Revenge for Assault and a New Girl

This could have been under non consent / reluctance, my only one where all parties are not happy to be in the situation they are in.


I had given the girls a rough cut piece of wood to turn into handles for floggers a few weeks ago, today they were showing them. They needed to carve the knob into shape and using increasing finer grades of sandpaper make it smooth enough for oiling.

Approaching the end of the school midsummer holiday, we all got together and the girls presented the handles they had been working on. Michelle and Emma had obviously worked hard on theirs, the handle was smooth and shiny. The end was carved and smoothed to resemble the knob of a cock Michelle’s artistic ability to the fore. It truly resembled a cock and they had obviously ‘oiled’ it as prescribed. Once a day for a week, once a week for a month; they needed to do it once a month for a year. The pussy juice oil had worked perfectly.

Emily and Sasha’s was also smoothand shiny, the knob end although not carved as well was larger, in fact ridiculously large in comparison to the shake but perhaps they liked it that way. They too had obviously been diligent in the ‘oiling’.

I had previously drilled a hole in the end, not the knob end, to hold the thongs. I gave each pair a few lengths of suede strips to cut and glue into the hole.

“Well ladies, after all your hard work I suppose we should test them.” I held one in each hand. “Well the grip is comfortable, very smooth, I would not worry about causing damage no matter where I put them.” I swatted them about. “Yes, good now all I need is something to test them on.” The four women turned round, bent over and lifted their skirts. In perfect unison, perfectly timed almost as if they had been practicing.

Also Perhaps they were expecting me to want to test run the floggers. I was going to do a full test of all components in and on all available areas. Starting with the upturned arses I scratched away, obviously not hurting too much but producing a nice red area on each.

Reversing the handle I inserted Michelle and Emma’s into Michelle’s pussy and the other into Emily’s, both slide in easily although the knob end of Emily’s spread her cunt quite a lot. She did not complain. I moved on to Emma and Sasha next with Similar results.

“Stand up and turn round, lift your tops, eight bare tits, even Emily and Sasha were sans bra, obviously expecting this. I hit their tits while moving along the line. Lovely and red. “Open wide,” I tested the handles in their mouths. “Bend over again,” I decided not to test the handles in their arses, Emily and Sasha’s was going to take some working in. I fucked each cunt in turn.


I have done some strange things, particularly in the last few months but smoothing and ‘oiling’ the handles is up there with the strangest. Sasha and I both worked onsandpapering it smooth. The blunt end took a lot of sanding to make it round and smooth. ‘Oiling’ was more fun, we did it together when we could and spent most of the time giggling like teenagers.

We could not insert it initially as the wood was so dry, we had to rub it around our wet pussies. What would have been totally embarrassing a few months ago now it was erotic and fun. The first thing to do was to get the juices flowing to produce enough ‘oil’ and to do this every day for a week! Master had not put restrictions on our orgasms so we both enjoyed our work.

Presenting it to master, we were proud of what we had done until we saw the other one. Their’s looked like a real penis, Michelangelo could not have done a better job (the one’s he carved were always small). Michelle is a real artist. Ours was just as well oiled. We made it into a flogger with suede strips which were tested on us.

We had been in contact with Michelle and Emma to plan for this not unexpected event. We turned bent and flicked our skirts up to display bare bumps. The feeling of the suede on the bottom was quite pleasant, the handle in the pussy was wonderful and pleasant to have master wielding it.

Lifting our tops we exposed naked boobs, Emma had persuaded Sasha and I not to wear bras, not something we usually do. The suede on the boobs was also not too painful and I could see the shade of red they became. Following this we sucked the handle. Now was a worry, master had said he would use all the holes and the large knob end Sasha and I had left on it would be very painful in one’s bum. Relief, he used his penis and our pussies.


Emily had organized another barbecue, mainly for her staff. It was to start early and continue until it stopped. I had Sasha move in with her to help her prepare. She had outsourced the food and had someone to cook and serve it. (She didn’t have a man to do the barbecuing, even I did not dare say that to her.)

Sasha was going to be Emily’s cousin visiting for a holiday. I was going with my girlfriend, Emma and her friend Michelle.

