~~Minneapolis, MN; February 2066~~
Annabella answered the door, giving Jade a beaming smile. “Jade! You came!” She exclaimed, stepping back and drawing Jade into the house with gentle hands. “And you’ve brought gifts?” Her face turned perplexed, one hand dropping to cover her stomach.
“Yes, for your little one,” Jade murmured shyly. “I’ve also brought rolls, though I fear I am not anywhere near as accomplished a cook as you.”
Annabella giggled and kissed Jade’s cheese, “You’re adorable.” She drew Jade to her side and walked in with her. She guided her into the living room chatting quietly with her friend and discussing how excited she was for her baby.
“Master Michael,” Jade greeted Michael with a slight incline of her head and a smile.
“Jade, glad you could make it. How have you been?” Michael asked, giving her a beaming smile as Annabella moved to tuck herself under his arm and into his side naturally.
“I am well, thank you Master Michael,” Jaderesponded. “Per our agreement I will not discuss business with you tonight, however I will state that you have some files to peruse on Monday. They are in your email.” She turned at Annabella who giggled softly.
“You’re too good to us,” Michael murmured fondly. “So what gift is my darling slave holding?”
“A present for your little one. As you weren’t sure of sex yet I went with something gender neutral, and something for Mommy after the baby is born.” Jade gave another shy smile.
Annabella looked at her, then opened the box. First, she pulled out a T-shirt and an adorable onesie. The T-shirt read ‘You’re killing me Smalls’ and the onesie read ‘Smalls’. Annabella started giggling softly, then dug further and found a booklet that had different maid services and an offer from Jade to babysit a couple of times a month for them to have a night out. “Oh, Jade,” Annabella said with a soft laugh, throwing her arms around Jade’s neck. “You’re wonderful.”
Jade smiled fondly, rubbing Annabella’s back as she started crying happy tears. “Easy, you’re going to get all snotty. Just breathe and go eat some chocolate.” At the suggestion, Annabella started giggling through her tears. “Now, tell me about what your plan is for the nursery and I’ll see where I can help.” Annabella giggled and led her away, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief as she did so.
Annabella talked about it, gesturing how she wanted a mural in the nursery, then started talking about cribs and the other things, and chattering away happily to Jade about her plans for purchases. She was so relieved and happy someone was interested in what she wanted and had to say. “And Master said for me to do whatever I wanted, but every time I’ve talked with someone, they’ve asked me what he thinks.” Annabella trailed off, “Why aren’t you?”
“Are you a grown woman?” At Annabella’s nod, “Is he a grown man?” She nodded again, her browser still confused, “You’re married, having a kid together, it’sbetween the two of you if you’ve talked about it or not. None of my business. However, you just said he told you to do what you want, so why would we need to ask him?”
Annabella giggled, “You and Jasmine would get along so well. Logic, the bane of all idiots.” Jade snickered softly.
“I heard my name?” Jasmine stepped in giving Jade and Annabella a smile.
“Logic,” Annabella stated with a fond smile. “Jade this is Jasmine, Jasmine this is Jade.” She teared up and tugged them into a hug, “I’m so glad you two are here.”
Jasmine hugged her back, “Hey you’re going to get all snotty if you keep this up.” Prompting Annabella to burst into teary laughter.
Jasmine looked at Jade, quirking a browser. “I may have said that not twenty minutes ago,” Jade offered sheepishly with a shy smile.
“Clever girl. You, I like you.” Jasmine said with a giggling laugh and drew them into a hug. “So let’s go see what our Masters are up to, and you can keep telling us all about your nursery plans.”
Annabella walked with them back towards the main room, bracketed by the two of them and her hands gesturing excitedly as she explained her plans for the baby’s room. Jade smiled slightly as she listened, glancing up at Michael with a faint smile, “Yes, Master Michael, I’m getting it all down,” she tapped her temple, “I’ll make arrangements to make it happen.”
Annabella looked from Michael to Jade in confusion, “Huh?”
“I told Master Michael I would help arrange for someone to come do what you want to the baby room to limit the amount of time you’re around paint fumes. I’ve got about twelve college students that are eager to expand their portfolio.” Jade said, an impish smile crossing her lips.
Over the next half hour, several people tricked in. Mostly couples. A couple of singles. Most of them were regulars at the group’s munches. With each, Michael seemed a little more downcast. The doorbell rang again. He went to open it and Annabella hearhim exclaim, “You found it! It’s good to see you again, Zane!” He was hugging someone in the doorway.
