That night Katy dreamt of Oliver. She dreamt she knelt before him on cold, black tiles; surrounded by a darkness so complete she couldn’t see anything, apart from him. A harsh light shone down from above and illuminated Oliver. He stood over Katy and watched her with an emotionalless face. He wore an expensive looking black suit and a white shirt and a thin, black tie. She shivered. She looked down at herself and realized she was naked.
Katy tried to reach out to Oliver but her hands wouldn’t move and she found they were bound behind her back. Her heart began to flutter with panic. Katy tried to stand but she couldn’t move. She looked down at herself and now she saw the thick, black rope coiled around her. It looped around her legs and her chest and arms and it held her in that kneeing position.
Katy strained against the rope but it held her tight. She strained again and she felt it move. For a second she felt hope, but the rope shifted and she realized with dread that it wasn’t loosening, it was tightening. The rope began to slide over her body as if it had a mind of it’s own, as if it was a thick, powerful snake. It began to constrict and her panic became cold, sharp fear. The rope kept moving and the motion of it sickened her and it kept tightening and Katy gasped and she was struggling to breathe. As the rope moved it pressed her down and it made her arch her back and raise her bottom up and extend her neck up and out.
Katy tried to scream but she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. She made fee panting and whining noises and Oliver stepped forwards and he put his finger to her lips to silence her. Katy obeyed. She quietly herself. She tried to get her breathing under control. She tried to master her fear. Oliver smiled his warm smile and it helped and Katy felt absurdly grateful to him, even though it was such a small act of kindness. Oliver looked up and Katy followed his gaze and she saw the rope that held her descendedfrom the dark above.
Oliver moved and it caught Katy’s attention and she snapped her eyes back to him. She watched him lift a hand and extend it into the dark. She heard a clicking sound, as if Oliver had flicked a heavy switch. Then she heard a noise above her and she looked up. The rope was moving again. But this time it was rising into the dark above her. Katy felt the rope go teach and then she was being lifted too.
Katy tried to move again. She tried to pull her hands apart and to extend her legs but it was hopeless. She began to spin slowly as she was raised off the floor. As she twisted in the air she lost sight of Oliver and the fear coursed through her again. She managed to scream this time. She had enough air in her body to do it once, then she squirmed and gulped, but the rope tightened again and it bit into Her skin when she moved now. Katy stopped struggling. She breathed in quick, shallow breaths.
Katy heard the clicking sound again and the rope stopped. She hung turning slowly in the air like she was a fucking piñata. She was scared and humiliated and angry. She was in pain and she could barely breathe. She jumped when she felt Oliver touch her body.
Oliver took hold of Katy with both hands and he span her around until she was facing him again. She opened her mouth to demand he let her down, but Oliver pushed his thumb into it and she frozen in surprise and Consternation. He began to push it in and out of her mouth and to Katy’s shame she began to suck on it, like she worshipped him. She sucked it greedily and Oliver laughed at her.
Oliver pulled his thumb out of Katy’s mouth and he stepped back and began to unbuckle his belt. Katy watched. She was scared and angry, but she hadn’t realized until now how aroused she was too. There was a warm, wet feeling Between her thighs. She watched Oliver open his trousers and pull his thick, long, hard cock out. He stepped towards her. He cupped Katy’s chin gently with one hand and drew her too him. She opened her mouth and he slide his cock between her lips.
Katy sucked Oliver’s cock with an urgency that shocked her. She tightened her lips around him and sucked to form a vacuum around his shake and she slide and flicked her tongue all over the head of his cock. Oliver looked down at her and stroked her hair. He began rocking his hips and Katy started to sway back and forth on the rope and his cock slide in and out of her mouth. Oliver started moving faster and his cock pushed deeper. Then he took hold of Katy’s head and held her still and he began to fuck her mouth.
The dream shifted and Oliver was spinning Katy around until she was facing away from him. She knew what he was going to do but she still jerked in surprise when he smoked her bottom. The sound of it echoed in the darkness around them and her skin throbbed in pain. The dream shifted again and Oliver was spanking Katy hard and she was crying in pain and the rope was burning her and it felt sogood she was moaning and writing in pleasure too.
