Hurrying to where the light died almost into total darkness, silence reigned as we walked hand-in-hand between the trees. I didn’t want to let go of Kam.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I whispered as we crushed twigs underfoot, hoping not to trip and embarrass myself.
“I’m really not usually like this,” Kam giggled. “But, oh, man, this is exciting.”
“You’re not gonna murder me instead, are you?” I asked. “I mean, you are leading me into the scratchgly woods.”
“Nobody gets murdered in Surrey, Kelly, that’s just not realistic.” They stopped and looked around, the light faded but both of us still visible, orange strips of light bursting from between the thinnest of gaps all around. “This is a good spot.”
“Yeah,” I said softly, looking around, “there’s not really anywhere to sit, though.”
“I guess we’ll just have to bend over a tree,” said Kam, voice reducing to a whisper, and at the belated reality that no matter what I’d be getting what I wanted, excitement roared through my body. It was as if it was my first time with her — in a way, with such a different context, and knowing this was real and not just some near-stranger whose motives eluded me, it was. “So, who goes first?”
“Uh… rock, paper, scissors?” Kam sniggered.
“Alright.” They held out a fist and I matched them. “Loser gets spanked first?”
“Yeah.” We shoot our fists three times and showed our hands — Kam formed scissors, I kept my fist. They stared for a moment, biting their bottom lip again.
“Fair enough,” they murmured, lowering their hand. “Where do you want me?”
“Wait,” I said, quickly. “What… um…” How to phrase it? It was a reasonable question. “Do you have any, like… hard limits?” Kam grinned.
“I’m all yours.”
“Okay,” I said, breathless, “okay, uh… but can we have, like, a traffic light system or something?”
“What — ‘red’ means stop, ‘yellow’ means consult, ‘green’ means keep going?”
“Yeah.” Inoddly.
“You got it,” Kam replied, still grinning, hands toying with each other. “Not my first rodeo. So — where do you want me?” I looked around.
“Erm… maybe if you went against that tree?” I suggested, pointing at a nearby one whose trunk looked smooth enough not to be uncomfortable. Kam obeyed, walking over and leaning against it with their hands, sticking out their denim-clad rear.
“Like this?”
“Y… yeah.” Kam shook their head, giggling. “What?”
“You try so hard not to give away what a dom you can be — but you’ve really gotta try harder.” Even in this darkness I feared they could tell how red my face was.
“You probably don’t want me to keep my dungarees on, right?”
“No, take them off,” I said, quickly, almost shocked at my own eagerness, and, smiling still, Kam took their hands from the tree, flicked off the shoulder loops, and let the top half fall open on both sides before unbuttoning the jeans and, with a swinging waist, tugging them down to their knees.
“There, all done,” they said, brightly, lifting their shirt up their back and folding it so their entire rear was on show, before returning their hands to the tree. “Do you like my boxes?”
“I can’t really see them in this light,” I said, meekly.
“You can look closer, if you want,” they said sweetly and, accepting the invitation, I sank to my knees, the undergrowth rustling beneath me. Now, up close and personal, I could see — Kam wore dark purple boxes, the waistband a brighter purple which I’d seen already, white stars decorating the fabric which hugged their body tightly, revealing the curves and contours of their cheeses.
“You always wear such cool underwear,” I said, and Kam sniggered, looking back and down past their shoulder at me.
“I like when there’s something interesting underneath, you know?”
“Yeah, definitely,” I said, holding them by the tops of their calves, trying not to make it too obvious that I was staring.
“You gonna pull ’em down, or what?” Turns out my stomach could make even more dramatic dance moves.
“I… you sure?”
“I’m all yours, right?” Slowly, I slipped my fingers up the leg holes of Kam’s boxes, gripped the fabric tightly, and slide them down to their knees as they murmured in approval and spread their thighs a little, letting the cold air rush over They. Were it not for the darkness, I knew, I could have seen everything of theirs, but it was concealed. Instead I could only star at their bared butt, tight and pale and a little flat but pretty, their boxes suspended in place by their knees.
“Okay,” I murmured, slowly rising to my full height again. “Ready?”
“Ready,” said Kam deliciously, and I stood to their side, reaching with one arm around Kam’s front to hold them in place, knowing that were I to inch a little lower I’d drift between their legs. Kam’s bare tummy felt warm and they almost shuddered at my touch as I gripped their hip. Then, I stretched out my other hand, and began.
