What Part Of No

It all began as some sort of cliché I guess. There was one night while sitting home alone, that led to a sense of boredom that was unmatched by any of the others before. I started browsing through the member profiles of Yahoo and there she was. Her nickname was Candy, and oh did she look ever so sweet.

yourownmadman: Hi there. No need to reply. Just wanted to say I saw your pic on your profile and you’re very attractive. Hope you have a good night 🙂

ceecee_200132: Thank you

yourownmadman: You are quite welcome. How are you this evening?

Yahoo! Messenger: ceecee_200132 has logged out. (09/15/2003 6:51 PM)

Ok, well, I guess that answered that question. I continued searching through other profiles to find Something going on. They were about as boring as the chat rooms I had visited earlier. Usually I can find something online to hold my interest. I wasn’t in the mood to play games online, and I didn’t feel like browsing around any websites for some usess tidbits of information. Maybe I’ll go watch a movie or something?

ceecee_200132: sorry about that. I got booted

Well, looks as if boredom has spared me once more for a brief moment.

yourownmadman: No problem. Welcome back

ceecee_200132: thank you. My computer really sucks. it needs major work.

yourownmadman: Well, you just happened to be in luck. I fix computers for a living.

ceecee_200132: yeah, but I can’t afford to get it fixed.

yourownmadman: I’ll make you a deal. You make dinner for the two of us, and I’ll fix your computer for free.

ceecee_200132: are you serious?

yourownmadman: very serious. I’ve got no pressing engagements tonight, and haven’t eaten yet, so why not?

ceecee_200132: well, I don’t usually do stuff like this.

yourownmadman: Like what? Call a repairman to your house to fix a broken appliance?

ceecee_200132: that’s not what I mean. I don’t have people come over usually. besides, I live an houraway from you.

yourownmadman: Not a problem at all then. By the time I get there, dinner will be ready, we can eat, I can fix your computer, and both of our problems will be solved.

ceecee_200132: both our problems? what’s yours?

yourownmadman: I’m bored beyond all sense of reality.

ceecee_200132: LOL

yourownmadman: see, at least I can make you laugh 😉

ceecee_200132: I don’t know if I should

yourownmadman: Oh come on. What have you got to lose? You’re getting your computer fixed and all it’s costing you is dinner and some company. I don’t even know what the problem is and it might normally cost you in the hundreds of dollars, and this will be free. How can you say no to that?

ceecee_200132: well, I suppose

yourownmadman: Great, I’ll get my computer kit together and be over shortly.

She gave me her address, and after filling up the car with gas, and making certain I had everything I need, I began my journey to a night that I hoped would at least be pleasant. At least I had something to do now, and didn’t have to submit myself to another night of fast food.

As I pull into her driveway, I can see through the window that she is bustling around in the kitchen. I suppose I should have told her what I like to eat before I came down. Oh well, I’m sure it will be fine. I grab my tool bag out of the car and approached the Front door. It’s your typical small town home, and nothing of any interest really stood out.

As I ring the bell on the house, I stand here for a good minute before she answers. When she answers the door, I can tell right away that her picture doesn’t do her justice at all. She stands there about 5’7” with neatly trimmed, short brown hair and her eyes were a shade of hazel that was warm and soothing. She is wearing a dark blue dress that was the perfect fit for her firm and ample breasts. She’s not what someone would consider to be a skinny woman. Although, I have to admit I am very pleasantsantly surprised.

I tend to be attracted to bigger women. When I wrap my arms around someone, I like there to be something to hold on to. Besides, it makes it great for cuddling. Oh well, I suppose that’s not really of much importance anyway. I’m here to fix her computer.

“Hi there, come on in”

“Hello. You know, I have to admit, I feel rather stupid right about now. I never got your name online.”

She snickered in amusement at my oversight.

“There I go making you laugh again. Besides, you didn’t get mine either.”

I could see her smile turn to embarrassment rather quickly when she found herself in the same boat as I.

“I’m Carmen.” she replied.

