Hours later, they walked into The Tollhouse. Michael held the door open for her, out of habit, not necessarily chivalry, watching her walk in, clad in a webbed bodysuit and boots. Leana entered, her body instantly captured by the pulsing techno rhythms. She looked around, entered by all the tasty, pretty people and the decade thoughts that drift through the air like smoke. She sensed the power of her own sexuality, noticing the stars, the lustful glances from both young men and women. Gripping Michael’s elbow, she yelled, “C’mon, let’s go to the bar and get a drink. I know the bartender..he’ll know something about Chianne.” Totally out of his element, he decided it was easy to follow her lead. They elbowed their way to the bar, and the bartender, in a flash of recognition, leaned over to plant a kiss on Leana’s Cheek. Michael wondered if it was like kissing a snake.
“Hey darlin’, what can I get you,” the bartender shouted.
“Martinis, for me and my friend. Howhave you been?” Leana shouted back.
“Fabulous. You know how it is, one long party. Lets see, you are an onion girl, not olives, right?” Colin, the bartender was mixing as he talked, seemingly oblivious to everyone but the tiny, odd girl who hadn’t been in for a few months.
She laughed. “No that was the other uber-hot vixen. Olives for me, and and extra shot of gin for my uptight friend here.” She nodded back to Michael, who shuddered quietly at the mere thought of gin, much less an extra shot.
Colin laughed and skewered 2, dropping them in. “Here you go, uber-hot vixen.”
She leaned in, motioning him closer. “Colin, you do remember me, right?”
He nodded. “You were here with that one group, the ones from New York.”
“I used to do doubles with Chianne.” Leana looked down.
Colin blinked, then looked down, obviously at a loss of what to say. Leana took goal on him and lowered her eyes. “I heard.”
Colin exhausted, totally relieved. “Have they caught the guy yet, do you know?” Michael was leaning in to catch every word. “I heard it was one of her clients.”
Leana moved closer. “I was concerned it might’ve been someone I’d scene with too.”
Colin shook his head. “I don’t think so. She screened pretty carefully and if it was here, we screened as well.” She motioned him close, so she could speak into his ear. “Look, Colin, I need to know what happened. I need to know who did this. Don’t bullshit me; tell us who we can talk to about this. It’s life or death.”
Colin shrugged. “I don’t know anything for sure; I only know what I hear.” He looked to each side, making sure no one is overhearing, but no one was paying the least amount of attention, they were too busy scooping bites of honey off the bikini-clad girl lying on the bar, with the apple slices that were being passed around.
“What have you heard, Colin?” Leana pressed again.
“She didnt have any blood left. Do you know how hard it is to drain a body?!” Colin shuddered, and Michael smiled. Given the fact he was unaware he was talking to two Immortal vampires made for interesting irony.
Michael leaned down to shout in her ear. “He doesn’t know anything more, let’s keep moving.”
Leana turned to look up at him, “Why don’t you go mingle, Michael? You might turn up a lead that way. Besides, you’re cramping my style.” She eyed a young, scantily clad, male submissive. She turned away, looking for a cigarette in her purse, still watching the male. Michael wandered off, calling her every name in the book, plus a few that he thought up on his own.
Something played on the edge of her hearing, already preternatural. “Odd,” she thought. “The sound system here didn’t used to have that static..”
Michael wandered through, looking at all the latex, the piercings, the half-dressed bodies, all dancing, or engaged in some form of play. He stared, totally out of his element. He knew this lifestyle existed, but he’d never seen it, much less this up close and personal.
After teasing the male sub a little, Leana went in search of Michael. She found him leaning against a wall, looking distinctly out of his element. She laughed as she walked up to him. He watched her, walking up in front of him, and feels the mood of the club, and their late dislike of each other warning. She folded her arms and stood there, looking at him.
“What?” she said.
“Just wondering what sort of crazy shit you’re thinking about.” Michael answered.
She pointed over his shoulder. “Look at her form. She’s an amazing top.” He followed her line of sight.
“What am I looking at?” he asked.
“The tall blonde, with the female sub on the horse. Watch her strike. She’s got perfect aim,” Leana watched, taking notes, ever interested in learning.
Michael watched the display of blatant aggressive eroticism with a mix of horrified fascination and the vaguest hint of arousal. Leana looked over at him and sees a slslightly dreamy expression. Now it was his turn.