Annabella kept her arm through Jade’s and led her over to see who Michael was so happy greeting, “Master?”
Michael turned his head, “Zane, meet my Annabella. Anna, this is Master Zane. He took over Future Power Designs from Master Bryan when he retired to Alaska. Zane, this is my wife and slave, Annabella.”
Annabella smiled up at Zane, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Master Zane.” She released Jade to slip under Michael’s arm, tucking into his side. “I’m glad you could make it. This is my friend Jade.” She competed to Jade who was still busy typing into her commlink the notes that Annabella had given her.
Zane looked at her for a moment to see what she did, then cleared his throat softly. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Jade.” Turning back to Michael after a couple of moments, he pulled a bottle from behind his back. “Are you still a single malt guy?”
“Yes, I am,” he smiled at Zane as he held out a bottle.
Jade lifted her head, the glaze clearing from her eyes, “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well. My apologies, I was trying to get Annabella’s baby list down so I wouldn’t forget it.”
Zane turned to look at her again, then at Annabella. “Congratulations,” he said warmly. “It’s good that you have friends to help. I know the saying that ‘it takes a village’ seems trite, but having good friends around to ease the challenges of birth and raising a child is a huge blessing.”
Annabella smiled, blushing slightly as her hand dropped to the small bump of her stomach, “Thank you, Master Zane. We’re very pleased.” She leaned in and whispered, “I’m a little excited.”
He turned at Jade, then whispered to Annabella conspiratorially, but loud enough that Jade could hear, “I think you’re supposed to be. It doesn’t work as well if you’re not. Or so I’m told…”
Annabella giggled, blushing again, then snuggled into Michaell’s side, “Please, come in.” They stepped back so Zane could enter.
Jade moved further back to give them space in the entryway, “I’ll excuse myself and go get some measurements, Annabella.” She smiled at Master Zane again, “It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope you enjoy yourself, Master Zane.” She turned and headed down the hallway towards what would be the baby’s room.
Zane watched her go, then chuckled softly, “She’s cute. Been coming to your MAsT meetings long?”
Michael watched her go, looking down at Annabella with a raised browser, “When she can she come. She’s not much for the…,” he trailed off gesturing to the single men flocking around the uncollared girls intensely, “But she’s been invaluable to us.” He smiled at Zane, “She produces all the videos.”
Zane’s eyes widened. “Get out! She did those? That’s some good work,” he said, his voice sounding extremely impressed. “And she isn’t interested in the neophytes?” he chuckled. Michael shook his head. “Intelligent, capable, and has taste and standards. How about that…” he mused.
Annabella spoke up, her voice soft, “She’s wonderful.” Annabella giggled and pulled out the shirt and onesie, “She gave me these along with a book for house cleaners and offered to babysit for us.”
Zane looked at the single ‘Masters’ and asked softly, “Any of them worth mentoring?”
Michael witnessed, and shrugged noncommittally. “Maybe someday. Problem is, this isn’t something you just walk up to the right kind of person and say, ‘Hey, are you interested in being a Master to a slave?’ You have to have more tact than that. So much of it is people coming to us. The few that are worth it got noticed and the rest get weeded out.”
Zane grunted, “My advice? Keep her away from them. She’s worth something.”
Annabella wrinkled her nose, “That’s why she’s been staying close to me and Jasmine. She doesn’t want a bedroom Master.” She giggled, and kissed Michael’s cheat, “I’m going to go checkon dinner.”
“Good girl,” he murmured, reaching down and squeezing her ass. As she walked off, he turned to Zane. “So, your flight was OK?”
Zane nodded, “It’s a plane ride. Gets you from point A to point B, even if it was First Class. I’ll be here for a couple of days. I’m trying to recruit some talent out of UMN. They’ve got a couple of promising Ph.D. Students that I think would work out well with us. But it gets me out of the office too.”
“That’s important. All work and no play make you prematurely old. Like me,” Michael chuckled. “Come on in. I’ll go put this away and get you something to drink and we can introduce you around a little.”
Zane nodded and followed Michel to the alcohol bar where he placed the bottle of whiskey among the others there and poured from one that was already open, handing a glass with two fingers of the amber liquid and a single ice cube to Zane. Raising the glass in a salute, he took a sip. “Dear God it’s good to be around someone who understands that beer and wine coolers are not ‘fine drinking’. Most of my engineers haven’t quite figured that one out yet.”
