Redbotts House Pt. 02

Redbotts House Part 2 – State School – slave girl sara.

As we saw in part 1 Redbotts House is owned by the eight generation of the Redbotts family and was once the home of notorious highwayman ReX Hollins. It is said, in the late eighteenth century, he would murder the driver of any horse drawn coach he stopped, tie up any male passengers and rob and fuck the ladies leaving a whipped X on their bottoms with His riding crop. It is rumoured when no ladies were on board, he would fuck the men!

As well as the Finishing School, at the back of Redbotts House some old buildings have been converted into a few classes to take advantage of the money the government is paying if you house a state school for the lower, working class. No where near as flash as the Finishing School but nonetheless a place to learn, be warm and make new friends, just as the government wanted.

The working-class children are given free education and teach the basics of writing and arithmetic. At fourteen they leave school, with no other options.

The boy`s education is designed to make sure they can earn a living to support a home and family, whilst the girls are taught how to housekeep, bake, sew and make very low-cost meals to fill their families’ bellies. Learning and discipline go hand in hand, and no one is sparred punishment if they float the rules and the Masters make sure they get plenty of opportunities to spank a bare bottom.

On leaving school most of the girls go into service at the big houses such as Redbotts House, Amy being one, and she never surfaced from the cells of the house until the age of eighteen. All the workings of the house are below stairs, laundry, kitchen, wine cells, silver poisoning, well everything.

This is Amy’s story as told by her:

I was taken upstairs the very first time when I was almost nineteen.

“Come on Amy we dare not be late or it will be our turn.”

“What will be our turn cook?”

“You will see soon enough and stop asking questions unless you want to feel my strap on your bare arse again.”

“Sorry cook.”

We got to the big hall and one of the upstairs servants was stood naked in the centre of the room. We just got there in time as the house butler spoke.

“This here scum thought it fun to peak into Miss Katie’s room whilst she was undressing. Tell all what you were doing while peaking.”

He kept silent, the butler nodded and the footman behind him lashed his back five times.

“And what were you doing when peaking?”

“Wanking Sir, I was wanking.”

“Show us all how.”

He hesitated, the butler nodded, and five more lashes were placed across his back. He tried to wank, but I think the fear in him would not allow it.

“These are the punishments Miss Katie has suggested, and you, his worksmates will decide which.”

“Firstly, cut off his cock and balls so all his forthcoming pleasures will cease and dismiss him from service.”

We all gasped.

“Or fifty lashes on his back, bottom, and cock.”

“Close your eyes everyone, hands up who votes number one.”

The butler began counting.

“Hands up number two,” he counted again.

“I will just count those hands again or it`s off with his cock.”

We hear the young man crying.

“Hands down eyes open, by one vote it`s a whipping, carry on.”

We had to witness his beating and even when he fell to the ground, and the lashing continued, his cock grow, how strange.

I am with cook now; she took me under her wing after my experience working in the stables. I have worked my way through various other part of the cellar, but cook is by far the friendliest, even so I feel her straw quite a lot.

The worst was the stables working as a stable girl, more like a stable slave. This is what happened one day:

I was in the barn by five am, picked up my shovel and fork and walked to my first stable to clean. The fork slipped out of myhand and as I went to try and catch it the shovel went too, onto the concrete floor, what a noise. The horses were started and started neighboring.

“What the fucking hell is up with you, stupid bastard, ‘ands by your side?”

“Sorry Steve Sir, they just slipped, please do not beat me again,”

“Head high, stupid.”

I stuck my head high and screwed up my eyes. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, across one cheek and then the other.

“You know what to say now, stupid.”

“Oh please Sir,”

“Head up high.”

“Did you want to say something, stupid?”

“Please forgive me Sir and please beat me at bath time.”

“I will think about it, if you are good.”

He lifted my skirt up at the front, hand down my knickers and fingered me to a cum. I got on with my tasks and at lunch time was called into the horse bedding room.

“What’s in your snack box, stupid?”

“A jam sandwich and apple Sir, like every day.”

