Revealing Realness Ch. 03

Author’s Note: I think I am starting to learn the proper pace for these stories so I hope this is an improvement on the last two installments in the series. As always, criticism is not only accepted, but encouraged (Just don’t be rude) Enjoy!

Ps. Tell me what you would like to see in future chapters!


I woke up the next morning blind from the intrusive glare coming in from my office window. Although, the light offered its warmth and doubled as a blanket so I couldn’t be too upset with it.

My head pounded within my skull and as I tried to get up off the ragged carpet, gravity mocked me and pulled me right back down. What the hell happened last night? Where were my clothes? Where was I?

The last question was answered I saw my name on the blurred window of the door to the room. I was in my office, naked apparently.

I crawled over to my messy desk carEfully as not to dizzy myself and searched for my phone. My desk was in shambles and everything so meticulously organized on top of it before could be found in a chaos pile next to the desk on the floor. The only things on the desk were a couple of pens, a wrinkled sheet of paper, and a viscous puddle of fluid in the middle. At the moment, I felt like someone in a suspended movie- my memory was wiped and I had to find out what I had done. Though in reality, I was just a middle-aged woman who apparently was too fond of wine and social gatherings. But before I could solve any mystery I had to find my damned phone.

Just then, a ring came out of the opposite corner of the room, playing some generic default ringer. It split my ears with the kind of sound that you know isn’t loud in reality, but rather you were just hung over and Everything sounded ear-splitting. I quickly crawled over to stop that horrible noise and checked to see who it was from. Just a 1-800 number, I wiped it frommy call log. Looking at the time I realized just how bad my prediction was, seeing that I woke up at 1 pm on a Saturday. In my texts were 3 messages, two missed calls, and one voice mail. I never got this much, had I done something great in my inebriation for which people called to comment me? Or had I done something horrible? Please don’t let it be the second…

All the calls and texts came from the same unfamiliar number. The texts read:

9:09 AM- “Had a great time with you last night, Julia. I would love to see you again in a less “formal” environment. Come to my apartment by noon and we can catch up on everything worth catching up on. See you then.”

Who was this? The nature of the text didn’t seem inherently sexual so I couldn’t really use it to explain my apparent lack of clothes.

10:13 AM- “No call or text back? Is that anyway to treat someone who made you cum twice last night? I’m starting to worry that you’re beginning to have regrets. If you come hereby noon I can convince you to change your mind…”

Disregard my last thought. The final text came in only a few minutes before I woke up.

12:53 PM- “You can’t ignore me either way. If you want your clothes back you’re gonna have to talk to me, whether you like it or not. Oh, and the longer you wait, the more you’ll regret it. Ps. What filter should I use for Instagram?”

Attached to the message was a file. I tapped on the file and when it finally loaded after a few seconds I dropped my head to the floor in the deepest shade. The photo was of me in this corner bending down to pick up my clothes at a rather unflattering angle. The flash of the camera highlighted my ass and sparkled on my damp sex, which after closer inspection, had a thick drop falling halfway between itself and the carpet. My face wasn’t very prominent in the photo but anyone who looked at it next to me for 10 seconds would be able to recognize me in it. Everything from last night came rushing back tome- the sex, the submission, the degradation… Kate… That was what the puddle on my desk was…

I didn’t move for a minute after I looked at the picture, I was too humiliated to function. But when I finally did move, I listened to the voice mail which was sent 20 minutes past noon. Kate’s dominating voice boomed from the phone.

“So I’ve been waiting at my apartment for a while now, and you haven’t answered any of my calls or texts. I want you to know I’m not mad, but when next I see you, don’t expect me to be happy either. Just prepare yourself accordingly and get down here as soon as possible. The longer I wait, the worse it’s going to get. And don’t forget about our little deal last night… See you soon.”

I texted her back. “Sorry, I blacked out last night. Who are you again?” I had to play dumb, maybe she’d let me off the hook if she thought that this was just a drunk hook-up. I stared at my phone in suspension, not sure how long it would take her to get the message or to respond to it. Just then a yellow bubble appeared on the left side of the chat. It read:

“You’ve already upset me by making me wait an hour for you to show up, I don’t think it too wise for you to lie to me as well. Get over here, now.”

