What Happens in Vegas

It is their second evening in Las Vegas. They are staying at the Bellagio: only the best for his princess. It is late spring and the weather is beautiful. They have spent the day hiking in the desert and had a wonderful picnic. He has kept her in a heightened state all day. While they were hiking, he had her masturbate to the point of coming several times. However, he stopped her: need to keep her in line. Plus, he loves the pouting. He always wonders what she thinks. Does she wonder why he teas her like this, not letting her come, with him refraining from coming? However, in her mind, he is fucking her every waking hour and from what she tells him, even in her dreams.

They have just finished sushi at Caesar’s. As he returns from the restroom, he walks behind her. As she sits, he notices her g-string peeking out from her jeans and feels his cock harden. He sits down and looks at her. Her eyes so clear and her mane hanging around her neck, he just takes it all in and realizeshow incredibly lucky he is. She is an amazing woman and the best slut.

It has taken some time to get to this point. It was her idea to pursue the relationship. He was concerned that she had some issues that needed to be resolved. But she had assured him that she was ready and that they were in the past. She is naturally submissive and very intelligent. She has had trouble balancing being successful, assertive, and submissive. In times of conflict, she would act out and withdraw from him. But time and patience have paid off. She is so smart, beautiful, sexy, and submissive. He can’t resist that killer combination. He hopes she knows how tremendously happy he is with her.

Nothing better then a light sushi dinner and a beer to liven up one’s spirit. Nevertheless, she is pouting.

“I want some chocolate!”

“Princess, I will get you something later. Quit pouting and drink some water. I don’t need you getting dehydrated. We were in the sun all day.” She drinks her waterr. “Good girl. Let’s go for a walk in the Caesar’s Mall. I think there is a Victoria’s Secret. We can buy a gift for you to wear for me.”

She smiles. He touches her belly as she gets up. They are dressed casually. She is in jeans just over her hips, a nice white spaghetti stick tank top, no bra, and flat sandals. She looks hot. She always does.

He takes her hand as They began their stroll. As usual, people look their way. He is never quite sure if it just her. This is completely reasonable. Beautiful woman stand out. Alternatively, is it that people can’t understand why she is with him?

They arrive at the store.

“You pick something out you want to see me in. I need some new bras and panties. Please . .”

This is when it is tough for him to top her. His mind and heart go to battle. The heart says, “Spoil her.” The brain says, “Control her.” They reach a compromise. Spoil and control! His favorite.

“Yes. Bring me six matching pairs of bras and panties. G-strings and thongs. No fuckin’ granny panties.”

“Thank you. “

“Princess, you will have to earn them later.” She smiles and give him a kiss on the cheese.

“You have shown me so much. I would do anything for you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I am sure. I trust you,” she replies.

“We will see.”

As she turns and walks away, he comments, “Hey, Princess, you need some stockings. Your last pair got ripped last night.”

As she walks off to start her search, all he sees is her head shaking, and he knows her chest and face are flush.

While he is looking for something for her to wear, he keeps an eye on her. He loves watching her in the world. Moving about. Sometimes she is unaware of the effect she has on men and even some women.

He comes up behind her, slides his hand around her waist, across her belly, and into her jeans a bit and tugs on her g-string. He pulls her close and whispers in her ear.

“Lady, I just wanted to warn you there was a guy leering at you over there and I think he is up to no good and wants to buy this for you!”

She turns and sees that he is holding up a black camisole and matching g-string.

“You can wear it to bed, and the top you could wear out in the evening.”

“Yes. It is lovely. Thank you.”

“Plus, your tits will look great in it.” He loves watching her go flush.

She shows him what she has picked out, nine pairs: tan, blue, pink, green, pale yellow, peach, red, black, and white.

“Princess, that is nine. I am only picking four.”

She looks up at him and bites her lip.

“You spoiled brat. Five pairs. No more. Do they all have matching garter belts?”

“The tan doesn’t,” she replies.

“Ok, it is out. I like the blue and pink. Green would look bad against your skin. Keep the yellow, always black, and you choose between the peach and white.”

“I will take the peach. I already have a bunch of white. Why not the red?”

“Red is whorish. You are my slut. But, you are no one’s whore! Now get the matching garters and three pairs of stockings. I will meet you at the register.”

“Thank you.”

She meets him at the register, and the clerk begins to ring the items up. He strokes the small of her back.

