It was a November evening, cold in New York. Reena and her friend Julia sat on the couch in Reena’s studio apartment, covered in blankets. A rerun of “I Love Lucy” flickered on the screen in front of them. Reena couldn’t stop thinking about her experience with Jason only a few days ago. The image of him, brow furrowed, beckoning her to lie across his lap could not be erased from her mind. She could remember with perfect clarity the way his hands felt easing her panties down to her tights in order to administrator her spanking. I’ve got to stop, Reena thought. I’m becoming obsessed. She tried to focus on the crazy antisy of Lucy and Ethel, and snuggled closer to Julia.
Reena and Julia had been rooms, paired by chance, their freshman year of college. Now, in their final year of school, Julia lived with her boyfriend Todd, and Reena lived in this cozy square apartment on her own. The two remained very close, however, and got together every Sunday night to watch old movies. Therehad been sexual experimentation, in the early days, both girls being very open minded and attractive with equally adventurous natures. There were many nights, that first year, when Reena and Julia stumbled in from a party, laughing wildly at the events of the night until their mouths found each other and met softly. Now, cuddled next to her friend on the couch, Reena looked at Julia’s chocolate brown hair, hanging in curls around her pretty neck. Maybe it was the arousal that had built up since her encounter with Jason, but Reena had the strong urge to kiss her.
She glanced back at the screen, where Lucy was getting in trouble as usual. In this particular episode, Ricky drew Lucy onto his lap, giving her a few fierce swats. Reena sat up with a start. I can’t escape it! She groaned inwardly. Even the television is conspiring to make me wet. She turned to Julia. “Jules,” she began, “has Todd ever spanked you like that?” Julia looked at her with milk surprise and stifled a giggle.
“He did once, actually,” she said sheepishly. “And I mean, he’ll kinda spank me if we’re doing it from behind, you know? Why’d you ask?” Her freckled cheeses flushed pale pink.
“Just curious, really,” said Reena cautiously. “I don’t know, you know the guy Jason that I told you about?”
“The laaaawyer?” Julia teased. “What about him?”
“Well, when we were fooling around, I got the sense that he was into that sort of thing. I guess it really turned me on.” Reena looked at her friend to gauge her reaction. Julia smiled.
“He spanked you, didn’t he!?” Julia grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Well,” Reena hesitated, unconvincingly.
“He did! I knew it!” She began to laugh and poke Reena’s side, tickling her. Reena giggled and struggled to push her away. “He pulled down those little panties of yours and spanked you!!” Julia continued to taunt, now pulling at Reena’s skirt with vicious delight. Reena resisted further, shrieking and kicking her legs wildly. In the struggle she managed to pin herself on top of Julia, her knees falling to either side of the girl’s slender hips.
The two girls shared a glance, each knowing what the other was thinking. Slowly Reena bent and lowered her lips onto Julia’s, locking them in a soft embrace, ripe with password. Julia’s hands began to travel upwards on Reena’s body, stroking her bare thighs, reaching Under her sweater to touch the soft skin. She enclosed her hand around one firm breast, and then clapped the nipple between her thumb and forefinger, eliciting a deep sight from Reena. She then reached down, under Reena’s skirt, to rub the wet crotch of Reena’s blue silk panties with her thumb. As Reena began to move her hips along with Julia’s touch, Julia pulled the panties from Reena’s body and tossed them onto the floor, ready to taste Reena’s lovely warmth. It was just then that the buzzer rang.
Reena was jarred out of her reverie. “Fuck!” She exclaimed. “Who could that be?” Julia shrugged.
“Were you expecting someone?”
“I don’t think so,” Reena mused, “unless…” A panic filled realization suddenly pooled in her brain. “Fuck!” She said again, now rising off of the couch, and rushing to buzz in her visitor.
“Who do you think it is?” Julia asked in confusion.
“It’s Jason! I totally forgot we’d made plans for dinner tonight. God, Jules, I’m so out of it. I’m really sorry.”
