Mmmmm… I love Saturday mornings. I’m going to cuddle a little bit then head upstairs for some Mini-Wheats and Youtube.
Her exposed neck is perfect for snuggling and while I love to wrap my arms around her, I don’t want her to wake. I’ll risk it and snuggle in close and savour her silky skin from our entwined ankles to my chest pressed against her bare back.
OK. Mini-wheats await! As smoothly as I can I lift the blanket and slide backwards. As my toe is reaching for the ground, I hear, “come around to my side of the bed”.
There’s something in the tone that sparks my subconscious, but not enough to form a real thought.
I walk around and see her eyes open and a glimmer of a smile.
“Close your eyes, lean forward and open your mouth”
Hmmm… That sounds promising. Chocolate? That’d be weird, but she is a little odd. I wouldn’t put it past her.
Nope. Not chocolate. Bitter. It’s a pill… a bitter pill? WTH? I know what that is. We use it from time to power me through some extra long play time. But what’s up?
Oh wait a …
Yup. There it is.
It’s been a while. You’ll recall that she loves to spring it on me.
“It’s going to be a while before that kicks in, so climb back into bed and rub my shoulders.”
She rolls onto her belly and stretches her tall, athletic frame and then settles her head onto the pillow and her arms underneath. She has the most amazing lines and perfectly smooth skin. I wonder if this will be the most pleasant of my duties today… probably.
10 minutes of rubbing and gentle coos and moans pass before she stirs.
“OK. Let’s see how you’re doing. Stand beside me again.”
“Masturbate for me. Get it nice and hard.”
We’re nude a lot. We Always sleep naked and we often get up and spend a decent part of the morning naked. From time to time during the day, we’ll get tired of our pants and be too lazy to run down to grab something more comfortable and sowe’ll go bottomless. All that to say, it shouldn’t be a big deal to be standing struggle myself while she watched.
Except, of course, it is something. This is an infrequent game so I’m cutely aware of my nakedness and lewdness particularly as she’s madly tapping away on her tablet playing her singing monster game. It’s surprisingly abasingly abasing given how comfortable we are in our skins otherwise.
Still, it isn’t long and I’m rock hard and certainly enjoying the sensing. She looks over impassively, “don’t cum. That would go very badly for you”.
I can feel my heart rate rising and my breath getting a bit more shallow. My struggling is drawing a bowl of precum that I am glad to smear over the head. The lubricant makes my hand glide slightly and I increase the pace revealing in the jolt of sensing. I can even feel the beginnings of an orgasm brewing in my balls.
“Stop. Hands behind your back.” She reaches over and grabs my cock at the base and squeezes gently as pulls up to the head. Her hand glides back and pulls up again as if it were a tea to be milked, which is apt as that’s exactly what she was doing. A few strokes and there is a decent blob of precum covering the tip.
She extends her other hand and scoops it all onto her finger. “Suck it slave. You’re going to be enjoying a lot of what your penis has to offer today.”
Honestly, precum is easy. Once you get over the shade of doing it in front of your significant other, mine actually tastes sweet and the texture is like a light viscous syrup. I don’t hesitate to take her finger in my mouth and swirl my tongue around it.
“You like that?”
“Mhmmm…” Slap! She’s gotten quick with her hands. I look down to see a disappoint outline of four fingers and a thumb in red on my stinging tigh.
“Speak to me like one of your buddies again and you’ll have a very difficult day. Did you like that?”
“Yes mistress!”
“Would you care to try answering again?” The threat is clear as she starts to sit up more in the bed.
“Oh. Yes mistress. I like the taste of my precum.”
“You are a very poor slave. I can see that our last efforts have had very little effect on you. We’ll see if we can drill some submission into you today. Open the drawer.”
Her dresser is right beside the bed, so I reach for the top drawer and open it to see a collar, and what seems to be ankle and wrist shadowles.
“Leave the collar to me.”
I start with the ankle restraints and then set to the wrists. I then move to the wrists and give her a knowing look. It’s so damned tight. We always struggle with it so we both drop character for a moment. “Pull here.. No, put your finger there. Can you push the pin? I’m trying. K twist a little. Okay. Okay. I think we have it.”
That done I look up and let my hands fall to my sides.
Whack! Where the hell did the crop come from? There’s a singing red mark on my left thigh.
“Do you not remember our instructionsfrom last time? When you are in my presence you will always keep your legs spread so I have easy access to your cock, balls and ass. Don’t make me remind you again.”
Obviously, I waste no time spreading out my legs.
She grabs the collar from the drawer and holds it in front of me.
“This is your last decision of the day. If I put this on, you will do what I Say without hesitation for the next 24 hours. Do you want the collar?’
God! That’s way more explicit than last time. But, what I do remember is that she has zero patience so I let only one trembling heartbeat pass before I say, “Yes mistress”.
She smiles and reach around drawing the leather tight. Her finger coils around the ring and draws me close to her, planning a biting kiss on my lips. A moment passes and then she nudges me back.
