What Bad Girls Deserve

“One bad girl, reporting for punishment!”

Yana couldn’t hide her grin. She knew that being cocky was only going to get her into even more trouble, but she was hard pressed to see that as a negative.

“You seem awfully happy about it. Almost as if you misbehaved just to get a date with me.” While Amalia was just as naked as Yana, everything about her, from her self-assured pose to the way she looked at Yana made it unmistakably clear who was higher up in the hierarchy.

“What if I did? I’m always up for some kinky one-on-one with someone this sexy.”

Truth be told, Yana had misbehaved very much on purpose. Not with the intention to be sent to Amalia specifically, though that was a nice bonus. No, there just hadn’t been going on much in the mansion lately, so Yana had decided to spice things up a little. Quite literally so. During her latest kitchen duty she might’ve let her hand slip when adding the chili powder. There was no way she would’ve gotten away with ths stunt, of course, but the sight of all her fellow slaves sweating and frantically scrambling to get something to drink, it had been well worth whatever punishment she’d earned herself.

“I should tell you that flattery will not make me go any easier on you. Just the opposite, really.”

Yana kept grinning. It was hard to feel threatened by Amalia. Despite her air of authority, there was an undeniable cuteness to her. She looked the kind who’d kiss you rather than bite you. And yet this adorable face allegedly hid a fiendishly sadistic mind.

“Are you well rested?” Amalia asked.

“Rested and ready for action.” An exited tingle went through Yana’s body as she remembered what the other slaves had told her. “Is it true that you’re gonna pinch my nipples all night?”

“I wouldn’t say pinch. Just play with them.”

Yana knew that if her punishment was going to be only a harmless bit of sensing play, they wouldn’t have given her the entire afternoon and eveningoff to rest and gather her energy. But still, now that she was here, brimming with energy, she hoped that the punishment wouldn’t go to waste on her. Compared to most other slaves, Yana’s nipples were pretty boring, far too unresponsive to have much fun with them. Sure, she wasn’t gonna complain that a hottie wanted to fondle her breasts, but she felt there were better ways to teach her what a bad girl she’d been. Like a juicy over-the-knee spanking for example.

Amalia led her to something like a leather chairs with two long extensions going diagonally up from the seat. Yana had gotten to know this kind of contraction quite intimately. Once you sat down and had your legs strapped to these extensions, they were spread wide open with no way for you to close them. The top of the backrest sportsed two cuffs to fix your wrists over your head. Compared to most other bond devices, these were comfortable to a fault. In a way that was what made them so fearsome. Since there was no safety concern with having a slave strapped in for pretty much as long as you feel like, they were usually used for sessions that wouldn’t be over quickly. And even the most comfortable bondage in the world didn’t help much when you were forced to present all your sensitive private parts and had no way to protect them from whatever abuse they were made to suffer.

“Take a seat.”

It sounded more like a geneine invitation than an order, but Yana still know better than to refuse. She sat down and soon her legs and wrists were inescapably fixed to the chair. It made her feel deliciously exposed. Hopefully Amalia would find time during her nipple play to give her pussy some tough love, too. The anticipation of being at Amalia’s mercy had gotten her pretty hot already.

Amalia let a shiny red ball gag tangle over Yana’s face. “Remember: The safe word is three hums in regular intervals.”

“Isn’t it always when you’re gagged?” Yana asked, slightly confused. These reminders wereusually only for the newer slaves. Once you’d been to the mansion for some time you knew all the safety protocols by heart and there was no need to interrupt play time for a reminder.

“It is. I’m just telling you because you’re going to need it.” Amalia smiled differently. “In fact, so far every girl I’ve punished like this has safeworded at some point.”

Yana’s stomach clenched. The others had told her that Amalia’s punishments were intense, but not that they were literally unbearable. Then again, if there was someone who could make it through some nipple torture, she’d be a prime candidate for the position. And knowing that Amalia had a record of breaking slaves made it all that more exiting to be helpfully bound before her. “Guess I’ll have to be the first then.”

Amalia giggled. “Maybe. I wouldn’t get my hopes up, though. Mistress is so sure you’ll fail, she’s already issued a backup punishment.”

Yana tried to play it cool, but she couldn’t stop her voice fromshaking a bit when she asked “So… what happens if I safeword?”

