Redemption Pt. 01

Part 1

Chapter 1 The Trouble with Mathew

As Mrs. Charlotte Ainsworth sat in her solicitor’s office she thought how in the past this room with its shelves of law books, its few pieces of tasteful art and overstuffed furniture had been so comfortable. She had spent many hours here getting her husbands affair in order after he died fighting the Germans in France. Although her husband, Major James Ainsworth, was a heroic soldier he was somewhat of a disaster when it came to money and record keeping. The only son of a respectable family whose fortune was not what it was once, he chose to spend time with his fellow officers and not too much with banks. The lawyer, Mr. Roger McLean, had sorted the whole thing out and between what he salvaged from her husband’s estate, her own family’s money and various insurance policies he managed to put together a tidy sum that allowed her to stay in their small but comfortable townhouse, employee a full time housekeeper and travel within the better circles of London society, even if just on the periphery. Things could be worse she had thought at the time and now they seem to be.

Mrs. Ainsworth did not like the twentytieth century. First there was that horrible war, and that horrid day when she was informed of James’s death; and now this. Major and Mrs. Ainsworth were blessed with two children Constance, now 20 years old and her brother Mathew, 18. Maybe things would have been different if James had been there but maybe not. If he had survived the war he would have most likely stayed in the army and not been the strong presence in his children’s life that was needed. Constance, whose friends called Connie to Mrs. Ainsworth announcement, had embraced the 1920’s totally. Although she didn’t flaunt it in front of her mother she had became quite a good time girl. She was out most nights smoking cigarettes, drinking and dancing with her friends. They were certainly different from her generation. However she realized that these young people grew up in a scary world, losing loved ones and not knowing what new horror each day would bring so she said little and waited for this phase to pass. Her real problem was Mathew. And Mathew’s problem was the reason they all sat there today.

This was not Mathew’s first trouble with the law. She can’t remember when he wasn’t in trouble. He was a bully and a thief. Not that he was big, maybe even a little below average in height and weight, but he was mean. When he was 12 he took a heavy piece of wood and beat two young boys who he thought insulted him. Fortunately there were no permanent injuries and with Mr. McLean acting as a go between, money was exchanged and the whole things went away. Another incident involved a young woman who said he assaulted her and made lewd remarks. Mathew of course denied it and after Mr. Mclean got involved this problem also went away.

But today’s problem was much worse. Although she could barely even think it, sheHe knew Mathew had raped a young woman. Her name was Kate she was 18 years old and had worked from time to time in their home. One day last month Mrs. Ainsworth, Constance and Mrs. White, the house keeper, went to the market to pick out some special items for a dinner party they would host the following weekend. Kate had been hired to help Mrs. White get the house ready. Mathew was upstairs in his room attend and Kate did not know. While dusting outside his room she dropped a broom and it made a load noise which caused Mathew to awaken. Angrily he throw open his door and began to berate the girl. Grabbing the girl he was about to strike her when, according to Kate, the look on his face changed. At this point he stopped yelling and pulled her into his room where he raped and sodomized her.

When it was over he tried to give her some money (a trifling amount at that) and threatened her with disgrace and violence if she told anyone. But she didn’t take the money and went to the police. Fortunately for Mrs. Ainsworth the head constable had been in the army with her husband, he had brought the matter to another member of the old regime, a member of local government who met with the girl to try to resolve the matter. She would not take money, she wanted Mathew in jail. She would not be determined. This evening, while Mrs. Ainsworth, Constance and Mathew waited in Mr. McLean’s office there was one last meeting. It was between Kate, McLean and a third unnamed person.

They didn’t speak. Both the women were disgusted with the younger family member. He sat and stared ahead trying to look unconcerned but inside he was in great turmoil. The prospects of prison scared him greatly. He would not be treated differently then anyone else. Probably because of his status he would be treated even worse. Each of them was lost in his or her thoughts when the old lawyer came in.

“Well we have an agreement.” He said. His voice seemed a bit strained. In all the time she had knownhim she had never seen him as anything but the soul of calmness, “I have just met with the young lady in question and Dr. Amanda Blackmoore.”

“Who is that?” Mathew blurted out, unable to restrain himself anymore.