“What?” he asked.
“You can’t tell me that’s not hot,” Leana said, laughing. Michael watched again, strangely fascinated.
“Well, no, actually I can’t tell you that. I’m not sure I understand it.” For the first time, Michael answered her without hostility.
“Michael, tell me something. Honestly, for once. Look at that woman and tell me she isn’t in heaven right now.”
“I don’t know where she is. She looks like she isn’t here though, that’s for sure. Wait, who are we talking about? The one on the giving end or the one on the receiving?” He was truly lost for a moment.
Leana smiled. “Both, actually, but I was referring to the sub.”
“Why do you think it’s heaven,” he asked, generally curious.
“When you drift into subspace, with a good top, it is…I can’t even describe it. It’s the best high, the best drink, the best sex, you’ve ever had.” Leana was trying to describe the indescribable.
“I’m sure you’re intimately familiar with all of these kinds of perversions, and….more.” Michael shifted his weight from foot to foot, distinctly uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was turning. Leana, completely aware of this, laughed.
“Yes, and more. Look at her..Look at her body. Every nerve in her is tingling, and begging for release.” Leana moved her finger up and down, as if tracing the woman’s body. Michael looked, trying to see what she saw. Leana saw her opportunity, and leaned close and stretched up to whisper in his ear. “Look at her thighs shaking..her hands are moving, asking for..she doesn’t know what, but her body is craving it.” He was taken aback, it all came clear. He could see it, the flush of the submissive’s skin, the way her thighs were tight, and shaking, the way she strained against the horse she was tied to. Furthermore, he was shocked at the small trill that ran through his body as Leana’s lips grazed his ear. Mentally he shook himself. This woman was a viper, a snake in the grass. She was out only for herself, and cared little about anyone or anything, including those that once risked injury to save her. He looked down at her, to see her looking up at him, a soft smile playing at her lips. Here, in the dark, the garish makeup made her look tiny, exotic and dangerous. Who was he kidding, he thought. She was tiny, exotic and dangerous. He noticed the gleam in her eye.
“Not on your wasted life!” Michael stated firmly.
“You afraid of little me?” she teased.
“Afraid? No. I simply don’t trust you.” Michael was firm in his resolution.
“You don’t have to trust me, although it does help. I think you’re afraid you will like some of my…perversions.” Leana laughed, utterly delighted.
He smirked, “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction.” Her next statement caught him totally off-guard.
“I would give you the satisfaction..” Leana shifted so that her hip was turned, making her look even tinier than sheAlready was.
He raised an eyebrow, and laughed. The idea of someone so tiny taking mastery over his 6 foot, 230 pound frame was luxurious. The whole idea, her, him, here, like that, was laughable.
Leana merely leaned against the table near her, watching him, and the wave of thought that he was unaware of, crossing his face. She didn’t attempt to alter his thoughts. He was older and stronger than she was, and she was under no delusion that she could “persuade” him.
Her movement away from him refocused him. “So..you’ve tied up your lovers before? And whipped them?” Now he was curious.
Leana nodded. “Yes, I have. Always consensual, although I have played at non-consensuality. You know the pleasure of feeding?”
He looked down, a moment of guilt washed over him. “Of course.”
“What if I said I could give you all that and more, if you will let me?” Leana asked this gently.
Michael looked at her darkly. “There is pleasure from feeding, but it’s not something I take any pride in. Some of us are conflicted about taking the lives of others, or of transmuting them into creativity that are reviled by the rest of humanity.”
Her replied shocked him to the core. He expected some snotty, Leana-type comment.
“We all take pleasure differently. I’m just asking to show you another way to feel that intensely, and, as you say, no one has to die,” she said This simply, without a trace of sarcasm.
As he always did when he was caught off guard, he retired to sarcasm and a snide tone. “What’s in it for you, my sweet pervert?”
She competed to the top, who was winding down the scene. “There is pleasure in both sides.”
Now he was utterly lost, and losing more ground quickly. “Why should I trust you?”
“Because I have nothing to lose or gain.”
He shook his head. “We came here for a purpose and you want to take some kind of hedonistic sensitive detour. That will make me helpless before you, and you with dangerous impelements? I don’t think so.”
Leana smiled. She was starting to gain ground as he was losing it. A little more, and he would be hers. “Look at it this way..It is less likely to attract attention if we participate, for one thing. Secondly, you are not helpless. One word and it all stops.”