She couldn’t be 100% sure that I was lying, could she? Although, even if I was being honest and really couldn’t remember her, it wouldn’t take a genius to see what kind of position I was in: they had my clothes, they had a nude picture of me, and they allegedly brought me to an orgasm twice in one night. There weren’t too many possibilities as to what could be going on. I replied back:

“I know what happened but I don’t remember any of it, much less who you are. I’m sorry if I offend you.” Please fall for it…

“Last night you told me you were a little bimbo slut, so it makes sense that you legitimately think that you can get away with lying to me. You also asked my permission to eat me out, and seemed to enjoy me quite a lot. Ring any bells?”

“… … “

“… … “

“I’ll be there soon.” She gave me no room for any further discussion or any negotiation. Whether I remember her or not she had the same leverage on me. She, a student, had a naked picture of me, a professor. It seemed there was no way out.

Just then she texted me the directions to her apartment, and I stared at my phone in shame. How could I end this? This couldn’t go on forever, I would just have to please her for today and then this nightmare would be over. I had to tell Jane to see if she had any input. I called her up and she answered after 3 rings.


“Hey, are you with anybody right now? If so can you go somewhere you won’t be heard?”

“… OK what’s up, Julia?”

“Well, you know how I stayed late last night? And how I got a little drink?”

“Well I didn’t know about the last part, but yeah.”

“Well at the end, I ended up…” how could I put this in a way that that didn’t make me seem like a slut. “… having relationships with a student…” My body tensed up and I was prepared for Jane’s judgment of my misdeeds.

Jane chuckled into the phone and said “And…? Did you murder them too? What’s wrong?”

How could she be so relaxed? “I slept with a student! I violent about a hundred different rules and now I could get fired!”

“I’ve also slept with a student before. And so has Ms. Jilling, and Mr. Godall, and Mr. Atery, and Ms. Zuna. Literally everyone has slept with at least one student. As long as they don’t tell anybody you’re safe.”

“What if…”

“Did they tell somebody?! Julia, is that what you were about to say?” I don’t know why, but the prospect of having the entire campus aware of sexual exploits lit a small fire in my chest and my groin.

“No no no. But they’re threatening to and I don’t know what to do.”

“Well first, what proof do they have? And second, what do they want from you?”

How could I tell her what Kate wanted. I was so embarrassed I could have dropped dead at that moment. “She has a picture of me naked.”

“She?” Jane seemed confused. “I thought—”

“It doesn’t matter right now, Jane. Just help me with this.”

“Okay, what does she want?”

“She…” I couldn’t say it, not to best friend.

“She what? If you want my help you have to tell me.”

“She wants me to submit to her.” The silence consumed us for a whole minute as Jane processed the information I had given her.

“What do you mean by submit? Does she want good grades?”

“She wants me to be her… her slave.”

“So like errands? You’ll just be completing menial tasks for her?” Jane was going through mental gymnastics in order to avoid the obvious answer. She was in such shock that she could’t accept the situation I was in.

“She wants me to submit to her sexually.” Again, the silence. And again, that little flame inside my chest.

Jane spoke up, “You have to do it.”

I was dismayed, Jane was supposed to get me out of this, she was supposed to help me, not encourage me. She spoke again. “If you don’t submit to her, you’ll be fired and blackballed from any jobs even slightly connected with education. However, if you do submit to her, then you at least have a chance to keep your job, and you might even find a way out of this mess.” She had a point, I would get nothing out of resistance, and I would lose nothing if I gave in.

“Hey Jane, one more thing.”


“Can you bring me a change of clothes? She kinda… has mine…”


When my clothes arrived, I left for Kate’s apartment which was about 10 minutes away. I received another text from her about half way to apartment which read “The door is unlocked. When you enter, strip and get down on your knees with your arms behind your back.” She really wanted to jump into the action.

I parked my car and walked up the stairs to her door, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans before I entered. My stomach felt like it was full of sand, and anxiety seized me. I had to this.

