

(Italics used in this formatting for emphasis)

My name is Jack and I live in the footballs of a small town in Nebraska. It’s a busy mishmash of Amazon delivery trucks, waste management vehicles, gardeners, and other come-and-go traffic, but for the most part it’s a quiet and undisturbed area with upper middle class families of all ethnic backgrounds. I’m your garden variety 45 year old white male. I’ll be honest, I am very average-looking. I was never with the “Hot girls” in school, but I’m not ugly either. I have stayed in pretty good shape, trying to make the most of the hand I was dealt. I’m not the guy grunting in the corner of the gym lifting 500lbs, but I’m not sitting on the remember bike reading a book either. I run a successful drop ship apparel company from my home, so I’m not part of the mass exodus of neighbors every morning hoping into their cars and setting off to who knows what kind of jobs.I’m comfortable at home all day in my office, designing, marketing, tweaking the website, etc. Apparel vendors who visit me with their garments are part of the parade of cars every day.

My wife, Ann, is a hard-working flight attendant who is gone for two weeks at a time with the airlines. She is 40, and with all the steps she gets in while traveling, she stays in relatively good shape like me. She is Not a voluptuous woman by any stretch. She has the same white skin I have and is height-weight proportionate. Alas, she does not have breasts that command a double take, nor an ass that causes men to crane their necks for a longer look, but she does have a very pretty face and stunning green eyes I can get lost in. I suppose on the grand looks scale, a couple of 6’s found each other and we are a content couple.

We have been married for 10 years, but neither of us wanted kids. That leaves a lot of left over time and money for toys, trips and whatever. But I will say the house gets a little too quiet when she is away. Our sex life is ok, but nothing to prattle on about. A couple times a week after 10 years of marriage and we are both fine. Well, at least she is. I have a lot of left over sexual energy, but I’ve learned not to push her too much. Once, after some whining and complaining on my part, she countered by saying she had to travel almost all month to make up some hours. THAT was a lonely, pent up month.

This brings me to how I got myself into my current situation. Ever since I started dating Ann, I wanted her to blow me. I love blow jobs. In fact, I cum faster from blow jobs than intercourse. Just me, I guess. Trouble is, Ann refuses to give them. She says it’s disgusting and drew a very hard line during our courtship when I tried to get her to do it. I love her, so I decided to flush the urge from my mind and just jerk off to the thought of pushing my member into her beautiful face whenever I was alone and horny. As time progressed and our routinenes settled in, our sex life became a serviceable part of a good relationship, but I was never able to completely flush the BJ urge from my mind.

About a year ago, a buddy of mine told me about an escort service he used. He also argued pretty convincingly that blow jobs and hand jobs did not constitute cheating…only intercourse. I’m not saying he is right. A horny man can justify just About anything as we all know. I’m sure many a happy-ending massage finished with a man convincing himself he was not cheating. So I told myself that getting a blow job from an escort was ok. Especially since it was something Ann did not like or want to do. How noble of me, right?

So here’s where I admit that for a couple years, I have been having the same escort girl over to blow me. There, I said it. I’m a fucking cheating bastard. About once a month, whenever Ann was traveling, I’d arrange for her to stop by. After the first visit, I gave her a box of t-shirt blanks and told her to carryit in with her whenever she visited so she’d look like every other apparent vendor that stops by. She did, and no one was the wiser. And let me tell you, they were the best blow jobs I have ever received in my life. Judge me if you will, but it’s the oldest profession in the world and I was gladly taking part.

Everything was great until one day as I was pulling up my pants and getting ready to say goodbye to my BJ friend, the doorbell rang. I told her, not to panic and just say,

“Thanks for letting me show you some shirts today, Jack. I’ll swing by again soon.”

I opened the door, and she spoke her line to perfection as I said thanks and goodbye and saw that it was my neighbor’s daughter, Reina, who had run my door bell. It was no oddity for her to stop by. She Often did some cleaning and odd jobs for Ann to make extra money. As a starving college student, she needed the money and Ann loved the help, since she was always traveling. A 21-year-old Hispanic girl, Reina had grown into a knockout. What is it about Hispanic women who are 21 and look 26 year old centerfolds? They develop so fast! She had all the curves Ann lacked and a smile that gleamed in contrast with her ever-tanned skin. Having just blown my load, I was thankful that I did not have the energy for sexual thoughts. I simply said,

“Hi Reina. I didn’t know you were on break from school. Ann is traveling for another week. Did you stop by to see her?”

