Repeat – Session 3

I did look at my cum at home, but I did not taste it. I had not seen my mistress in a few weeks, but I did communicate with her daily. She noted that the reports from the Dr. were positive and she hoped I was having fun. She noted that the videos were unreal. I told her I was humiliated by the treatments, and she said that she did not want to hear complaints, but I could tell her all about it after the treatments ended. My ass was sore, but I didn’t mention it.

Friday arrived too fast, and I found myself being cleaned out again naked and on all fours on the table yet again around 7:10am. Same four cameras, etc. Same sore ass for me. This time, the session had Diana with a girl-like torso cover and a silicane strapon.

She explained that the girl was to prevent her from being stimulated for professional reasons, but that the motion of the strapon would still be therapeutic to me. She said that we are going to do this three ways. First with me on my knees and hands free. Second with me on my knees and my hands folded behind my neck and then finally on my knees and hands bound behind me. Each would last 5 minutes.

They had me explain to them why I needed this and I again said, “Please train me” and how I wanted to please my wife (mistress) sexually, but had hang-ups that I wanted to remove so that she could enjoy and be amused.

I was told to get off the table and Cindy instructed me to not push away and not use my hands. A thick rubber mat was placed before me to knee on. The KY lubed strapon entered my mouth at a different angle and it was not limited to the 5-6″ that were used on me in the prior sessions, it was perhaps 8″ long. It was also thicker, perhaps 1.25″ and not 1.” Cindy placed the trash can with the plastic bag liner between Diana’s legs so that I had a place to spit or puke or whatever was about to happen.

The first 10 strokes were slow, and more lube was added and then Cindy asked me to go deeper on it and I gagged abit on the next 4 or 5 strokes, took a breath and went after it again. “Deeper” she said, and I tried, but the gagging was not good, and I pulled back. Diana put both of her hands on my head and pulled me onto the shake slowly until the gag reflex came and I pulled back and spit into the bucket. She repeated that perhaps 10 more times and then picked up the pace by about 50% and the gagging was not good. Diana asked me to relax my throat and Cindy massed it gently with her gloved hands as I tried again and was pulled onto it. I wanted to push away so badly, but it means another point, I tried hard and made the 5 minutes.

Now my hands were behind my neck, fingers folded together and the head pulling onto it continued, the pace was faster, but not in-out fast, just methodical like maybe 1 second down, 1 second up. I was gagging and spitting every 4 or five strokes and then I could not handle it and I pushed away. “That’s another point, you’re at 2 points now” noted Cindy. I tookTwo breaths and put my hands behind me, and the pace slowed to something that I could handle. The five minutes were up and now I knew I was in trouble, bound, I would not be able to push away.

My hands were tied-up behind me with a white clothes sash of some type and I was repositioned so that my head was against the wall, still on my knees. Two pillows were stacked up so that my head would not bang the cinder-block walls. The first stroke was slow, but deep and I gagged immediately. Diana grabbed my hair above my ears and pulled herself in as far as it would go, and I gagged and had a convulsion. The wall prevented escape; I was trapped. She slowly pulled out and said “Breathe” and once I did it went back in. Cindy was giving me oral instructions to relax my throat and accept it. After perhaps 15 of those strokes, they asked me to stick out my tongue as it went in,

I did as instructed and had low hopes about that being good and figured it was going to be even worse. Surprisingly, the tongue out opened my throat a bit and stretched the muscles down there. The gagging was not as bad, but I still had convulsions on the longest strokes, and it seemed it was never going to stop as I spit and almost puked again and again as it came out of my mouth. And then it was over. I was shaken, used, glad that session was over. They gave me some water to drink and I was ordered up onto the table.

I was asked to masturbate and remembered the last session and said, “Lube please” and it was provided to both hands. The pillow placed under my head and shoulders. In about 5 minutes I needed to cum, and I said, “So close” and Cindy said to “STOP.” After a count to 20, I was instructed to begin again, and the stainless plate was placed between my legs. In just 4 minutes or so I again needed to cum and was again ordered to stop. This took place again and then again and I was really in need now. Diana said that I could cum if I agreed to taste it, but another point would be added to make it three points if I did not. Cindy said “Because this will give you three points you can either do as you are told, or we can put your face in it as your consequence.

It was going to happen anyway, and this was going to erase the points. I knew I could not do it myself. Once I cum, the hormones drop, and my interest is zero. I was tied up and forced once to clean out my lover’s pussy as she mounted me cowgirl face-sit style and repeatedly recalled “Clean-out every drop, I want it clean.” I would be forced and that would erase those points. Cindy noted “You can cum now.”

It was overwhelming to feel the pleasure and know that something terrible was about to happen to me. Tormented, I came, and the stainless plate now held my ejaculate.

Cindy ordered me to “kiss your ass fingers now” and I brought that hand forward and kissed it. “Again” she said several times and after each kiss of the KY covered fingers she said “Again” until my lips were glistening. Now the plate was moved in front of me and placed under my head. “Look at it, ordered Cindy.

I usually masturbated into my other hand or a tissue and that was it. Cleanup and done. But here it was on a stainless platter and my hormone level was gone and it was not a good thing. “Smell it, I want to see you inhale some good whiffs of it now,” she said. I did and it was the first time that I had ever done that. Familiar, but not so pleasant either. Cindy continues, “You can lick it up or we can feed it to you on a spoon or use a small brush and paint your face with it.” I put my tongue out, lowered my head towards it and the hormones were gone, I just could not do it and shook my head left and right for “no.”

Cindy chimed in with “Well now, looks like three points earned and we’ll do some training to help you now. This is why you are here, to learn that it’s OK to fail and then learn how. We’ll give you a choice now. Do what we asked to begin with and lick it up or, we’ll feed it to you on a spoon and reset you to two points earned.” In most cases our patients prefer to not get the points and you might also find the spoon feeding to be too graphic, too real per your comments made during the initial interview. On the count of three, I need your answer, or we add a point. One–Two–“

I blurted out, “OK, OK, OK, I’ll lick it up.”

“NOW” was demanded from Cindy and she spanked my ass and then grabbed my balls and began to squeeze and pull them back, causing a shock of pain to me.

I went for the plate and sucked up the salty mess. It was again so humiliating and I didn’t like it. The salty taste, the smell, the humiliation and then the lump in my throat from swallowing.

Cindy asked me to open my mouth to show it was all gone and she used her gloved fingers to wipe a small amount back into my mouth.

Diana said, “You see, that was not so bad, and your wife (mistress) tells us that you expect her to swallow and thus the scales can be balanced now for equal and fair expectations, she will be pleased, and we know that you seek to provide her with what she wants. We’ll be repeating this to help you to do it more willingly, but that was a very good start.

The shower and exit interview were like the prior sessions. I was asked about the swallowing, and I did not like it. I was asked to say “more please” as a possible response and they had me rehearse that with them. I repeated it about ten times, and they told me that I now know the expectation response.

Once again, I receive written instructions that were similar. This time the instructions encouraged me to taste the cum in my mind, but I was to not ejaculate over the weekend. I was instructed to masturbate and STOP 5 times on Saturday and 4 times on Sunday so that I would be prepped and full for Monday’s session. The instructions noted to always say “Please” and “More Please” because the Dom had done work and should be thanked and wanting more was the expected behazard that the Dom wants to hear. The instructions reminded me to obey all commands.


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