Emma and Michelle came round to my house, both were dressed more conservatively than usual. That is their skirts were an inch or two longer than usual, Emma was wearing a bra and although her dress was not that short it was tight but as long as her nipples stayed down she would be decent. Michelle had a similar sort of problem. They were both wearing knickers, I believe tangas which cover more than their usual thongs.

We arrived at about two and mixed with the others, Emma and Michelle were of course very popular with the men and spent a lot of time dancing. I circled, talking to old colleagues mainly. I spoke to Emily and Sasha before taking them into a bedroom and kissing them and congratulating them.

I was involved in a silly card game with a small group of men, we had a good laugh and I came out about four pounds better off.


What a great time we were having with the oldies, who’d have thought they could be such fun although we, Michelle and I were getting odd looks from some of the women. We danced with most of the men. The food was good and there was an excellent punch, champion based I think. In fact I think I may have imbibed too much of it.

I had to shoot off to the loo and the downstairs one was occupied so I ran upstairs where I found a bathroom. I saved myself, washed my hands and went to leave the bathroom. As soon as I unlocked and opened the door a bloke pushed into me grabbing my title with one hand and my bum with the other. He pushed me into the bathroom, up against a wall and put his hand up my skirt.

“Fucking asking for it you dirty prick-tease,” he grew. I was taken by surprise. His hand went over my mouth, how many fucking hands has he got? Fucking octopus. He had a hand inside my knickers on my pussy, trying to force his way in! I bit his other hand, moved away and knee him nearthe balls, I was of course aiming at his balls. I shouted at the same time. I slapped his face, why didn’t I thumb him?

“What’s going on?” Emily was coming out of her bedroom and heard me, she came into the bathroom.

“Fucking prick-teasing bitch was asking for a good fucking,” he rushed out.

“Let’s tell Master, he’ll fucking kill him,” I said. I was fuming and hurt and violent and just wanted to kill him. What fucking right did he have to touch me!?

“Hold on a minute,” said Emily. “I know that slimeball, excuse my French. His wife is one of my staff and he really is a nasty piece of work and I think we can sort him out for good.”

“But he needs a good kicking, now.”

“Straighten yourself out, do you want to borrow some knickers?”

“Yes please, he has ripped mine.” Practical Emily brought me down to earth.

“Stay in my bedroom for a minute and you will find knickers in the top drawer, even some you will be pleased to wear,” she laughed. She went off and returned with slimeball’s wife, telling her what occurred on the way up here. We designed a plan.

In conversation among the women, bondage had come up and Sasha said she had done some and was willing to show the ladies the basics. A small group had gone into the back room and messed about with some thick string having a good laugh.

I refused to go back to join the party, I could not face him. Emily went to fetch Master. The plan was explained to him and they managed to make him see the long term benefits of it.


Fuck I could beat the crap out of the creep, in fact they had to hold me back until they explained the plan. I took Emma and Michelle home causing a few disgruntled men and relieved women. Emma told me what happened which just got me angry again. We walked along the beach and the sound of the sea calmed me down.

I took the girls to bed, none of us in the mood for our usual sex, so we held each other. Licking, sucking and fucking allowered us all to have orgasms and a sleep.


This was the final straw, the cheating bastard had pushed too far, this time he will pay. I need to not show my disgust or even my knowledge of his actions. I rejoined the party and acted as if nothing had happened. He fucked me when we got home, obviously worked up from his attempted rap. I couldn’t even attempt to pretend I had an orgasm.

On Monday while he was at work I went to Emily’s house where I again met Sasha. We went to another house where a teacher lived, who I had seen briefly when I started at the school. He left before I got to know him. He had brought the two young girls to the party.

The plan involved me seducing my slimeball husband with my new skills in bondage. If I could get him tied to the bed the others would deal with him, not without my help!

On Wednesday I was waiting when he arrived home, I was wearing a basque and thong, nylons and High heels. My nipples showed above my basque. My makeup was done by little Michelle and I looked really sexy and perhaps a bit slutty. In another situation I would have felt really sexy instead of having to pretend.

When he arrived home I greeted him with a large whisky and dry ginger with every intention of getting him pissed. I pulled him by his tie, took it off and his jacket and sat him on the slottee. I did a lap dance in front of him while topping up his drink. He made a grab at me and I slapped his hand away. “Naughty, naughty you can look but you cannot touch, lap dancer’s golden rule. I may not be a lap dancer soon,” I turned at him and wiggled my arse at him.

