It was a major leap for us both and especially an out-of-character behavior for me. I would have never imagined that I would be standing on an altar in front of a man, whom I had met just six months ago. At that moment, when we were about to take our vows, I realized that I loved the man a lot but I barely knew anything about his background. However, when he took his vows, I was amazed by the love he carried for me and instantly cleared any doubts I was having about him. I was smiling wide, as my gaze held still onto my happy ever after.
Two months later, as planned, we both moved to Australia where he had been invited to be a part of a major photo agency. Avi was a photographer by profession but a man of several passwords. His work is renowed under a pseudo name as he preferred not to come into the light.
Perth. Month 1. Day 1.
I was very excited to look at the mansion Avi had bought for us. I thought his photo agency must be paying him well. It was only years later that I got to know about his massive inheritance. He took me on a tour of the house. I was instantly in love with the oak wooden furniture, the marble pillars and flooring, the pleasant open spaces and the subtle lavender setting of the ambiance. I felt like I was living the dream of a Disney princess. Finally, he took me to a walk-in closet full of gowns, dresses and some very expensive lingerie – all made to fit me. Then he said,
“I have a surprise for you and you cannot say no!”
And presented a red latex kit which included a full body suit, a mask that only let my eyes and mouth be open, with an additional opening at the top and 4 inch heeled boots. Of course, I always know about his password for kink but I was taken aback by the surprise of the event. I showed some rather menial resistance, which was easy for him to overcome. After all, how could I not fulfill this man’s one wish after all that he had shown me? So I agreed and with a big grin he asked me to put myhand behind one of the shelves, look for a button and press it. It was all escalating too quickly. But I was getting a little horny myself and did as told. Like a movie, the shelf in front split into two revealing a rather heavy door. Avi opened it for me and led me into a dark space. He shut the door behind him, submerging my vision into an ocean of darkness. He grabbed me from behind, kissed my neck and turned on a red light to reveal the room. It was a massive single room without any windows. The contents included the following
1. An oversize wooden bed with special attachments
2. A reclining chair and a (what I learn later) tattooing apparatus – inside a glass cabin
3. A small television protected by a glass box
4. A red bulb, high on the ceiling
5. A single toilet and a paper dispensing machine
I was starting to get a little worried, when he gently kissed me again and said, in the most enchanting voice possible
“You just have to trust meand this will all be fun. Please just change into the attire and I will explain everything to you”
His voice soothed me and unnaturally enough, I agreed. He smiled and gave me a deep kiss. His password and wanted flowed like the thick viscous liquid from his mouth to mine. He slowly started undressing me, one piece of clothing at a time. There were the tunes of Mozart playing in my mind as I was preparing to dive into an ocean of red kinky madness. He helped me get into the red latex suit and whenever he saw doubts in my eyes or saw words trying to take flight from the edge of my lips, he kissed. He kissed like it was the end of the world – and for sure it was the end of my world, as I knew it.
He then helped me get into the boots. I will admit, I was feeling quite sexy myself. Though I was aware of his password for Kind, this was the first time for me when I was going head-deep into its waters. Finally, it was time for the mask. He gathered my wait long lustrous black hairtied them at the top of my head. He slip the mask through it, attached it to my face and fastened it to the suit. I was complete now and only he knows how I looked. But from the size of his bulge, it seemed like I was looking like a bombshell and probably his age long fantasy was taking shape. But if I only knew beforehand the extent of his fantasy.
He sat me on the bed and kissed me hard again. It was getting harder for me to move with the latex sticking to my skin. And then he went on to narrow the worst nightmare I had ever heard
“Baby. I love you a lot. There is a reason why we are together. The moment I met you, I realized that you were the one for me. You were the one I was meant to elevate.”
Elevate? I could not stop thinking about his choice of the word.
“I will make you a walking piece of art. You will be my canvas and I shall make my greatest masterpiece.”
Shocked and confused, I asked, “What do you even mean by that? Are you going to paint a piclassic of me in this state”?
“Not at all, my love. I am going to paint on you. Every nose and cranny of your body will be tattooed. You will get permanent makeup and believe me darling, you will look stunning. You will get several piercings, the number and locations of which, I have not decided. And your beautiful hair, of course your beautiful hair, are just an extension of your body. They are not your body. So, they will be removed, either in parts or completely. You might be shaken bald at the end, and you will love it.”
I could not fathom what he was saying. I thought it was all an elaborate joke of some kind. A smile spurted and I began to laugh. He continued, with strong determination in his eyes and evil in his voice,
“This is not a joke. This can all be done the easy way if you agree. Or this will be very hard for you and even more enjoyable for me, if you choose to not obey. I will give you 15 minutes to think about it.”
And then he got up and left the room, locking the door behind him. It took me a few seconds to realize what had happened. Was he serious? So many things started rushing to my mind as my heart raced through time – looking at the past and foreseeing the future. I still thought, it was a joke and thought of making it interesting. So, I went to the door and shouted,
“Of course, I will not ‘obey’ you. What the fuck do you think I am? Come back and I will give you the best sex of your life. But none of your other desires are coming true!”
Just then the television started by itself. It was Avi. He clarified that this was not a joke and my decision was taken as final. I would not be let out of the room until my transformation was complete, as I could not be trusted anymore. I would get a piece of toast and a glass of milk every day. I will get better food in exchange for every tattoo or piercing I got done that day.
I started laughing and declared, of course sarcastically, that I was afraid of him. The TV went off and only the red silence of the room remained. I waited for a good amount of time for him to come back and eventually fell asleep.
Perth. Month 1. Day 6.
My stomach was crunching and weakness was crawling all over my limp body. I was laying naked, on the bed and the red light still glowed just as on the 1st day, but was growing increasing daunting. I would be labelled stupid if I had not realized by now that Avi was not joking. The empty glass of milk and the crumbs of the toast were yelling his seriousness to ‘elevate’ me. The only means of understanding progress of the days was when Avi delivered food to me.
Just then the TV went on
“Let us start small darling. You know I love you and by now, you know that I am not joking about this. Help me serve you a hot plate of fresh lasagna and some fruits and nuts and orange juice. Allow me to pierce your nose and your nipples in exchange for all of this. You will enjoy it in the end, I promise. If you agree, just wear your latex suit and just sit in the chair and relax.”
What do you think I should do? Agreement with him and start on this, possible horrendous journey? Or resist more and hope that he will take goal on me?
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