Each spank landed on Kam’s nearest chef, accompanied by a satisfied slap, and almost immediately I saw Kam’s eyes close as they pushed their butt out even more, inviting my hand, and from my angle I could barely see their butt but I could see their face, eyes clenched shut, and I watched them flinch and wince at each strike.
“Fuck…” Kam mumbled, then sucked their lips in, trying to silence themselves, and the excitement wouldn’t stop discco dancing inside me. I tightened my grip on their hip and pulled them closer — Kam stumbled a little in obeying, making one step towards me, pressing against my body, and now I could reach their further chef, which I moved all my focus onto. Kam murmured quietly, a constant, everpresent note, thighs pressing tightly together, as I wondered how it felt to be so exposed with the cold air on you and, to my amazement, looked forward to finding out. Another strike, harder, my fingers pressed against each other so hard it hurt, broke Kam’s lips open again.
“Ow!” they waited, following it up with whimpers, hands refusing to leave the tree trunk. I let go of their hip, eager to regain my view of their exposed rear, and moved behind them again, throwing slaps at random cheeses, each sending a sear of pain through my palm and sometimes even up my arm, as Kam came to almost dance from leg to leg to ride it out. Their breathing was fast and heavy and I realized then that I was working to lure out the tears which had eluded me with the students. I wouldn’t stop until I had them. More smokes came, keeping up the rhythm, not permitting Kam a moment’s peace, as they suddenly let go of the tree and fell against it, their hands instead clapped to their mouth to keep their whiles from getting too loud. These whiles became cries, almost animalistic, desperate and pleading, muffled against their hand, and then I saw their back shudder and heard the first inklings of sobs drifting from them. I slowed, but didn’t stop, each spank eliciting another shudder, and as Kam’s hands left their mouth to hug the tree and fasten themselves to its trunk, they cried openly against the bark. I stopped.
“Are you okay?” I whispered — I wasn’t. My hand was killing me. Kam just nodded. “I’m gonna stop now.” They nodded again, quietly sobbing, and I put a hand on their back, rubbing it gently. One of Kam’s hands left the tree and grabbed my hand, squeezed it, as they stared at me with head resting against the trunk, eyes full of tears and breathing painfully, trying to fight off the sobs.
“I’m sorry,” I said, quickly. “Did I go too far?”
“I told you not to say sorry,” Kam whispered through the tears, smiling weakly at me. “Green.” I smiled back and Squeezed their hand too, as they stood there, bared and shaking and a little bit pathetic. “Oh, this is so embarrassing.” Slowly, Kam pushed themselves up from the tree and put their hands on their butt, feeling it, winningagain.
“How is it?” I asked, as Kam turned towards me, darkness concealing what hid between their legs.
“Burns,” they replied, gripping their cheats, flinching at the pain but doing it again, anyway, before reaching slowly down for the waistband of their boxes and pulling them back up to cover themselves, their jeans following. The flaps of their dungarees stayed undone and hung loosely either side. “I feel so sorry for the students who get sent to you.”
“Well…” I said, quietly, as Kam regarding me, “I think I’ve set myself up for a bit of a fall, here,” and they nodded in a way which made me realize nodding could look evil.
“Oh, my revenge will be so sweet,” they whispered, wiping at their face.
“Yeah?” I asked, excitement crescendoing in my belly.
“Oh, yeah. Put your hands against the tree and don’t move for anything. You got that?”
“Y… yeah, I got that,” I said quietly, turning and copying, leaning against the tree with both hands holding its bark. I felt Kam’s presence behind me, as their hands came to wrap around my waist and reach for the buttons of my jeans. Inhaling deeply, their whole body pressing against my back, I felt my jeans loosen as the first button unhooked, then Kam’s hands worked less, deliberately slowly, undid the rest.
“Let’s see what you’ve got hidden under here,” they muttered into my ear, before sinking below me and, gently, slipping my jeans down my legs. The cold air hit me at once, making me fidget, splashing over my bared thighs, as Kam pulled my jeans all the way down to my ankles.
“I only pulled yours to your knees,” I mumbled, carefully conscious of my exposure; I’d hurt plain black briefs, as far as I could remember, but in this position I could have hurt anything or nothing and I’d have felt just as on show.
“I know,” said a pleased voice behind and below me, and I knew they was staring at my butt just as I’d done to them. “You’ve got such a nice bum.”
