This is the first chapter of the Conclusion to Rule of Thumb, Part I, which ran some 200 pages. I suspect you can enjoy the Conclusion without reading Part I, but all the fucking and sucking and beating may ring a bit hollow without access to all the deeper insights afforded by the fucking and sucking and beating that occurs in Part I. Oh, and the angst. There’s a fair bit of angst in Part I that elevates the story above Just all the fucking and sucking and beating. Lord knows, without the angst, both Part 1 and the Conclusion really just amount to a lot of fucking and sucking and beating. So, you really don’t want to miss out on the angst.
Please enjoy.
“Sir, do you have time to speak with me?” Richard looked towards Claire across the plane his lightly cluttered desk. Claire was framed in the study doorway, naked, except for slightly heeled leather sandals. Seeing her unclothed was something that always caught him short, despite his rule that she go naked at all times in his house. Moreover, he’d not heard her enter, so he was double arrested by her appearance.
He took a moment to appraise her, while lightly stroking the head of his cock through the thin loose cotton trousers he wore at home. His look was frank and lascivious, with no pretense that her nudity and vulnerability were somehow inconsequential. He noted with approval that Her head was titled down, eyes to the floor. Her hands were behind her back each claping an opposite elbow. Her silver chain collar pressed snugly at her throat. Matching chains graced both her ankles. He knew she carried a matched set around her wrists, all of them fitted with sturdy but unobtrusive free-swinging steel rings. She was routinely bound by wrist and ankles so the rings were a convenient and more elegant means of attaching rope than lacing the rope directly through the bracelets. And clearly, the rings distinguished her chain bracelets from simple jewelry for any whotook close notice.
Her tight young breasts pushed proudly from her arched chest, each sporting an association of bruises, some fresh, others fading. Similar cruels adorned the front of her thighs and covered the plus velvet flesh of her mons. Claire stood silent, knowing she was being inspected by Master, feeling herself start to flush from the pleasure she always felt when her nakedness was so frankly examined and sexually assessed. The truth was she knew she would give herself freely to any man confident enough to so brazenly appraise her, who would blatantly treat her as something — not someone — useful first and fortune to slake his lust. If only all men knew this truth about her. She shivered at the thought of such … abundance.
Under Master’s scrutiny Claire feel her identity sloughing off, peeling away from the throbbing submissive sexual core, her truest self, hungering to be dominated, beaten and used as an outlet for Master’s sadistic sexual needs andthe object of his manipulative head games. A sense of wholeness and gratitude washed over her as she waited for Richard to acknowledge her presence, waited for him to give her life its next guidance.
“I’m sorry Claire, I didn’t hear you come in. I must say, you look more luscious than ever, dear. Come! Stand by me.” Keeping her eyes lowered, Claire walked gracefully as she could to stand, thighs slightly parted at her Master’s left side as she’d been taught, leaving his dominant right hand free while his left could play idly with her breasts and slit. Not that it mattered in this instance. Richard swiveled his chair to face her frontally. He reached up and tweaked each of her semi-hard nipples gently, noting the complete absence of any move on her part to ward off his intention to hurt her. Instead, there was only a quick intake of breath and the rapid hardening of the nipple flesh, the slight weakening of her legs. He stretched the nipples firmly, tugging upward against resistancence of the heavy flesh, then released them. Claire’s body sweeped, unsteadied by the sudden lack of tension.
Claire had expected the small torture, assumed it would be her breasts, or maybe her clip that he might attack. Any time she entered his presence after some substantial absence, he always administrator some form of pain. Her bellyclinked as she found herself submitting without hesitation to his casual cruelty, hissing only slightly as he delivered a last tight pinch to the tip of each nub as they slipped from between his thumb and finger. How fast I’ve come to think of being hurt like this as ‘normal.’ And not just to expect it! Jesus, I want it!
Warming to the play, Richard next hefted each ripe breast, cradled the whole meat of each title as though gauging the weight of a sack of coins. He took Note of the goose flesh chasing across his young ward’s body, saw the legs weaken even further. He lowered her breasts gently, released them, only to reach lower and start tofinger her juicing slit with one finger.
