begin to sink in deeper, her nipple still untouched but the flesh is pocked, red and dotted as her breast swallows the pain. My hand goes to her throat, the tines working deeper and now twisted in ever so slightly. She begins to drool through her gag and her breathing becomes hushed as she pants. She is now Mine and the other breast needs the same attention. She realizes she’s where she belongs as her eyes start to well and give away her secret. The other nipple is housed as the first and her anticipation has her shaking her head side to side as the twisting begins. Her breathing more checkered and her mouth rivers like a waterfall. She is Mine and she’s beautiful.

Carefully, her left nipple becomes the focus of attention as the tines rest on the very tip. With precision the prongs begin to sink in. At first her nipple collapses in as the fork goes in deeper. Her once quiet little whimpers now becomes high pitch sights as Tom buries her nipple into her breast. Once her sweet morsel is buried the twisting begins and her head tosses back into Me searching for answers to her pain. She’s here now and she dare not protest and it swells Me with pride.

“Almost there ‘lil girl, one more side to go and we’re done.” I assume her.

As the words leave my mouth the prongs of Tom start digging in. Slowly, deeper then deeper still as her hard bud gets buried into her breast. The tines begin to twist in as does her neck, wrenching side to side twisting like a gate swinging open, her moans begin to cry and her chest becomes sloppy with pools of spitle draining from her mouth. I’m taking great pleasure from this and feel My cock pulse watching her eyes strain back, fluttering to seek me out and beg to stop but she’s My good girl and she gives as I take.

Upon release she begins hot little pants, her head slumped forward staring down at her nipples as if to try to soothe them. I place the forks on the table andcup her breasts in My hands kneading them, massaging My fingers buried deep into her aching mounds and toy with the nipples that have been set on fire.

Now nibbling at her ear I whisper “I’m so proud of my little girl and now it’s time to meet Dick.” I remind her.

I remove the cuffs from her ankles, raise her to her feet helping her pick her cuffed wrists up and over the back of the chair. Taking her with My fingers at her throat and My other hand gripping into her hair I bend her forward shaping her bent over with her breasts pinned against the wood and her thighs tucked in deep against the edge of the table.

The chain of the cuffs provides the perfect grip to hold her in place as her ass cheeks are ripped into by the prongs.

“We are going to play a little game My dear and here are My rules. I’ll be writing words into each ass Cheek and it’ll be up to you to pay strict attention, identify each letter and then spew the word back to me. If you guess the word correctctly we’ll move on to the next however if you miss the word the tines of Dick will be buried in your ass and twisted. Is this understanding?” I explain in no uncertain terms.

Removing the ball gag I allow her to answer. “Oh yes Sir I fully understand.” she replies

Holding her new toy like a pen I begin our game. C-O-N-T-R-O-L is written across her cheek, she is focused and answers correctly. P-O-W-E-R gets carved into her other chef and once again she finds the answer. The next word has Me alternate back and write C-O-M-P-L-Y and to My grave disappointment she answers with precision. As I start the final word I notice a slight trickle of juice travel down the inside of her thigh. This has a prominent affect on Me and My cock twitches pressing inside my pant leg.

“Last word baby girl.”

O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E is delivered much more harshly as I try to force a mistake from her lips but damn she hits it right on and avoids any twisting into her ass. Now I’m not one to loseat My own games but I set the rules and as much as I wanted to twist the forks in I refrain from doing so.

We weren’t quite finished with Dick so I take the interlocked prongs and placed them sideways to drag them from her tailbone, over her asshole and down to her wetness assuring the prongs comb each side of her prone cheeses. I drag them first down and then back up, down again and up. She cries out with each passing and she moves as if to dance for Me with each long painful stroke. Turning the prongs, it was time to rim her pretty fuckable asshole and control the dance I ache so much to see. Carefully I position the tines against the small pumped opening in her ass and began to cares her sweet tenderness. Now it’s not the initial slight penetration that takes effect but the residual burn that it leaves behind so with each prodding I allow Some time for the burn to take hold and then reside.

“You are My plaything. You are Mine.” I assume her as the tines set in.

“Yes Sir, oh yes Sir.” she whimpers through her tears.

“What a good girl you are.” said in a soothing tone.

“Good girl’s get to cum and now it’s time to play with Harry.”

Spreading her legs wide I take Harry and place one set of prongs into each thigh.

“I’m going to fuck that wet cunt and you will hold those forks in place. If you drop Harry you will lose My cock. You have permission to cum while I pound your ripe cunt but you’ll lose it if Harry is dropped. Is this understanding?” the rules presented and set in stone.

“Oh yes Sir, just fuck me. I need your cock.” she begs.

Her hollow is soaked and I had no problem sliding in. My cock swelled with pride as I bury it in slow and deep with one even push. Once deep I reach under her to toy with her clip leaving My cock pulsing inside her. She’s sopping and her natural lube coats her clip giving Me access and I finger it side to side. The more I play the stronger she pushes back against Me to take all i cangive her.

“Don’t you dare lose those forks.” as I grab her hair and entrench My cock.

“Fuck against Me while I make your clip dance with My fingers.” I demand.

“Show Me you need to cum through My pain.” I order.

I began a slow rhythm moving back and forth inside her. Her thighs desperately push harder together taking in more pain. I watched as a puddle of saliva and tears collect on the table top and it fuels my pace to pick it up faster pounding her wet fuck hole.

Her cries are My music as I increase the pace thrusting, trying to force her off balance to lose the forks. My cock thick, rigid and ready to unload inside her.

“Fuck the rules and fuck Me hard.”

“Cum for Me now, paint My cock in your cum.” I scream.

Launching into her I pound deeper. The rules go out the window as the forks drop to the floor and ring like chimes hitting the floor. Her cunt swallows me and tenses, sucking on it like a hungry mouth. She begins to quake, her thghs to shiver. Our pace becomes frantic and frenzied. Her juices flow over My shake like oiling a piston at full throttle. I knew it was time for the thunder to meet lightning as we both search for release. My hips charge into her with rage as My cock zeros in to her primed wet fuck hole. I can feel the source of My lust caving in around Me and her cries call me to fill her aching cunt. With several final thrusts My jet of cum take off and bursts up against her back wall. My body gives way as My chest tumbles onto her back. I slip My hands under her breasts to hold her closer as our sweat mixes coating our skin and our panting breaths become the focus of our dance.



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