“What next? Oh yeah.” She slides out of bed beside me and reaches out to grab my balls in her hand. Squeezing tighter, her hand lodges between my now compressed sack and my penis. My punished balls stretch the skin tight forming two distinct orbs in my sack. Though she has a firm and decidedly controlling grip, she squeezes tighter again until I can’t help but emit a moan of pain.
“These are mine. What is inside them is mine. This…”, scratching my stiff cock, “is mine and I will do with it as I will. You’ll do what I say without hesitation and with enthusiasm. If you don’t, I may take back what is mine.”
Well, that was chilling. But with no orders and already under her control via the collar, I’m not about to chime in with my usual impertinence. Besides, my balls were aching something fierce. I simply stood there trying not to make a peep.
With her left hand holding me firmly, she reaches into the drawer to pull out one of our new black, rubber butt plugs. There’s no mystery as to what happens next.
Yet as I glance down towards the lube, she lifts the plug to my mouth. “Open up.” In it goes. “You’d best get that nice andwet.” After a moment, she pops it out and has me turn around. I remember, this time, to leave a good amount of space between my thighs and she takes advantage of that by grabbing my balls and positioning her hand as before so that they are separated and stretched.
Then with unyielding force she pulls down dragging me to my knees. I’ve seen this before! I’m going to anticipate and please her so I immediately spread my legs wide and lean over to put my shoulders to the ground and my hands behind my back.
Whack! (I bet you’re not surprised) My ass is on fire from her singing smack. “Who told you to get into that position?”
“Nobody, mistress.”
“It defies reason how bad you are at being a slave. You will do exactly as I say, no more, no less. And in order to ensure you Follow these instructions, you will be punished. Lie on your face on the bed and raise your ankles and stretch behind your back to grab them with your hands.”
It’s a kind of self-administered hog-tie. Except, it seems, she’s not satisfied to leave me to my honour so she shuffles in the drawer and pulls out a small leather cross with four rings on it. She then uses the clip bolts on each of my ankles and wrists to attach them all behind my back. I can roll around but I’m otherwise bound.
She then takes the leash and clips it to the d-ring through my frenum and pulls my cock and balls down clear of my spread tights. With the leash in one hand and the crop in the other she pulls hard on the lean stretching me as far as my cock will go. It feels incredibly insecure to be drawn out this way.
“I’m going to be efficient with you today. I wanted to focus a bit on your balls and expose them for my pleasure. It’d be better still if they were a bit swollen, so I believe that I will punish your balls to Correct your behavior and give me something nice to look at, too. Good plan?”
“Eh… Yes, Mistress”
“Shall we do ten? Count them for me if you will.”
I close my eyes but I can hear her practicing whipping the crop around. There’s a moment’s pause followed by a shock of pain that rips up from my balls through my clenched gut and lodges in in my chest stealing away my breath. I convulse and almost spin away before the vestiges of my reason take hold and keep me in place.
I hear a sight followed by the sensing of my abused sack being crushed in her hand. “I can’t believe I have to punish you for improperly receiving my punishment. I’m dumbfounded. When I administrator a punishment, it isn’t for my amusement, it is to make you a better slave. I’m trying to help you. Is it too much, given all the effort I put into you to expect that I be thanked?”
“No mistress. I forget to thank you for the first smack, so thank you.”
“That’s better. Shall we try to get this right and try again?”
“Yes Mistress. Please”
And so begins the worst savaging of my balls I have ever experience. With each stroke of the crop after I stifle my yell I thank her and await the next. With each stroke, my balls get redder and more swollen and numb. A few years later, it ends and I lay on the bed breathing heavily.
“OK. Now we can get back to getting you ready for the day. I’m going to release the shadowles. When you’re free, get back on your knees with your legs spread, your shoulders on the bed and your arms behind your back.”
I can’t believe it. She’s ordering me to do exactly what she beat me for doing! Christ. Still, I’m nobody’s fool and get myself into place with amazing speed.
“Suck on this again. Get it nice and wet. Reach back with your hands and spread your cheats.” I hear her opening her phone snapping some pictures. “Oh yes my pet, we’re going to make some art today and you’re going to help me post them. I’ll try not to get your face in them, but I make no guarantees.”
“Open up. Now make sure your ass is nice and loose.” She presses the wet plug against my hole but it’s pretty bigand she’s done nothing to open me up. It doesn’t go too far. “It’s not wet enough. Lubricate it again for me.”
This is a new wrinkle as she doesn’t seem too concerned about whether I’ve paid any special attention to my hygiene in preparation for our fun. I’m not sure what I think of that, except I suddenly find the plug back in my mouth.
“Let’s try again. Hmm… still only Goes in a little and it’s drying out again. More lube please.”
Recent, I’m sucking on my anal lollipop.
Next time she’s able to get it in deeper and I can feel the tip getting past the sphincter, but it’s still stretching the skin. For future reference, saliva is not the best lube for a rubber butt plug.
“Look slave, this is going to become a distasteful ordeal for you if you don’t let me push this plug in. Open your mouth and get it really wet. Okay, good. Let’s try again. Yup. I think we have it. Yeah, it’s a big one but we’re getting there. Yeah. It’s in.”