“Pleasure to meet you Carmen, I’m Dominik.”

I saw a strange glint in her when I said my name. Probably because there are some women who just have a thing for guys with the same name as mine. I never really understand why, but oh well, to each their own.

“So, is dinner ready?” I asked her.

“Yes, it is. Go ahead and set your bag down there, and we can eat at the table. Would you like something to drink? Wine or a beer maybe?”

“Oh, no thank you. I’m driving”

I followed her instructions to the letter, sensing the appreciation she has. I tried to break the ice with idle conversation, trying to find something that we have in common.

“So what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a medical billing specialist.”

“I see. I’ve always heard that’s a good field to get into, and if you do it long enough, you can work from home and make some good money doing it.”

“Yeah, but I work for a hospital.”

The bantering continued throughout dinner back and fourth about nothing at all really. At least I wasn’t eating alone in front of the T.V., and she really is quite attractive. Not often you can just have dinner with a beautiful woman out of the blue. I suppose I couldn’t complain too much. As we finished up dinner she showed me to her computer and finishshed clearing off the table and putting things away.

I sat down and began to make the mechanical music I am so accustomed to doing from countless days of working at it. Technically, as a computer professional I should have her sign releases and disclaimers, saying I am not responsible for this, that, and the other thing. I thought I could forego that this time though since this technically isn’t a service call, and my compensation isn’t monetary.

“So what do you use your computer for mostly?”

“Usually just to get online and surf the web and e-mail and stuff.” she replied.

“Do you do a lot of downloading or file sharing?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“Well, if your are doing a lot of downloading while you are doing other things online, it can put a strain on your connection and cause your computer to crash as it’s being overworked. While downloading any large files, you should always reduce from running a lot of extra programs so that your computers resources can be free to allocate the file accordingly.”

I saw that she had a worried look on her face, like I was going to take something away from her, or that she was doing something wrong. I began to search through the computer more and talked to her about file management and making sure that you do virus scans frequently and such. Upon opening the folder where she downloaded her files to, I could see that it was chased full of large file downloads. Music, video and pictures all stood out plain as day to me. Even though the file names were numbers, I could tell by the file extensions what they were.

I had asked her if she wanted to keep all these files, or if they are just things she looked at once and didn’t want to keep.

“Go ahead and delete all of that.” she said in a hurried tone.

I went ahead and selected all the files in the folder and proceeded to hit the delete key. When working in the computer business you tend to get used to doing things faster than soe slower computers can handle. When you go to delete a file, it will ask you if you are sure, and default to “Yes”, so I just usually hit the delete key and then Enter, as if answering yes. Well, the problem you run into is that if you hit the enter key to say yes too fast, it will open the selected files before asking if you want to delete them.

That is the case here. When I hit enter, I could hear the familiar sounds of the computer over working itself and looked at the screen to find pics and videos opening up all over the place. This obviously caused the computer to freeze quickly, but what froze on the screen was a picture of a woman with her wrists bound to her ankles behind her, and a throbbing hard cock in mouth.

I stared at the screen for a good 30 seconds and I could feel the horrified look on her face From behind me. I couldn’t begin to describe to her how that turned me on to see that, and I’m sure if I did, she’d probably fail. When I turned to look at her, Isaw that she was 10 different shades of beet red. The look on her face is frozen and she could have held it there long enough for a sculptor to carve it in marble using a toothpick. She is mortified. I stood up and pulled her hand from her mouth, reassuring her that that’s totally natural and I run into that kind of thing all the time. It didn’t seem to help her though.

She bumbled and stuttered as she tried to speak to give some kind of explanation. I reached over and turned off the power switch on the hard drive, and let the computer sit for a minute to refresh its memory. I took her hands in mine.

“Do you like seeing pictures of women being controlled and forced?”

She slowly nodded her head yes without making a sound

“It’s ok Carmen, you don’t have any reason to be embarrassed.”

My words of comfort didn’t seem to help her. She started to move and was acting if she was going to do something, but forget what it was, looking all around for something.