“What did you do to deserve all these nice things?” the clerk asks.

She is about to reply, when he steps in with, “She hasn’t yet. She will later.”

“Oh,” the clerk replies, neatly folding tissue paper around each item. “Do you folks get our catalog?” She slides the wrapped lingerie into shopping bags. “Thank you for shopping at Victoria’s Secret, and have a pleasant evening.”

“We will.” He grabs up the bags.

As they walk out, she is all giddy.

“Thank you, thank you. I am such a lucky girl.”

She kisses him on the cheese, and he pulls her close.

“You may not be thanking me later.”

“But, I still want some chocolate!” she pouts.

“Princess, are you insatiable?”

“Princess, are you insatiable?”

“But, I still want some chocolate!” she pouts.

“Princess, are you insatiable?”

“Sometimes,” coyly comes from her mouth.

“Keep it up, and you will not get spanked.” He takes her hand and they walk across the casino.

“Do you want to play poker?” she asks.

“Not now. I am thinking you need to make payment on all that lingerie.”

“I think I should also.” She smiles.

“I need to stop and gets some water.”

They stop into the gift shop, and he buys two large bottles and one small bottle.

“Can I get some chocolate?” she asks.

“I will order something from room service for you.”

He hands her the small bottle.

“Drink it. I don’t need you getting dehydrated. You know how crranky you get when you get dehydrated.”

“Ok, ok. Sometimes you mother me too much.”

“You know I only have your best at heart.”

She finishes the water and hands him the empty bottle.

“Mmm, Princess, any ideas of where I can stick the bottle”

“Anywhere you desire,” she replies.

“Good answer!”

The elevator door opens, people exit, and they enter. As the doors begin to shut, some people come to the door. She reaches to push the “open” button, and he grabs her hand before she makes a mistake. The doors close. As the elevator begins to rise, he steps to the back of elevator and she rushes up and whispers in his ear.

“I want to take you and suck your cock. Here! Now!”

“I don’t think the ride up is long enough, you don’t have the guts, and you are not tough enough to do it!”

With that, he pushes her away.


She rushes him again. He just grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her back.

“You’re a wimp. We both know you can’t even control the dog.”

She rushes him again, doing her best impression of a tough guy. As he pushes her back again, the elevator door opens and there is a surprised elderly couple. She turns red with embarrassment. As the couple enters, she climbs inside his space and he pulls her tight and whispers:

“See, I told you so.” He kisses her cheek.

As they exit the elevator, she starts for the room and he grabs her by the belt.

“What’s the rush Princess?”

“I need to pee. You forced all that water in me.”

“Quit the whining.” Then, “That’s a thought.”

“What’s a thought?”

“Oh, I wonder if I could increase your bladder capacity with some medical play.”

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Princess, that’s a lot of lingerie in that bag, and you said you’d do anything.”

“The receipt is in the bag. If I fail to make the payment, you can return it.”

He opens the door to the room and she rushes in.

“I need to pee.”

“Princess, did you ask?”

“May I pee? Please.”

“Yes. But, first strip for me, and don’t rush it.”

He sits down and she begins to strip. She removes her sandals and starts unbuckling her belt and unbuttoning her jeans. She shimmies as her jeans drop to the floor and steps out of them.

“Slow down.”

She slowly removesher top and throws it to him. Her tits look great and her nipples are hard. She gyrates as she pulls her g-string down. There she stands, both nude and naked before him.

“Very nice, Princess. In the front pocket of my gym bag are your collar, your leash, and your bit. Retrieve them for me.”

She begins to walk over to get the items.

“Princess, on all fours please, and carry them in Your mouth.”

She crawls across the floor, places the articles in her mouth, and returns to him. She struggles with the leash being caught under her hands as she crawls.

“Keep your eyes on me, Princess.”

She looks up at him and her eyes are slightly glazed. She assumes her position at his feet. She has been there before. He leans down, take the collar, leash, and bit from her and places her head on his thigh. He puts the leash and bit aside, take the collar, and places it around her neck as he slowly grinds his boot into her pussy. He secures the collar around her neck.

“Are you my Princess?”


“Are you my slut?”


With that, he clips the lean to the collar and kisses her deeply. The lean is a finely cut steel chain. He doubts anyone uses these with dogs.

“Can I pee please?”

With that, he places the bit in her mouth and secures it around her head.

