Reena's Spanking

Reena swirled the ice in her glass and bit her lip. Three months ago she had broken up with her boyfriend of two years, Thomas, and she hadn’t been touched since. She felt open to the world, raw and exposed. Her breasts felt fuller than usual, and her skin felt as though it were wrapped tightly around her body. She didn’t even need her vibrator, these days. In the shower, she’d be over the top in seconds.

It wasn’t that she needed Thomas to satisfy her. In fact, the last thing she needed was Thomas. Over time, Thomas had grown weak and passwordless, and Reena felt herself assuming a position of power in the relationship, a placement she abhorred. She had lashed out, purposefully misbehaving in his presence, just to get a rise out of him, some attention. But Thomas loved her blankly, benignly, without the intensity or white-hot cruelty Reena knew she deserved.

And now she found herself downing vodka tonics seated across from a relative stranger at a bar in downtown Manhattan. This was her second date with Jason. Their kisses and milk cares had been sweet, but not especially exciting. However, Reena wanted to give it a chance. He was strikingly attractive and a recent graduate of law school. He was also seven years her senior, which was a relief to Reena. If anything, she was tired of immaturity. She focused herself on the conversation at hand.

“It seems like Your life keeps you pretty busy,” Jason was saying.

“It does,” Reena replied, “it’s my last year of college, and I have more work this semester than ever. The struggle is trying to stay motivated,” she smiled.

“Well, have you been doing all of your work?” Jason asked, some sternly.

“Not really,” said Reena, feeling as though vodka coated her words. “I’ve actually been very, very bad.” She looked Jason in the eyes as she said this, searching for his reaction. He seemed surprised, but quickly recovered.

“Oh, really?” He asked, now searching her face for meaning, “Well maybe you need a spanking.” Reena’s stomach dumped. The image of being drawn over Jason’s lap and treated like a misbehaving child popped immediately into her mind.

“Hmmm,” she replied with mock seriousness, “Maybe you’re right. But I don’t know of anyone who could punish me.” She wondered how far they could take this playful conversation. How far could she push him? What worlds would he be willing to explore? Suddenly Jason reached across the small table and tucked a portion of Reena’s cropped red hair behind her ear; his hand lingered at her cheek and then cupped her chin firmly.

“Well if you’re in need of discipline, Reena,” he said slowly, “I’m sure we can arrange something.”

There was an electric connection between them, suddenly. They finished the last drops of their cocktails, almost wordlessly, and rose to leave the bar. Jason held Reena closely as they walked to his apartment, and she could feel her heart pounding as they ascended the stairs in thrilling silence. Once Jason closed his bedroom door behind them, he turned to Reena seriously. “I won’t go easy on you, young lady, I hope you know that.”

“Are you really going to spank me, Jason?” Reena asked, her voice sounding small and silly to her.

“I can’t stand the thought of a bad girl going unpunished,” said Jason, “And I think you’ve been very naughty, Reena. You’ve been neglecting your schoolwork, and the rate at which you drank those cocktails tonight is not what I like to see from a well-behaved young woman. You’re drunk right now, aren’t you?” He frowned at her disapprovingly. Reena was starting to feel actual guilt and shame. Why had she provoked him in this manner? She knew she was in for further humiliation and pain, and she was beginning to regret her actions, but this shame was bound up tightly with a feeling of resistance. Her old stubbornness surfaced. Surely she could defend herself against this accusation.

“I’m old enough to drink!” she nearly shouted. “And I’m not even very drunk. Who are you to tell me how I should behave? I barely even know you.” She regretted her outburst as soon as she saw the anger ripple over Jason’s face. He walked over to the bed and sat down.

“Come here, Reena.” He said quietly. She nearly swooned from the wave of surrender that washed over her, but steadied herself and stood facing him. He unzipped her jeans and pulled them to her knees, then took her hand and guided her across his lap. He lay his hand gently on her panty-clad bottom, causing Reena to quiver inwardly. “I’m going to take down your panties and give you a hard spanking. You know this is what you deserve, don’t you?” Reena was silent.

SMACK! Jason spanked her hard on one cheese. “Answer me, young lady!” He raised his voice warningly.

“Yes!” Reena squealed. “This is what I deserve.” Jason eased the pale pink panties down to her mid thighs, exposing her small but perfectly round ass, now reddening slightly from the first slap.Reena thought immediately of her bare privates, which she was sure were in plain sight, but her concern was interrupted by another painful spank landing on her other cheek.

SMACK! SMACK! The blows continued to rain on her ass, alternating from right to left cheek. Reena felt as though she might cry, but was also well aware of how wet she was becoming. Perhaps Jason could sense her arousal as well, because he stopped momentarily to stroke her dampness, circled his index finger around her slippery clip. Reena shuddered. “You’re a very bad girl to get so turned on when I’m spanking you,” he murmured.

SMACK! He began spanking her again, even harder, now, and she cried out, from a mixture of pain and delicious rapture. “Are you feeling sorry for your behavior, Reena? Are You going to remember from now on to be a good student and act like a lady?”

“Mmmhmmm!” Reena managed to blur.

SMACK! “What was that, Reena? I want you to answer me correctly. And I want you to apOlogize for the way you speak to me earlier. I’ll have none of that attitude from now on.”

“I-I’m sorry,” Reena stammered. “I’ll be good from now on, I promise!” Her ass was on fire.

“Good girl,” said Jason, slipping two of his fingers deep inside of her. He began to move his fingers in and out of her wetness, gently massaging her burning bottom with his other hand. He turned her over and laid her on the bed, admiring her beautiful body with its languid limbs. Reena was exhausted, aroused to the point of tears. She looked at Jason pleadingly, winning only slightly as he laid her on her back.

After a few well placed kisses, Jason moved his mouth downward and began sucking gently on Reena’s clip. He pumped his fingers in and out of her while she struggled to control the volume of her moans. “I’m so close!” She breathed.

“You’re being a very good girl, but I didn’t say you could come yet, Reena.” Jason said. He stopped what he was doing and pulled out his own hardened member. Reena could not help but gasp in anticipation. “If I didn’t think you’d been spanked enough tonight, I would make you suck on this as further punishment. But now I’m just going to fuck you until you come.”

After sliding on a condom, Jason plunged himself into Reena, causing her to all but scream in delight. He wound his fingers into her hair and she thrust her hips upward, needing him deeper inside, her eyes wild with pleasure.

“Yes!” She shouted, “Oh, I’m coming!” She felt her most inward parts contract in and out, a glorious spasm, over and over, wave after wave of pleasure. Jason collapsed on top of her, grasped, a perfectly sated male animal.

Reena could barely believe the events that had just occurred. She felt as though she had scratched an itch that had been bothering her for her entire life. She felt whole, somehow, comfortable in her oneness, but possessed. She felt that she belonged to Jason, and his weight on top of her now felt right, perfect. It did not stifle her.


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