“That’s ok, Reenie,” Julia said with a grin, “Maybe it’s better we were interrupted from our naughty plans. I just hope this isn’t awkward.” There was a knock at the door, and Reena dashed to open it. As she did, Jason walked in. He smiled warmly at first, and kissed Reena on the cheese, but as he began to survey the scene the smile melted from his face. His eyes grazed over Reena’s mussed crop of auburn hair, Julia’s lipstick smelled mouth, the couch cushions which were haphazardly stress about.
“Jason, um,” Reena began nervously, “This is my friend Julia.”/p>
“Nice to meet you, Julia,” Jason said, extending his hand.
“It’s good to meet you too,” said Julia. “I was actually just leaving…” She gathered her coat and handbag and started for the door.
“Well, I didn’t mean to interrupt your plans, ladies,” Jason said, eyeing Reena suspiciously.
“No, no, it’s fine. We were really just finishing.” Reena said quickly, and Julia shot her a devilish glance.
“I’ll see you soon, Reenie!” She said cheerfully, making her exit.
After Julia closed the door behind her, Jason turned to Reena. “What’s going on here?” He asked, looking at her intensely.
“Nothing.” Reena said quietly. “I just sort of forget we had plans, so Julia came over. I can be ready in a couple of minutes, I hope you don’t mind.” She stared at her feet. Jason walked over to her and placed his hand on her hip.
“I can forgive that minor error, Reen, but I think there’s something you aren’t telling me.”
“R-really, there’s nothing.” Reena couldn’t bear to tell him where her best friend was about to place her tongue before he rang the doorbell.
“I’m warning you, Reena. If there is one thing I absolutely cannot tolerate, it’s lying. To me, it’s the worst offense. I would never lie to you, and I expect, if we’re to continue our relationship, that you will never lie to me.” He strode over to the couch, evaluating the mess of cushions, when his eye caught a tiny bundle of shimmering blue fabric on the floor. He reached down to grab the panties and then dangled them in front of Reena’s face. “What, may I ask, are these doing on the floor?”
“Listen, Jason—I…” Reena’s voice quavered.
“I think I know what’s going on here,” Jason said, shaking his head. “I think you and your little friend decided to have some fun and play with Each other’s pussies. And then you decided to lie about it. Am I right?”
“No, I think those panties must have fallen out of the laundry basket…” Reena began, her knees began ing to feel weak.
Jason looked at her with disbelief. “I’m pretty sure these are straight from your body,” he said angrily, examining the wet fistful of fabric. “And if you aren’t wearing panties right now, I’ll know you’ve been lying, and you will be in big trouble, young lady. Lift up your skirt and show me.”
“No! That’s so embarrassing, Jason, don’t make me do that!” Reena’s face was feeling hotter by the second.
“Lift up your skirt now, Reena, or you will have to be punished every day for a week.” Slowly, reluctantly, Reena grabbed hold of the hem of her skirt and flipped it up, displaying her bareness to Jason. “Just as I thought. I’m very angry with you, Reena. Not only did you let another person touch your pussy, but you deliberately tried to hide that information from me. Do you know what happens to bad girls who lie?”
“Don’t make me say it,” pleased Reena quietly, smoothing her skirt down to cover herself.
“Say it.” Jason said warningly, walking closer to Reena and yanking her skirt back up. He cupped one round cheese firmly and pressed Reena close to him. She could feel him through his pants, incredibly hardened. “What do you think you deserve right now, for your very bad behavior?” He hissed in her ear.
Reena was sure her entire face was bright red. She was mortified, but felt her cliporis swell with each word. “I guess I deserve a spanking…” She whispered hoarsely.
“That’s right, Reena,” Jason said, slipping his arm around her waist and guiding her over to the couch. “Now, bend over.” He gestured towards the arm of the couch and she compiled, pressing her face into a couch cushion. Jason pulled her skirt up so that the hem grazed her back. She could feel his fingertips stroking her cheeks lightly, lingering at her pussy lips. She shuddered. “I’m going to spank your naughty bottom until you’re sorry, Reena. And I hope that you will never lie to me again.”