I walked in as quietly as possible and took off my shoes, and then my jacket, my long sleeve shirt, my pants, bra, and then I just stood there, taking in the moment. I took a deep breath, and removed my panties which, shamefully, bore a small wet spot in the center.

I got down on my knees and, as told, put my arms behind my back, grabbing my elbows. Just then, a victory came from my jeans and my phone lit up. Breaking position to read what it was, my phone said: “Get in position and close your eyes.” I did as told, allowing the world to go black before me.

For minutes, my mind was transfixed on the sound of the air conditioner which whirred loudly and gave me goosebumps. The apartment was far too cold for me to remain naked on the tile floor for too long.

Some steps came from somewhere around me, but I didn’t movemy head around for better hearing, I sat still with my back up straight so Kate would know I still had some dignity left in me. The steps were then behind me, then died. I couldn’t sense any movement, except for the breathing of Kate down my neck from her nostrils.

A rough texture made its way around my neck and made a “click” at the back which sounded like that of a small padlock. It was then rotated so that the minute weight could hang at the front of my neck, where yet another abject made a different “Click.”

The AC shut off and my hearing was heightened, but all there was to hear was silence which rang in my head. My heartbeat rose a tad, as did my pace of breath. A hand came to embrace my wait like a hug from behind, and another came between my knees to pry my legs apart as Kate whispered into my ears “Open.” It slowly encroached from my knees to my tights to my pussy, where it examined my damp sex.

“Good girl.” Her hot breath resonated into my ear, sending shocks down my spine, and she worked her fingers up to my cliporis which she massed slowly. I moved my hips forwards and leaned my back into Kate to accept her touch which seemed to have a magical effect on me. It’s not to say that I wasn’t ashamed, or that I didn’t like it, but rather that I was ashamed to like it.

Her fingers dove into my sex from there, and violently bobbed in and out at a slowly accelerating rate. Each time she went in I gave off a tiny gasp. And as time went on and I began to live up, she removed her arm from my waist and inserted her right index finger into my mouth which I accepted, gently sucking on, treating it like a delicacy. When I was close to finishing, which she was able to predict easily due to my pants and moans, she removed her fingers (from both hands) completely and finally, and then wiped them on my breasts like they were rags. I still didn’t open my eyes but turned my head in both directions as a silent plea.

Her voice was now aboveme. “Don’t worry sweetie, we will finish that later. Now open your eyes.” I opened my dilated eyes to the bright apartment and saw, coming from my neck, a pink rope, or with further inspection, a leash. I followed that lean to my neck and felt a tiny padlock, which locked a collar. I gave it some gentle tugs which scratched my neck against the rough material, but the collar wouldn’t budget.

“That’s Not a cheap collar, you know. It cost 20 dollars along with the lean.” Kate walked in front of me so that I could see her as she spoke, and squatted so that we were at eye level, though my eyes were down her open skirt rather than at hers. She gently pulled my head up so that I was looking at her. “I spent money on you, you know that right?” I nodded my head. “And you didn’t Even want to show up. You didn’t even apologize.”

I looked her in the eyes and stared. I knew what she wanted but I didn’t want to add to my debasement. But I had to. “I’m sorry, Miss.”

“What are yousorry for?”

She wanted me to say everything. “I’m sorry for making you wait for me.” I looked down at my knees and again she pulled my head up.

“So you’re not sorry for lying to me, or trying to trick me, or disobeing me?” She got up and walked around so now I had to crane my head around to look at her from the ground.

“I’m sorry for those things too, Miss.” I felt awkward saying it, but I didn’t not mean it…

“Why did you do all of those things, by the way?”

“I was scared you would pay me.”

“You are going to be paid, sweetie. Now you are at least. But what would you be paid for before?”

I didn’t know. I acted like I forget about last night because I hoped she would leave me alone, not because I was scared of punishment. “For my defiance last night.”

“I wasn’t going to punish you for last night. However, lying to me, and disobeying me like you did this morning, that’s a different story. But, I’m not a tyrant, and I won’t blackmmail you into doing things that you don’t want to do, only a sociopath would do that. I want—need—your consent before we do anything today. I need to know that you submit to me because you realize you need me in your life, and not because you think I’m a psychopath. Do you understand?” It was strange to see that Kate did, in fact, have morals.