Amalia caresed Yana’s cheese with the hand that wasn’t holding the ball gag. “Well, first of all, I’ll release you and cuddle you until you feel better, of course. And then, in the morning, you’ll go to Mistress and she’ll give you two options. You can either have your nipples clamped for half an hour or get a CBC”

“What? Why would I ever choose a CBC? That’s, like, a million times worse.”

“Let’s see how you feel about that once I’m done with you.”

Yana didn’t argue against her, but she very much doubted that anything could make this choice even remotely equal. A CBC was one of the most exciting punishments you could earn at the mansion. It was short for “complete backside caning”, which summed it up well enough: Mistress (this punishment was always carried out by Mistress personally) would take a cane and get to work on your backside. On all of it. And she wouldn’t stop until every square centimeter was beaten raw.

It hadn’t even been two weeks after Yana had moved into the mansion as a slave that she’d got to witness this spectacle first hand. Not as the punished one, but close enough. A CBC was so intense, that the victim was allowed to pick another slave to serve as a so called cuddle toy to stay with her and care for her until she’d fully recovered. And at the time, a slave called Lyvia had asked Yana to be her cuddle toy.

In all her life, Yana had never seen a woman as resistant to pain as Lyvia. She was the type to take a title whipping without even flinching. She was the one who’d once sat down in a patch of nettles and then stuck her tongue out to an overseer just because she’d wanted to see what it felt like to get spanked on a blistered ass. There was no shortage of pain sluts in the mansion, but no one could hold a candle to Lyvia. Unless it was to drip hot wax onto her, of course.

Yana vividly remembered how Lyvia had been almost high from excitement. They shackled her wrists and fixed them to a beam in front of her, but that was the only bondage involved. Slaves were supposed to hold their posture on their own when they were beaten. Mistress took out the special cane she reserved for this very occasion: A shiny rod, maybe a tad thicker than usual, made from hard, yet sufficiently flexible wood. It had a padded grip, so the wilder wouldn’t risk any blisters even when the session took longer.

“Get her ready, cuddle toy!”

It was the first time Mistress had addressed Yana directly, safe for the introduction conversations they’d had before she’d moved in. Yana got down on her knees in front of Lyvia. The smell hit her immediately. Even in her short time as a slave she’d learned the smell and taste of female arousal well enough to recognize Lyvia’s state even without seeing her shaking legs or her glistening pussy lips. Lyvia was more than ready for her and Yana dug right in.

One of the job of the cuddle toy wasto edge the puzzled slave with her mouth during the caning. When she’d first heard this, she’d assumed that this was to add yet another layer of age to the ordeal. In reality it was a much needed act of mercy. Pain became far more bearable when in a state of heightened arousal, especially if one was already a masochist.

It took only a few licks over her tasty pussy to get Lyvia moaning. The anticipation alone had have been enough to almost send her to the edge. Yana stopped licking for the moment to instead tease her with soft kisses on that swollen clip of hers, when Mistress landed the first strike.

The cane cut the air with a scarily loud swooshing sound and it hit Lyvia’s shoulders with such a sharp crack, that Yana was sure it had broken the skin. Lyvia didn’t make a sound, but the shock went through her body. Yana flinched in turn as Lyvia shook again. And again.

There was no break between the strikes, no opportunity for Lyvia to catch her breath or to steel herself for what was to come, just an endless shower of blows raining down on her upper back. She still managed to stay silent, but from the sound of her breaths it was clear that she was clenching her teeth with all her might. The pain got her smoking all over within minutes and the salty smell of her muscle body mixed deliciously with the heavy taste of her dripping pussy.

Yana quickly got all hot herself. Prompted by the deafening blows, her mind went back to her own first caning, on her second day as a slave. It had only been twenty strikes across her naked ass, but she’d screamed and cried and been sure that no human had ever been in this much pain. Her ass had stung and burned so badly afterwards, that she hadn’t even dared to touch it, but at the same time she’d been horny like never before. The overseer, amused by her violent reactions, had jokingly offered to eat her out if she managed another twenty strikes. Yana’s screams must’ve echoed through the entire mansion and for the next three days she couldn’t sit down without tears shooting into her eyes, but she didn’t regret taking the offer. She’d never felt so satisfied as that night when she lay in bed, her ass still securing with barely faded pain, the rest of her floating in the afterglow of the best sex she’d ever had and the ecstasy of the realization that this was her life now.