“Oh my, slave. The green gem is quite pretty. Resume the position so I can get a picture.”
“Okay pet. You’re doing not too badly. Let’s have you stand beside the bed so I can have a look at you. I have to admit I’m enjoying the look of your large red balls, but I think they can be even more accentuated, but before we get to that, I’m hungry.”
“Go upstairs and pour me a bowl of cereal. Don’t put the milk in it. Just bring the jug down with you.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
I head upstairs and collect everything and return to the room and set the food on the dresser. I can hear her having a pee in the bathroom.
“Slave! Come in here.”
The toilet flushes as I enter and she’s standing in front of me naked. I can’t help but be mesmerized by her beautiful shape. Nobody would believe that she’s in her forties. She could easily pass for late twentyties with a body like that. I’ve even heard, in one of our more erotic experiences, someone proclaim she must have made a deal with the devil to still have skin like that.
My revelry ends when she commands me to my knees and steps forward. “Time for a cleanup. It might be your fetish, but I rather like it!”
I lean forward and notice that there’s quite a lot of splash. Could she have done that on purpose? The taste is a lot stronger than the first time, but I suppose that shouldn’t surprise me as this is her first pee of the day. I clean all around her smooth pussy before running my tongue up the length of each labia to get every drop. My cock is hard as iron. I guess the pill has kicked in fully.
“I’m hungry slave. Let’s go back to the bedroom. Pour me out a bowl.”
“While I’m eating, I want you to edge yourself and tell me when you’re right at the edge and for the love of all that is holy, don’t cum.”
Again I find myself struggling away as she looks on, but this time paying a bit more attention. After licking her clean, I’m already incredibly aroused and it isn’t a minute before I’m breathing heavy.
“I’m really close, Mistress.”
“Well then stop. Get that precum onto your finger and come closer.”
“Let me taste what you seem so interested in. Hmmmm… not too bad. It doesn’t taste at all like your cum.”
“If you’ve settled down, edge yourself again.”
This time I’m very careful to build slowly. It wouldn’t take much to come in my hyper sensitive state.
“Are you close, slave?”
“Yes Mistress.”
With her empty cereal bowl in her hand, she glances down and says, “would you like some breakfast too?”
I think I know what that would be but I think I would much rather have some Mini-Wheats. Still, I’m coming to learn that her questions are little other than a game to get me to guess what she Wants.
“Mistress, I will gladly eat whatever you offer me.”
“Ooh. The slave has found a brain cell or two to work with. Good. I was going to feed you some of your cum but that might take some fun out of the rest of the day. Instead, grab me the milk and put the bowl on the shelf.”
“Now, I want you to grab the milk jug between your tights with your cock and balls resting on it.”
Like I mentioned before. She’s odd. OK. I’ll play ball, but what is she up to?
While I’m positioning the plastic jug and flinching as its cold strikes my hot skin, I hear her once again rummaging around in the drawer. I’m having trouble getting the jug to stay and the cold is collapse my erection. Too bad. I was rather enjoying that.
When I finally got everything sorted, I look up to see her with a small velvet bag about the size of a baseball. What in the world is that?
She smiles at me and say, “oh, your beautiful erection has run away. I guess we’ll just have to take advantage of the brief interlude. Here, wrap this around the base of your cock.” From the bag, she pulls out a steel ring with a hinge at the bottom and a tab at the top. “The tab part should be above your penis and the hinge below.”
Okay. It’s nottoo difficult and have it wrapped around my cock and the two arms fold up to form a circle.
“Come closer. Good. Now put on this blindfold. I want this to be a big surprise! Consider it an early birthday present.”
I put on the mask and hold the ring in place. I feel her pull my cock towards her and kind of pinch the head. Next, I feel a small hard rounded object touch the head of my penis. It then seems as if something is going into my urethra! Holy shit. I can feel a tube snaking in. It takes her almost a minute of careful probing and twisting to get it in well past the base of my cock.
But with all that handling, my chemically and sexually stimulated cock has gotten hard again. That is until I feel the icy jug pressed against my balls and cock. She’s heartless.
I can guess what comes next. She rubs some lube onto my now flaccid cock and slides the cage over my penis so that it slides into the tab on the ring. My balls are squeezed and pushed down, but my cock is held straight by the tube attached to the tip of the cage.
Finally, she seems to be fiddling with the tab and the notch attaching a final piece.
“There! All secure. It looks beautiful, slave and now you don’t have to worry about cumming without permission. Take off your blindfold!”
I look down to see a silver cock cage compressing my penis into about a two inch tube (not that 6 inches is something to brag about but it seems cruel to stuff it into something so small). The urethral tube is attached to the tip of the cage and there is a hole for liquids to emerge from the catter. And, at the base, I can see that the whole diabolic contraction has been sealed with a strange notched pin.
“Slave. This is the only key I have. I lost the others, so be careful that I don’t leave it anywhere. I’m going to put it on this bracelet, but it isn’t too strong.”
“Get dressed. We’re going out.”
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