Michael looked up at the submissive, now curled up on her side, covered with a blanket, her head cradled in the top’s lap, who was struggling her hair. “Like I’d believe you.”
Leana pushed her hair back. “No. It’s the law here. I have to. Besides, I’d not attract the attention of disregarding the safe-word.”
“Here? In public?” He wished he could take the words back as soon as they left his mouth.
Leana gestured to an empty space tucked back in the corner. “There are few people over there, because it’s not so loud.” She held a hand out to him. As he reached for her hand, he was pretty certain that he was having an out of body experience, and that this was all a weird fantasy that his over-stressed mind was creating. This treacherous creation was leading him forward, calm and self-assured, and even more surprising, he was following. Leana gestured to the Dungeon Master, who came over immediately. She gave their names and signed the safe-word agreement with a flourish. Taking his hand again, she led him to the corner slot, and turned, placing both her hands on his. Now he was nervous, and looked down at her.
“What next,” he queried.
She stepped close to him. “Some of this, first…” she leaned in, and grazed her fangs over his neck, licking softly after them. He shivered, leaning his head to one side. Leana closed her mouth over, and bit down gently, not enough to break skin but close, and brought both hands up to her sides to run over them, letting him feel the texture of the velvet corset, then down to her hips to the leather of the pants that barely stayed on. The feel of his large hands on her ribs excited her. She knew that if he really wantedto, he could break her. He was big enough, and strong enough.
Michael exhausted, and ran his hands over her, surprisingly uninhibited in touching her, as if something previously unknown was dangerously close to the surface. She hummed softly and brought his hands back to the center of her chest, and stepped backwards leading him to the St. Andrew’s Cross.
He took a few hesitant steps forward. “I’m Not sure I’m totally comfortable with this.”
She looked up at him, in utter seriousness. “Part of the pleasure is the transition from that uncomfortable feeling to what is called sub-space. I want to take you there. You just have to let me. I signed the safe-word agreement, and I am known here. I won’t give more than you can take, I promise.” She took another few steps back, tugging him forward. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have something be all about you, for once?”
Suddenly, he was suspicious of her new-found selflessness. He looked at you directly. “Leana, don’t forget who you’re dealing with here.” She smiled.
“How could I,” she asked. Taking the final steps backwards, he was aligned in the cross, and she slipped out from under the bar. She placed his hands on the two cross-posts. “I am going to restrain your hands here. At any time you truly want out, all you have to say is “red” and I will cease immediately and loosen you.”
He noticed a strange change in her personality, calm self-assurance, not extroverted cockiness. All obnoxiousness is gone, replaced by something more sinister, and a little more interesting. She snapped his wrist into the first cuff, and then brings the second one over, brushing it over her breast, and fasting it.
“Are you comfortable,” she asked.
“It’s not awful, no. A bit disconcerting, yes,” he replied.
Leana nodded. “Good.” He tested the restraints, finding them solid, and that alarmed him.
“They’re not coming loose. Is it too late for me to back out of this deal?”
She shook her head. “No, you are pretty well in there. They have to hold you up in about 15 minutes. Yes, it’s far too late, Michael.” His eyes narrowed, and she stepped back to look at his angle, and found it pleasure. “You know that mesh shirt you are wearing is going to do nothing to protect you, right?”
He looked down nervously. “I think it would be best if you let me out of here now.”
Leana smiled. “Darling, you know how to get out. Until then…” she trailed off as she reached in the bin, and selected a deer-sued flogger and drew it up his back. Michael dumped in reaction, and then shivered. Leana laughed softly, and that steeled his determination not to give her the satisfaction. Leana smiled and thudded it lightly against his back, not actually striking, but just enough to show him the weight. In the depths of his private thoughts, he said to himself that it wasn’t so bad. Leana saw the change in his posture and stepped back again, took aim to his upper left shoulder and struck, the suede giving far more of a thud than a sting. Michael inhaled deeply, and then exhausted, trying to time his rhythm to her. She twisted her wrist a little to aim just below that and to the right, striking a little harder, in a new place, still carefully watching him, and his body language.