“Pass it here, stupid, you won`t need it, on your knees and show the boys what a good cock sucker you are.”

I knew what to do of course, it was a job I had at home for dad and my two brothers, but if it saves me a beat, I will suck them. I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock as he ate my lunch, I pulled back a little when he cum and took it all in.


Robin stood up, he was younger than me and got his cock out, four cocks later I was done and sent back to work. Almost home time and I was called to the small room where there was a bath so we could wash out the stink of the horses, everyone was there to watch.

“In you go, stupid.”

The two other stable girls looked on, knowing one day it would be them. The water was freezing and everything that could stand on end, stand on end.

“She loves it, look at her nipples, they look like a pig`s tits.”

He lifted them so all the boys could have a feel.

“Out you get before you cum inthe water, knees.”

I knelt and out came his cock again, and I sucked again.

“Next, someone else can be sucked as I set up stupid`s whipping block.”

I sucked two more and he came back in. He picked me up by my ears and two boys fastened me to the block where we tie the horses up. He took a long rein of the tack wall and whipped me to screams with it. I felt the sharpness penetrate my flesh as The crack of the strap hit my skin and the noise reverberated around the building, followed by my screams.

“Will you be more careful in the morning, stupid?”

I managed to get a “Yes Sir” out.

My nipples were still as hard as branches.

“Shame to waste your perkiness, Mable, skirt up and knickers down, stupid wants to lick you out.”

She stood her ground.

“Or maybe you want a bath and a whipping.”

“No Sir.”

I saw her knickers drop to the floor as I went under her skirt and gave her a good sucking till, she trembled with a cum. I was much more careful the following morning and kept my head down.

“Steve wants you in the horse bedding barn Amy.”

“Thank you Mable.”

“No lunch for me today, stupid?”

“My name is Amy Sir.”

He stood up, both hands under my top and lifted me up by my nipples.

“What`s your name stupid?”

“Amy Sir.”

I was now on tippy toes.

“What`s your name stupid?”

“Amy Sir.”

I was lifted off the ground by my nipples, I passed out and hit my head on the barn door. The next thing I remember was coming round in cooks` room and her wiping my forehead with a damp cloth.

Steve called in to see me.

“Do you forgive me Amy?”

He put his hand under my top and massaged my sore nipples.

“Yes Sir, it was my fault, sorry, I clumsily tripped up and banged my head.”

“Good girl.”

I reached out and got his cock out and I wanked him to a cum and caught most of it in my hand and licked it off.

“Will you become my girl Amy?”

“Yes Sir, thank you, I will serve you well.”

“And serve my friends?”

“If it is your wish Sir.”

“If you feel up to it meet me in the horse bedding barn at eight, I have an inkling to fuck you.”

“Yes Sir if cook allows me out.”

“Yes of course, I understand, so no spanking for not showing up.”

“Aww Sir, really?”

He was laughing as he kissed my forehead and walked out.

“My you have perked up girl.”

“Yes Miss,”

“Now get undressed let me check you out.”

“Hmm I see, trapped your nipples in a door as you fell, I see Amy?”

I giggled, “Yes Miss.”

She got a pot of soothing cream out of her pinafore pocket and rubbed and massaged my poor sore nipples and tits. She washed her hands.

“Now, let`s see if all is well down here.”

She stroked my small bush and brushed my hood with each pass, I suppose I may have let out a slight moan. She released then rolled my clip and with a couple of rough cook’s fingers inside me soon had me in a spasm, and another and when she nipped my so, so bruised nipples, my mind began to leave me.

“Ok girl, soup time.”

She helped me up, “No need to dress Amy, I want to drink the beauty of your body in.”

“Ok Miss and if I did start to dress Miss?”

She scooped me up, sat down and put me over her knee for the spanking I so missed not being at home and being over mum’s, dad`s or brother`s knees.

I had my soup and had to decide, stop in the loving warmth with cook or go and meet Steve, my new Sir. I asked cook what I should do, I explained how I was now his girl.

“You seeking a fucking girl?”

“Yes Miss.”

“Then you must go but back here by ten or else.”


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