What She Wants

“Tell me what you want.” His voice cut through the darkness, and she strained to see his face.

“I can’t,” she whimpered, “My head makes the words, but I can’t get my mouth to say them.” She rose up on her elbows, trying to find him. She felt his weight still on the bed, but in the darkness, his beautiful face eluded her. His touch was absent on her flesh, making her increasingly nervous. “Touch me, please ….”



He took a fingerprint and softly traced a line up the front of her shin, then drew away.

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it!”

He smiled, the frustration in her voice amusing him. “Then tell me what it is that you DID mean, Princess …”

“I ….. I want ….. um …” Her voice quivered. This was so hard for her! Why was this so hard for her?! He wasn’t asking for anything more than to tell him her pleasure. Commanding her own body in private is easy for her to do, but to actually verbalize that was nearly impossible. Damn her fine Southern upbringing! Damn these inhibitions! Damn this man for pushing her to the edge only to back off and make her want and need so badly!

“Yes?” he queried, knowing that the frustration was battled with the lust, and he could see that lust was winning.

“I want a hug, please.”

“That’s a good start, Princess,” he said, moving up and taking her solidly in his arms, holding her warm body against his. He nuzzled her fragrant hair, and she turned her face towards him, hoping for a kiss. He did kiss her, but on the forehead. Her brow furrowed.

“What’s the matter, little girl?”

“That’s not what I wanted,” she pouted as he brushed away the hair from her face.

“I see. Then you will have to tell me what you wa…”

She pulled his face to her and cut his words off with a heated kiss. She held his face in her hands, normally a move reserved strictly for him. She wasn’t one to take any sort of control in the bedroom, yet tonight, he was forcing her to. A strange, erotic twist for her, and to his delight, she was finally warming up to the idea.

When the kiss broke, they were both breathless at its ferocity. An air of sexual tension hung all around them, making their senses come alive for the first time in a long while.

“Touch me ..” she said, reaching out and taking his hand in hers. “Here.” She placed it on her breast, showing him how to deliciously coat her nipples to erection. He watched in sheer amazement as she guided his hands on her body. He knew he pleased her before, but having her show him exactly the right touch, the intensity, even the order of things made this so exciting for him!

“Like this?” He continued the movements she had shown him, varying them only slightly as he watched the pleasure roll across her face.

“Ohhhh, yesssssss!” She lay back on the bed. “Lie next to me, please!”

He did, and he reached for her breasts once again, but he couldn’t resist leaning down and kissing her face, and whispering in her ear. “Princess, you are so beautiful! Teach me …”

She took his hand and ran it over her soft tummy. She had always avoided his touch there before. It was one of the many things she hated about herself, but this time, she was allowing him to stroke her there.

“You are so soft and warm,” he murmured, “I love every inch of you.”

She allowed His hands to roam her body for a bit before making her next request. “Would you please sit up and let me sit against you?”

Intrigued, he scrambled into position, and she sat between his legs, her back to him, and leaned back onto his chest. She was careful not to hurt the growing erection he was now sporting.

“I can’t say it. Maybe I can show you.”

He wrapped his arms around her, and she took his hands in hers once again. She guided them up her inner thighs, and finally to her pussy. She dragged her legs over his, spreading them almost obscenely. She traced his fingers thisway and that, showed him how to touch her clip … a touch that was a bit heavier than he expected her to withstand. She told him that keeping his fingers wet was the key to pleasure her … it was easy to rasp away pleasure with dry fingers.

She dropped her hands and allowed him to touch her on his own. She began a gutteral groan as his fingers set up the perfect rhythm, plunging and strumming her pussy into a dance of pleasure. He nibbled her neck and continued to murmur encouragements into her ear, letting her know that he was so glad she decided to share her pleasure with him. That he loved her all the more for opening up herself and trusting him.

The orgasm swept over her, and she didn’t cry out. She rode the waves of pleasure as he watched and orchestrated it, but this wasn’t exactly what she wanted. She gave herself a moment of recovery before she turned completely to him.

“May I?”

“Anything, my love. You know that.”

She straddled his now-raginghard-on and lowered herself onto its girl. He watched her face, as his body became a part of hers, watched each grimace and pleasant nuance until he felt her pelvis settle against his hips. She didn’t begin frenzied movements, only cuddled against him and gyrated her hips in a slow cadence. They didn’t need frenzy. They needed the closeness.

She nuzzled his neck and he pushed her up so that he could use the newly-learned techniques on her breasts. He slide his hand between them, and placed a wet finger against her clip, listening to her moans turn to groans and feeling her grip him inside in a velvet vise. She was cumming, and the feeling of her orgasm against him sent his off with an explosive hum. She felt him lurch up against her, but he, too, was quiet. It was as if they were afraid their voices would break the spell between them.

She sent and slid from his hips, lying down next to him. He slide further down on the bed, pulling her to him and covering them both witha blanket. They still said nothing for a very long time, savoring the feel of their flesh pressed against each other, their warmth radiating against each other.

In a moment, she whispered against him, “That is what I wanted.”


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