“Yes, Princess. I will walk you. All fours please.”

As they began to walk, he lets the cold steel of the lean drag across her back and ass.

“I love watching your ass. Arch back so you ass is up and knees wider please.”

She complies. As he walks beside her, he lets the lean draw down the crack of her ass. As she crawls, the chain swways and slapses her pussy and clip. With each slap of the chain, he can hear her moans muffled by the bit.

“Stand up, Princess.” He gives her a hand up. “Step in to the tub.”

She steps in and he stand directly in front of her face to face. He looks into her eyes. He hands her the leash.

“Hold this.”

He slides his hand to her right nipple, rolls it in his fingers, and give it a firm pinch and brushes her hair back. He slides his hand to her pussy.

“Spread your legs.”

She complies. He slides his fingers into her, leans in a give her a kiss and bites her neck.

“Why are you squirming so much? Are you horny?”

She nods yes.

“Do you need to pee?”

Frantically, she nods yes.

He starts rubbing her clip and fingering her pussy. It is very wet.

“Well, I guess it is time to pee, and don’t break eye contact.”

He continues to rub her clip.

“Now, pee!”

He sees that she is struggling.

“Can’t pee on demand?”

She nods yes.

“Well, I have all evening.”

She closes her eyes and she begins to pee.

“Princess, open your eyes and look at me.”

The piss flows from her, down her legs, and pools at her feet.

“Feel better?”

She nods yes.

He removes the lean from her hand andunhooks it from the collar, tosses it on the carpet and removes the bit from her mouth.

“I don’t want the chain or bit getting wet.”

“I really want to come. Please. I will do anything,” she pleads.


“Anything,” she replies.

“Good. Then you can wait. Princess, rinse off. When you are finished, come out into the room, and bring a towel and I will dry you off. Here is a scrunchy to put your hair in a ponytail, and don’t get water on the collar.”

As she shows, he takes a piss.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” she asks.

“I always love being with you. You know that. Are you enjoying your first trip to Vegas?”

“Yes, very much. I loved the picnic today, and I love watching you play poker. It really turns me on to watch you in control.”

“Yes. I know. And you know I love you completely. But, love is just a word. I hope you know from within how I feel for you and I am very happy with your devotion.”

” Oh, I’m very securein your feelings for me,” she replies.

“I will be waiting in the other room for you.”

She walks out of the bathroom with towel in hand.

“Princess, stand here.”

He takes the towel from her, knees, and begins to dry her feet and legs. Then he dries between her legs and her ass. He rises, dries her arms and breasts. He gives her a kiss on the cheese.

“There you go. I want you to put the black lingerie on. G-string, bra, garter, stockings, and the black heels you brought. Oh! G-string over the garter belt. Please. And give me a show.”

He takes the lingerie out of the bag, removes the tags from it, and hands it to her. She slowly places the garter belt around her waist and fastens it. She takes one of the stockings and places it on her toe. She places her foot on the arm of his chair. He begins to rub her pussy as she slowly rolls the stocking on. Then she does the same with the other leg, and he continues rubbing her pussy.

“Now the g-string, and turn around and bend from the waist as you pull it on.”

She positions herself in front of him, bends at the waist and slowly steps into the g-string, and pulls it up.

“Wonderful, Princess. Great view!”

She turns and places the bra round her, fastens it, and adjusts her tits in the cup. She walks over to her bag and retrieves the high heels and steps into them.

“How do I look?”

“Like my best dream. Fuckin’ amazing! Come here and give me a kiss.”

She walks over to him, leans down, draws her arms around his neck, and kisses him on the mouth. Their tongues meet and he slides his hand into her g-string. He feels her smooth skin and wet pussy. As he curls his fingers inside her, she slides her tongue along his, and he feels her pussy throbbing around his fingers.

“Thank you. Princess. Sit down on the edge of the bed.”

She complies and he brings her a glass of water.

“More?” she excels.

“Drink it!” he commands.

She complies.He fills the glass again.

“I am going to get kidney problems.” She finishes the water. “And need to pe–“

He shoves the bit back into her mouth before she can finish her sentence and fastens it around her head. As she sits quietly waiting, he removes a small video camera from his bag, places it on the table and focuss it on the bed.

“Stand, Princess.”

She complies.

He takes the glass from her and puts it on the nightstand. “I want you on all fours on the bed facing the head board.”

She complies.

