Repression and Submission

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictional. All characters in this fictional work are over the age of 18. This work is intended to be consumed by adults, 18 or 21 years of age, depending on your location.

Summary: A expressed girl’s boyfriend discovers that her repression has made her extra submissive

Author’s Note: The overall story will have elements of BDSM including male dominance and female submission, bondage, punishments, teasing and denial etc. This particular chapter will be fairly vanilla in terms of actual sex. There’s story-building and insight into the characters but there’s also some sexual content.

Repression and Submission. Pt 1

Rekha seemed just like your typical Non-Resident Indian, who had been born and brought up in the United States. She had parents who were strict enough to scare off any potential boyfriends. Not that it would have mattered. Rekha spent most of her time being a model student, behaviour which would continue till collegewhere she excellent and flourished. Rekha had been taught that girls had to be “pure” and “chaste” and had never even masturbated because of the guilt she associated with it when she’d attempted to out of curiosity.

The years went by and still she hadn’t even kissed anyone, let alone dated. It wasn’t for a lack of attractiveness either. She didn’t know it but Rekha had turned into a beautiful woman by the time she started University. She was around 5’7 with a toned, lithe body. Her hair looked like it could’ve been out of a shampoo commercial. Long enough to reach her wait when it was left untied, lush and glossy. She had perky B cup breasts and a toned ass which definitely caught a lot of eyes as she walked past. Speaking of eyes, hers were light brown and when she stared at someone intensely, her intelligence seemed to shine through them. She worked out regularly and enjoyed swimming which contributed to her tight body.

In her final year of college, she met someone who would change her life forever. A new member of the debate team, Jake was someone she constantly butted heads with. Their debates would rage on for hours while the onlookers watched on spellbound if a little scared. They both knew however that they were the best Parliamentary debaters around and could destroy any opposition.

Jake was that rare breed who managed to balance academic achievement, extra-curriculars and popularity. Everyone seemed to know him and he was easy going and fun to be around. He was also intelligent, managing to be more or less around the top of the class rankings. Just about 6’0, curly brown hair, muscle yet not overly so and with light eyes, he was fairly popular with the ladies as well.

There was a national level debate competition which was super prestigious and it was Jake who had the idea of ​​asking Rekha to be his teammate. She was surprised when he asked but she was glad that she didn’t have to ask. They teamed up and ended up spending a lot ofdays in the library together. They worked together grudgingly at first, taking every opportunity to tear the other one down. They’d pass snide remarks to try and elicit reactions. Privately neither of them thought that the partnership would work.

One day Jake was late to the library and when he got there, he saw a sobbing Rekha. She was sitting in her usual corner, books in front of her but it was evident with Just a glance that she was crying softly to herself. Till he saw her, he’d been bracing himself for refuges about his tardiness and had been preparing his own refugees yet when he saw her he immediately felt the need to go comfort her.

He sat beside her as she turned away from him, sniffing and wiping her eyes.

“Hey, what’s the matter Rekha? Anything I can help with?” He asked her, tenatively placing a hard around her shoulder.

“No…there’s nothing. Just some family trouble.” She replied as she tried to look away. She didn’t move his arm away though.

“Okay, we don’t have to prepare today. Just take care of yourself. I’m here if you need anything.”

“No that’s okay. We have less than two weeks. Let’s just get this over with.” Rekha said, opening her books and shaking her head repeatedly.

“Okay if that’s what you want.” Jake replied, moving his arm away and opening his laptop.

Midway Through their prep though, Rekha started sobbing again and this time she spoke about what was bothering her. Her father had called her and told her that expected her to win the competition and he’d be disappointed if she didn’t. He also let slip that if she didn’t have a job right after University, he’d start looking for men for her to marry.

The pressure was too much for Rekha and once she cut the call, she’d started to sob. She opened up and told Jake about how she hadn’t even dated anyone till that point because of the pressure on her to excel and how her parents had repressed her. Jake listened and once again placed his arm around her. This time she turned and sobbed into his shoulder.

