Role Reversal

You look down at the small slip of paper that had been delivered earlier that afternoon and confirm that you are in fact at the correct address. The house is a nondescript looking affair, brown with tan trim on a street lined with similar looking homes. The only difference is the color of the SUV parked in each driveway. You’re not sure why anyone would want to live in a neighborhood of homes that looked like they had been stamped from the same cookie cutter. You are however completely sure of what has brought you here this evening.

The message was short and to the point, it was nothing more than an address and the time written in her familiar handwriting. Although caught completely unaware you were noticeably intrigued at this new development to your relationship. While the sex had always been good and she was more than Willing to try new things this was one of the few times she had initiated a deviation outside of the bedroom.

Five minutes early, you make your way up the stairs to the front door and ring the bell. Little time passes before you hear the unmistakable sound of high heel shoes tapping on hardwood floors headed in your directions. Not entirely sure what to expect you are completely unprepared for the sight that greets you as the door opens.

“You must be Jake.” The woman, tall, blonde, and well built is wearing what could only be called a cat suit; her generous figure molded in black leather from neck to ankles. “Come in.”

It wasn’t a request but a command given in a quick, clipped voice. You step into the entry way and are surprised to see the area expensively decorated beyond what you had imagined. Without asking, the woman slips your coat from your shoulders and hands it to a waiting butler, previously unnoticed by you.

The house is well lit but remarkably quiet as you follow your hostess through the entryway, down the hall and into the formal sitting room. Motioning to a chair before the fire, she says; “Have a seat.”

Settling into the chair you start to wonder what exactly she had gotten you into. Your love for kink was something she not only accepted about you but also enjoyed on a regular basis but she wasn’t one to allow you to engage in your fans without her. You had assumed, obviously mistakenly, that she would be here waiting for you.

The blonde hands you a drink and after Taking a sip, you ask; “Whe is Karin?”

She smiles at you and walks over to a desk situationed in the corner of the room and picks up the phone. After a brief word she hangs up, a moment later the door to the sitting room opens and in walks a man dressed only in a pair of black pants. His chest and feet are bare as he enters the room and bows to the blonde.

“Leo here will see that you are properly…prepared.”

You hesitate, for the first time feeling a moment of uncertainty at what is to come. You realize that by going with Leo you will effectively be giving up complete control of the situationion. There is no telling where this evening might lead to or when it will end. While the realization should be cause for concern you are filled with an overwhelming sense of calm. Setting your drink on the table you rise and follow Leo out of the room. He takes you back towards the front of the house and up an intricately carved staircase. At the second floor landing he turns left and precedes you down the hall. Straight ahead a pair of wide, French doors stand open on what looks to be a lavishly furnished bedroom. It is here that you are led. Stepping into the center of the room you stop and star. To your right there is a doorway leading to what you assume is either the bathroom or a closet. To your left a large, four-poster bed dominates the room while straight ahead of you the wall is taken up by a large, marble fireplace. The room is decorated in tones of burgundy with black and gold accents. What should have been tacky was tastefully done with simple designs.

“You will undress, placing your things there in the dresser.”

Turning towards his voice you find that Leo has positioned himself in front of the doors, effectively blocking off any chance of escape. Reassured that you are not truly a prisoner and would be free to leave at any time, you find no cause for alarm.

Leo gives you a knowing smile as if reading your thoughts and suddenly you are not so sure that he would step aside if asked to do so. His arms folded across his chest, his eyes never wavering from your face, Leo waits.

While you’ve had occasion to be naked in front of other men before this is an entirely different situation. Raised with two older brothers and an active member of a gym you’re use to showing around other men but never before had one watched so intently while you disrobed. Feeling slightly uncomfortable you raise your hands to your shirt and begin to slip the buttons free of their restraints. Surprised to note that your hands are shaking slightly you wonder if it is with fear or excitement.