“I think it would be best if you just left now.” she said to me in a quiet and hushed tone.

“Carmen, listen. You like to look at pictures and videos of women being forced. So what? There’s nothing wrong with that. That doesn’t mean that our evening has to end this way.”

“You really should go now, please.”

“Carmen, wait.” I took her by her wrists holding on tightly. “I know that this is embarrassing for you, but it’s not a bad thing. If you want, I can stop working on your computer and we can just talk or something, but I would really rather not leave.”

My tone was becoming more deep and demanding. I could feel the desires and urges stirring in my body like they had before. She likes to be forced? Well, then I would give her exactly what she likes. Exactly what she wants. I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her to the couch and sat her down. She began to pull away, but I held her in place.

“Now listen. All I asked is that I come down here, we have dinner,and I fix your computer, and at the first hint of something sexual, you back away and get all scared. You think I’m going to drive all the way down here just to get thrown because you get a little embarrassed by nudity and bondage? Well fuck that. I came here for you, and I’m not leaving here until I have you.”

She looked at me with fear in her eyes and couldn’t believe what was happening. I pushed her back on the couch and started roughly grabbing at the tits I’d been staring at all night. Her nipples were standing erect and pushing the front of her dress away from her and that’s where I wanted to start.

“So you want to be a little slut and stick your nipples in my face all night huh? Well, it’s time you gave them to me.”

I ripped the front of her dress open down passed her cleavage, and pulled it off her shoulders. She struggled to get away from me, but her shock left her defenseless and weak. Her lacey bra lifted her 42D tits and displayed them on nice self. I grabbed the bra and ripped it from her chest. There her nipples standing waiting to be tortured. Pushing one hand into her chest to hold her down, I took the other and began to harshly pull and pinch her nipple.

“Owwwwwwwww, please….stop.” she while as she tried to get away.

“Awwwwww, what’s the matter slut? You don’t like to have your nipples pinched hard?” I said as I pulled at her even harder.

She began to scream and cry again, becoming me to stop. I’ve had about enough of her whining and it was time for me to take her, and take her HARD. I pushed her back on the couch and told her if she moved that she would be sorry. I went to my tool bag and got a roll of duct tape and brought it back with me. I took her wrists and bound them, and then stretched them over the arm of the couch, and taped them around the legs of the end table.

“Please, I’m begging you to stop.” she said now with tears rolling down her cheeses.

“Listen BITCH! Since you can’t shut up, I’ll shutyou up.”

I took my now throbbing cock and jammed it deep in her throat. I could feel her gagging against the pressure of me pushing harder and deeper. Her eyes began to tear up even more and her face was turning a deep shade of flush red. I reached down and pinched her nipples again.

“Are you going to shut up now you worthless cunt?”


“What was that? I Couldn’t quite hear you cunt.”


As I pull my cock from her mouth, she begins to gasp for air and the tears continue to roll down her cheeses.

“This is what you really wanted tonight isn’t it? You wanted to be treated like the white trash whore you are. Admit it cunt. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“No, please, I am begging you to stop this.” she says while still crying.

“What was that? Are you trying to tell me you’re not a whore?”

“No, I’m not a whore.”

“Yes, I think you are a whore. I can tell by the way you chased on my cock,whore.”

“No, I’m not.”

“SHUT UP YOU FUCKING WHORE!” I said as I slapped her face hard.

Her head fell back against the arm of the sofa, and she began to cry harder from the pain and humiliation she was experiencing. As I stood over her crying face, I began to slap her with my hard cock and taunt her even more.

“Awwwwww, the little whore doesn’t like to be slapped. What a poor little white trash baby whore. I wonder what else she doesn’t like?”

I stopped slapping her face, and forced her legs apart. Her pussy is as beautiful as she is. It looked so warm and inviting, regardless of the tears on her face. I suppose it would be rude of me not to give it the attention it deserved. As much as I love forcing and controlling women, I also love eating pussy, and hers is ripe and ready to be licked.

I lowered my body and went between her legs.

