What Is She Gonna Do to Me? Pt. 01

It was a chilly evening in February, and I was sitting in a children’s playhouse, using the yellow plastic slide as cover from the cold wind. The meeting place we’d selected was a playground alongside a bike path which ran in a loop encompassing a ball field. I’d been waiting about ten minutes when I finally saw a figure approaching from across the otherwise empty field. It was her.

She was twenty-four years old, with dark black skin and locked hair twisted into two buns atop her head. She wore blue jeans, black boots, and a black coat. She was a small woman; as she approached, her short stature became more apparent. She must have been no taller than 5’2″, and I instantly realized how much I would tower over her when we would stand next to one another.

I sat inside the children’s jungle gym and watched the woman approach me. She never broke eye contact; she stared me down intensely until the moment she stood in mere feet in front of me. I continued sitting where I was, altough I admit I broke eye contact after a few seconds and found myself staring at the ground.

“What the fuck!?”

I instantly jolted upwards and looked the girl right in her ange eyes. She really looked furious.

“What are you doing? On your knees, shit head!”

Immediately I was on my knees in the dirt and woodchips, my head lowered into a submissive position inches from her boots. The girl jumped up to where I had been sitting in the jungle gym, dangling her legs over the side.

“Idiot. Lick my shoes.”

I started to lick every inch of this woman’s boots. My knees were hurting from the woodchips and I was very uncomfortable the whole time, but I focused on the job at hand. I was terrified of this girl and what she would do if I displeased her. I knew nothing About her, not even her name.

This went on for a few minutes. It didn’t take long for my tongue to be coated in the dirt and grime from her boots. She was silent throughout. Then she said, “Hold on.” She jumped off her seat and in an instant she was standing over me with her hand around my chin.

“I got something for you, bitch.”

Before I could have another thought, her ass was in my face. She gripped me by the hair and pulled me in with strength that I had not expected from one her size.

“Open your mouth.”

I compiled. Of course I knew what was coming, but What could I do? I opened my mouth and she let out a very deep fart. It was indescribably wretched. The smell, the taste, the temperature (farts are hot, in fact it was strangely almost pleasant for a moment due to the cold weather).

I doubled over and gagged. It was too much, I hadn’t been prepared.

“Don’t be a baby,” I heard her say from somewhere above me. I was curled on all fours, eyes closed and gagging. “I’m wearing pants.”

I opened my eyes the instant her flat palm slapped me across the face. Completely caught off guard, I fell to the ground. It stung, bad. This girl was not here to play around.

Then she was stepping on my face with her black boot, still damp from my saliva. She was not gentle. “You’d better get used to eating my farts. I don’t like holding them in.”

She removed her foot from my face and just looked down at me in disgust as I lay on my back in the dirt. Then it seemed that something behind me had gotten her attention. She looked over as if there was someone there.

Then I heard the footsteps. There was someone there. At least two people, from the sound of it, walking along the bike path. I frozen and instinctively pressed myself to the ground, trying to make myself as invisible as possible.

The footsteps were coming in our direction. I couldn’t will myself to look that way. I could only look up at the young black woman towering over me. She brought her hand up next to her head, smiled, and waved.

I heard the people’s voices as they talked among themselves. I didn’t hear much, though. Someone, a man I’m prettyy sure, said “what the hell…” and then, without warning, I felt a hard boot being pressed down into my testicles.

She knew just what she was doing. She slide her boot up my tights in the direction of my belly, locating my penis and moving it aside just slightly before bringing her toe down on my scrotum. She didn’t press hard. She knew she didn’t have to. I was completely vulnerable and terrified in This position, and it was all she needed. I winced, not only from pain but from fear of much worse pain if she was to apply a little more pressure.

Thankfully, whoever had been walking by elected not to stick around. Anyway, I just lay as still as I could, praying that my testicles would survive this ordeal. Soon enough the footsteps were heading in the other direction.

“Hey bitch, what time’s the movie!?” she yelled. The recalling footsteps stopped for a moment, and I heard a woman laugh.

“Uhh, 7:15, Miss.”

“Right, well let’s go. I don’t want to miss the previews.”

I got up off the ground and stood on my feet. As expected, I stood over a foot taller than this girl. Realizing this, she motioned for me to haunch down to her level.

The girl brought her face to within inches of mine. Then she started slurping. Loudly. I could hear her gathering saliva from within her mouth and the back of her throat. I started to gag, but I forced myself to bear it. I did not want this sadistic girl to find an excuse to punish me.

“Open your mouth. Tongue out,” she said through a mouthful of saliva. I did as instructed, and she let out a massive drool on my face. I felt it dribbling down my nose and chef. A portion of it found a resting place on my outstretched tongue, which incited a laugh from her.

The girl turned around and rummaged through her pursuit for a moment before retrieving a small black makeup mirror. She turned it towards me and, with another smile, showed me my filtery face. My tongue, still hanging out of my mouth, was coated with dirt. My face was also coated with flecks of dirt and my own saliva from repeatedly licking her boots. The gob she had spit on me was massive, much larger than I had realized, and I could see spots of yellow-brown mucous in it; it ran from just under my right eye, down the side of my nose, and pooling a little in the corner of my mouth.

“You look great,” she said with a cruel giggle. “Don’t touch it. Come on, we’re gonna be late.”

With that, we started to walk the three blocks to the movie theater.


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