What Happened Next by Emily Harrison
(This is the second part, and continue of my story ‘My First Spanking, In The Beginning, so you may wish to read that before you started on this)
A month or so had now passed, with Father White still diligently performing ‘dads’ requests to spank me a couple of times every week. I had thoroughly enjoyed every second and I think Father White had begun to feel much more comfortable spanking me now too.
He was still very respectful of the position he found himself in, he still treated me as his innocent teenage parishioner. But he had seen more of me than anyone else alive, and although I was thoroughly enjoying being spanked by him and him seeing me nude, my mind had started to wander. Something I was hoping his hands would do too, but throughout each spanking, he still only had his hands on my bum
My solo night-time masturbations were however long for his hands to be on me. I was getting increasingly desperatefor more, but couldn’t see how I could persuade this lovely elderly man to touch parts of my body that only I touched at night. My unique mind had started to formulate a plan though and this is how I was going to fulfill my wishes.
Since his visits, Father White and I had become good friends. We shared a very similar sense of humour; we read similar books and had a lot of the same likes and dislikes. Hard to imagine maybe, an 18-year-old virgin and a 72-year-old Parish Priest, but we did. He was of course very mindful of the position he held, of his standing in the community and his sense of moral correctness. I was amazed that he ever agreed to spank me and wondered if he was now secretly enjoying it. He knew that neither of us would ever divulge to anyone else the fact that he was spanking me. I was quite happy with it being just between us, and I knew he wasn’t about to tell anyone else either.
But what happened once my front door was closed and he and I were alone, well it was just between us two. Not that he had as yet done anything remotely risqué or inappropriate while he was in my flat, he was still simply carrying our ‘dads’ wishes and spanking me. He would gently rub my bare bum between each smack, which felt wonderful, but that was the limit to how he would touch me. A few times when I feigned sobs, he would gather me in his arms after a spanking, but there Always seemed an invisible line in his mind that he never crossed. I so wanted that to change, however, so this is how my plan unfolded.
Before Father Whites next scheduled visit, I got into one of my nights. Nothing overly sexy or revealing, I was after all an innocent virgin, unwise to the ways of the world and how my body could affect someone of the opposite sex if clad in slightly revealing nightwear.
Yes, he’d seen me fully naked a number of times now when spanking me, but I didn’t want him getting the impression that I was in any way trying to be ‘sexy’ in his presence.
I went into my bedroom and messed my bed up a little, I wanted this to look believe, and after all, I had been feeling ‘rather unwell’. Well that was the story anyway, yes I know I’m different, but for my plan to work I needed to look unwell, completely weak, unable to do anything for myself. Unable to eat, or dress or anything, in fact, I didn’t even have the energy to have a bath, and I so desperately wanted a bath. Ok, I guess you’ve now guessed where I wanted this to go. I don’t like being so deceptive and delicious, but it was done in such an innocent way that I hope you can all forgive me. But would Father White take the bait and help me?
The knock on the door brought my mind out of my ‘planning mode’. I delayed a few more seconds than I normally would, after all, I needed to show how unwell and weak I was didn’t I! I wasn’t going to sprint to open the door in my ‘condition’. As I opened the door there was Father White, who immediately saw by my appearance thatall was not right.
“I’m sorry Father,” I said in my best impression of someone who is so obviously unwell, “I’ve been ill, I feel pretty bad.”
“Oh my child I’m so sorry, why didn’t you ring me?” he said as he gathered me in his arms, “I would have come straight over if I’d have known.”
“I didn’t like to both you, Father, I was in bed when you knocked, I just feel so weak.”
And with that, Father White, with his arm around me, walked me back to my bedroom and ushered me back into bed.
“I suppose you haven’t eaten or drank much either have you,” he said.
A shake of my head led to an arm around me as Father White sat on the edge of the bed comforting his sick parishioner. He was so caring and attention, I Must admit to feeling slightly guilty of this deception. But what can a girl do when feeling so desperate? He took off his jacket and went into the kitchen, a nice hot cup of tea is a cure for most things, when he came back he was clearly concerned for me.
“I just feel so urgh,” I said, “and I’ve just felt so weak I haven’t even had the energy to have a bath.”
“Well how about I run you a nice bath now, and by the time you’ve drunk your tea, it should be ready.”
“You’re so kind Father, and I would absolutely love a bath, but I just don’t have the energy.” And with that, I crumpled into a fit of sobs which brought another embrace from Father White, his arms around me and my body snuggled into his chest.
“I’ll be right back,” he said, “how do you like your baths, warm, hot or very hot?”
“Not boiling,” I said, “sort of medium hot,” and we both laughed.
“I’ll be right back,” he said, and with that, he was off to the bathroom.
My heart was fluttering, my whole body was tingling and my nipples had decided to harden with the thoughts of possibilities here, ‘ could Father White be persuaded to…?’ my mind was leaping to what could happen in the next minutes.
