Things had got boring between Mistress Erin and her pet, Lisa. They both knew it, though neither had said anything. Lisa had not said anything out of a combination of reverence for her mistress and the fact that she was gagged far more often than not. Erin had not said anything out of compassion for her pet and the hope that she would find a solution.
Erin believed that there are two kinds of pet: Those who want submission and those who want permission. Those who want submission want to fuck a football team because they were ordered to do so by someone far superior to them. Those who desire permission WANT to fuck the football team, but will not let themselves artistic or act on that desire. Therefore, they seek a master/mistress to force them to do what they already wanted.
Lisa was a true submissive. Even before she Found Mistress Erin, she had gone further into exhibitionism, bondage, whipping, orgies and so many other things than anyone Erin had ever kNow. Lisa certainly needed no one’s permission.
What Erin had taught her was control and self-denial. Over the course of a few years, Lisa had gone from needing an orgasm every few hours to being able to wait weeks and months for one. She could have given hands, mouths, and cocks all over her body and still wait for her mistress’ permission to climax. Even when Mistress Erin had numbered her so she could get no pleasure from a crowd of people using and abusing her body, Lisa joyfully submitted to her Mistress’ will.
As proud as Mistress Erin was of her work and her pet, she could not shake the feeling that she had reached bedrock. There was no deeper she could dig and no further she could go. Lisa wanted and needed more, but Erin had no idea how to give it to her.
Mistress Erin had never like comparing her pets to each other, as it was both unfair to their individuality and undermined the bond of trust in her relationship with them. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
Erin invented a former pet named Julie and prayed her constantly to Lisa. She would look at Lisa’s thin, hard body and talk about how much she loved Julie’s fat, jiggly body. She would talk about how much she loved that Julie was a good girl who kept letting herself be turned into a whore.
Lisa hated hearing about Julie. She wanted to be Mistress Erin’s perfect little pet, and she was beginning to feel like she would never be able to please her mistress.
Finally, Lisa broke down and wept at her mistress’ feet. “Please, PLEASE help me be more like Julie!”
Mistress Erin patted her pet on the head and caressed her cheek. “Of course. Of course”, she said softly and sweetly to her distraught pet, “I want you to be a good girl. I’ll help you be a good girl. I’ll make you a good girl.”
She started with fattening Lisa up. It was far from the most important step, but it was the easiest place to begin. She removed every mirror, so thatLisa wouldn’t be able to accustom herself to the changes in her appearance gradually.
Next, she started having Lisa wear clothes again. Not just any clothing, but dresses that covered her from neck to ankle with bra and panties underneath. Mistress Erin wanted her pet so used to be dressed that any minor omission from her outfit would feel glaring to her.
Next, Mistress Erin started changing Lisa’s sexuality. “Julie” was a good girl, so she only served her mistress orally and with the lights out. Because she was a good girl, she only masturbated once a week, only vaginaly, and only with her fingers. Lisa was made to be like Julie.
Soon after, Mistress Erin stopped calling Lisa by her name at all. She was simply “pet”.
After a few months, when Those lessons were beginning to take, Mistress Erin added silent time to her pet’s routine. Her pet would lie motionless in bed, wearing a blindfold in the dark, silent room for one hour while Erin would stroke her hair and whisper to her, “you are Julie. You love your mistress, and your mistress loves you.” Sometimes the pet would drift into sleep, but sleep or awake, every day the lesson saw a little bit deeper into her.
The pet had reached the point of being chubby and was joyfully cleaning the house every day. On the rare occasions she was made to do so without panties, she showed signs of being Both uncomfortable and aroused.
After a few more months, the message of silent time became “You are Julie. You love your mistress. Lisa hates your mistress. Lisa hates you.” Mistress Erin took to calling her pet “Julie”, and the pet did not resist. She loved being called Julie, because Julie loved her mistress.
The thin, hard that had been such a point of pride for Lisa had disappeared into the thick, wiggling body of Julie. When mistress returned the mirrors to the house, Julie was not upset at her changed reflection. After all, mistress had told her all about Julie, andThis is what her beloved Julie looks like.
It was then time for Mistress Erin to unleash Julie onto the world. She sent her to bars, dressed from neck to ankle, with orders to give a guy $20 and beg him to fuck her in the bathroom. It went even better than Erin had hoped. Julie got her face, tits, pussy, and ass fucked in the course of spending to $100 Mistress Erin gave her. Then, cum dripping off her face, soaked into her clothes, and dripping out of her, she used her body to make another $100, which she then spent becoming men to fuck her as her mistress had commanded. And, once it was over, she reverted back to being a prude, shocked at her behavior and how much she had enjoyed it. Her ability to go from shy to willing to shameless and then back again was extraordinary. Erin could get her to sit naked in a public park, give head to anyone who wanted it, gleefully accept a few dozen cumbaths, and then revert back to being a prude on command.
Julie was a perfect sub, andSomewhere deep within her was the last remnant of Lisa. And Lisa was happy.
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