Once she was done, she was just about ready to apologize for being emotional before Jake started opening up about his own life. There wasn’t the same pressure on him to excel academically because he was the first person from his family to be college educated. He put the pressure on himself though because he had an absent father and wanted to support His mother after University. He spoke about his own challenges and how he related to hers and Rekha stopped sniffling to listen.

After that day, the dam had been broken. They’d grown closer to each other. The banter was still there but now it was more friendly. It made for a much better environment and they became friends. Occasionally someone would come to flirt with Jake and Rekha would roll her eyes and pretend to be sick behind them. However she realized that there was a hint of jealousy when Jake would reciprocate. On a similar note, a library regular once interrupted their prep to ask Rekha out to drinks. She turned bright red and began to stammer before hastily rejecting him and apologizing. Jake laughed at the whole display yet he too felt a little relieved that Rekha rejected the man.

They opened up more too, Rekha finally could be open about all the pressure she had from her parents. She spoke about how all her life she’d tried to please her parents and They still rarely acknowledged her achievements. Jake opened up about some of his financial challenges occasionally. They even started calling each other nicknames. Rekhs for Rekha and Jakey for Jake.

They fell for each other slowly yet surely as the debate approached. They travelled to Manhattan for the competition and stayed in a really nice hotel. The competition itself was difficult but Jake and Rekha Did their best and managed to win, narrowly edging out the runners up.

They were all smiles while collecting the award yet both couldn’t help feeling a pang of sadness that there would no longer be any late night library sessions. Rekha hugged Jake unprompted when they won and they went out to celebrate that night.

The prize money was amazing for a debate and they went to a very nice restaurant for dinner. Jake reached first as he was out seeing the sights as Rekha spoke to her family and got ready.

When he saw her enter, his breath was taken away. She was wearing a long wine coloured dress which was dignified yet hugged her body. Her hair was out and she looked like a movie star.

Jake got up stammering as he welcomed her as she blushed at his gaze. The dinner itself was great. They spoke about the debate, dissecting every detail before the moved on to talking about other things. They laughed and joked around and Rekha even had a couple of sips of Jake’s cocktail before they left to head back to their hotel. Jake this time hugged Rekha while dropping her off to her room.

They were both laughing as they approached her door but suddenly they stopped, not saying anything as they stared into each other eyes. Jake this time hugged Rekha while dropping her off to her room. They broke away from the hug before Jake leaned in and kissed Rekha. Jake was an experienced kisser yet this was different. He felt emotions he’d never felt before. Butterflies in his stomach, electricity against his lips and a feeling of bliss.

As their lips locked Jake hugged Rekha and pulled her into him.Rekha attempted to kiss back but she wasn’t really sure what to do. She gasped when she felt Jake slip in his tongue, savouring the sensing and attempting to use her own tongue till Jake whispered to her to stop before wrestling her tongue with his own. Rekha felt sensings she had never before as they kissed. Jake then moved his hands away from her waist and began to explore Her body. Rekha gasped while they kissed yet pulled away when she felt his hands on her breasts. Jake was a bit disappointed yet respected her wishes completetely and placed his hands back at her waist.

They stopped kissing, panting and gasping as they stared at each other. Then Rekha invited Jake inside her room and they spent the rest of the night talking and kissing, speaking about how they felt about each other. By the next morning, Jake and Rekha were boyfriend and girlfriend.

It took a few more make out sessions before Rekha confessed that she’d been made to feel guilty about feelings of pleasure considering they weren’t married and that’s how she’d been brought up. Eventually, Jake realized that while Rekha had been repressed, she was incredibly obedient. It almost happened by chance too. Once they’d started dating, she listened to him and would hardly question the odd request or command. He truly realized this when one time he jokingly commanded her to get on the bed while they were making out and she listened unquestioningly. He began to wonder if there was a way to fast track Rekha into being more open sexually.

Jake loved Rekha and he craved the feeling of her touch. He endlessly thought about how their first time would feel and imagined her gazing into his eyes as he entered her. Jake had been having sex since high school and rarely had dry spells so this was odd for him. He wondered how he could ease Rekha into having sex and then began to ponder her background.

The repression had led to an interesting side effect, Jake sumised. It had turned Rekha extremely submissive sexually. It was a sharp contrast to her usually fire, strong willed personality yet it made complete sense.