The dream shifted again and Oliver was fucking her now. He was pushing his cock into Katy with fast, deep thrusts and her mouth was hanging open and she was drooling, and then it shifted again and he was back in her mouth and she could taste herself on him. Then he was in front of her and behind her at the same time and he was fucking her at each end even though she knew it wasn’t possible. Then he was spanking her, then he was whipping her with something small and hard and unforgiving and she was shrinking as it bit into her flesh.
Faces began to appear out of the dark and Katy realized people were all around them. They were watching what Oliver was doing to her. They sneered at Katy. She could see disgust in their eyes. They whispered to each other but Katy heard what they were saying. What names they were calling her. Oliver kept on though. He kept on spanking and fucking Katy, and she didn’t want him to stop.
Katywoke in her bed alone. The dream had been so vivid it took her long seconds to realize where she was. She felt a hollow feeling inside her chest and she realized it was disappointment, disappointment at no longer being with Oliver in that dark place, with everyone watching. Then as she came fully awake she felt shade at her disappointment. Then disbelief. She’d had sex dreams before, but never anything like that. As she shifted Under her bedcovers her thighs rubbed together and she realized how wet she was.
Her room was dark. It felt like the middle of the night rather than the morning, but it was winter, and it might be close to the time she needed to be up. Katy reached for her phone on her bedside table to check the time. She swiped her thumb and her phone opened to the message Oliver had sent her. Fuck. She still hadn’t replied to Oliver’s message and she didn’t know what she was going to do. It was just past two am in the morning though and she needed to sleep and she didn’t need this right now. She’d think about it in the morning. Katy turned her phone off and tried to clear her mind. She rolled onto her side and pulled the covers over her head and she fell back to sleep.
When Katy woke sunlight was streaming in around the edges of her curtains and she could see a thin slice of blue sky and clouds. She stretched. She felt good. She felt like she’d had a long, deep, sleep and was restored. Then she sat up fast. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The sun shouldn’t be up at 7am on a February morning.
Katy picked her phone up to see what time it was. She swiped her thumb over the screen but nothing happened, it stayed black. Oh shit. She remembered. She’d turned it off in the middle of the night. Its alarm hadn’t activated. Katy you fucking idiot. She got out of bed and opened her laptop. 9:27 am. Shit, fuck, shit.
Katy didn’t shower. She didn’t have breakfast. She didn’t put on any makeup and she dressed in the first clothes she found. She dashed out of the flat and she ran across campus towards the Natural Sciences building.
Katy ran as fast as she could across campus and she only slowed as she reached the main doors to the department. She stood outside with her hands on her knees and she took huge, gasping breaths as she waited for her heart to stop hammering against her ribs. It was a crisp, cold day but she was hot and sweaty. She looked at her time on her phone. Shit. The lesson she was supposed to be in was already halfway through. No point now. She’d have missed too much and she’d annoy the lessoner being this late. She pushed through the glass doors into the atrium and headed towards the coffee bar instead.
The tables for the coffee bar were scattered throughout the atrium and Katy took her drink to a table in the further corner from the entrance. She hoped no one she knew would see her. She knew she wasn’t looking her best right now and she needed time to think. Katy took her phone out and put it on the table in front of her. She picked it up and read Oliver’s message for the thousands time.
‘Hey Katy. I had a great time last Saturday. I’d love to see you again. Are you free on Wednesday evening? Oliver xxx.’
It was such a normal message. Like they’d done something innocent last Saturday, like they’d talked and got on well and that had been it. She read the message again. She put the phone back down on the table. She turned it over so it was face down. What was she going to do? The sensible part of her said she shouldn’t go near Oliver again. She wasn’t like that, she wasn’t that type of girl, and she needed to focus on her studies. But another part of her said that maybe she was that type of girl, that she just didn’t know it yet. She put her head in her hands. Alison. She needed to talk to Alison. It’d be embarrassing, but she’d help.
Katy picked up her phone and sent Alison a message. She told her she was at the coffee bar and that’d she’d love to catch up if she was free. Katy watched her phone. She saw her message was received. She saw Alison had read it. But Alison didn’t reply.
Katy clutched her coffee and watched the exit of the lesson theatre she was supposed to be in. Just before the hour was up the doors opened and students began to spill out. Katy looked for Alison’s face in the crowd. She spotted her. Alison looked over towards Katy and they made eye contact. Katy smiled and waved. Alison frowned at her, but she walked over towards Katy.