“She is a psychologist. She studies and tries to adjust human behavior. I have checked her references and they are quite impressive.”

“Is she going to treat Mathew’s depravity?” Constance said. This was the first time she spoke. As she did she looked at him with contempt. Although she was his older sibling he has been the dominant one since she was 16 and he 14. She did not believe all the times he walked in on her while bathing or dressing were accidents. He was one of the reasons she spent so much time away from home. Her main reason for being here today, besides giving her mother strength, was to see that he got what he deserved.

Mathew shot to his feet. Clinching his teeth as his face turned red said “There is nothing wrong with me. I doNot have a problem. I was still drunk from the night before. The girl deliberately came on to me. Just give her enough money and let’s be done with this. I will go away for awhile. Travel the continuous or maybe go to America.”

They had heard the rant before, and didn’t wish to hear it again.

“Stop Mathew. No one believes that story. It is always someone else’s fault or bad luck or a misunderstanding with you. I’ve always blamed myself because I felt I failed in parenting you. I see other women who lost their husbands in the war whose children did not turn out like you. Women with fewer resources. You are a disgrace to our family’s name and your father’s memory. And now as a reward for raping this girl you think I will fund a trip abroad. No Mathew that would be my ultimate failure. If Mr. McLean says this is your only alternative to dragging us through the mud with your imprisonment than so be it. If you do not do this you will go to prison and when you get out you will bepenniless and have no friends or family to help you.” She stopped and stared at her stunned son. Then she said very softly and slowly “Do you understand?” This was the first time she ever said rape out loud.

The look on Mathews face said it all. He acquired by dropping his head and sitting down again.

Looking back to the lawyer she said “What else can you tell us about this Dr. Blackmoore.”

“Not all that much. She is a woman in her later 40’s. I did a little research on her. Her father was English. A physical. Her mother was German and a writer. She was educated in Switzerland and Vienna. She originally catered to women who had…well issues with delicate matters but eventually she evolved into what she does now.”

“What is what? Reform rapist?” Charlotte said. She stared at her son, the rapist, as she said this. She was becoming more comfortable and angrier each time she said the word.

“In this case I guess that is the goal.”

“And how does she doThis? What are her methods?”

“I don’t know. I know she has a sanitarium a little north of Leicester. I understand it is a very nice setting. It is some isolated, untouched by the war.”

“Leicester? You might as well send me to Dakota with the red Indians. What will I do in Leicester?”

“Be quiet. What you will do in Leicester is hopefully becoming a man. Is There anything else?”

“Yes. There is the matter of her fee. Tuition she calls it.” They looked at him and then he told them the amount.

“Mother that’s outrageous! You can’t be expected to pay that much.” said Mathew.

“I won’t be paying anything. The money will come from the sum put aside for you from your father. All your expenses will come from that.

“B b but tht’s almost half.”

“Be quiet and consider prison life.” She said. Then to Mr. McLean “What is our next step?”

“I will notify the doctor. She will be in touch.”

She looks at him and her eyes said “Am I doing the rightthing?” She chose to believe his eyes said “Yes.”

Chapter 2

Mathew Arrives at Dr. Blackmoore’s Sanitarium

Three week later Mathew found himself sitting on a train heading to Leicester. His mother made sure he followed the instructions they had received in the post. He sat in a third class seat among people he rarely associated with. He carried a single bag with just some toiletries. He had been assured that everything he needed would be provided. The letter also said not to bring money. This he secretly disobeyed hiding three twenty pound notes on his person.

The train ride was hell. It was a local with many stops. It arrived at his destination in the early evening. Getting off the train he looked around for his driver. He saw no one. He had expected to be met on the platform but this didn’t happen so he headed into the main concourse of the station. It was mostly deserted except for one man. He was leaning against a wall smoking. He looked at Mathew then nodded his head one time. Mathew went to him.

“Are you from Dr. Blackmoore”

“Yeah. You Ainsworth?” said the man barely turning his head to look at Mathew.

“Yes. I am Mathew Ainsworth.”