“Let’s see how this whore tastes.”

You could tell by the look in her eyes that she was thankful I had stopped slapping her. She watched as I lowered my tongue to her clip. Her pussy is as sweet as the warmth of her shy smile. I began to lick it softly at first, and then harder and with more speed. It began to swell up nicely as my tongue continued to stroke it. I looked up to her while licking, and saw her head tilted back and eyes closed, as she was obviously enjoying the tongue bath I was giving her clip.

“Not a whore you say?”

She looked at me cursedly while her eyes began to shout obscenities at me. I took my tongue and lowered it to the hole that lay there so inviting, and plunged it deep inside of her. Her neck feel back yet again, and you could tell she was fighting the pleasure she was feeling. She didn’t want to feel this good, but my tongue wouldn’t let her deny the pleasure she was receiving.

My cock was throbbing hard and ready to pound her pussy like her throat had received. I pulled her towards me and rose to my knees. The head of my cock met her pussy and it felt so warm and moist. I placed the tip of my cock against her pussy and felt it’s muscles act in reflex as it grabbed on tight and wouldn’t let go. I heard a slight moan escape her lips. I chuckled evilly and slowly began to push my cock in her tight pussy harder. Her moans grow with intensity.

“Well, I guess we know what kind of a slut you are now?”

She was promptly reminded that she didn’t want this and began to fight and try to pull her pussy off my cock. My grapp of her hips was too tight, and her struggle only made it worse as she found herself stimulating her pussy with my throbbing cock the more she fight it. I took my cock and slammed it deeper and harder into her pussy.

“Admit it whore, you like it don’t you?”

“FUCK YOU BASTARD!” she replied in contempt.

“That’s right you fucking whore. Fuck me is right. Fuck me hard and fast bitch!”


“ADMIT IT CUNT! You like my cock in your pussy, don’t you? Admit it! You know you wanted this. You know you wanted to get fucked hard tonight you fucking cum whore!”

“No, I won’t admit it! I can’t admit it.”

“That’s right bitch. You like it. You love having this cock pounding your pussy. You want it harder and faster and deeper in your cunt so you can cum all over it.”

“FUCK YOU! I’m not fucking your cock anymore than you make me. I want that cock in me!”

“So you do want it?”

“NO! I didn’t say that!”


Her tone became quite and hushed as she replied to my demands. She couldn’t hold it back any longer.

“Yes, I want your cock” she said in a disappointing tone.

“What was that?” as I pounded harder and deeper in her pussy.

“Yes, fuck me HARD!”

“Oh that’s right bitch. Take this fucking cock in your little whore pussy.”

She began to moan louder as my cock gave her pussy the pounding it deserved, and so desperately wanted.

“OH YES Dominik. FUCK ME HARDER!” she cried in agreement.

“That’s right you fucking whore, admit you like that cock. ADMIT IT!”


“And what else cunt?”

“And I want you cock FAST AND DEEP!”

“And what are you forgetting, BITCH?”

“That, that…..i’m a whore.” she responded quietly

“I didn’t hear you cunt. What was that?”

“I’m a WHORE! I’m a DIRTY FUCKING WHORE who likes to be FUCKED HARD!”





I took my cock from her cum drenched pussy and slid it in her throat again. Although she was still gagging, she was much more accepting of it this time.


I shot my hot cum deep in her throat and like the good little slut she is, she swallowed every drop of it. While her cheeks were still covered with lines from her tears, she was still gasping for breath. I got my knife from my bag, and cut her loose. As she stood and ripped the tape from her wrists she looked at me half-heartedly.

“What’s wrong?” I say.

“You didn’t have to rape me ya know.”

“Rape you???” I slapped her hard and she fell back into the couch.

“What happened to Oh yes fuck me hard god dammit? Didn’t sound like rape to me. Besides, you know you wanted it, you know you liked it, and you know you’ll do it to the next cock that walks Through that door you fucking cunt.”

She stood from the couch, wrapped her arms around me, and a sheepish smile came to her face.

“Yes, I will.”

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