Alison came over and stood in front of Katy’s table with her hands on her hips. She gave Katy a frosty look. “I’m surprised to see you.” Alison said.
Katy looked down.
“You’ve ignored all my texts.” Alison said.
Katy looked back up at her. “I know, I’m sorry, I’ve had a weird couple of days. I’ve not been myself. Let me buy you a coffee?”
Alison raised an eyebrow. She folded her arms over her chest. Then she dropped her act and a smile spread over her face. “Noshit you’ve not been yourself Katy. You’ve been acting weird ever since that party. You finally going to tell me what happened?”
Katy felt a knot loosen in her chest she didn’t realize she’d had. She nodded. She was scared to speak in case she started crying.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get my own coffee,” Alison said and skipped off towards the counter.
Katy watched as Alison ordered and collected her coffee. She’d seen her only yesterday, but ever since that night with Oliver Katy had felt distanced from her life and seeing Alison now feel like seeing an old friend for the first time in months. Katy felt like she was coming home, back to her old, normal life again.
Alison sat opposite Katy and they looked at each other over their coffees. “Something happened at the party, didn’t it?” Alison said.
Katy nodded.
“Lucinda said she saw you going upstairs with a boy?”
Katy had thought no one had seen them. “Yeah, that was me.” She felt sheepish admitting it, but Alison grinned at her.
“So, who is he?”
Katy took a deep breath. “His name’s Oliver. He’s a student here. He’s in his third year I think, some sort of arts subject.” Katy realized she didn’t know anything else about him, well, except what he looked like naked and what he was like in bed. They’d talked for so long and that was all she had to tell Alison.
“And? What happened?”
Katy didn’t know what to say. Heat suddenly bloomed across her face. She tried to hold it back, but she could feel her cheeks beginning to burn red.
Alison clapped her hands in excitement. “You fucked him didn’t you?”
Katy nodded.
“You slut! I can’t believe it. You knew him, what, an hour? Then you fucked him in someone else’s bed? This is so exciting. How was it? Was he good?”
“Yeah, he was… good. It was normal, you know? It was typical first time sex with a new boy. First time is more like damage limit, right?”
Alison didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t press it. “Are you going to see him again?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh no. He’s not called has he? What a prick. No wonder you’ve been upset.”
“No, he’s called, well, sent a message. It’s not that. It’s…”
Alison gave her a look. “What? What aren’t you telling me?”
Katy closed her eyes and shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this.” She opened her eyes again. She leaned forwards across the table. “We… Well, he. He…
“Spit it out Katy. We’re both adults.” Katy said it too loud. She looked around to see if anyone had heard, but no one seemed to be looking at her. She realized her heart was beating faster.
“He what?” Alison leaned towards Katy.
“You heard.” Katy put her face in her hands and talked through her fingers. “Don’t make me say it again. Please.”
“What’s the big deal? Guys have spanked me before.”
Katy lifted her face out of her hands. “They have?”
“Sure.” Alison shrugged. “A bit of slap and ticle, no harm.”
Katy shook her head. “No. I mean he properly spanked me, you know? Hard.”
“Holy shit. He hit you?”
“Yes. No. It wasn’t hitting. It wasn’t like he beat me.”
Alison frowned. “Did it hurt?”
“Fuck yes. My bum’s still sore.”
“Did he ask if he could spank you?”
“Not really. He said I could say no though.”
“Were you scared?”
Katy nodded.
“Fucking hell Katy, it sounds like he abused you.”
Katy shook her head. “No. It wasn’t like that. It wasn’t like I was the victim, well kind of, but it definitely wasn’t abuse.”
Alison didn’t look convinced. “Did you like it?”
Katy felt the blush return to her face. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
Alison sat back and crossed her arms. “Are you frightened of him? Is that why you don’t want to see him again?”
“No, no. It’s not like that. It’s… hard to explain. Since I met him I’ve not been myself.”
“You were acting pretty weird yesterday when you ran out of the lesson,” Alison said. “Where did you go anyway?”
“Oh, just home,” Katy lied.
“And where were you this morning?”
“I slept in.”
“That’s not like you Katy.”
“That’s what I mean. Since I’ve met this guy I’ve been… unsettled. I can’t stop thinking about him and I can’t seem to focus on anything. I don’t feel like me. Do you know what I mean?”