The absolute silence in the room stretches the tension to an unnerving degree. You find that your breathing is coming fast and shallow and consciously seek to bring your emotions under control. After removing your shirt you slip your feet free from your work shoes before unbuckling your belt. Taking your boxes with them, you slip your slacks off your hips and step out of them. Working out on a regular basis combined with the benefits of good genes your body is well defined. Broad across the chest and shoulders with muscle legs you stand feeling good about yourself, knowing that you make an impressive sight. Following Leo’s instructions you fold your close and place them in the top drawer of the dresser that is otherwise empty.

As you turn back towards The center of the room you notice Leo approach. In each hand he holds something black but otherwise unrecognizable. “Put out your wrists.”

After holding out your arms he secures a black metal bracelet to each wrist. There is nothing decorative about these. They are neither loose nor decorated in any way but fit snuggly as he closes the clasps. The metal, the only thing you are wearing, is cold against your sensitive and magnifies the fact that you are standing in a strange house, before a strange man completely naked.

The weight of the bracelets is to ensure that you not forget their presence. Running your fingertips along the top of one wrist you find that the bracelet is tight enough not to move and there is little risk that it will chafe the skin.

Pulling your wrists in front of you and bringing them together, Leo hooks one to the other before leading you back to the center of the room. “Stand here.” Without waiting to see if you compiled, Leo reaches over your head and pulls a length of chain from the ceiling, which he then attaches to your wrists. After some minor adjustments you find yourself hanging from the ceiling by your wrist, your feet just bare able to reach the floor. In this position you can maintain your balance but there is no way for you to step either forward or back or side-to-side. Seeing that you are secure, Leo walks across the room and stands beside the door.

Above the fireplace is a mirror through which I watch as Leo prepares you for our evening ahead.

“What do you think?”

Turning to my companion and our blonde hostess, I say; “I think he looks wonderful but still too much in control of himself.”

“I agree. Allow me?”

“Of course.” I watch her leave the room only to reappear in the room through a side door.

You’re not surprised to see the blonde reappear; it’s obvious that this is her home and that she is in charge. “Where is Karin?”

A silent motion to Leo and he steps forward to place a bit between your teeth, securing it in place with a small leather buckle that straps around your head. “You will speak only when spoken to and even then your answers will be either ‘yes mistress’ or ‘no mistress.’ Is that understand?”

With the bit still in your mouth you are reduced to nodding your head in acknowledgement.

“Very good.” Walking to an armoire situationed in the corner of the room she returns holding what looks to be a cat-o-nine tails only this one is made out of black and red leather and there are no knots that would cause serious injury. Walking back to stand in front of you she drags the small whip across your chest, allowing you to feel the soft, suple leather that makes up the fingers. “Do you know what this is?”

You nod your head.

“Do you know that it can be an instrument of both pain and pleasure?”

Again you nod, noting that as she continues to drag the end of the whip across your nipples that they harden in response.

“There are times when pain and pleasure merge to become one and there is no way of knowing where one ends and the other begins.”

As she talks she continues to cares your flesh, tickling the sensitive skin of your belly and making the muscles there tende and jerk beneath the gentle assault.

“When that happens a person’s senses become incredibly stimulated making it impossible to do anything beyond simply feeling.” The whip’s many fingers descended lower and brushed across the tip of your cock, which is hard and throbbing. Unable to bite it back you moan at the exhaust touch.

Circling, the blonde stands behind you, close enough to your back that you can feel her heat through the leather of her suit but not close enough as to actually be touching. Once again those soft leather fingers cares your skin sending chills cursing through your body and your hair practically stands on end.

“It’s addictive, the feeling of pain and pleasure combining, causing one to loose complete control.”