It was the night of their six month anniversary and they’d just got back from their favourite restaurant. They got back to Rekha’s flat, giggling and kissing each other. They reached the bed and Jake guided Rekha there. As Rekha lay on her back, Jake knelt over her before laying on her and finding her lips with his own. he felt Rekha push back before he for the first time, grabbed her hand and said, “Don’t.”

His tone was firm and implied that there would be no further conversation. While Rekha long to pull away from him, she suddenly felt her pussy getting wet. Confused by the feeling of wanting to move away from Jake out of guilt, yet turned on by his words, she remained there, looking questioningly at Jake’s eyes.

Wondering if he was making a terrible mistake, Jake pushed his hands under Rekha’s dress as he said “Don’t move.”

He gently placed his fingers between her legs and touched her till he began to feel the slight wetness on her panties. Rekha began to feel more turned on as she felt his fingers graze her clip through her panties. Jake slipped his fingers into her panties and for the first time touched Rekha’s sex. Rekha felt like an electric shock went through her body and she shuddered.

“Good girl”, Jake said as he kissed her lips gently and stared into her wide, amber eyes. Rekha now feel some of the guilt leave her as she gave in to the sensing ofHer clip being pleasantly properly. Jake gathered some of the mood between her legs before recovering his efforts. As Rekha tried to tell herself to stop it despite her pussy telling her otherwise, she felt Jake’s lips move away from her.

Jake watched her for a few seconds, her eyes wide and gazing back before he continued. “Be a good girl and listen to me, Rekha. Just close your eyes and let’s enjoy this.” Jake said to her with the same gentle yet firm tone.

Rekha again obeyed. She closed her eyes as she felt him kiss her neck, earlybes and cheats before getting back to her lips. She felt him slightly increase the pace as she whimpered involuntarily. She felt herself widen her legs without knowing she was doing it. Having her eyes closed means every other sensing was widened. She wondered briefly why only a woman’s pleasure was sinful or unwelcome before a particular little flick to her clip rendered her incapable of more scholarly thoughts than “Oh my fucking God thatFeels so good”.

She began to pant as she closed her eyes and began to push her hips into him. Of course, she wasn’t naiive enough to fail to recognize what her orgasm was as it rushed towards her. She just wasn’t expecting it to feel as good as it did. Opening her mouth to make a sound she’d never heard herself make, she put her head against the bed and felt Jake expertly finger her to the first orgasm she’d ever felt.

Jake smiled as he felt the insides of her thighs quiver as her whole body shuddered with orgasmic ecstasy. He felt his fingers get coated with more of her juices as Rekha mewled as she came. Jake left his fingers at her pussy for a few seconds after she was done shuddering and spasming in pleasure. He looked lovingly at her as she gasped like she’d finished running a marathon. When she’d caught her breath and opened her eyes, she felt Jake kiss her once more before removing his hand from inside her panties. She looked at his hands, wondering if the wetness coverling it was all from her as he brought it to her lips.

“It’s what good girls do.” Jake said as he watched Rekha’s confused reaction to his fingers near her lips. Hearing that again, Rekha felt weird and confused again yet opened her mouth and tenatively dabbed her tongue at his dripping finger. It wasn’t too bad, she thought as he pushed his fingers in her mouth and waited for her to suck. She Did really want to be a good girl for Jake and make him proud. A little surprised that things were working this well, Jake felt his manhood stiffen as Rekha finished sucking the last few drops of her juices off her cunt. He just smiled at her and gave her an approving nod as she looked questioningly at her.

As he moved off Rekha and lay down next to her, he knew exactly what Rekha needed and how to go about giving it to her.

Rekha stared at the ceiling, still trying to catch her breath as she felt Jake cuddle with her. She had no idea that orgasms felt so good and while thee was still a fair bit of shame from the voice in her head calling her a whore, she was intrigued and curious. She especially enjoyed the slight feeling of powerlessness as Jake commanded her. She didn’t know it just yet but it had turned her on. Licking her lips as she tasted the tang of her own juices, she wondered what other pleasures were in store for her.

Somehow she felt guilty not just because she’d been fingered to orgasm. She wanted Jake to feel some of the pleasure she had just experienced. It was only fair wasn’t it? For her to please him in return?

