
She cowered in the corner of the room, straining against the ropes that bound her hands behind her back and her ankles together. The chiffon and lace of the gown she’d been forced into rubber against her plump thighs, the soft sounds of the material echoing in the empty chamber. Her tongue brushed against the red rubber ball in her mouth, the leather strap keeping it tight and in place, turning her cries for help into soft, pathetic mewls.

Her heart leaves into her throat when the door opened, her captor sauntering in with a smile on his face. “My darling…” he cool, making his way to her and kneeing. “My sweet princess.”

She shivered and inched away as far as she could, only to be met once again with the cool stone of her dungeon. Her captor reached a hand out and tenderly stroked her jet black hair. A gentle touch. A sweet touch. A lover’s touch.

“No one will find us here, my princess.” he purred. “It’s only the two of us here. Forever.” His hand, roughand coarse, drifted down, past her neck, her side, to her waist. The dampness between her legs grew as she pondered her fate…


Melissa Blair’s eyes snapped open, and she shut off her alarm with a sight. She was just seconds away from the good part…

She removed her hands from between her legs, taking the time to gaze at the clear, sticky fluid webbed between her fingers. “Fuck…” she hissed. “I barely got off…”

Her clock told her she didn’t have enough time for a second round, so she rose from her bed with a groan.

Melissa hurried into the kitchen and set two pop tarts in the toaster. She set out her clothes for the day as they warmed; a pink vest top, black skirt, and black leggings. She’d just chosen her footwear, a pair of black Mary Janes, when the ding of the toaster and the smell of chocolate and marshmallow alerted her to breakfast.

Scarfing down the pastries, a quick shower and teeth cleaning later, and Melissa was nearlydone. Squeezing her thick thighs into the legs was a challenge, but not as much as getting the surprisingly tight skirt up past her round bottom.

‘I really hope I haven’t gained more weight.’ she thought, pinching her waist. Slipping on the vest top and grabbing her school bag, she was out the door, making sure to grab her keys this time. She didn’t want to ask the landlady for help getting back in again.


Collin Lewis tapped his foot against the sidewalk’s dry, cracked concrete. From the buds snugly fitted into his ears, it would appear he was tapping along to whatever tune he was listening to. But really, he was just impatient.

Rapid, heavy footsteps made him pull out a bud, and his sour demeanor brightened considerably when the sight of his lifelong friend, Melissa came into view.

“Hey.” she greeted, resting her hands on her knees as he caught her breath. “I’m not late, right?”

“Nope.” Collin replied, a little louder than normal. Melissa motioned to his other earbud and he plucked it out. “Sorry. You’re fine; about five minutes to spare.”

Melissa and Collin were as best as best friends could ever be. Since their first meeting in grade school, where they’d bonded over a rather intense game of hopscotch, they’d been inseparable. She was the spicy to his sour, the optimistic to his pessimist, the other half the other didn’t know they needed, but we’re glad to have. From the days of nap time and coloring books, to the days of rent and coffee shops, there was rarely a time they weren’t together.

Squeaky wheel as and creaking metal alerted them to the bus’s arrival, and they and all the other commuters filed on. As Melissa stepped aboard, one of the busgoers lowed ‘Moo’ under his breath. Collin’s response was a swift, barely visible kick to the leg that had him howling in pain and Melissa smiling.

“My hero.” she drawn, playingfully batting her eyeshes. “But I was gonna hit him.”

“You’d killhim.” replied Collin with a smile as he took a window seat. “And then he wouldn’t have learned his lesson.”


With a rumble like a wounded animal and a lurch like a sick one, the bus was on the move.

“Interesting look you’ve got going on today.” commented Melissa, looking her bestie up and down. Sandals, blue jeans, and a gray sweatshirt with ‘Bug someone else’ written in black text, followed by a can of pesticide.

“Animals have their own ways of warding off the unwanted. I figure I can do the same.”

Melissa chuckled. “Since when are you an animal?”

“In what way?” He followed up with a wink.

This sort of playful flirting was the norm for them. But that was about as far as they took it. Whatever feelings then had for each other that extended beyond friend, they kept beneath the surface, and very well. It was rare to find friends like each other, and neither wanted to even remotely ruin that.

Melissa’s eyes took in Collin as he shifted through his phone’s playlist. The gray, she had to admit, compiled his dark skin, and his shirt, curly black hair looked even cuter than normal today.