I bent forward and undid his shirt, button by button. I rubbed my hands over his chest. Although he had seen them many times he was quite mesmerised by my almost totally visible tits. I moved away, continuing to dance. I gripped my thong on each side, pulling one side up and the other down then reversing it. My tits had totally worked loose from my basque andwere swinging.

I removed his belt and unfasted his fly. On my knees I removed his shoes and pulled his trousers and boxes down, he helped by lifting his arse. I put the belt around his neck and kissed him passwordately, without being sick. I pulled him up using the belt, picked up the bottle of Scotch and led him to the bedroom.

In the bedroom I sat him on the bed, poured some more whisky and said. “You will have the time of your life if you do as I say, I have had lessons, so finish your Scotch, lay back and be prepared to go places you have never been.” I took one hand and held it between my legs while I pulled out one of the top cuffs. His hand was as expected playing with my pussy, I left him doing this while I kissed him before moving around to the other side. I fixed his other wrist to a cuff, I sucked his nipple while he fiddled with my pussy. ‘It won’t be long now’ I kept repeating to myself.

I removed my pussy from his hand and kissed down his body, past his cock without touching it despite him trying hard to edge it my way. I licked down his leg. “Can you see my pussy? It’s waiting for you, very soon now.” I fastened his right leg before dancing around to his left. I removed my knickers and waved my pussy in front of him. Bending over so he could see my pussy and arsehole I fastened his left leg,

Done thank God almost no more Pretending, “Finish your drink, you know you last longer with a drink inside you.” He knocked the whisky back when I held it to his lips. “Another drink and I think you will be ready for something you really want.” I bent over and spread my arse cheeses.” He has wanted to fuck my arse for years but I wouldn’t let him. The last bastion. I gave him another drink.

I stood back and smiled at him. “I know you have always fancied sex with a third girl so this is it. I think you know her.” Emma walked in, looking sexy as hell in bra, knickers and stockings. She turned her back on him and slowly removed her knickers, in such a way she was turned sideways to him so he saw nothing. She removed her knickers, went to his head, smiling at him, she held his nose and stuffed her knickers into his mouth. I rushed up and slammed some gaffer tape over his mouth.

“You know if he has a blocked nose he could suffocate?” said Emma.

“He does not have a blocked nose so he should be alright.”

“There are ways of getting a blocked nose,” said Emma, ​​holding it and waggling it about. We left the bedroom, I held on to Emma, ​​I felt sick, the feelings I had while I pretended to be nice to that ‘slimeball’ which seems to be the name for him. “Thank you Mary what you did was above and beyond the call of duty, how you didn’t throw up in his mouth I don’t know. We went downstairs where everybody was waiting for us having watched it on television.

“Well done Mary,” said their master. He held me and kissed me. “You and Emma deserve to take the lead in this. We must remember the end result we want.The main one is that Mary gets an uncontested dividend with most of the assets, second is that slimeball sufferers. We were watching him on the screen, he was not suffocating and looked as though he was falling attend.

We had a drink and soon he was sleep, “Michelle time for you to be the other woman.” Michelle took her top off and went upstairs she unclipped one of his wrists and lay next to him wearing a wig in Plaits, her little tits but not her face showing. We had removed Emma’s knickers from his mouth so it looked like he was with a schoolgirl. In some photos she had a school skirt on and there was a beautiful one showing her bare back and her school skirt as she fucked him as he lay there. Another with her head over his cock also showing her school skirt and his face.

He had lost his erection so they fitted a cock cage on him. We waited downstairs drinking his whisky. He had quite good taste in whisky. We enjoyed what we were going to do, we had photos of him with a schildhoodgirl which may or may not be true, apparently he fucked anything in a skirt. Emma wanted to let him ‘enjoy’ what he was not going to get. Mary wanted revenge for years of basically neglect, he never physically misreated her but more ignored her in favour of others.