She’d felt his erection and know what it was of course. She knew he was turned on and needed her. She wanted to be a good girl….she felt so warm when he called her that….She snapped herself out of her reverie. How could she please him when she didn’t Know how to? She was beyond conflicted because she was told that being a good girl involved being chaste till marriage yet she wanted to be good to Jake as well.

She turned over to face Jake and in doing so, saw his tented pants. She somehow wanted to help him feel as good as he’d made her feel. Forgetting what she wanted to say, she continued to star at Jake’s erection. Jake caught her staring at his crotch and could hardly believe his luck. He’d assumed that Rekha would require a lot of patience yet there she was, staring at his erection and almost licking her lips.

Rekha hadn’t noticed his smile as he watched her. She was trying to think about the hushed conversations girls used to have about blowjobs. She’d always turned red out of awkwardness when those conversations happened yet she was trying to think of them today.

“Did you enjoy that, Rekha?” Jake softly asked as he began to play with Rekha’s hair. Now out of her reverie, Rekha was flustered as she tried to reply but didn’t know what she was replying to.

“I mean my fingers on your…” Jake said with the same grin.

“I really did.” Rekha replied softly, looking down at the bed and turning slightly red. For a few seconds they stayed like that as Rekha mustered up some courage to speak.

Realizing Rekha was probably not going to volunteer to suck his dick, Jake decided to speed things up a notch.

“It was really hot, the way you came all over my fingers.” he said as he looked at her eyes doing their best to avoid his. “I will say though that it got me really turned on as you can see.” He laughed at the end of the sentence, making it seems like a quip yet lightly nudging her.

Rekha looked at his crotch again before quickly looking back at him with an expression of embarrassment.

“I’m sorry…” she said before her voice trailed off.

“Nothing that you can’t help me out with here Rekhs.” Jake murmured as he began moving Rekha’s hands towards his crotch.

“Jake please, I’ve never…” she said again, eyes widening as she realized what Jake was doing.

“Rekha, we’ll stop whenever you feel uncomfortable. You’re beautiful and you made me feel this way. Just take it slow. I know you’ll do great.” he said as he placed her hand on his bulge.

She looked back hesitantly at him as he smiled back.

“You can do it Rekhs. You’re a good girl aren’t you?”

Feeling that warm sensing again, Rekha felt the stiffness beneath Jake’s pants. She fumbled with the buttons, her hands shivering a little out of nervousness before she had unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper.

Jake helped her partially pull his pants down and then his boxes, allowing his cock to stand erect and free from the clothes it had been straining against for some time now.

Rekha gasped as she saw his cock for the first time. It was slightly larger than average but was larger than she’d been expecting for sure. It already had a bead of precum dripping down the slit.

She gazed at it for a while, taking in the sights and feeling increasing hot and flustered.

“Like what you see?” Jake said, laughhing a little at Rekha’s expression. “Well whenever you’re ready then, Rekhs.”

Rekha with the same level of hesitation grasped Jake’s cock as she looked at him, wondering if she was doing the right thing. Jake winced as suddenly she gripped it tighter than normal but before he said anything, Rekha loosened her grip, paying close attention to his expressions.

Jake closed his eyes as he felt Rekha’s hand began to feel better against his skin. Rekha saw him close his eyes in pleasure and suddenly felt extremely happy and also turned on. She enjoyed watching him react this way to her. She wanted him to be pleased the way she was.

Dispite her nerves, Rekha decided she’d take a risk that night.

Jake’s eyes burst open and he moaned as he felt a hot pair of lips and tongue slowly encase the head of his cock. He stared at Rekha surprised as she pulled her face away from him, red and nervous that she’d done the wrong thing.

“I’m so sorry.” she stammered as she beganto move away from him.

“Why are you sorry Rekhs? That felt amazing.” he said softly as he tried to hold on to her hand.

Realizing he was telling the truth, Rekha knelt back down and took his cock in her mouth again. She felt incredibly turned on and loved the way she could make Jake feel good this way. She suckled on his cock, watching his expressions of pleasure and satisfaction as he watched her back.


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