‘Something about Collin today, looks…nice.’ Melissa thought. ‘Extra nice. Did he shake? No, look at that scruff. He was probably up playing videogames all night again. Hm. Guess I’ll figure it out later…’

Folding her arms under her large chest, she closed her eyes, and in no time at off, drifted off into peaceful sleep.


slap! “UNGH!” slap! “MMPH!” ​​slap! “FUGOH!” slap! “FUGOH!” slap! “FUGOH!” slap! “Her naked body shook in the leather cuffs of the wooden horse. Her massive, plump ass was exposed to the cool air of the chamber, and her pussy, pressed against the rubber coating of the edge, drooled and dribbled, her female juices sliding down, flowing past her legs and pooling on the floor.

“Louder, you slut!” shouted her captor, bringing the paddle down hard on her ass again.

“GLMPH!!” She buckedAgainst the device, breath coming out in ragged gasps. Her hair clung to her sweat-soaked forehead. The clamps around her nipples pinched, the attached bells jingling with every movement.

She yelped in a mix of shock and desire when she felt a pair of fingers enter her slit, and began swirling. The fingers were thin and lithe, but the movements powerful and deliberate. Melissa groaned and strained against her bindings, Wanting to be free from this humiliation, but at the same time, wanting it to go on and on and never stop, never stop, stop, stop…


“Huh?” Melissa blinked and looked around; all the students were beginning to file off the bus. Collin was shaking her, looking rather irritated. More than normal, really.

“I said, this is our stop. Geez, Mel. And you say I don’t get enough sleep.”

“Har, har.” she replied, trying to hide the blush on her face. Who the hell has dreams like that on the bus?

The two had separate classes, but the same break period. At the front of the school, they shared a hug and goodbye, and, like always, promised to meet up for lunch.

Oddly enough, Melissa, for some reason, couldn’t help but stare at Collin’s ass as he walked away.‘Tight jeans.’ she thought, before shaking her head and pushing that thought very, very far into the back of her mind.


Melissa suppressed a yawn as the gray, wrinkled teacher at the front of the room droned on about something she was sure she didn’t care about. She wasn’t entirely sure which class she was currently in. History? Economics? It was on her schedule, but she didn’t have the energy to even pretend to be interested.

She glanced around and saw much of the class apparently shared her sentiment. Some were sleeping, others texting away, and one was even playing a game under his desk.

‘When in Rome…’ she thought, resting her head on her textbook as an improved pillow.


She was lead to the altar in chains, pulled along by a giant of a man in a featureless executioner’s hood. With wrists and ankles fettered, she had no hope to escape.

Her eyes widened as she saw the stocks come into view. Her steps falsetered the tiniest bit, and she was pulled roughly, nearly falling on her face.

As she appeared, the crowd roared and jeered, eager, hungry to see this pump, womanly peasant receive the Punishment they so felt she deserved. The torturer opened the stocks and undid her manacles, pointing at the stocks and ordering her in. With a nervous swallow, she complied; what choice did she have?

The stocks were practically slammed down on her, and she was locked in place. In one smooth motion, her dress was torn off, the crowd hollering at the sight of her bare, glistening cunt. Though she couldn’t see behind her, she didn’t need to; something hard and throbbing pressed against her slit, and she felt the tip of the executioner’s massive cock gradually slidee in…

“…and that will be all for today.” Melissa jolted awake, face scarlet, but thankfully unnoticed by the teacher and class. She fidgeted slightly, totally aware of the dampness in her legs, and the pounding of her chest.

Two classes and two equally erotic dreams later and Melissa was about to lose her mind. A girl could only take so much before the damn broke, so to speak. A glance at her clock told her she was due to meet Collin in fifteen minutes.

“…That should be enough time…” she muttered, ducking into the bathroom.

Melissa checked, double-checked, then triple-checked the stalls to make sure no one was in them. She selected the farthest from the door, the handicapped one with the wide space.

“I can’t believe this…” She was seriously going to do it in a college bathroom. Was she really that horny? Well, yes, she was. And it’s not like it was the worst place in the world to do it. At least it was clean.

Melissa hung her bag on the door hook and sat down on the toilet, spreading her legs wide and moving a hand up her skirt. Her cheeks flushed and heartbeat sped up as she pulled aside her panties and slide a finger into her awaiting womanhood. A moan rose that she suppressed with a bite of her lip. “Uuuuugh…” Masturbating in a public bathroom…it feel so wrong, but so damn good at the same time.