Arching your back you try to escape the torture of those fingers moving lightly across your skin. Your muscles tense; tighten even more as they descend to cares the cheeks of your ass, the backs of your thighs, and even the backs of your calves. Then they’re gone. There is nothing. You can’t feel her standing behind you and the leather whip no longer traces patterns across your skin. The absence of any sensing makes you all that more conscious of your body. Your skin tingles, your cock is hard and throbbing and there is a heat emanating off of you in waves. As much as You had long for the light, almost painful touching to stop you now miss the sense of contact you had.

“You’ve had a taste of the pleasure, do you think you can stand a taste of the pain?”

Your stomach tightens at the sound of her words. What do you want? If you answer yes you know what will happen but if you say no will the night end? Do you want it to? The uncertainty, the utter inability to control the future leaves you light headed as you try to figure out what it is you want.

“I think he still believes that he has a choice.”

Her voice penetrates the confusion of your brain. Raising your head you see her standing by the door, watching. Instantly your cock, which is already straining, grows harder until the head is purple with need for release. She’s wearing a black latex skirt that stops just beneath her ass and barely covers her pussy; a matching bra that leaves her nipples exposed holds up her breasts; and around her neck she wears a choker.

She looked better than you’d imagines she would in such an outfit and at that moment you wanted nothing more than to throw her down on the bed and thrust your cock inside of her. She was here, she was part of this and that fact brought you to a new heightened state of arousal.

I smiles at you but speak to the blonde over your shoulder. “He’ll take the pain because I want him to. What pleases me pleases him and that is all that matters.”

You shudder at my words, but as your body tenses for what is to come you realize that by taking the choice away from you I’ve made everything easier. You also know that I would never cause you any real pain.

“Spread your legs as far as you can.” The order comes from behind and you do as you are told. Spreading your wide you are braced as the first strike of the whip crosses your back. While uncomfortable there is no real pain, the soft fingers leave behind a slight sting as they cross your back again and again. The blonde Wielding the whilst moving down your back until she comes to your ass, only then do the strikes land with more force. Each one raises welts and leaves the skin burning. Not wanted to disappoint her or appear weak you struggle to keep your legs still, to keep from stepping away from her downward swing. After several more blows land just beneath your ass cheeks and across the tender skin of the backs of your thighs you give up and start struggle only to find that you are securely held in place.

Unable to control your moans they sound loud and raspy to your ears against the bit still in your mouth. By the time the blows slow and then finally stop your legs are shaking with the effort of holding yourself up. Breathing hard, your head hanging forward you’re surprised to feel my hands on your cheeks, lifting your face.

“Remember the rules.” After issuing this warning I reach around, undo the buckle and remove the bit from your mouth. After handing it to Leo I turn and with your face still in my hands kiss you gently. Everything I feel for you is there in that kiss. How much I care combines with my pleasure at seeing you surrender yourself to me. It’s a gently, tender kiss that is also filled with all the password we feel for each other.

When I break the kiss and step away you can see the desire rise in my eyes. My nipples are hard and thrusting forward, begging for attention, and you can smell the unmistakable cent of my arousal.

The blonde steps in between us and kisses you as well. Her hands are on your chest and she reaches down and strokes your arousal. You moanand shudder at her touch.

“You will not cum until given permission, do you understand?”

“Yes, mistress.”

She releases your cock and steps back until her back is pressed against my chest. My hands rise to brush her hair forward over one shoulder and the unmistakable sound of a zipper being undone can be heard in the room. I slip my hands beneath the leather and push the outfit off her Shoulders, caresing her as I slide it from her body. Her breasts are released, just moments before the material is pushed off her hips revealing a small triangle of slightly darker blonde hair. Kneeling behind her I help her step out of the outfit so that she now stands before you completely naked.

You definitely appreciate the sight of her. With blonde hair, blue eyes with generous breasts, narrow Waist, and gently flaring hips she is everything feminine. Even more exciting is the contrast we make together with my dark coloring pressed against her lighter tones. My hands slide back up her body, circle around her waist and press gently against her stomach. As you watch my fingers slip into the dark blonde curls of her public hair and between her thighs.