He started to hand his bag to the driver but the man turned away and started heading out of the station. A bit put-off by the abruptness of the man Mathew followed having to exert himself to keep up. When they got out to the street Mathew expected to find a car waiting. Considering the cost Mathew had assumed that this would be a first class establishment. But when he saw his mode of transportation he started to have his doubts. It was some sort of pre-war lorry. Something you would see on a farm hauling bales of hay or such. The back was a flat bed would wood slat sides. The cab was open, no doors, with a canvas thrown over the top to keep rain out. He was about to complain but then remembered his plan. Mathew had come up with the idea to be agreeable. The very soul of reasonableness.He had read a bit about Freud and the others who prove a belief in their abilities to talk about people problems and somehow magically cure them. What bullshit. He would just go along with it all and get it over with as quickly as possible. Then he was out of that house and away from his mother and bitch of a sister. So he rode in silence in the uncomfortable truck for it seems unending ride to Dr. Blackmoore’s institute.

Eventually they arrived at a gate. It was full dark now. Through the bars Mathew saw a well lit house. He was grateful they had electricity. Many places in the country still didn’t. The house was not to old, mid Victorian. Large but not very. Three stories brick covered in ivy.

The driver turned to Mathew and said “Get out and open the gate. When I drive through, close it behind me,” He handed a large old key to Mathew. Mathew did as he was told and returned to the cab for the ride to the main house.

Chapter 3Meeting Dr. Blackmoore

Theywent around to the rear of the building. The driver parked next to the building.

“Get out, take your bag and wait by that door.” He said indicting a door with a small window. A light shined through it. As the car drove away the light coming through the door was the only illumination. As Mathew waited he got more and more appreciated. After a 10 minute wait the door opened and the driver nodded his head for Mathew to follow him. The door opened into a service corridor passage to the back stairs, kitchen, wash rooms and pantries. As they walked down the hall they saw no one. They passed through a door into the formal section of the house. Mathew did not get to see much before they stopped outside of a door. The driver knocked once then opened it.

Inside was the doctor’s study. Two walls were lined with books. The doctor sat in a chair in front of curtained windows. She was a handsome woman in her 40’s. She had black hair with a few streaks of gray pulled back into a bun. Herlips were painted blood red. She wore a white shirt and with a black cravat. The jewelry she wore, earnings and a bracelet were silver. On her desk was a open file folder, several pens and an ashtray with several cigarette butts the ends of which a covered in red lipstick.

Sitting next to her on a small sofa sat another woman. She had short dark hair and olive skin. She was dressed in tan trousers tucked into a pair of Highly pollished riding boots and a burgundy blouse. She smoked a small dark cigar which permeated the room with its smell.

‘Mathew Ainsworth.” The doctor said reading from an open file folder on her desk. “You are 18 years old. The son of the late Captain John and Charlotte Ainsworth.”

“Yes that is all correct. Dr. Blackmoore I assume?” He smiled and held out his hand.

She ignored it and said “You are also a rapist.”

He dropped his hand as a chill went through him. He looked down and said “Yes Dr. I am. And I look forward to your treatmentto cure me. I think I already made some headway on my own.”

“Have you now?” she looked over to the woman on the sofa. “Stella. He thinks he has made some headway already.”

“Bueno. Muy bueno. There will be less work for us to do”. Her English had a strong Spanish accent.

“From this point forward you will be none as Patient 7. We do this so are patient can Still anonymous. Most people on staff will only know you by that name.”

“That seems reasonable. I am Patient 7.” He said in his most agreeable manner.

“All right then. Mr. Cooper will show you to your quarters and give you a chance to settle in.” The driver, Mr. Cooper, came over to him and took his arm and turned him towards the door. Mathew was just about to ask About something to eat when the doctor said. “There is one more thing.”

With that the grip on his arm grow much tighter and Coopers other hand grabbed the hair on top of Mathews head, spun him back around to face the doctor and pushed hisface down onto the hard wood of Dr. Blackmoore’s desk.

“What are you doing. Unhand me.” Mathew cried. But he just held him tighter.

“Shut up you little shit.” He said in response.

“You did say you look forward to my treatment. The sooner we start the sooner you will be cured.” She said this in such a cold voice Mathew was scared into silence.