As she worked her fingers, her mind drifted away again to one of her fansies. Their sudden daytime appearance was staggering, but now she at least had the chance to do something about it.

She imagined she was bound to a bed, legs pulled back and tied to the headboard so her genitals were on display. A ballgag in her mouth to muffle her moans. Her captor, an unknown man, held a hitachi wand inches away from her cunt, the buzzing from the tool filling her ears. She nodded and begged through the gag, desperate for release.

Her fingers worked faster as her fantasy went on; the mystery man pressed it againsther pussy, and she screamed around the gag, thrashing. She bucked her hips against the wand, moaning, pleading, all pretense of humanity gone, with only animal instincts remaining. Her master, the man in her head, pressed harder, and as she approached climax, a single word escaped her dry, thirsty lips.

She means to say ‘master’.

What she screamed, instead, was ‘Collin’.


“Hey, Mel, you okay?”

Melissa wouldn’t meet Collin’s gaze. No, she couldn’t. Not after the…’incident’ in the bathroom. She ate her sandwich, pointedly ignoring the concerned way Collin stared at her.

“Mel…what’s up? You’ve been acting weird today.” He paused. “Well, weirder.”

“Funny.” Melissa retorted, a flash of her old self coming through. But when she saw that hatty smile on Collin’s face, her cheeks went pink and she returned to her lunch, hoping it would provide an adequate enough distraction.

“Okay, fine. Don’t tell me.” Collin let the matter drop. But he noticed Melissa was more than just acting strangely. Her cheeks were flushed, her breathing was faster than normal, and she was doing anything she could to avoid meeting his eyes. Was it something he said or did? No, she’d tell him. Being up front was one of her best traits, one of the major reasons he loved her so much.

He didn’t know exactly when his crush on Melissa first developed. It could’ve been recently, or maybe even as far back as the grade school days. All he knew was that he loved her, more than anyone or anything in the world.

But it went so much farther than that.

Like so many other teenage boys who first discovered the Internet, he’d primarily used it for one thing. Porn. And his cyberspace travels had eventually led him to the world of BDSM. He was enraptured, enranced by the sight of women bound, gagged, helpless. As he grew older, so too did his fetish. But Collin knew how most of the world perceived his tastes, so he kept them secret. Even from Melissa. He had no idea how she’d react, and he didn’t want to lose the best friend he’d ever have over such a perversion.

And yet there were times he couldn’t stop himself when he looked at Melissa. His mind would wander, and envision; her as his submissive, helpless captive, ropes encircling her plump, curvaceous frame, sweaty, naked, flowing pink with desire, soft, plus lips opening wide and whispering pleasures for release that both knew were lies…

No, he shouldn’t. Couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Melissa was the best thing that happened to him, and her friend the greatest thing she could offer. The last thing she’d want is her best friend to tie her up.

If he only knew…



Melissa glanced at Collin; she still couldn’t face him directly, but she was always there for him. “What’s up?”

“My asshole roommate brought home another girl.” he grumbled, standing away his phone. “So now I’m sexy.”

“Aw, poor baby.” cooed Melissa playfully. “You can hang at my place for the night. My door’s always open to the victims of dickbag rooms.”

“You ought to open a shelter.” Collin chuckled as they made their way to the bus. “Ms. Melissa Blair’s Home for Sexiled Roommates.”

The two shared a laugh, and Melissa thought, for a moment, things were normal.‘It was probably just a fluke.’ she Thought.‘I was meeting Collin for lunch and he just happened to…pop into my head. That’s all it was.’

Since it was Friday, the students were looking forward to a long, relaxing weekend, an escape from the dread and donrums of college. A too-long bus ride later, and they were back at Melissa’s apartment.

“Okay,” surprised Melissa as she kicked off her shoes. “So we made it through Another week. Only like, God knows however many to go.”

“Which I think calls for celebatory ice cream. What’ve you got?”

Melissa walked to the fridge while Collin hoped on the couch, grabbing the remote and clicking on the tv. It was Property Brothers; Melissa must’ve left it on the previous night. She was definitely a real estate major.

“Chocolate chip, rocky road, lemon sorbet…”

“That last one wasn’t technically ice cream.”