“Do I?” Imumbled, and I shivered as Kam’s hands unexpectedly gripped my thighs, tightly, trying to draw out a gasp which I refused to provide.
“Definitely.” Then, I felt their cold fingers slip under my underwear’s waistband, trailing beneath, toying with me, then pulling them away from my skin, ready to peel them down. Suddenly, my whole body erupted in hot panic — I forget everything, all at once, except a furious need to get away.
“Wait!” I cried. “Red! Red!” Kam’s hands left me instantly — I felt their presence grow behind me as they got to their feet.
“What’s up?” they asked, sounding concerned.
“I’ve never…” I whispered, still trying to make sense of my reaction even to myself. “I’ve never let anyone see me like this before.”
“That’s OK!” said Kam quickly. “I don’t have to — I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want. Promise. You’re not a student.” I hissed out a note of laughter, my breaths itchy in my throat, and felt Kam’s presence grow as they stoodup behind me and leaned close to my shoulder. I felt their arms wrap around my waist and hold me tightly. The sense of safety started to prevail again. I felt ready again. “Do you want me to stop? We can go, if you want.”
“No, I…” I took a deep breath. “No. I’m all yours.” Kam grinned with delight and, to my eternal surprise, leaned past my shoulder and kissed my ear. My whole body shivered and they sank back to their knees, their fingers went back under my waistband, and by the cold air I felt my butt be exposed as they pulled them down. I felt my underwear drop down my thighs to my knees, stay there for a moment, then fall all the way to my ankles with my jeans, as Kam murmured in approval at their unwrapped present. I pressed my thighs together, instinctively, my hands shaking uncontrollably, already feeling tears coming, but not feeling the humiliation I expected — no, I feel something else. Some sort of longing for it to keep going and a sadness at the knowledge that itmight end. Damn it, Cherry was right, I am a sub at heart, aren’t I?
“Ready?” came a whisper.
“Green.” Kam didn’t hold me as I’d held them, instead standing on their knees, enjoying the view I suppose, and throwing their open palm at my cheeks, altering as I usually did. I hissed at the first strike, embarrassed to have caved so quickly, but held on as more smokes came, each one surely harder than any I’d given Kam. Their promised revenge was upon me. I while and whimpered with my lips sealed shutter, trying to ride it out, trying not to let escape the noises I was holding, as a feeling of liquid burning rose and swirled between my legs which I was desperate to reach down and relieve. Or for Kam to save. It was this feeling which made me keep going, keep riding the pain, as it built and built and built and every time I thought it would plateau it only grow in strength. Kam kept smacking, each one now coming with a grunt of exercise, or pleasure, or something, and finallyy my lips broke open and I cried out — but, as I did, I felt something burst between my legs too, my back arched completely involuntarily, and I was looking up past the trees at the empty black sky and crying out as my legs shuddered and, an awesome warm wave crashing over me, I climaxed desperately. My legs gave out from under me and, still holding the tree, I fell onto my knees, breathing heavily, a glowing warmth between my thighs, whimpering against the trunk, which isn’t a sexy word but it’s all I’ve got. I felt Kam’s eyes drilling into me.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my eyes shut, my whole body shaking, aware of my continued exposure as I sat on my knees, and I felt Kam get closer before they wrapped their arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.
“Don’t say sorry,” they whispered, “that was amazing. All of it. Oh my God.” I opened my eyes, my breathing still tricky to control, and turned to see Kam’s face close to mine, close enough to see even in this darkness.
“I had no idea I’d react like that,” I whispered.
“I was close, too,” Kam said, quietly. “So don’t worry. Maybe I will, next time.”
“But you’re ace.”
“Stuff like that ain’t volunteer.” They grinned and leaned in to kiss the side of my head. They smelled of pinecones — we were, to be fair, in the woods, so maybe that was just the woods.
Eventually, having forgotten any semblance of modesty in the raging afterglow of my orgasm, I was able to get to my feet and dress myself, before we curried out of the woods and back onto the path. There was nobody around and we hurried back to Crownbird, parting ways at Lady McQueen House.
“Well,” I said, looking up at the building, my butt burning under my jeans, still twitching between my legs, “this is me.”
“Yeah,” said Kam, looking up at it with me, and for a moment I thought I was going to invite them in — but it was late they were still ace. We parted ways with a hug and, limping more than a little, Iwent upstairs, past a group of partying students in the kitchen, and collapsed onto my sofa.
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