The sound of bath taps being turnedoff alerted me to Father White’s imminent arrival back into my bedroom. I placed my now empty cup on my bedside cabinet just as Father White came back in.
“Right young lady, a nice medium hot bath will do you the world of good,” we both smiled in recognition of his ‘medium hot’ description, as we jointly pulled back the bed covers with Father White now helping me out of bed. I was so weak of course that it needed Father Whites arm around me to slowly walk me to the bathroom. The moment of truth, would he just leave me there to get on with things myself, or could my innocent teenager face convey my need for assistance?
I must admit, I had started to question in my mind the limits to what could possibly happen next, and it felt like Father White had only just then suddenly realized how much help I may need.
At this point, I feel a little more ‘helplessness’ overcome me and I crumpled gently into him, with a little sob once again.
“I just have no energy,” I said,”I’m pretty hopeless aren’t I!”
It felt lovedly being engulfed in this elderly Priests arms, and then it came. The words I had been waiting for and working towards.
“Would you like me to help you?” he said. We were there, at last, all my planning, all my feigned illness; it had all come to this point and those wonderful words “would you like me to help you?” I needed to try and hide my delight and eagerness, however, to continue my innocent vulnerability. In my innocent of course I had no idea what helping me might involve, I had to ensure that he could see that. ‘Act surprised and grateful for his kindness’ I was telling myself.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” I said, innocently looking up into his eyes.
“Oh I’m sure we’ll muscle Through, lift your arms up,” he said, and as I did so, he held the hem of my nightie and was gently pulling it up and over my head. And there I was, completely naked standing in front of Father White as he folded my nightie and placed it on the bathroom vanity unit.
He’d of course already seen me fully naked a few times during his spanking assignments, but still; the thrill of him looking at me like this hadn’t in any way diminished. He held my hand to steady me as I stepped into the bath, the warmth of the water felt lovely. I sat down, the water setting just below my belly button.
“Would you like me to wash your hair?” he said.
“Oh please Father,” and with that, he filled the bath jug with water and began to gently pour it over my head.
The warm water trickling over my now very hard nipples ‘I wonder if he’s noticed’ I thought. He squirted some shampoo into his hands and then gently massaged it into my hair. Oh my, I was in heaven. The first time anyone had washed my hair since I was a child, and Father White was doing this now, in the most gentle of ways. His fingers slowly massaging my scalp as the soapy shampoo did its work. He was so gentle and attentive. As much as I was enjoying this,my mind was now several paces further ahead ‘double he possibly…? I think Father White was now thinking ahead too and maybe having debates in his mind about what he should and shouldn’t do next. ‘Would it really be acceptable to wash this young girl? Would she allows it? Were there any no go areas?’ I’m sure all these thoughts were going through his mind as he washed my hair.
He filled the jug with more water and slowly poured it over my head, another couple of jugfuls and he took the towel from the rail and began to dry my hair. It was such a wonderful feeling. By this time it appeared that Father White had put any reservations he may have had, to one side.
“Would you like me to wash your back?”
“Oh please Father,” I said, and eased myself up and stood, turning to give him access to my back. I’m not too sure if he imagined washing my back as I sat in the tub, but I thought this was the best way for him to see and possibly wash more. I gathered my very damp hair up in my hands raising it and holding it against my head so it didn’t get soapy and which now gave him access to the whole of my back.
He picked up the container of liquid soap and with his hands fully soapy; he started to gently wash my back. Ooh, at last, to finally have this lovely man’s hands wandering over my naked body. Heavenly! He was so gentle, so caring. He slowly soaped my back, my spine tingling as his fingers slowly tracked down to the small of my back. Would he dare wash my bum? Ooh please, please, my mind was desperate.
“Shall I wash your legs?” he asked.
“Please, Father.”
But what about my bum, I was thinking, surely he’s not going to duck out of washing my bum, or was he just not sure?
He was bending down slightly now, gently washing the back of my left leg, my calm, behind my knee and up to the back of my thigh, so close, his hand slowly sliding between my thighs but just far enough away from where I so wanted his hand to be. The right leg next, I was in paradise, his soapy hand gently massaging and washing my legs.
I honestly think he had been mulling over in his mind whether he should wash my bum or not and I guess he’d decided to make it my decision.
“Would you like me to wash your bottom?”
Oh my, if my vagina wasn’t wet already, it certainly was now and I don’t mean just from the water of the bath either.
“Please Father,” I said all innocently.
And with more soap being squirted, I felt his lovely soapy hand start to gently wash the cheeses of my bum. Oh my, how lovely was this, his slippery soapy hand slowly massaging my bum cheeses. When I feel his fingers about to delve between my bum cheeses, I opened my legs a little and bent forward slightly giving him full access to my bum hole and the outer parts of my vagina. Oooh such bliss, as I felt his fingers soapily massaging my little bum hole, and ooh! Did his finger just enter for a second? He could have spent an hour on my bum and I would have loved every second.
“Do you want me to do your front too?” he asked.