So did I still have to be on my knees if she wasn’t “forcing” me to do anything? I stayed down as a precaution and answered aptly. “Yes Mistress.”

“Good girl, but I’m not your mistress quite yet. We still have to wait for you to make that choice,” she smiled. “Now give me your lean.” I picked it up and offered it to her. “Ah-uh, drop it” she shunned me. “That’s not how you give a dominant something. If you want to give me something,” she took my hands and opened them palm up, “you put it your paws and offer it to me.” She called my hands paws… Why was I enjoying this? “Now try it. Give me your leash.”

I scooped the beginningof my lean where it met my collar and laid it in the palm of my hands, where I then raised it to Kate who was petting my hair. She began walking and I followed, leaving behind a slippery spot on the floor and wondered if she would be OK with me getting up. I figured if she had me chained up, she would most likely be opposed to me walking on my feet, so I crawled on my hands and knees behind her, watching her skirt sway as she walked, hoping a drift would come and lift it up. No such drift came by the time we stopped at a door further away from the door to the apartment.

“Are you ready, Julia?” What could she be talking about? And when would I be able to exercise my right to not consent?

“I don’t know what we are doing.”

“We are going to be disciplined.” She opened the door and dropped my Leash, allowing me to crawl through the threshold before her. The room looked like an in-home gym without any gym equipment, but instead BDSM-ware. In one corner was a Saint Andrew’s cross with various whips, paddles, and crops hanging on the wall beside it. The walls were a dark gray and the floors transitioned to wood which was easier on my knees. There was a cage next to the door which was large enough to house a pitbull, and next to it were different color leashes, ranged from black to red. The room was rather intimidating, and the only area within it that offered enough room to roam was in the center, where a leather rope was to attached to ceiling, but was kept from dangling down by a Velcro strap which secured it upwards.

She walked past me and shut the door behind her. “Now is when you get to make a choice. Stand up.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I rose immediately.

She lead me to the center of the room and spread my legs shoulder-width apart and adjusted my hands so that they were interlocked behind my head. She then went to a night stand in one corner, opened its drawer, and pulled out a small object the same shape, but just longer than, a bullet.She pressed a small button on the bottom of the object and the toy began to vibrate obviously, like that of a cheap vibrating toothbrush. She spoke over the noise.

“There is one thing that I need to make you do. But it’s not just because I want to see you squirm. What we are going to do, we are doing because you need to understand the choice you are about to make. To me, you are like a child, or something else that needs to be supervised. Something that isn’t intelligent enough to make choices so important as the one you are just about to make. Think: you will be the one making the decision, but I will try to influence you to make the correct one. So, are you ready?” Was I supposed to be insulted by what she said? Because it kind of made sense to me. I should know about the choices I make before I make them- I should be informed.

“Yes ma’am,” I said haphazardly. The buzzing from the bullet was beginning to intimidate me.

“Let me tell you the rules of our little game. I am going to put this bullet inside of you at about 50 percent power.” She twisted the butt of the bullet and the buzzing faded slightly. “And you are going to have to keep in in without it falling out. Do you understand so far?” I nodded anxiously so that Kate could see that I cared about her words. “If the bullet falls out, it adds 5 minutes to our session. As you are focusing on that, I will be administratoring your punishment for this morning. Do not flinch, do not guard yourself, and do not break position.” The last part concerned me as my shoulders were already beginning to tire. “There are two ways out. First, you can beg me for release at any given moment, and I will forgive you for any wrong doings you might have done, and you will submit to me as your Mistress.” A mistress, I thought. How my past students would laugh if they heard I had even a life coach. I was used to my own sort of control; I couldn’t imagine myself with a mistress. But she was so pretty…”Or, you couldaccept the duration of your punishment, which will be 1 hour, or only 30 minutes if you choose to endure with a blindfold on. If you choose the latter, we can go on with our lives as if you and I never met, just a student and a teacher living completely normal lives.”


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