Michael turned his wrists in the restraints, and shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his body, getting lost in the sensings, but his mind yet resisting. The tiny girl holding the flogger smiled and watched, immediately striding the next area in line, and the next three in rapid succession. Michael twisted away from, and Leana immediately lightened her strike, wanting to build him up, not tear him down. When he leaned into the next stroke, seeking it, she saw that he was fine, and returned to the previous amount of pressure. He found that he was Very focused on what was happening, and that surprised him. Still unsure how he got here in the first place, but resigned to where he was,he found that his body was unconsciously leaning into the stroke. Leana stripped a line down and across his back, making a reverse L, leaving quite a bit of space. Then she closed the distance between them to tug his head back by his hair and murmured, “So strong..I knew you would be able to take that. Now I want to step it up a little..make it a little hotter, a little more intense.”
He whispered back, “That hurt..”
Leana kissed along the back of his neck, lightly brushing the tops of her corset-bound breasts over his back. “Yes, darling, it hurt, and this is going to hurt a little better.”
The sudden tenderness was almost unbearable. A rush of arousal shot through him, unbidden, and unwelcome. A low moan escaped from the back of his throat, and arched his back, striving to stay in contact with her touch. She moved away, pressing one last kiss to his shoulder before taking a spur wheel from the bin, testing it on her own inner arm first, then ran it from his left foRearm, up to his shoulders, crossing, and then back up, creating a prickling sensing that he felt down to his toes. Leana curled under his outstretched arms, and down his sides, increasing the pressure lightly as she comes to more tender flesh, watching the spur lightly prick the skin through the thin mesh of his shirt, the light smell of his blood in her nose, making her crave it. She stamped it down, and brought the wheel back to go down his spine. Michael’s breathing got shallower now, feeling the tingling pain running down his body, heat licking his nerves. He arched his back, thrashed his head to one side, and made a noise she’d never heard from him before.
Leana stepped up close and bit down on the side of his neck, pressing her fangs down, still not breaking skin, but still firmly, at the same time, reached around him to run her thumbs over his nipples, working small circles. She flicked her tongue at his neck, and came away, reaching for a leather 49-string, and moves tostrike the area she’d left earlier. Leana held the flogger loosely, its weight totally comfortable in her hand, and struck in quick succession, one spot, then over, and back to the same spot again, in a one, two, one pattern, and keeps it going with different sections, to both warm the skin, and for him to find the consistent pattern to drift on. It wasn’t long after that his breath fell with the pattern, and she knew he was drifting into subspace. His skin was deliciously red now. Tipping her head, she ponders for a moment, and decided that too much too soon will snap him back, and opts for the fur gloves that are in the bin, next. Slipping them on, she came around the cross to face him, and runs the soft fur over his cheeses. Michael sights, and feels his head roll back, as if one step removed. His eyes closed, totally lost now, soft sounds escaping. Leana, positive it was not a request to stop, continued to move her hands up over his arms and down his sides, to his hips and tighs, caring more for the pressure of my hands than the sensing of the fur. Tiptoeing up, she kissed his mouth softly, licking at his lips a little before leaving to come back around to the bin, rummaging around for a bit. She laughed quietly as she found what she was looking for, and brings the scarves back; looping several together to make it density and used them to blindfold him, further adding to her control.
As the blindfold was slipped over, a section of Michael’s brain kicked over. He hazily hoped he wasn’t going to regret this. Leana again ran the tops of her breasts against his back, moving across him, twisting, so that all he feel is her body rubbing against him. This shut off the train of thought and reduced him back to primary instinct. Leana, intuitive as she was, felt the shift, and found this an opportunity time to bring out the leather cat, to remind him who was in control, and snapped it gently between his shoulder blades. He jerked, and she laughed. She struck a secondand a third time, then tucked the flogger into her back pocket, and rubbed against him again, this time adding her hands to rub his thighs and across his stomach, whispering “So beautiful you are, when you are under my hand.” Leana continued to rub against him, nipping at his shoulder before stepping back and letting the cat fly, again following the consistent pattern. Michael resisted the urge to scream, finding an odd comfort in the consistency of the pattern. As he twisted both in and out of the strikes, she murmured “Just float on the pain, darling…let it come, and let it take you..” Then she stepped back to repeat the pattern. He didn’t think he could, not with that pain. It cut him to the core, long lines of fire that cut to his soul. Keeping the stroke light, not wanting to cut skin, yet, Leana moved up and down his back, missing the tender places, then back up, taking stock of the small welts that are raising, and smiled. Placing the cat again into her pocket, she dipped herhands in the cool water, then placing them on his back.
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