It was hard not to reach between her legs and rub one out to these memories, but Yana wanted to prove to Mistress that she could do a good job as a cuddle toy, which first and foremost mean putting the needs of others before her own. Also, Lyvia deserved her full attention. She was incredibly brave, taking this many strokes with barely a whimper. Yana knew that she’d never be able to do this. What she could do, though, was to keep teasing these glistening folds in front of her, hopefully making it more bearable for Lyvia by keeping her in a sexual frenzy where the distinction between pain and pleasure faded away.

The sound of wood kissing skin came closer, but so slowly that it was barely noticeable. Yana had known that a CBC took time, but that hadn’t prepared her for how slowly the seconds dragged on when you were in the thick of it, doing nothing but kneeing and eating pussy while the cane never stopped its scary song. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what it had to be like for Lyvia. That poor girl hadn’t even gotten five seconds of break from the pain since the start. Her back must’ve been red and swollen all over already, but Mistress still brought the cane down on it with the same monotone rhythm that gnawed at your sanity just listening to it.

Suddenly the sound of the cane was a lot closer. Yana flinched and the first shriek escaped Lyvia’s lips. She managed to cut it short, but from that moment on she didn’t manage to steady her breath again. It took Yana a few seconds to realize what had happened. Mistress must’ve skipped the lower back, so she wouldn’t risk any injuriesto the kidneys and such, and moved on straight to Lyvia’s ass.

It was unnerving having the cane so close to her face and Yana couldn’t even really distract herself with her job. Usually she could get completely lost eating another woman out, but the endless teasing and torture had overloaded Lyvia to the point where even blowing on her clip might’ve been enough to make her exploit. All Yana dared to do was gently lap at Lyvia’s folds, collecting all the incessantly dripping juices with her tongue, while her own crotch tingled at the thought of what age Lyvia’s ass had to be in.

Those weren’t the twenty strikes Yana had received. They’d passed even the forty she’d gotten all in all. And she’d had at least had some chance to compose herself between strikes. Endless minutes dragged on during which Mistress abused Lyvia’s firm ass without a slider of mercy.

Lyvia had started sobbing and when Mistress moved her assault to the tender flesh where the cheeses met the thighs,Something wet hit Yana’s forehead. She looked up to see a steady flow of tears rolling down Lyvia’s cheats, collecting under her chin and finally dripping down on her.

“Please, don’t stop,” Lyvia whispered between sobs.

Yana immediately brought her lips back to Lyvia’s twitching pussy. She even gave her clip a quick flick with her tongue to make up for the pause. Although all the pain, that spike of pleasure forced a deep moan out of Lyvia’s lungs.

The tears didn’t stop as the cane moved down to torture Lyvia’s upper thighs. Yana didn’t mind. She knew how good crying could feel when it all got to much. If anything, she was grateful that Lyvia had chosen her as her cuddle toy. Before that, she’d been a bit afraid of Lyvia. Or rather, of the standards she set as a slave and a pain slut. Standards that Yana would never be able to measure up against. Seeing her in this vulnerable state took some of that fear away. It was reassuring that not even Lyvia could keep up the strong act forever.

Yana’s knees ached from kneeling on the hard floor for so long, but she wasn’t going to complain when Lyvia suffered a million times more right in front of her. The punishment wasn’t even over after Mistress had colored every last bit of Lyvia’s thighs an angry red. Instead she bent down and caned the back of her calves with the same stoic cruelty. Yana cringed at the mere thought of getting beaten there.

Finally, after what felt like an hour of nothing but Lyvia suffering under the cane, Mistress stopped. She poked Yana’s side with her foot. “Stand up!”

Yana obeyed and found herself face to face with a very distraught Lyvia. Her eyes were swollen and red, her hair stuck to her cheeks and her entire face shone with sweat and tears. Before Yana could offer any solace, though, Lyvia bent forwards and kissed her.

It was the wettest kiss Yana had ever experienced, but at the same time it was beautiful in how wild and earnest it was. Lyvia kissed her as if that was the only thing holding her together and Yana gladly offered herself. She would’ve hugged Lyvia as well, but touching Lyvia’s backside couldn’t be a good idea.

Mistress opened the cuffs and Lyvia all but fell against Yana. She slung her arms over Yana’s shoulders, barely keeping herself steady enough to continue her onslaught of hungry kisses.