“Yes, I have some time.” He paused, let his fingers slide through the thick secrets coating her pubes, feeling for the padlocks he knew now shackled her labia. “But before you say more let’s join your Mistress in the living room.” Claire said nothing, could say nothing as Master’s fingers slide against the core of her need, found the first set of rings locking her labia shut and hooked it with one finger. It was all she could do to remain standing as he played with her body. Dimly though, surprising registered that Kay was not taking a bath, as was usual after one of her “visitations”. But then Richard tugged sharply on her ring and smiled as Claire stumbled, gasping. He stood, gripping a breast savagely to focus and steady her. He waited for her to work through the Shock of sudden pain and then used his grip on her title meat to turn her sideways. He stepped past and released her breast. But she remained tethered to him by the finger pulling at her slit as he led her from the room.
Rounding into the spacious room he released her and she pulled up short, frozen. Holly Shit! Claire didn’t know what to do. There was Kay, arranged on the spanking benchmark, legs tied apart to the A-frame legs, torso cinched tight to the padded bench. Her ass and tights were a mass of red and purple welts. Her breasts hung to either side of the bench. A neighbor set of fresh red cane tracks ladder-stepped down the side of the one title Claire could see. She’d obviously just been thoroughly beaten. Her head was caused in her discipline hood, eye holes blocked, mouth hole open. But what had really stopped Claire in her tracks was the thick milky streams of cum oozing from Kay’s loose asshole and glistening pussy. The scene was just so fucking hot! That much cum must be from at least two guys, maybe three! God! I love this life! I mean just fuck me! I can walk in a room and … and there’s this hot scene: a woman tied to a bench, beaten, loads of cumdripping from her holes and that’s just … it’s just how it rolls around here!
She entered the room fully. Her belly clenched in sympathetic arousal. Her nipples grow painfully hard and she feel her chest flush. Mr. Lester took a seat in the couch and faced his wife’s dangling head. Claire walked over and stood beside her Mistress, her hand hovering near her own locked pussy. She felt the heat still pouring off Kay’s ass, could smell the sex oozing from her holes and running down her legs. Her own legs weakened and before she knew what she was doing she’d knelt behind Kay’s played legs. She looked closely at Kay’s obscenely slick red holes, at the cum oozing from them, inhaled the mingled scent of sperm and ass and cunt juice. She tore away her gaze to look at Mr. Lester imploringly.
Hoarsely she begged, “Sir, may I please clean Mistress?”
Richard looked at Claire, saw the naked hunger and almost he relented. He wanted to see her face buried deep in his wife’s sex,Knowing she would try desperately to suck every last bit of cum from both her holes. He wanted to hear Kay’s explosive sight when Claire’s tongue made contact with her aching pussy and probed her gaping anus. He felt his lizard stir, grow fatter at the prospect of taking the nubile young slave as she pleasuren, fucked out slut of a wife. But he steeled himself. There would be time for such a pairing. He would see to that. But not now.
“No, Claire. I want her left filthy. It does her good to stew in the aftermath sometimes. Feeling the cum trickle out both holes. It lets her appreciate just how degenerate she’s become, or really, how degenerate she’s always really been. But there’s also this to consider. Is it over? Maybe someone else is on the way? Maybe she’s going to want all that goo left in her holes for lubrication.” He reached out, grasped the tied slave by her chin, arching her neck to “look” at him, were it not for the leather hood blinding her. “A girl can dreamm, right Kay?”
“Yes Sir. But I could dream just as well while being cleaned. And Claire would leave as much juice as she took from my holes, wouldn’t she Sir?”
Richard chuckled. Still gripping her chin, he laid two swift slaps across Kay’s cheeses. She showed as though he’d just kissed her. Gently, he let her head fall back to its natural angle, dangling over the edge of the benchmark.
“Anyway Claire, you wanted to speak with me and my time is limited. What do you need?”
Claire leaned forward onto all fours and crawled somewhat reluctantly out from behind her thrashed Mistress, mind still reeling, even more aroused having watched Richard strike Kay with such nonchalance. Kay’s sight made her shiver, made her realize if she’d have been so casually slapped, she would most likely have reacted the same way, that she craved the same brutal affections from this man to whom she’d began yielding more and more control over her life. So much for a clear head! Fuck me I want to suckher cunt clean and make her cum some more! And then … Claire Shook her head, got a grip on her fansies and looked up at Mr. Lester. She took a deep breath, mastering the gooey feelings swamping her womb and pussy.
“Sir, as you know, Jim had three sets of grommets put through my cunt lips and three sets of rings through the grommets and he uses a lock with a really long hasp thingy to lock up my fuck hole. Since I’m under your protection I know you must’ve let him do it.” Even as she said the words, Claire felt her cunt flooding again and lost her train of thought for a moment. But she steeled herself and continued.