Reina looked at me quizzically and told me in a rather judicial tone that she was actually here to see me. I invited her in and we sat in my office.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked. As an uneasy feeling settled ever so lightly onto me.

“I was wondering what you paid that girl?”

A bolt of shock seared through me and despite my attempt to seem calm and unaffected by her brazen question, I’m sure my wide eyes and blushing face believed the turmoil beginning to stir in me. I thought to myself, She’s talking about the sHirts, right? She can’t know anything else, right?. I chased back my panic and said that I didn’t buy anything today. I already had enough supplies of the shirts she was showing. Reina looked me up and down with scarn in her eyes as I sat there wondering if my answer satisfied her. There was an uncomfortable pause in the conversation before she spoke again.

“Jack, I’m not referring to you buying t-shirts from her. I’m wondering how much she got paid for blowing you. I went around back like I usually do to take care of the garden for Ann when I saw your cock in her mouth.”

My stomach was in knots. I thought I was going to throw up. Panic gripped my entire body and I couldn’t form words. Then came Reina’s guesses…$100, $200?

“How much did you pay that Whore to help you cheat on Ann, you piece of shit?”

I was literally frozen. I could not speak. The judgemental scorn coming from this young woman was deserved but so surreal and unnerving. I was trying to think of something I could say to make it all go away, but there was nothing. Reina interrupted my panicked search for words with,

“Ok then. I guess I’ll just tell Ann what I saw and you can tell her how much you paid.”

“$200,” I blurted out. “I paid her $200. Please don’t tell Ann. Please. I’m so sorry. This is personal anyway. It’s between Ann and me. It’s really none of your concern.”

“None of my concern?” She quipped. “Not until I saw it. Then it became all my concern. You are not just cheating on your wife, fucker, you are cheating on my friend.”

All I could do was keep saying how sorry I was, and beg her not to tell. That it would ruin my marriage if she found out and Ann would be devastated. I kept repeating sorry, please, sorry until I broke down and tears fell from my eyes. I covered my face with my hands in shame and began to rock and back and forth in a self-soothing motion.

“Now, now,” said Reina. “You didn’t murder anyone. You are not facing the death penalty here, but you should pay a steering price for what you’ve done.”

Just then, I saw what I thought was her angle! She wanted me to buy her silence. That’s ok by me! I’d pay whatever necessary to keep her quiet. I looked up from my hands with a tear-streaked, hopeful face and asked her how much money she wanted to keep quiet.

Reina glared at me with mischievous eyes and said, “I don’t want your money, Jack. I want your dignity. I want your pride. I want your ego. I want you reduced to a point where you will never do this again.”

I asked her how I was supposed to do that and she told me that I wouldn’t be giving her those things…she would be taking them from me. And with that she stood up and walked over to my open office door and said,

“Every day until Ann gets home, I will have some things for you to do. You will do them without hesitating or I’ll tell Ann. If you bitch, whine, moan, complain or do anything other than exactly what I ask of you, then I’m telling Ann. Is that understand?”

I had let go of all but the tiniest belief that there was a way out of this. I was wondering if I should just play the he said-she said card and tell Ann it was just a vendor and Reina was mistaken. I guess she sensed the wheels turning in my head: An ability she would soon display on many occasions. Reina pulled out her phone, and without saying a word, she showed me the final moments of the video she had just taken. The bobbing brown head of hair on my lovely BJ gives paused between my legs as I orgasmed. My face was clear as day. Damn the open floor plan remodel!!

“Is that understand?” She repeated with a stern delivery.

I shook my head affirming my acquisitionscence and she motioned for me to get up. She told me to come to my doorway and grab my pullup bar with both hands. (I had one of those bars that wedge in the door jamb for office pullup workouts. I can stand and grab ahold of it, but I have to kick my heels up to do the exercise) I sToo with both feet on the ground and my hands firmly grazing the bar. I was facing out of my office and Reina was behind me, still inside.

