Remedial School Ch. 01

Kaya was a terrible student. A senior in high school, the 18 year old had blown off her grades every year. She had little plan to go to college, and no job prospects as her graduation date inched closer and closer. Her attitude stemmed from her family’s wealth. As millionaires, they were able to provide everything she needed, and would continue to do so after she graduated. On top of this, she was quite pretty, with long brunette hair and a figure that got most men’s attention. She knew she could live easily, and so saw no reason to both with the tedious ins and outs of school.

Unknown to her however was a new bill passing through congress. Addressing an episode of students failing out of high school, and subsequently joining the throngs of unemployed people, there was demand for a solution. At first they tried to provide extra services to tutor students. However, they ran into an issue where most of the students who were failing couldn’t be bothered to attend even more school. So, a more forceful solution was enacted. Starting at the end of the current academic year, any student who failed to graduate high school would be sent to a special remedial summer school that would focus on teaching them. The measures were written to be strict and unforgiving. This would be a crash course of learning, with harsh discipline. In addition, any student who failed at this program would be re-enrolled that next semester, and repeat over and over until they learned. There were some who decided this as barbaric and against the student’s rights. But these voices were outvoted, and soon the bill passed. And unfortunately for Kaya, she was in the first class to be subjected to this harsh program.

On the last day of school, Kaya was kicking back, not paying attention to her teacher. If she was unmotivated before, on This final day she had truly dropped any pretense of paying attention. She wouldn’t be graduating, but this had never bothered her before, and it certainy didn’t both her now. Even her teacher had given up on trying to make her pay attention, instead putting her efforts into the students who truly wanted to learn. It was the last class of the day, with only a half hour left of the day, when an announcement crackled over the intercom.

“Will the following students please report to the office immediately.” It began. The voice of the principle listed several students, the last of which being Kaya. Curious as to why she was being called, but not caring if she was in trouble, she walked to the office, simply happy to not need to sit through her last class. When she arrived, there was a queue of students sitting outside the office, which was attached to the attention room. Kaya recognized most of the faces. These were students who were all troublemakers, all seniors who she assumed were also failing. One by one, they were being called into the office. Kaya sat patiently, thinking about what they were about to tell her. She had heard it all before.

“You need to apply yourself!” “You won’t get into college with these grades!” “I know you could do better if you tried!” Kaya assumed this was some last ditch effort to get her to enroll in another semester, or go for a GED, or something like that. She would listen, but she knew whatever they told her, nothing could convince her to come back to this place.

Soon, Kaya was called into the office. The principal was sitting at his desk, with two large police officers on either side of him. Suddenly, it occurred to Kaya that none of the students who had been called in had left yet, and that they must be in the attention of consideration room. Kaya was nervous now, not at the prospect of detention, but at the idea that for some reason these police officers were involved.

“Hello Kaya.” The principle said, his eyes gleaming with a disconcerting glee. “I understand you failed to improve your grades. And that you won’t be graduating.”

“Yup. All F’s.” She said, more confidently than she felt.

“Are you aware of the new bill that got passed in congress recently?” He asked.

“No. I don’t pay attention to boring stuff like that.” Kaya scoffed.

“Well, I bet you won’t think this is boring. They passed a bill saying that if a senior doesn’t graduate, they are automatically enrolled in a mandatory summer program. And if you fail, you are enrolled in the fall. And if you fail again, in the spring. And over and over again until you pass.” With this, he crossed his arms smugly, grinning at her. Kaya dropped her cool demeanor and shouted.

“And what if I refuse?” The principal simply laughed.

“You can’t. That’s what these fine gentlemen are here for.” As he said this, the two officers advanced towards her. Kaya turned to the door, but upon reaching it found that it was locked. One of the officers grabbed her arms and began pulling her back, while the other held up a large red ball with straws coming out of it.

“What the FUCK is that?”She squealed, kicking and struggling to no avail against the officer’s powerful grip.

“It’s a ball gag. It is part of the mandatory uniform that you will be wearing, starting now as you join your new classesmates in the detention room. Now, stop this silly fighting, you and I both know that you won’t be able to get out of this.” The officer advanced on her, ignoring her pleading and cramming the ball between her teeth. As she tried to push it out with her tongue, the officer buckled the straws behind her head, pulling them as tight as they would go. Kaya moaned in fear and humiliation, already beginning to drool. Her mind was racing. A ball gag? This couldn’t be legal. Was the principal just kidnapping her? Or was this truly what the new bill had said? As Kaya thought of these two ideas, she wasn’t sure which was more frightening.

