Rented to Alice Pt. 03

This story has been adapted from ‘Slave Application’, a computer game.

“Tell me slave, are you hard?”

A. Very hard

As quickly as she had dismounted my face, Alice hops back onto it and then slides backwards across my torso, leaving behind a trail of pussy juice and sweat. Once straddling my stromach, she reaches back and grabs my throbbing cock. Without thinking, I let out a ‘fuck’ at the feeling of finally having the nerves in my penis be stimulated. It is a ‘fuck’ of relief as much as it is one of pleasure as this should certainly give me reprieve from the breath-holding torture I had just experienced.

With but two strokes from her fat-fingered hand I already feel I could explode then and there. It doesn’t matter that this giant load of flesh is pushing down into my gut. She has my cock in hand. She can do as she pleases.

“No cumming,” Alice warns sternly as she throws my boss down at my leg. She says it like I have a choice in the matter, as though Ican simply, at will, prevent the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. I have no such ability, but I agree to her command nonetheless.

“Yes, Mistress,” I say weakly, like a whisper.

“I didn’t hear you, fucker.”

“I won’t; I won’t come,” I say between exasperated breaths.

“You better not. But if you get to the point where you can’t help yourself, you will tell me first. I don’t want any of your nasty semen inside me. Got it?”

In truth, I understand her demand quite clearly. If only she realized that by forbidding it, she’s made it that much more difficult for me not to cum. “Yes Mistress, I got it.” She should have used reverse psychology; told me she wanted me to cum as soon as I could. Maybe then I’d be able to make it more than…

My thoughts are interrupted when she very quickly and easily swallows up my cock with her pussy and starts riding it up and down. ‘Don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum,” I repeat to myself as I close my eyes and try to envision somethingthat won’t turn me on. For some reason, the first thing that comes to mind is a giant tree. But then that tree’s roots break free from the ground and wrap themselves around my cock with a vice-like grip.

A) Say you’re about to cum B) Cum C) Hold out longer

C. Hold out longer

I don’t know how I staved off cumming, but the slap must’ve helped. I open my eyes to Alice’s stern expression. “Look at me, bitch. Worship this sexy body with your eyes. I know you want me. But you can’t have me. You don’t own me. I own me. And you.” Her words only encourage my horniness, struggling it like a cat lady strokes their cats.

“I’m about to…!” I shout.

“Don’t!” Alice stops moving completely. “I need that cock hard and rigid until I cum. Besides, you know I won’t have any of your nasty little sperms crawl their way up inside me.”

I wait patiently as she reads my facial expressions, possibly trying to determine when I’ll be able to withstand additional gyration. “Same rules apply,” she says. “If you feel you’re about to cum, you tell me. And we’ll stop and start again until I get what I want.”

Once again I start to feel her butt cheats bouncing off of my thighs. I keep my eyes open but I lose focus of what’s in front of me as I allow my mind to wander. I need innocent thoughts to relieve the pressure. Innocent thoughts like… pavement! Nice, gray, flat, innocent pavement. Oh hey! There’s a bike riding on the pavement. ‘Hi bike! Hey! How’s it going?’ The bike ignores the pavement. It ignores the pavement because what is the pavement? Oh shit, I’m the pavement. And there she is riding my cock like it’s one step removed from me, the pavement. At the end of the day, we’re all just toys to her. Lifeless, sex toys to be used for her pleasure. Oh god, how did I get here? It was all supposed to be innocent and now, my browser furrows and nostrils flare. I can’t take it…

A) Say you’re about to cum B) Cum

A. Say you’re about to cum

“I’m… I can’t hold it in.”

“I’m getting close, and when I get close, I can’t stop,” Alice warns. “You missed your last gas station stop so to speak.”

“Please, I can take it,” I say as tears begin to form at the sides of my eyes.

“Hold it, bitch.”

I try to hold it. I really do. I grit my teeth. I clnch my hands. Alice closes her eyes, bends her neck back while leaning forward and putting her left hand on the ground and her right on my face. She squeezes my nose between her thumb and index finger while covering my closed mouth with her palm.

Amazingly, and possibly quite mercifully as I have no idea what would happen if I disobeyed her and came without permission, her body freezes after taking a deep breath. Her lips start to quiver and then I feel her pussy Just slowly contract again and again. She finally releases her breath with a thick moan, all the while keeping her hand firmly over my mouth and nose.

“Now, bitch, you can cum.”

The relief I feel when I hear those words! I thrust upward twice and it must have shown on my face because as soon as I’m about to ejaculate, she jumps off of my swollen, cherry red cock, leaving it to cum all on its own. And does it ever! But the sensing is all wrong! I reach down to grab the cock to give it some form of climax when my hand suffers a huge smack. “Leave it!” Alice orders.

And I gasp as my orgasm is completely ruined. All that cum shoots out but with almost none of the sensing, the pleasure and release I am aching for. And for a moment, just an instant, I feel something kind of like anger. She must have seen it on my face too: worry mixed with consternation. It makes her laugh and laugh.

When she finally calms down, she puts her hand onto the puddle of cum and pussy juice on my stomach, corrals a good portion of it up, and sticks it in my face. “Smell that nasty sex juice. All those fluids from my pussy and your nasty cock. Now open your mouth and get ready for a tasty treatment.”

A) Open B) Refuse


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