Melissa faced Collin and pouted. “Do you want ice cream or not?”

“I do. I really do. Rocky road, please.” Melissa nodded and pulled out the carton, tossing it and a spoon to the brunette.

She got her own spoon and carton of chocolate chip, ploping herself down on the couch next to Collin.

“House Hunters is better.” smiled Collin, earning a playful elbow jab from Melissa.

It was a mini-marathon on HGTV, and the two watched comfortable, cracking jokes, gag dubbing over the show, and generally enjoying each other’s company. Before long, the cartoons were empty, and they had drifted off to sleep, Collin resting on Melissa’s lap, Melissa off in her own dreamland…


His hand was a blur as he struck with the whip. His captive cried out, her pained voice only making him harder. “Say it.”

Hanging simply in her chains, she turned her head to face him. Sweat dripped down her naked body, giving her an almost ethereal glow in the dim light. Melissa lifted her head and glared coldly. “No.”

Again his hand moved, the whip screaming across her luscious bottom, leaving behind red streaks and making the pale flesh jiggle. “OW!”

“Say it.”

“Fuck you.” she panted, ignoring the fire in her belly and the hardness of her nipples. “You…ungh…” She tugged on the chains, but there was no give. “You won’t break me.”

But he would. Even if it took all night. She knew he wouldn’t give up. Not until she said the words he wanted to hear.

Again, and again, and again he struck, leaving behind harsher and deeper marks each time. Her constitution was weakening. Her stamina fading. And her desire…growing.

“W-Wait!” Her captor paused mid-whip, a smile forming on his face.


She said something unintelligible. Her captor walked over to her, to her front. Casting aside the whip, he used one hand to grab her chin and force her to look up at him, using the other to ghost against her bare slit. Unable to close her legs because of the spreader bar, she had no choice but to accept the touch.

“Say it. Louder. I want to hear you.”


His thumb brushed her swollen clip, and she buckled, barley able to keep her balance.

“Say. It.”

“Collin…” she rasped, drool falling from the corner of her mouth. “Please…fuck me.”


Collin’s eyes snapped open as the dream ended. The sun had gone down long ago, with only the moon as the source of light, just barely illuminating the room in a silvery hue. He could barely make out the silhouette of Melissa rubbing her eyes as she woke from her own nap.

“Uh…what?” asked Collin, thankful she couldn’t see his blush, nor the erection he now sportsed.

“Thought you were mumbling in your sleep or something.” Melissa yawned, shaking away the last few vestiges of sleep. “Something interesting happens in fantasy land?”

“No!” replied Collin, cursing himself for suddenly shouting. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw Melissa blink in surprise. “I mean…it was just a regular dream. Nothing big, really.”

“If you say so.” Stretching she got up and made her way to the kitchen. “I’m gonna get a snack before bed. You want anything?”

“No, thanks.”

Melissa clicked on the light, and Collin immediately covered himself with a blanket. The last thing he wanted was Melissa asking why he had a rager.

Melissa was dealing with her own troubles. Another wild fantasy had her struggles to keep composure.‘Maybe I should get something I can eat in my room…’

“G’night.” she said to Collin, currying into her room, barely catching her friend’s goodbye.

She shut her door with a sight, devouring her bagel in two bites. But it did nothing to quell her real hunger. Pressing her ear against the door, she listened. A few minutes passed, and then she heard what sounded like snoring; Collin was sleep.

“Finally…” she said.

Melissa crawled over to her bed and reached under the skirt, pulling out a large mahogany box. It was nondescript, and shut with a padlock. Anyone who saw it would just think it was an ordinary box. Only she knew the contents.

Spinning the lock, she opened it, and gazed fondly at the treasures within. A gag, a blindfold, some dildos, cuffs for hands and legs, coils of rope, a roll each of electric and duct tape and a few vibrators, egg and regular-sized.

Melissa began to undress, starting with her socks, then skirt, then legs, and finally, her shirt, leaving her in only her pink and black bra and panties. Her hands, shaking with excitement, picked up the cuffs and matching key. The sleek black of the restraints looked almost sinister in the moonlight, and her heart thudded in her chest.

Setting only the things she was sure to use on the bed, she locked and stood away the box. First, Melissa slipped the ballgag into her mouth and fastened the strap behind her head, loose enough the leather straps wouldn’t cut into her skin, but tight enough she couldn’t push it out with her tongue.


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