Now, the officer was advancing towards her with some sort of black leather garment that looked like a large full arm glove. With the help of the officer holding her arms, he slip Kaya’s arms into the sleep, covering them from her fingertips all the way to her arms. Her hands were held palm to palm, quickly pressed together even tighter as the officers pulled several straps taught up her arms, until her chest was pushed outwards and her arms sticking out uncomfortable behind her. Kaya waited in disappoint, made even worse by the fact that the front of her shirt was now becoming wetter and wetter as the drool she couldn’t stop dripped down. The principal was sitting at his desk still, watching the show with glee and even taking the time to snap a few photos with his phone.

Even though her arms were now useless, the guards were not finished with her bondage. One of them was brandishing a mass of chains and cuffs. The cuffs were secured around her ankles, the cold metal rating tightly against her skin. Attached to the chain holding her ankles together was a longer length of chain, which was pulled upwards to attach toa small metal ring at the fingertips of the leather sleep they had forced upon her. Pulling her to her feet, Kaya found that she could barely walk, only able to shuffle practically forward, all the while pulling at her arms as the chains pulled on eachother.

The final touch was the most humiliating of all. A metal collar was clapped around her throat, locked in place with a tiny padlock and key. A length of chain hung down from a link at the front, which was quickly taken up by the principal, who finally stood up.

“Alright Kaya, let’s get you to the detention room. That’s where all your delinquent friends are, waiting for the other students to leave so we can put you on the bus to your new school.” As he said this, he gave her new collar a tug and led her to the door behind his desk, towards a room she had spent a lot of time over her years at the school. As they entered, Kaya’s eyes widened. There, sitting at desks, the students who had been called in before her. They wereAll bound just as she was, with their arms claped behind them with the leather armbinders, and drooling over ball gags roughly clamped into their mouths. A few looked up at her and gave sympathetic moans, but most just sat, all looking defeated and frustrated at their prediction. Kaya was pulled over to an empty desk, and the lead on her collar was secured to the desk to ensure she didn’t leave. With a final smile, the principal left the room, no doubt to finish breaking the news to the rest of the students out waiting.

The minutes ticked by slowly. None of them attempted to escape, as they all knew it would be useless. The detention room had no windows. The only way out was back through the principal’s office, where the two policemen waited. And that was only relevant if they could escape their bonds. So, the students simply sat, all already regretting their choices, and desperately hoping this was some sort of “scared straight” tactic and that they would be released.

SeVertical more students were led into the room. Kaya offered muffled confidences to Sarah, a girl she was friendly with who was also failing, and to Bradley, a boy she had dated briefly earlier in the year who had failed at a single class that he needed. Soon, every student who had been called was seated in the attention room. As the last one was buckled in place, the principal stand at the front of the class and spoke to his captive audience.

“Hello students! You may have chosen not to act like it, but you are all adults. And now you have to take responsibility for your shortcomings. Soon, you will be loaded onto a bus and taken to the remedial school. There you will stay until you pass their lessons. You will learn there, you will eat there, and sleep there. If. IF. You do well enough, you will graduate and be able to move on with your lives. But, as you all have shown me in the past, I suspect you will spend quite some time there. With that, he left again, leaving them in silenceas they contemplated their fate.

Over an hour later, the bus arrived. The leads on the student’s collars were all attached to another student’s, forming a line. Kaya was at the back, tugged along by the boy in front of her, who was also struggling to keep up. They were marched out of the school, where they saw a bus waiting for them. It was not a normal school bus, but one with individual seats inside. Each student was detached from the line and marched individually onto it, and pushed down onto one of the seats. A 4-point harness was buckled over them and pulled tight, pressing them firmly in place. Then, their ankle chains were attached to a clip under the seat, keeping their legs curled beneath them and unable to kick out at anyone. Soon, they were all seated and strapped in place, and the bus roared to life. As Kaya looked out the window and saw the principal waving and laughing, she wondered what she was in store for…


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