“Already getting Along this nicely. I’m sure you’ll make a great cuddle toy over the next couple of days.”

Yana broke the kiss for a moment to say “Thank you, Mistress.” It was hard to keep her voice steady with Lyvia sucking on her neck hard enough that it had to leave a bruise. That girl was completely high on pleasure and pain. “Mistress, am I allowed to make her orgasm?”

While slaves could do pretty much whatever they wanted with their sex drive most of the time, punishments were often followed with a chatity sentence to “give the slaves time to reflect on what they’ve done”. However, Mistress’ warm smile told Yana that Lyvia’s punishment was over. “Of course you may. A cuddle toy’s job is to selflessly provide whatever she needs of you.”

Yana’s loins tingled at the word “selflessly”. She was all turned on herself, but it seemed like she’d have to funnel all that pent-up energy into giving rather than receiving. She wasn’t going to complain, though. Lyvia had been incredibly brave. She deserved all the affection in the world. “I will. Thank you, Mistress.”

The following week was one Yana would always remember fondly. Twice a day she’d carefully treat Lyvia’s backside with a special cooling balm, but most of the time they’d spend in an endless loop of horny wholesomeness: Lyvia would lie on top of Yana, since that was the only cuddling position that didn’t cause her too much pain. They’d talk for a while until they couldn’t bear their proximity anymore and the talking turned to kissing. Inevitably the kissing would turn to more. And once Yana had helped Lyvia let off somesteam, they’d go back to cuddling and talking.

For Yana it was the first time that she’d experienced this much sex without her own needs getting taken care off. Lyvia never offered to reciprocate and Yana never asked her too. She didn’t want to be a selfless cuddle toy, especially when pretty much all movement was uncomfortable for Lyvia. To distract herself from the ache between her legs, she showed herself from her most irresistible side, provoking Lyvia to demand even more kisses and tongue action. The frustration got a lot sweeter when she could see, hear and taste how much pleasure she brought her friend.

She received her reward on the last day of their little vacation. Lyvia had healed completely and to thank Yana for her services, she sent her off with an entire evening’s worth of spoiling her with as much sex as she could wish for. But as nice as that was, Yana wouldn’t have minded not getting anything. To her, the time she’d shared with Lyvia was enough of a reward.

But all that didn’t change the fact that a CBC, while unquestionably exciting, was a terrifying punishment and Yana doubted that she’d ever have the guts to choose it for herself. For the moment, though, she had another punishment to worry about and as long as she managed to endure it, that question would never even present itself.

“Are you comfortable?” Amalia asked. “If not, say it Now. You’ll be in this position for a long time.”

Yana just nodded and opened her mouth like a good girl. The gag was small enough that it shouldn’t put too much strain on her jaws and her position, while utterly immobilized and exposed, was pleasant enough that she would’ve even been able to sleep like this.

“Very good. Then relax and… enjoy.” With a smile Amalia grabbed Yana’s breasts and got to work.

Yana did enjoy. Very much so, in fact. Amalia had strong, but pleasantly smooth fingers that were a delight to be fondled by. When Yana had first heard of her punishment,she’d imagined an endless series of painful pinches, but Amalia’s touches were nothing but gentle. Gentle and titillating. For obvious reasons Yana had never gotten much out of nipple play, but she’d also never had sex with someone who could stroke her areolas this meticulously, who would trap her sweet buds between her fingers and know how to apply just enough pressure to get her juices flowing while leaving her aching for more. If her nipples had been as sensitive as they were supposed to, she would’ve already been squirming.

Most likely that was supposed to be the punishment. Amalia would stimulate her all night with nothing but gentle breast play and make her desperate for some real sex. Yana saw how that could get antinizing in its own right, but it still seemed tame compared to some of the other punishments she’d endured. For example, it definitely didn’t hold a candle to the time they’d edged her for an hour with a stiff-bristled brush. Even though she’d been allowed to finwas herself afterwards, she hadn’t dared touch her clip because it was so raw and hypersensitive. Instead she’d traded some cooling balm for a week in chatity and it had taken more than a day before she’d recovered enough to regret making that deal. Or the time they’d made her spread her butt cheats and forbade her from clenching her asshole when they ticckled it with a feather. That session had taught her the real meaning of willpower and she’d been trembling and half insane by the time they decided that she’d suffered enough.


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