“This by the way is my associate Mrs. Vazquez. She does not have the formal training I have but you will see she is very proficient in her therapies. Stella if you would.”

Mrs. Vazquez came up beside him where he could see her. She brandished a long knife in front of his eyes before moving behind him. She ran the hand with the knife up under his jacket and shirt. About three quarters of the way to his shoulders she stopped and pushed the razor sharp knife through the fabric and then pulled it downward butter flying the garments. Next she used the blade to see through his belt and then she cut down the back of his pants and underpants exposing his posterior to all. Another quick slice and his underpants were completely off. These she handed to Cooper who shoved them into Mathew’s mouth.

“You will see” said the doctor “that I have a unique method of curing people such as yourself. This is not punishment young man. This is my own form of psychology. You may begin Stella.”

The Spanish woman had put down the knife and had picked up a leather strap. It was 18 inches long, 2 inches wide and a quarter inch thick. One end of the strap was embedded in a wooden handle. Without preamble she brought the strap down on the boys naked bottom. He never felt anything like this before. It was every type of pain he could imagine. It was fire and sting and impact all at once. He tried to scream but was it was muffled by the clothes in his mouth. Again and again the strap came down on his soon blistered skin. At one point he looked up to the doctors face who was still sitting calmly at his desk. He noticed what look to him as a look of satisfaction.

“How many strokes is that?” she asked.

“Twenty two.”

“Three more.”

After the last blow hit, his bottom burned as if he had sat on hot coals. He finally had time for his mind to catch up with what was going on and he started to cry.

Chapter 4

A night in a cell.

Cooper pulled him up to his feet, spinning him around to face the ladies. His tattered clothes hanging off him. His naked maleness exposed to the doctor and her associate.

“We are finished for now. Cooper if you would please show Patient 7 to his quarters. I think the last room would be best.”

“Very good Ma’am.”

Cooper stood behind Mathew with his hand gripping his arm tightly. Mathew did not have any fight left in him but When Cooper started to push him out of the room he was still too stunned over what happened in the last few minutes that he didn’t react. Cooper reached down with his right hand and grabbed Mathew’s testicle tightly and pulled upwards almost lifting him off the floor.

“Awww stop. Please stop. You are crushing them!”

Cooper loosened his grip but still held the sack in his big hand. He didn’t say anything but pushed the boy out of the room and back down the hall the way they came. When they reached the back stairs he directed him to go down to the cellar.

If Mathew has the wherewithal to be paying attention to his surroundings he would have seen the first room they went into had what looked to be horse stalls. There were four on each side of a central hallway. The walls of the stalls were made of wood slat walls about 5 feet high. But instead of piles of hay each had a cot, blanket and a chamber pot. Several had clothes hanging on pegs on the wall.

They then passed through a second room. This room had several tables with rings attached to various parts. There was a pillory and several places on the wall with rings attached to it. But it to went unnoticed.

But it was the third room Cooper pushed Mathew to. It was behind a heavy wood door with just a 6″x6″ bared opening. Inside the room the walls were stone like the other rooms. Four small cells were along the wall. Each had a bared door. Three of them had thin mattresses and covered pails. The fourth was devoid of the mattress, it was the smallest and further away from the bare bulb hanging just inside the door. Cooper swung open the door and pushed the stunned boy in before locking the door noisily behind.

“Enjoy your stay Mr. Ainsworth, I mean Patient 7.” Cooper said mockingly as he went left the room.

Mathew was scared, exhausted and in pain. The only two objects in his cell was a pail of eater that he believed had been sitting there for a couple of days and another covered pail. Upon uncovering it he saw this was to be his toilet. It wasn’t empty. He quickly covered and retired to the further corner of the cell with his ruined clothes wrap around as best he could. From time totime he though he heard voices but too indistinct to know what they were saying. He eventually fell asleep.

He was awoken with the sound of a woman’s voice berating someone. He could not tell exactly what was being said but he recognized the tone. The voice grew silent then he heard the sound of leather on skin, followed by a grunt. Then again. And again. He realized that he was not the only “patient”, but that didn’t help his fears. The beating went on for what seemed like a very long time. After some time it stopped.


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