She told me not to let go of the bar no matter what happens and I shook my head yes. Just then, I felt her soft ample breasts brush ever so teasingly against my back as her hands landed on my hips. I then felt her breasts push into my back as she reached around to the front of my pants and undid the button and zipper. I was a riot of emotions. Instant sexual arousal from this tanned goddess touching me mixed with shame and fear from what I had been caught doing and what was going to happen next. As she started to slide my pants down, I felt my body tension and start to fight the movement.

“If you bitch, whine, moan, complain…” she whispered into my ear and I quickly relaxed my legs to allow the pants to fall around my ankles. “Nice, no underwear. I’m sure that was for your whore, but for the rest of this week you will continue to go withought. Is that understand?” I nodded my consent and tried like hell to limit the blood surging into my cock. But it was too late. Reina saw the beginnings of life stirring again in my just-sucked manhood and said,

“Let’s do something to get that under control, Jack. “A little pain should do.” She told me she was going to spank me repeatedly for cheating on Ann. In between each slap I had to say, “Please don’t tell my wife.” I was flush with embarrassment and shame, but also a hint of growing arousal that only fueled the charge of blood into my dick. I was silently praying for this all to be over when the first slap of her hand stung my left ass cheek. “Please don’t tell my wife” I managed to say just before another crack of her hand landed on the same chef. “Please don’t tell my wife.”

This continued for a growingly painful 20 slapse on my left butt chef, then she paused. I was definitely feeling the sting of 20 slapses and rightly assumed an assault on my right ass cheek was coming next. My cock had gone limp…thankfully…I think. Next, I felt her long nails lightly grazing the burned surface of my reddened ass cheek. Up and down. Up and down. Then, like the quenching waters of an island pool, her soothing breath blew a comfortable breeze over my ass cheek. I was off balance again emotionally. I had moved from partial arousal to all pain and then to very aroused. In fact, I was fully sprung. Fuck! What was this gorgeous Latina doing to me?

Reina whispered again into my ear, “Ooh, I see little Jackie likes his punishment? I guess I have to be more brutal?”

“Please no” I whispered.

“Is that a complaint?” She asked.

“I’m sorry, Reina. No. I’m not complaining.”

“Please.” She said. “Say, ‘Please continue’.”

I closed my eyes and went against everything my mind was telling me and said, “Please continue.”

“Not very convincing. We’ll have to work on that” she said as the first of 20 slapses crashed into my right butt chef. “Please don’t tell my wife” I said repeatedly as each blow landed. Again I went limp with the pain and again I sprung to full mast as she lightly brushed my cheek with her nails and blew on my beleaguered butt. I was fully reloaded. My cock twitched with every breath and it was all I could do not to start humping the air in front of me. I stood there in my humbled and humiliated state with my ass burning and a bead of pre cum crowning on the tip of my dick. Reina walked around in front of me and just stood there looking at me with a cross between prideful accomplishment and disgust.

She broke the awkward silence. “You are just full of cum aren’t you, Jack? No wonder you get blow jobs all the time. Well, the best way to make sure you don’t call someone and cheat again is to make sure there’s no cum in your balls, right? RIGHT?!”

“I…suppose?” I said confusedly, but apparently lacened with a tinge of hopefulness that she quickly extended.

“Oh god, don’t get any bigideas. I’m never going to fuck you or blow you.” She quipped.

That was the second time she had read my mind in 30 minutes. Despite the humiliation and shame, I wanted this young beauty. My inner male pig was at full oink. But I knew it was not going to happen…nor should it.

My thoughts were interrupted by her next instruction. “Get on your knees.”

I got to my knees with my pants still around my ankles. My raging hard on, glistening with pre cum, told Reina everything she needed to know without me saying a word.

“Start jerking it. Get another load out so I know you won’t be calling any BJ girls tonight.”

I knelt there, ass burning, dick throbbing, reduced to a puddle of horniness and compliance. I was resolved to follow the instructions of my stunningly curvaceous Latina neighbor. I was looking down and hesitating when I heard her say, “Tick tock, tick tock” as she started tapping her shoe impatiently. Almost robotically, my jerking hand moved towards myanxious cock. Like a magnet pulling a piece of metal to its natural place, my hand wrapped around my desperate member and started pumping.

“Good boy. Spread that pre cum around and let’s get that jiz out of your cheating cock.”