From over the din, Zane heard another voice, “Did he finally get here, Mike?”
Michael waved to someone behind him and Zane turned to see a tall, middle-aged black man walking towards them with a smile. “Zane, you remember James Phelps, my VP?”
Zane smiled and nodded, “Of course. James, It’s good to see you again. How have you and Jasmine been?”
“Practically perfect in every way,” James said brightly, his arm around a slightly shorter black woman with big, curly hair, who was also beaming. “Zane, good to see you again. You remember my Jasmine?” At his nod, James continued, “Glad Your flight made it in time. You have accommodations, yes? If not, I’m sure we can figure something out.”
Zane nodded, “Hotel Ivy, downtown.”
James nodded, “Nice hotel, but lonely.” He looked at Jasmine for a moment.
Jasmine looked at him, thennodded with a slight shrug, “Of course you’re welcome to stay with us, Master Zane. Annabella can testify to how comfortable our guest room is.”
“If you don’t mind the monkey sex noises,” Annabella muttered under her breath before popping a chocolate-covered strawberry into her mouth as she walked up.
Zane smiled and chuckled, “What exactly is the point of having a slave if you can’t use them as you see fit?”
Annabella wrinkled her nose, “This is true,” she snuggled into Michael’s side looking up at him with a soft loving smile.
Zane thought about things for a moment, then nodded, “I’ll call the hotel and cancel if it’s alright. It would be nice to stay with people who understand.”
“Of course,” James said, smiling at him and clapping his shoulder. Zane stepped out to make the phone call.
It was close to twenty minutes later that Jade rejoined the party, this time she had a small silver collar snapped around her neck. Annabella raised a browser, “What happened?” She asked, stepping closer to Jade and asking softly.
“Avoiding an aggressive,” Jade responded just as softly and quietly. “It’s fine, princess. Don’t stress it.” Annabella huffed and hugged Jade with a grumpy face.
Zane was talking back and forth with Michael and James, who were currently grilling him about how he was getting along in Silicon Valley. “So have you found anyone worth considering yet?” James asked.
Zane shook his head. “Too many socialites. Not enough substance,” he said with a sight.
“Let’s focus on something more enjoyable,” Jade said, giving Annabella and Jasmine a smile as she slide her commlink out and started engaging the two women in baby talk causing many of the bedroom slaves to move further away. Jade spent Several more minutes focused on that, her eyes flicking up to watch the Masters wardly before refocusing on Annabella. “I can have the first one out on Monday, but the rest have classes until Thursday and will need to swap off.” She tapped her nose, “No painting yourself.”
Annabella pouted up at her, “But I want to help.”
“Master Michael,” Jade called when Michael turned to look at her. Jade gave him a winning smile, “Your Annabella wants to paint in her condition, Master Michael.”
Annabella huffed and crossed her arms, “No fair.”
Michael looked up. “No painting. You know better,” he said firmly, giving Jade a grateful smile.
Zane looked at them. “Do you… need help? I’ll have a couple of interviews to do on the campus, but otherwise, I’m free. I may not be able to paint you a Bryan Wolbeck, but I can slop paint on a wall well enough,” he offered.
Jade chewed on her lower lip for a moment, then gave him a small smile, “If you would like and Master Michael is ok with it… I had planned on doing a base primer coat tomorrow. After everything…,” she trailed off, ducking her head slightly and moving around Annabella her eyes shifting to wardly watch one of the younger Masters.
Zane caught her gaze and looked where she was looking. Realizing what was happening, he murmured to Michael and James, “If you’ll excuse me…” before stepping close to Annabella and putting his arm around Jade’s middle back. “Relax. You’re safe. I see it,” he murmured. Looking confidently at the man who was eyeing her until he made eye contact, he continued the stare until the other man backed down and turned away. When he had gone, Zane slowly released her. “Better?” he asked softly with a warm voice.
She nodded slightly, ducking her head, “Didn’t want to make a fuss,” she murmured barely above a breath. “Thank you, Master Zane. He didn’t do anything overt just…,” she trailed off, a blush on her cheeks as she looked down at her hands, “uncomfortable.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. OK? You are a guest here as well and have every right to feel comfortable in Michael’s house. If you’re not, then something’s wrong. You let him or James or me know, and we’llfix it,” he said confidently, the soft, warm tone not leaving his voice.