He climbs onto the bed and looks into her eyes.

“So, here is the deal. I am going out to play poker for a while. There is two hours worth of videotape. So, I will know what goes on here. I want you to hold this position until I return. The only exception is if there is a fire. Any questions?”

She nods. He removes the bit from her mouth.

“Yes, Princess?”

“What about my chocolate?”

“Fair enough, there will be chocolate when I return.”

She smiles.

“Any other questions?”

“What if I have to pee again?”

“All I said is that you have to hold your position. I don’t care if you pee. I can sleep in the other bed. Can you complete this task for me?”

“Yes, I know my submitting will be appreciated and rewarded. I’ll do my best to please you.”

He places the bit back in her mouth and picks up the phone.

“Room service please . . . . Yes. I would like to order some dessert . . . room 1369 . . . . I would like the chocolate fondue, a slice of cheesecake cut up, some fresh fruit. Make sure there are strategies. And some various nuts . . an espresso . . . can you hold a moment?”

He leans back and covers the phone.

“Princess, would you like some tea or coffee?”

He removes the bit from her mouth.

“A latte, please.”

He replaces the bit in her mouth. “And a latte . . . . It is 7:45. Can you have it delivered at 9:00 sharp? If for some reason I am notin, just have the waiter let himself in, the tip will be on the bed. Great. Thank you.”

She tries to speak. But, the bit is in the way.

“So, I am heading out for a while. We will have dessert when I return. Any last questions?”

She nods. He removes the bit.

“What if you’re not back when room service arrives?”

He places the bit back into her mouth.

“I will be back. If I’m not, I suggest you don’t move. I want you to hold your position. If you perform well, I will tie you up, go down on you, and fuck you. If you are really good, I will let you suck my cock. If you fail, you will spend tomorrow in the room alone. No books, no TV, and I will return the rest of the lingerie.”

With that, he gives her a kiss.

“I left a twenty on the bed for the tip. Just in case I am late.”

He retrieves a blindfold from his bag and places it over her eyes. She shakes her head.

Without warning, he smacks her ass hard and he slides his fingers betweenher legs.

“You’re soaking wet.”

He yanks the g-string down around her thighs.

“I don’t want ’em getting wet. I will set the alarm on my cell phone for 8:55. That way you will know that there are five minutes before dessert arrives.”

The door shuts as he leaves.

9:01 . . .

He opens the door, walks in, and sees the room service cart with dessert in the room. She is straining to yell through the bit.

“Sorry I’m late. Very good, Princess. You hold your position. Please continue holding it. Ah, dessert is here.”

He retrieves the video camera and pushes the rewind button. He walks over to the bed.

“Well, looks like you pissed yourself.”

He removes the blindfold and she continues to struggle with the bit. He sees her eyes dashing about filled with fury. He removes the bit.

“You FUCKER!” She yells. “The fuckin’ room service guy touched me. You prick! He was in here for ten minutes. And I peed on the bed. What kind of gam . , .”

“Princess. Sh! Do you trust me?”

“Yes. Well I did. I don’t know.”

“Are you physically hurt? Did he fuck you or penetrate you?”

“No. I thought that maybe it was you. But, I got scared. I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Come here.” He holds her. “You’re safe.”

He presses the play button on the video camera and watches the tape.

“Well, there we are talking.” Fast-forwarding. “Well, you did good for the first half hour. Then you are shifting about. What was the problem?”

“Fuck you., I was trying not to pee. The more I tried the harder it got and I was fucking horny. Then I just let it go.”

“Yes, I see in the video. Around forty minutes into the it.” Fast forwarding the tape. “You seem to do find then . . ” He rewards the tape a bit and plays it with the sound up; he hears the alarm on his cell phone go off on the tape. “Now you’re really moving about. But, you still hold your position. I think you earned the lingerie. You are a verygood girl.”

“I earned a fucking Mercedes!” she excels.

On the tape, he hears a knock on the door and a muffled voice, and the door opens.

From the camera, “Room Service,” can be heard and the sound of a cart being rolled in to the room. “Oh my…” from the tape.

“Jesus Christ, he touched your ass when he picked up the twenty. Oh no.”

“What?” she asks.

“He is jerking off as he is looking at your ass and pussy. Look,”

She looks into the camera’s display.

“You MOTHER FUCKER. It was you.”

She sees him looking into the camera at the foot of the bed with her ass in the frame.


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