Roommate Got My Key Ch. 04

There are certain moments when being cocky pays off. But many times, it backfires badly. It was a lesson hard-learned for me, through one of my life’s most embarrassing, yet, turn-on moments.

Well into my service of Master and Mistress, I made the mistake of accepting a bet I had no business participating in. You see, I was cocky, of my abilities with a basketball in hand. It happened on a weekday, on one of the days I got together with some friends on the basketball court. It’s an old court that used to belong to a school that has been shut down, and is therefore a little sealed. That’s pretty good for us, as we can shout and play till late without any annoyed neighbors running over to shut us down. And, in fact, the area has been known to be a secret hookup area, which I must say, would be uncomfortable.

On this particular evening, the game was winding down, and at one point of time, there were just two of us left. The other guy was an old college friend of mine, someone I’ve known for a while. It was at this point when he proposed a bet. We’re good players of the game; why not play for something? Money isn’t that important in this case, so we decided: we’d play for shame. The loser would strip down and play the next game naked. Three games to decide the ultimate winner, and we settled on the eventual loser having to run through the neighborhood nearby in the nude for a minute.

Now, if you haven’t been following my story, let me remind you of my situation: a few months ago, my roommate discovered my chatity cage and that led to a series of events which ended up with me in servitude to him and a neighbor down the hall. So, in fact, I was locked at that very moment, and no key to help me out. So why would I ever make that bet?

That’s where cocky comes in.

I was a good player during my younger days, making it into the school team. Even now, I’d regularly dominate these games we played. So I was confident in my abilities. Maybe too confident.

Because I lost.


Maybe my prediction got to my head, maybe I overestimated my abilities. But I was pretty bad in the one-on-one game. Triumphant, he ordered me to strip. I began to plead, but he wouldn’t listen. A deal was a deal, and I had to pay up. We’d done challenges like this before, and it was an understanding between the group that we follow Through. Why would I be exempt? And so I began, and when I was standing in only my underwear, it was the moment of truth.

I had to tell him.

It took me a few minutes to properly explain the concept to him, and when he did, he just laughed. Loud, condescending laughs cutting through the night air. Naturally, he demanded to see it, and helpless, I obliged. He stared at it for a few seconds, and then started laughing again. He composed himself after a few minutes, and then said, let’s play the next game.

Naked in a chatity cage, with my college friend laughing at me. How do you think the game went? Of course I lost. And so, I was pushed out of the court, sent into the dark alleys of the neighborhood.

Well, actually, dark alleys have street lights. It was late at night, close to midnight, but people wouldn’t all be sleeping yet. Now I was naked, I’d probably jog through, giggling and we’d have a laugh. But my cage stopped me and I pleaded to him not to do anything.

After a while, he agreed to not make me do that if I’d agree to some other forfeit. I asked him what it was, and he said I’d have to agree without knowing it. All he could say was that I wouldn’t have to leave the court. Reluctantly, I agreed.

He told me to go towards the basketball post, on the other side of the court, facing the wall, while he retrieved something from his backpack. I followed his orders and stood there. I wondered how I’d gotten myself into this, and how was I gonna get out of it? I was stupid, and this was a situation I should never have been in.

I was jerked outof my thoughts, though, as my arms were pulled behind me. I felt the cold pole rub against my back and my ass as he pulled my hands behind me and brought them together. The shock of the incident made me numb for a moment, before I realized what was happening. He was tying my hands up behind the post! I struggled to break free if his hold. He was a seeing man, and his scout training meant he was good with knots. In a flash, my hands were tied behind and I was fixed to the pole. I shouted and pleased and begged him to release me, but he emerged in front of me with my underwear that I’d discarded earlier, and he balled it and stuffed into my mouth. He then went and picked up my headband and put it over my eyes, completing my helplessness and adding to my panic.

I’m pretty sure I heard the shutter of his phone camera a couple times, and consistent laughs. He then said good night, and clearly, he turned off the lights on the court as I could feel the light going out even though my makeshift blindfold. I was pretty much on the verge of tears at that point. Tied up naked to a post in a place far from home, with my dick locked in a bright pink chatity cage, my underwear in my mouth and my eyes shielded from looking around. My heart was racing incredibly fast and I was in a state of pure panic. I thrashed about, hoping desperately to loosen the rope, but alas, he had put more than one strong knot on There and it was pretty much impossible to untie them. I tried for a good half an hour, but I was extremely tired, having just come off hours of playing basketball.

I calmed myself down, and thought about the situation. It was far from ideal. In fact, it was pretty bad. I was at the mercy of the onlooker, helpless and exposed to the world. What would I do if unsavoury characters showed up? Or Just a normal person stumbling about a few things they’ve never even imagined. All these thoughts were swimming in my head, and it all distracted me from the fact that it was all super tight in my cage. If not for the cage, my dick would probably be straight up, all ninety degrees to my legs. I was straining a lot in the cage, and as I lent into that feeling, it was incredible. I’d indulged in a few things no doubt, but this was the most dangerous thing I’d taken a part in.

I was exposed to the world. And not just me, my tiny locked up clipty was exposed to the world. It was being broadcast in loud pink that I had a useless clipty that was locked up because it deserves to be imprisoned rather than displayed in full force. I was a submissive, and it was being announced. In loud pink. I had to admit, there was a certain thrill to it. Even if no one ended up seeing me tied up here, I doubt my friend was going to keep that photo to himself. The next basketball game would be quite…interesting.

The whole concept of it all just aroused me more and the feeling in my cage was unreal, unlike anything I’d experienced before. If only Master and Mistress weree here to gaze upon my exposure. I couldn’t wait to tell them.

I must have fallen wait at some point, and I was woken up by someone who was trying to shove me awake. I woke up, and then horrified, I realized there was light outside and someone was here. My blindfold was taken off, and there he was, my captor, my exposer, with a wild grin. He pulled out my gag and untied me. Wordlessly, I flexed my aore muscles, put on my clothes, gathered my things, and left. I’d just spent a whole night tied up outside, and I hadn’t processed it all yet. There wasn’t much I could tell my friend, that’ll have to wait.

All of that was one week ago, and it’s time for a game again. I haven’t heard anything about that night from him or anyone else. Regardless, my bag is all ready, with a ball gag, blindfold and a couple other things if he thought necessary…


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