SMACCCCK! At the first slap Reena drew a sharp breath.SMACK! SMACK! Jason spanked her over and over, picking up speed with his slapses.
“Jason! Oww!” Reena exclaimed.
“Does that hurt, Reena?”
“Yessss!” She while. He continued to spank her rapidly and she could tell his anger was real this time.
“Five more to go,” he said, breathing heavily. The last five were administrator more slowly, but with much More meaning. Reena had tears in her eyes, not so much because of the pain, which was minor, but because she truly felt sorry, and in the strangest way—relieved. She remained bent over the arm of her couch, partially to recover, and also waiting for Jason’s long fingers to find their way into her now dripping wet slit. “You may get up now, Reena, and stand in the corner with your skirt still raised.” Reena turned her head to him in Shock. “You heard me, young lady,” Jason said impatiently.
Reena was dumbfounded. However, she rose, walked over to the corner and faced it, her singing pink ass on display. She stood there for a few minutes, which seemed like an eternity. “Jason?” She finally asked in a tiny voice.
“Yes, Reena?” He was sitting on the couch behind her, watching.
“May I turn around now?”
“Not just yet, darling.” His voice had softened considerably and he came up behind her, encircling his arms around her waist. He knelt on the floor and kissed both warm rosy cheeses. Reena knelt on the floor beside him.
“I’m sorry.” She said.
“I know you are,” he returned. “Listen, Reena. Let me say something to you. I once knew a woman who was very similar to you. I could sense the similarities the moment I met you. She and I were together for a very long time, and I began to see what she needed, sexually and otherwise, but was too afraid to ask for. I couldn’t give it to her, or didn’t try, I don’t know. In any case, that relationship failed, and it was a big loss to me. I’ve decided to take a different road with you, because you matter to me. You’re incredibly beautifuland intelligent, really.” The way he looked at her made her heart jump into her throat.
“Thank you.” She said.
“I mean it,” said Jason. “However, I do think you have too much of a wild side, which I have little tolerance for. And I have no tolerance for dishonesty. But this way, instead of fighting, we can resolve things in more efficient way.”
“Is it bad that it turns me on so much?” Reena asked.
“It turns me on just as much,” Jason laughed, gesturing to his still focused trousers. Reena’s lips parted with desire.
“Will you come into my bedroom, then?” She asked.
“With pleasure.” They walked to the bedroom hand in hand, and Jason sat down on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to him for Reena. He leaned over and kissed her roughly, but expertly, gently exploring her mouth with his tongue. While they kissed he stroked her breasts, running his thumbs over her hardened nipples.
He unzipped his jeans revealing his well sized cock. “Put it in your mouth, pretty girl,” he said gently. Reena smiled at him, then knelt on the floor before him and lowered her lips onto the head of his penis. She licked the ridge just below the head and swirled her tongue around his shake. Then she took him into her mouth entirely, sucking hard and circling her tongue wildly. She moved mouth up and down, savoring the taste of him, looking up into his eyes. I love sucking your cock; she tried to say with her eyes, not anyone else’s.
After reaching for a condom on her bedside table, her fingers still wrapped firmly around Jason’s thick member, Reena slide it onto him and straddled his hips, holding onto his shoulders for balance. She groaned loudly in pleasure as she rocked her hips up and down, his cock sliding in and out of her gloriously wet pussy. Jason clamped his mouth around her nipple and she nearly shouted, pumping harder and harder.
“Good girl, you’re going to make me come,” Jason breathed.
“Me…tooo!” Reena shrieked.
As he let go inside of her, her muscles tightened over and over again around his cock, as though sucking the juices out of it like a straw.
Reena claped Jason’s head to her heaving breasts. He was still inside of her, and she wanted to keep it that way for as long as was physically possible. She never knew anyone could feel so deeply inside of her, physically and mentally. Any stubbornness, any resistance seemed to melt away just then. She felt wholly and truly his.