“It’s doing strange things to my head, Sir. Not bad things. But very, uh, well, kind of overwhelming really. Like, it’s been really hard to focus on much of anything. Other than the lock down there. All the time.” Goose flesh spread across Claire’s entire body. She wriggled her hips slightly, revealing in the smooth glide of puffy cunt lips slipping past oneAnother, the liquid sensing of so much cunt juice at her opening all the time now, new moisture flowing each time her awareness drifted to the lock binding those lips closed. “Uh … But what I really want to say is, well yeah, I’m thinking about how my cunt is locked up like all the time, how my cunt can’t be used anymore, well, without permission anyway. Like my cunt, it has to actually be unlocked for a cock to get in … and … uh … Shit! But, uh, my point anyway, my point is, I don’t feel squirrelly, Sir! And frankly, that surprises the hell out of me! That’s part of what I wanted to tell you, really. Just, well, yeah. It’s tricky but I think it’s OK. I mean I can’t fuck until I heal anyway, so the fact that my cunt’s locked up kinda doesn’t matter. Except of course it’s everything, right?” Claire looked up at Mr. Lester quizzically, as though maybe he could put to rights what felt so out of kilter to her.
Her cunt was locked shut … Every time she had that thought she nearly came. She realized she was fingering the lock even now, was slipping fingers past the small openings left between the grommets, too small for a cock to get through … but her fingers … She pulled them from her pussy, almost surprised to have found them buried in her slit. Richard saw her look at them, seeing they were covered in her slime. He smiled inwardly. Clair was at a loss. Do I lick them clean? Put them back in my cunt? Flustered, she cupped them in her other hand and held both hands clapped in her lap and continued.
“Someday soon I’m going to be healed and, uh, well either you or Jim will unlock me. Or not. I’ll get fucked. Or not. Jim’s always saying I may never take cock into my cunt again. He’ll just use my pussy for fisting and torturing. And well, anyway … Uh, that’s not really What I want to talk about. Like I’m not trying to get you to promise me that I’ll be able to fuck sometimes. It’s more that I’m trying to say I want it to be you that decisions.” Claire looked down again, felt herself reddening. She wasn’t really sure how Mr. Lester might be taking her request. Like maybe he’d feel challenged? She pressed on.
“I’ve had this feeling since Jim collected on my party ticket that, uh … I mean it’s kinda felt like maybe you’re going to give me to him? Like I’m graduated and all and this was never supposed to be permanent and so you’ve been Maybe shopping for someone to take over the job of being my Master? If you did give me to him, I think, well maybe I’d agree. I mean it’s pretty clear to me I don’t … well I don’t know.
“I seduced Ted, just like I’d seduced a lot of guys. Well, I mean he was different. He ended up owning me, really. I quit deciding anything. He just took over. And it was great with him and the other two guys. But then they all graduated and went out of state to college. And when he went away, Ted, well, I mean, I think of it like, Ted gave me to Alton and the two other guys and I let them have me. BeCause I needed the sex and they fit the bill just like Ted knew they did: Parents gone a lot, smart enough to keep their mouths shut. And when that whole thing fell apart, and you and Mrs. Lester scooped me up, well you started owning me and that’s been great. And now, well it feels like maybe, well, I know for sure Jim wants to own me. But, I mean here’s where the pussy lock kinda comes in.
“I mean, like I’m not freaking out! Right? I don’t really know how it’s all gonna go, but I’m not going squirrelly! It’s kind of hot actually! Jim’s not talking about not ever letting my pussy get used. Just maybe not fucked! There’s lots of ways to get me off, to get my pussy off even, that don’t mean putting a cock in it.” Claire feel herself blushing.
“Anyway, my point is, for the first time in my life I don’t have this insane bitch in me pushing, pushing, pushing for me to fuck something. I can actually sorta stand back for the first time and just kinda chill. I’m still getting a ton of sex. And thank you by the way Master, really! I really, really, really appreciate that you arrange for all this sex with nice guys in a safe place and for teaching me everything and for helping me get rid of the Bitch and … well just everything you’ve done for me. Don’t think for a minute I don’t know how special it is, what you’ve done for me. The risk’s you’ve taken to help a complete stranger. Honest: I believe if it wasn’t for you, I’d be a train wreck about now. Or I’d have thrown myself under one even. Seriously. I feel like I owe you my life.