I stared down at my handiwork, afraid to look at the beautiful 21-year-old goddess whose instructions I was following. If I didn’t look at her, maybe I could convince myself she wasn’t there. I was getting worked up and starting to let go of my inhibitions and build towards the orgasm I desperately needed. She sensed my fear of looking at her, and stripped me of that thin veil. “Now look me in the eyes and keep stroking until you cum. Don’t take your fucking eyes off mine.”

I began looking up at caught her gaze. She towered over me. The humiliation enveloped me and I quickly passed the point of no return. My orgasm was imminent. Staring down in triumph and disgust, she knew my arousal was about to reach its peak. Locking with my eyes shesaid, “Give me that cum and say, ‘Please don’t tell my wife’ over and over until all of it is milked out onto the floor.”

I couldn’t hold back any longer. I squeezed my cock just below the head and began my shortened pumps that opened the flood gates and emptied my balls. I don’t know how many times I said it, but I kept blurting it out in tempo with my spurts of cum: “Please…don’t…tell…my…wife. Please…don’t…tell…my…wife.”

I was riding out my post-orgasmic twitches, still staring into her eyes as instructed when she walked over and crouched down to meet me face to face. She was inches from me and staring deeply into my eyes as if searching for something that might be lingering there. If she was seeking a trace of resistance, she would not find it. I was kneeling there with my hand still on my shrinking cock, staring into her eyes blankly as I said one last time, “Please don’t tell my wife.”

She leaned in even closer, closing the distance between us tofractions of an inch. I could feel her breath on my lips as I silently offered a half-hearted prayer for her to leave. She said, “Continue to do as you are instructed and I won’t tell your wife. You may think I’m a bitch or weird or whatever, but I am trustworthy and I keep my word.” Then she closed the final thin gap between us and lightly touched her lips to mine. They remained there briefly, in a tempting prelude to a kiss, but she stood up before it could materialize. “Clean up this mess and don’t jerk off tonight or in the morning. I will be here at noon tomorrow. Have a nice lunch ready for us leave the door unlocked so I can come in without knocking. Understood?”

I nodded and managed to get out the words, “Yes, I understand” before she turned and left.


At 9:00am my phone buzzed with a text message. It was a video from Reina and her message said, “Just in case you think about backing out. See you at noon.” I clicked play and to my shock and horror, it was a video of me getting spanked and begging her not to tell my wife. I could clearly see myself and the living room beyond me. Ann would immediately recognize it. But Reina had cleverly edited it so that only her hand could be seen crashing down on my ass. Thankfully she had only filmed it from behind and stopped it before I was brought to my knees to finish. To be honest, I was torn between following her directions and confronting her with some sort of bargain or plea. The latter ran the risk of her immediately telling Ann. The former was no guarantee everything would be left alone when Ann returned. Could I trust Reina? I glanced again at the video. As I watched, my cock began to swell and I knew right away I’d be going along for the ride and Not confronting her. I was without underwear like instructed and my cock was straining at my jeans as I watched her blows land on my ass. Just then, another text from Reina popped up. “Don’t you dare touch it!” She was reading my mind again.

As noon approached…I read a couple chicken Caesar salads. With the premix bags these days, it was a relatively simple and quick job. I didn’t know what she wanted to drink, so I had a couple choices in the fried staying cold as I sat at the dining table waiting for her to arrive. I had the odd feeling that I was nervously awaiting a first date, but I knew in my mind it was nothing of the sort. I wanted her to be happy so all of this would go as smoothly as possible and I could get back to my life. The thought of her saying something to Ann was always going to be there, but I had no other choice than to trust her and hope for the best. I just couldn’t take another ass pounding like a got yesterday. My butt cheats still stung.

With military precision, Reina Walked through my front door at noon, sauntered over to the table and sat at the place setting I arranged for her. I stood awkwardly like guys in restaurants on datesin that “Do-we-still-stand, I’m-sorta-standing” gesture. She approached and sat, then I reseated myself as she scooched her chair in. She was so beautiful. Her radiant brown skin glowed against the white spaghetti strap sun dress she had on. It was one of those beachy numbers that clung to the body, but left enough to the imagination to drive a man crazy. I did my best not to gawk and just looked at her waiting for an instruction or something. I really wasn’t sure what to say or do.


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