“Yes, Master Zane,” she murmured slightly, looking up at him trustingly before ducking her head slightly again, a blush on her cheeks. “Thank you, Master Zane.”
“Of course, Jade,” he smiled. Looking up at Michael who had almost a bemused smile on his lips, Zane rolled his eyes before turning back to her, “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you sit next to me at dinner? I’ll help keep your… undesired, would-be friend from bothering you and you can talk with Annabelle and Jasmine with fewer interruptions that way. How does that sound?”
She chewed on her bottom lip, then nodded slightly, “That sounds good, Master Zane.” She looked up at him, her eyes slightly Worried, “I don’t want to interfere with your conversation with Master Michael and Master James,…”
He waved dismissively. “I’m in town through Thursday at least. There’s plenty of time,” he smiled.
“As it pleases you to do so, Masterr Zane,” she gave him a small, soft smile, still biting her lower lip.
“Helping a lady such as yourself is never the wrong idea,” he murmured, before placing his hand at the small of her back and guiding her back over toward Michael, James, and their wives.
She shivered slightly at the feel of his warm hand on her, then pressed closer into his side, ducking her head as she pondered the warmth and safety she feel around him. It was new, something she typically only felt with Michael and James.
As they approached the group, Zane murmured, loud enough for them to hear, “I have rescued the damsel in distress from a vile dragon, and now bring her back to the council elders.” He smiled, then seeing that neither Michael nor James got his joke, he told. “I have got to find me some geekier friends…,” he muttered. Jade giggled softly, covering her mouth with her hand as she did so. He gestured at her before looking back at them, “At least someone understands… uncultured swine…”
James looked at him baffled, “What… in the hell are you on about, Zane?”
“You’ve never… played a role-playing game, have you?” Zane murmured.
“Nope. What gave me away?” James poked back.
Raising one eyebrow, Zane muttered under his breath, “Seriously… I really need to get me some geekier friends…”
Jade murmured under her breath, “Shiney math rocks go click-clack, needs the more all the more.”
Zane’s eyes widened and he looked at her. “You wonderful woman, you,” he murmured in surprise.
Jasmine looked at Annabelle, “Do you have… any… idea what they’re talking about?”
Annabelle shrugged, and offered, “Role… playing… games?”
Jasmine stuck her tongue out at Annabelle, “Gee. Thanks, Sherlock.”
Jade giggled, her nose wrinkled, then she pulled out her commlink, biting her lip, she flicked her fingers over it, then pressed a button, she handed it to him, “My gaming room, Master Zane.”
Zane took the commlink and looked at the picture, his smile going soft as he took in the books and paraphernalia and the nice gaming table. “A woman after my own heart.” He paused, then blushed, “I know it’s supposed to be, ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’, but… I have to confess,” he cought slightly, “I don’t actually have a photo of my gaming room. I’ve never actually needed one. And now I’m going to have to take one so that the next time some random person decides to geek out with me, I have something to show them…,” he smiled, chuckling softly.
She smiled up at him, “We’re a rare breed, Master Zane.” She looked down at the picture fondly, “I took this because when I run an online tabletop this is my setup. I prefer the feel of the dice in my hand and the clatter of the bounce far more than the algorithm on a screen.” She pointed, “I’ve got a laptop with a camera set up there to display the table when I’m hosting or running and I can’t find players local to my house.”
“It’s amazing how that tactile response changes gaming. There’s just something to… holding and rolling dice, or cracking open a paper book…,” he shrugged. “I star at computers all day. Holding something that’s not a ‘screen’ is soothing.”
“And you don’t get the same smell,” Jade murmured almost confessing, “There’s just that new book smell that you can’t get with a tablet.” She slide her commlink away, and leaned into his side again, “If you want, since you’re going to be here for a bit, maybe…” she paused, chewing on her lower lip then looked up at him, “Could show you?”
Zane smiled, “I’d like that, Jade. I’d like that a lot. That’s very kind of you.”
She smiled and ducked her head, blushing slightly, “Just don’t get weird about my electronics, supercomputer guru man.” She giggled softly, “Everything I’ve got was foisted on me by Master Michael. Except for my camera.”
He raised his hands in surrender. “I promise I won’t get weird about your electronics. But if you ever need advice about what to get and you want to talk to someone who actually knows what they’re talking about, I’ll leave you my business card,” he chuckled looking at Michael who managed to look offended, mostly.
“Hey, her computers were ancient, antiquities even,” Michael stated firmly.
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