Alison Shook her head. “Katy, this doesn’t sound good. You don’t think he abused you, but it sounds like he did to me. You’re scared. Can’t you see? And look at you.”
“No offense Katy, but you look a mess. I’m not trying to be mean, but you’re looking a bit on the homeless side.”
Katy hugged her arms against herself. “I overslept. I didn’t have time to shower.”
“Katy, I’m saying this as a friend. I don’t like the sound of this guy and I don’t think you should see him again, I’m worried about what he’ll do to you. Ditch him. Tell him to sling his hook.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Katy said.
Alison sat back. “I usually am. Now come on, we’ve got a practical to get to.”
Katy felt lighter as she walked back across campus that evening. She’d managed to put Oliver out of her mind that afternoon for what felt like the first time since the party. She felt like she’d been freed. She’d been able to concentrate During the practical and the following lessons. She was her old self again.
Katy knew Alison was right. When she got back to the flat she’d message Oliver and she’d tell him that she’d had a great time, but that she wanted to leave it at that. She’d be kind, but firm. No hard feelings. You’re an awesome guy, but not the guy for me. It had been a moment of madness, but Katy just wasn’t that type of girl.
Katy had made Oliver wait long enough. As soon as she got into the flat she headed to her room, she sat at her desk and she put her phone in front of her. Right. Send the message. She’d already drafted the text of what she was going to send on the walk across campus, all she needed to do now was write it and press send.
Katy got up from her desk. She stood and looked at her phone. She walked around her room. She sat back down at her desk again. Sending a message was the coward’s way out, wasn’t it? She should meet Oliver and tell him in person. It was the least she could do. After what they’d done she owed him that. Katy picked up her phone. She pressed reply. She told Oliver she was free on Wednesday evening and that she needed to talk to him.
Katy put her phone down fast like it was hot. Maybe he wouldn’t reply? She’d made Oliver wait a whole day before she’d answered his message and maybe he’d think that was rude. Katy stared at her phone. The flat sounded like it was empty. All was quiet in her room.
Katy’s phone chirped and buzzed on her desk and she jumped. She grabbed it. Oliver had replied. She opened his message.
‘Great. I was hoping I’d hear fromyou. Monkey’s Uncle at 8pm? Xx’
Katy almost replied with a yes before she could stop herself. No. The Monkeys Uncle was a bar just off campus. It was a student place. There’d be people in there on a Wednesday evening who knew Katy, and she didn’t want to be seen with Oliver. Alison would find out. She wouldn’t understand. Katy had only been at university a few months Though and she only knew student places. Katy replied to Oliver’s message. She asked him if they could go somewhere away from campus. She put her phone down on the desk in front of her. She waited.
Katy was feeling far too excited than she should be. She jumped again as her phone came to life. She picked it up and read Oliver’s message.
‘Sure, I know somewhere in town. Not a student place. I’ll message you a link. See you there and then xx.’
It was done. Wednesday night Katy would see Oliver again. And she was going to put a stop to this. So why did she feel so delighted, and why did she feel likeshe was standing on the edge of a precipice and that she was about to jump off into the unknown? Why did she want to jump?
Katy pulled the collar of her coat close around her face as she walked down the high street. It was a clear evening and the moon and stars shone bright above her but without any cloud cover the temperature had pumped after the sun had set. To make matters worse this part of town was close to the seafront and a bitter wind was blowing landwards. It was so cold it stung Katy’s face and she could feel the damp cold creeping into her bones.
Katy had spent a long time getting ready. Even though she knew nothing was going to happen. She’d spent so long under the shower she’d turned pink. She’d shaken and waxed and pruned. She’d slaved her body in moisturiser. She’d tried on and disclosed so many items of clothing her room had looked like the aftermath of a bomb in a garment factory. In the end she’d opted for a cute black dress and pumps. Probaably far too overdressed for The Bound Rose, but she knew she looked good and that was what mattered. She wore stockings underneath too. She wore her expensive perfume she saved for special occasions. She felt sick with nerves.
Katy looked down at the map on her phone to check how close she was. She knew the high street well, or she thought she did, but she couldn’t remember seeing a pub were the blue dot on her phone said it was. She’d never heard of anywhere called The Bound Rose either. Her phone said she was close though, it looked like it was only a handful of meters away. She kept walking, but all she could see were shop fronts with black windows.
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