Her head falls back against my shoulder and her thighs fall apart as I circle her clip with my fingers before sinking them slowly into her pussy. “She’s wet, hot from administratoring your whipping. Would you like to see?”

“Yes,” your voice comes out barely a whisper and you swallow once to clear your throat. “Yes, mistress.”

I remove my fingers from her pussy and hold them up for you to see the glistening wetness from her pussy. “She has other talents as well, would you like to know what they are?”

It’s a rhetorical question and you know that there is only one answer I will accept. “If it pleases you, mistress.”

“What will please me is to have her show you. Leo.” At my word, Leo steps between you and the blonde, blocking your view as he helps her with a series of straps and buckles. Whe steps away she’s wearing a pair of leather panties from which extends a slim phallus.

Suddenly the purpose of this evening becomes glaringly clear. Privy to your every fantasy I’ve known from the beginning that you wanted a woman experienced in the use of a dildo and tonight your fantasy is about to become reality.

“Leo, release him.” Leo lowers your arms and unhooks the bracelets but does not remove them. The blonde approaches you slowly, it is obvious that in this you do have a choice and that no one will force you to accept it. As she reaches out to take you in her arms you look at me. Seeing me smile you know that it’s okay, that I understand your need to experience this and that I am here with you.

She kisses you, gently at first but with Greater intensity as desire rises between you. Her hands move from your chest to your cock stroking you and caressing you until you threaten to cum. While one hand cups her breast, pulling and pinching at her nipple the othe moves down her stomach and between her tights. Thinking that you could still pleasure her you’re surprised to find that not only does the phallus extend from the front of her panties but it is also buried deep within her pussy. Knowing that she’ll be able to pleasure herself while taking you from behind adds a new level of excitement to this encounter.

Finding her clip you begin to circle and stroke it until she’s with pleasure. Break the kiss she says; “On your knees.”

You knee, feeling your body tremble as she comes to knee behind you. There’s a slight pause while she lubes the phallus before guiding it to you. You feel the cold wetness slide between your cheeks and tension as the head of the phallus presses up against your opening.

Coming to knee in front of you, I brush my mouth next to your ear and whisper, “Relax.”

You obviously relax and she slides into you. “Oh, God.” There is a little pain as you’re stretched for the first time but theSensation of slowly being filled quickly replaces any disappoint with pleasure. When she’s completely buried within you she stop her forward thrust only to pull back until just the head of the phallus is left inside.

As she moves forward once again you pull me beneath you and kiss me. I can feel your body shaking with pleasure and the exertion of holding back your orgasm. The pleasure you are receiving is exhaust and I’m wet just from watching you. Not want to take away from the experience I struggle to keep my hands from your cock.

She continues to move in and out of you, going faster and deeper as you become more accustom to being penetrated. Her own moans are coming quicker and closer together and you know that her orgasm is near.

Wanting to be buried deep inside of me when you’re finally allowed to cum you pull me closer and keeping rhythm with the woman behind you, you thrust forward. “Oh, God Karin.” The wet heat of my pussy surroundings you at the same time you’re filled from behind. As her thrust come faster you begin to move within me until you start to feel the walls of my pussy start to tighten and clnch.

I’m watching you, our eyes locked as she continues to fuck you. Thrusting repeatedly drives her to her orgasm and she cries out with release. “Cum for me,” I say feeling your cock hard and throbbing inside of me.

“Yes, mistress.” Your thrusts come harder, faster until your balls tighten up against your body and you feel your orgasm crash through your body. “Oh, God Karin. I’m going to cum.”

My body tenses as the first of your release pours into my body, making me cum. “Jake! I’m cumming.” We cling together as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over us.

Slowly the blonde withdraws from both your body and the room, leaving us to enjoy the moment together. We lay there together, the room dark with night, the only light coming from the fire touching and caressing each other softly. Sometimes later we dress and headhome.


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