“If you really don’t mind,” I replied, and with that, I turned to face him.
My hands were still up, holding my hair out of the way. I’m sure Father White could see how hard my nipples were, but the way we both were, seemed to make this situation so generally innocent. Father White gallantly stepping in to help his unwell teenage parishioner, and myself the epitome of innocence, even if I was standing in the tub with everything on show and being washed by this elderly man.
After another squirt of soap in his hands, he was now washing my arms, then my arms, such a sexy feeling, his hands easing down my sides to my hips, then slowly over my belly, up to my rib cage and then without any hesitation his hands were on my Titties, gently squeezing and washing, my nipples rock hard between his fingers as his hand glided all over them. It took a great effort on my part to stifle groans of pleasure,how gloriously sexy was I feeling. My mind was getting into a state of numbing bliss, and I swear a couple of times he actually pinched my nipples as his hands roamed over them.
From my titties, his soapy hand glided down my body, down my left thigh, over my knee and shin, then up my right leg and up to my thigh again. ‘Will he or won’t he?’ I was thinking, as he squirted another dollar of liquid soap in his hand.
“If you put your right foot on the rim of the bath and open your legs, I’ll do the inside of your thighs.”
This was it, I didn’t need to be asked twice, and I duly placed my right foot on the edge of the bath and opened my leg as wide as I could.
My vagina was completely on show, its lips slightly open in anticipation and I could see Father White’s eyes taking in every inch of my most private of places. Father Whites soapy hand started to wash the inside of my right thigh and within seconds he moved his hand between my legs, his fingers easing into the outer lips of my very soapy and very open vagina.
Oh my, what a wonderful feeling as his fingers then slide so effective inside, I’m sure my cliporis had grown twice its normal size as his fingers brushed over it, making my whole body shudder with pleasure. His fingers delved deep and then out again, then right under to my bum hole again and this time his finger definitely did slide inside. I was in heaven; I could have stayed like that forever, having this elderly Priest slowly soapily fingering my virgin vagina. Ecstasy!
As I looked at Father White, while he was washing my vagina, I wondered if this was all new to him. Surely he’s had experiences? Surely he’s been in such close contact with women before? But the slight redness of his face and the obvious deep interest he was showing as he watched his soapy fingers exploring every centimetre of my very open vagina, led me to think. Was he a virgin too?
But then my mind was suddenly back on planet earth and backto a kindly Parish Priest helping his unwell parishioner.
“Ok, if you put your foot back in the tub,” he said, “I’ll rinse you off.”
I duly compiled and Father White proceeded to cascade jugfuls of warm water over my now very soapy, but lovingly washed body.
Father White helped me step out of the tub; he engulfed me in my big bath towel and gently proceeded to dry my hair with one of my smaller towels. Even just drying me like that felt incredibly sexy, he really was a wonderful man. I didn’t for one second feel anything but complete love and trust for him, and from him, such a wonderful Godly man.
Ok, he had just washed my vagina, his fingers had gone inside me, his finger had pushed up my bum and his hands had squeezed and fondled my titles, but it was never in any way other than complete innocent?
“Shall I go get a fresh nightie for you?”
“Oh please Father, my clean ones are in the bottom drawer of my bedside cabinet.”
And with that, Father White left me to continue drying.
Now, being the naughty girl I am, and before Father White had arrived, I had placed my shortest nightie on top of the pile in my drawer, so that would be the one he will bring me to wear. The hem ending mid bum, so even with it on, most of my vagina and a good deal of my bare bum would be on show to him still. I just wanted to prolong the sexiness of the situation.
A minute or so later, with me virtually dry, the towels were dispensed with and Father White was helping me into my nice fresh nightie. He didn’t say anything about the fact he could still see my vagina and bum as he walked me back to bed. I climbed in and got under the covers, Father White sat on the bed, brushing my hair into some semblance of neighborness.
As he went back into the bathroom to tidy up, I couldn’t help reflecting on such a wonderfully sexy bath. I’d allowed this elderly Priest access to every inch of my body and it feel wonderful.
After a few minutes,Father White was back and sitting with me, what was he thinking? Did he enjoy washing me? Was he thinking the thoughts I was thinking? As he cuddled me into him, I thanked him for being such a wonderful friend, and I drifted off to sleep in his arms.
When I eventually woke, Father White was gone. A note on my bedside cabinet told me that he left a few hours ago and would be back the Following morning. He had kindly made me a sandwich and poured a glass of milk for me, which were both sitting on my bedside cabinet with joke instructions to eat and drink or I’d have my bottom spanked.
I duly ate and drank as instructed, with many thoughts now occupying my mind. Initially Father White was a nice way to get my bum spanked, but he’d now become much more to me. He was a lovely friend, a sweet gentle man, and a man who makes my body react in ways it hadn’t before. Can this really be happening, an 18-year-old virgin and a 72-year-old Priest? My heart, my mind and most definitelymy body, were giving me lots of questions, and lots of answers.
To be continued…
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