I wanted Michelle to stay out of sight and I was going to stay out of sight. The other girls all wanted to have a go at him. Emma went first, she throw cold water over his face. He shook his head and looked at her. “Hello, would you like to see what you could have won?” He already had her knickers so her pussy was on show. She unhooked her bra and let it fall. She climbed on top of him, kissed his face. “I like my knickers in your mouth, really exotic.” She licked his face and down his body to his navel and down to his cock cage. His cock seemed to be trying to expand to get out of the cage, she kissed it, tongued it. “I love your cock, I would love it if your cock was in my cunt. My cunt is dripping, oh how I wish you could fuck me.”

She was rubbing his balls and what bit of his cock she could reach. “Did you not think what might have happened if you had just asked me for a shag?” A long pause while he thought about it. “You silly bugger… I’d have kicked you in the balls.” She grabbed his balls and squeezed them. He tried to scream through the knickers.

“You slimy cunt, you are a fucking disgrace, if it was down to me I’d cut your cock off. I am not finished with you yet.” She walked out. I walked in.

“Hello my sweet, did you enjoy your trist with the young girl you tried to rape, I don’t think she likes you, I think she may have your balls before you are set free but that is for later. Now we must look to our future. I am having a Divorce, you are going to agree with it. I shall have the house, details will be drawn out with my lawyer. I will leave you with something, maybe.”

I looked at his poor imprisoned cock. “And to think you had aspirations of putting that misErable thing in my arsehole. Before too long you will have bigger things in yours. You know I was getting worked up earlier flashing, dancing being sexy, something you have not made me feel for a long time, lucky I had a real man to think of while I did it.” I put my finger under his scrotum and with my long false nail, invaded his arse.


“We will let him rest for a while, we want him to be avoiding to go, to have a hard on like nobody’s business. We must not leave him with any visible damage that we may have caused. I would love to cut his cock off and leave him with all his shitty feelings and no way to do anything about it.” I took Mary and Emma into my arms.

“Sasha you will use your feminine wiles to get him going, you will also use a straw-on to fuck his arse. When we have finished with him he will be ashamed to tell anybody what happened. Meanwhile I’ll have another drink and fuck one of you,” I said.

“Please, as much as I hated doing that to him ithas got me all worked up, would you please fuck me, sir?” Mary asked.

“I only fuck on my terms. You deserve fucking, spend five minutes talking to Sasha and Emma about what I expect if you still want me to fuck you I’ll think about it.” I sat back with my Scotch and Michelle. I wanted him to suffer, fuck I really want him to suffer but I didn’t want to have her hanging on. She was either part of my team or not.

I had Michelle and Emma on each side of me, both wanting to be over my knee and spanked. Mary came back. “Lay across his knee and do as you’re told.” So instead of having one of the teenagers over me I had Mary, her face in Emma’s pussy. I scratched her arse hard, both cheeses alternately. I pushed my hand between her legs and felt her wet pussy. “Well you are a slut,” I carried on spanking her.

Her arse was red all over, apart from grunts she said little. I carried on spanking her. “Please fuck me sir, please.”

“What’s in it for me? I can fuck any of theseGirls you are fuck all to me. You will have to persuade me otherwise. Just because you are married to a slimeball doesn’t mean I have to fuck you.” She was taken aback, I assume that she assumed any man would want to fuck her. “Get down and kiss my feet.”

She quickly did and was on her knees kissing my feet. “Get your arse up. Let the girls see your smelly cunt and arsehole.” Her back came up and she displayed herself. Very good, I will fuck you and you will show your dripping cunt to your husband. I led her upstairs by her hair, smacking her arse as we went.

“Ow, thank you sir please fuck me,” she pleased so Slimeball could hear her.

“I’ll fuck you, your cunt and your arse, then stuff my cock in your mouth. I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before, your cunt will be so sore you’ll beg me to stop but you won’t want me to stop, you’ll beg me to fuck you for ever.”

I fucked her in a spare bedroom close to where slimeball was. I did her missionary, whiletwisting her nipples and encouraging her to be vocal. When I had finished I told her: “Keep your hand on your cunt, straddle the slimeball and let it drip on his face.”

We watched on the screen, she walked in, naked, holding her hand between her legs and she squatted over his face. She rubbed her sticky pussy over his face. “Can you smell that, that’s spunk from a real man. He gave me a real orgasm, I didn’t have to pretend, you limp dick arsehole.” She wiggled her arse as she walked around to emphasise her well spanked bum.



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