“And that’s my point. Not long ago if you gave me to him, I would have gone to Jim, no problem. He fucks me really good. He’s a wicked sadist. I mean he’s as perverted as you are, Sir! And I mean that as a comparison. And he’s not jealous. He gets hot watching me take on other guys and women and just like, whatever. I mean he knows how much sex I need and it makes his dick really hard when I take strange cock. And seeing how hot he gets watching me fuck other guys, how much I cum for them, God! that just makes me cum even harder!! The Bitch would’ve liked him big time, except I guess for the whole no-dick-in-cunt thing he’s got going.” Claire paused for a moment, gathering up the threads of her intentions even as girl juice started seriously gathering at the opening of her swelling labia. She looked at Mr. Lester like she was trying to read his mind. She shrugged slightly, then continued.
“But he does have this no-dick-in-cunt thing going. And you let him lock up my cunt. But he wants it locked so he can control it. And he only got to do it because you let him. And I think you let him because you’re making a point. You’re breaking The Bitch. You want me to be able to control her and letting Jim control my pussy is really about me getting control over The Bitch, right?”
Richard blinked hard as Claire rushed out the … well the accusation, really. What else to call it? She just really is so very wis and special. I can’t wait to see what she becomes. And she’s spot on, of course. I don’t know why I’m surprised that she’s figured out my objectives. And so what anyway? So much the better if she comprehends the goal.
Richard looked over at his wife who was smiling. She was blinded so he couldn’t see her eyes. He imagined she had her eyes arched as if to say “What now oh Mighty Oz!?” Such a cheeky wench. He’d punish her for her insolence later. He looked at Claire. She was looking down like the good slave she was being trained to become, patient and waiting for her Master to respond.
“Yes Claire. That’s pretty much exactly what I’ve been working to achieve: you in control of the Bitch and not she controlling you. As to Jim’s motives, well I suspect you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head. But any Master will want to control you. That’s rather the point, don’t you think?”
“Well yes Sir. Once I accept a Master, I accept that he will have the authority to make me do pretty much anything he wants me to do. Or not do. Like you Sir. I accepted your authority to train me in the rules you use in your House; to train me to become a submissive sex slave. I didn’t really know what any of that was going to mean. Not really. But something told me I could trust you completely. Yah, you were promising me lots of sex and no more hiding and all kinds of new sexy shit. But I felt then and I still do, that anything you have me do is for my benefit. You enjoy controlling me. You enjoy that more than you even enjoy using me and you enjoy using me a lot I think.” Claire hadn’t really meant to say that out loud and she looked down, embarrassed. But it’s so true, damn it. The guys a total control freak and I love it!
“Uh, anyway Sir, what I mean is when you’re controlling me … I mean none of that control feels like it’s about anything other than forcing me to accept being me, to own what I really am as much as possible. To not turn away from it. To notbe ashamed of it. To surrender to it and being happy, well, happy that I like being beating and used by a lot of horny sadistic people as a fuck toy, right? But I don’t think that’s what it will be like with Jim. And I don’t feel like I need to have him as my Master just because The Bitch approves, even if he won’t fuck Her cunt. I feel like I’m in control of myself enough now that I can … I don’t have to be desperate.”
“Claire, are you saying you no longer want to be a slave?”
Claire’s eyes flew up in horror. “God! No Sir! Oh no, no, no! Please. I love being your slave, as much as I am anyway. I know I’m not really your slave, not like Mistress is. Except I kind of am, right? I mean I think of myself as your Beta Bitch, Sir. I’m not primary but I am a really good secondary slave if that makes any sense. And I do want to be somebody’s Alpha Bitch someday. I’m just saying that I’m really happy right now being your Beta Bitch, being controlled, protected and taught by you.And I don’t feel like I need to take Jim as my Master just because he seems to tick off all the boxes. He’s a great Top, Sir. I really enjoy the extended periods when you give me to him. But it only appears to be like what you and Mrs. Lester have. But it isn’t the same and I can tell it’s never going to be. I don’t trust Jim, Sir. I trust he won’t go further than you will let him, which, don’t get me wrong, we go a really long, long way.” Claire shivered as a memory of Jim pissing into her slit. The thought gave her goose bumps and made her clip suddenly swell and ache. “I mean he really is deliciously wicked. But it feels like playing house: Fun to do until it’s time to go home to dinner. I’m well used by Jim. But I’m not cherished Sir, and I don’t feel protected. I’ve had all three before and I don’t want to settle.”
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