What Are Friends For? Ch. 04

The following totally fictitious writings and are intended for the sole readership of those of LEGAL AGE. The ADULT ONLY material contained within is also for personal use only where local standards permit scenes of violence and sex. Please do not read further if any of these subjects offend, or if you are not of legal age.

This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone violence of any sort.

The following is under Copyright and is for your sole enjoyment. Your cooperation in not using the material in any other application without the express permission of the author is requested. Thank you.

Without a word I reached in my pocket and pulled out a Swiss Army knife she didn’t realize I’d picked up on the way out the door. Smart girl that she was, she quickly figured out What I had planned and I’m sure realized it was my intent all along. She could have outrun me on the way to the lake and I still would have done this.

If you’ve heard about the effortct of a will branch, no matter what you’ve heard, it’s probably understated. Suffice it to say that one has the ability to do as much damage as a bull whip.

I found a perfect branch and cut it from the tree.

“Oh God NO! Please Scott, not that, please don’t! PLEASE” she begged.

I chuckled, “You don’t even know what I’m going to do!”

“Obviously you’re going to use that on me, I can’t take that and you know it! Please!” there was desperation in her voice.

I just looked at her as I used the knife to strip off the leaves and bark and cut the switch to the proper length.

After a few practice swishes I was satisfied it was the perfect caning device. She was correct of course. I was going to use it on her, where didn’t matter. And if I used it with half it’s potential to inflict damage, she was right again, she wouldn’t be able to take it. That wasn’t my intent obviously, but she was going to experience yet another bout of pain on that nice round ass thathad become my favorite target.

She started begging again, with an almost shriek in her voice from the fear “No, NO! Don’t do it, I’m begging you don’t!”

Calmly I looked at her and softly said, “Only a few, and I’ve told you, you need to learn to trust me. Since you clearly don’t yet, I’m going to give you double what I originally planned! Sooner or later you’ll learn.”

With that remark, all the color drained from her face and I was afraid she might actually fail. She still didn’t know where I intended to use my wicked little toy. I’m sure she was petrified I might use it on her tits. I knew she really couldn’t take that though. I set the switch on the ground beside her and moved behind her.

Deciding to play with her mind a bit more before proceeding, I stood up and moved in front of her, lifting the front of her shirt until her tits were exposed and then tucking the hem into the neck.


“You forget, I can do what I want, including whip your tits with this” I said as I bent to pick up the stick and hold it in front of her face, “and then you’ll STILL do anything I want!”

She was shaking and sobbing, but had stopped saying anything.

“That’s better” I said, sure she had no idea what I mean, because I didn’t myself.

I laughed as I untucked her shirt and let it hang back in place. Once she realized I had been toying with her and wasn’t going to whip her tits she sagged with relief.

“Okay, enough fooling around. It’s time” I said as I moved around behind her.

Hooking my thumbs in the waistband of her shorts, I slid them down to her ankles. Instantly her gluts tightened. My god she has a fine ass. Very tight and muscle, with very little fat. She would be able to take this even though it was going to hurt like a branding iron.

“If you tense up like that it’s going to hurt all the more” I warned.

I’m not sure if she believed me or not, but I saw she was trying to relax. Naturally she couldn’t let all the tension go.

I lined up the branch and tapped it very lightly across the middle of her buttocks. Instantly she tensed again. I just kept tapping as I spoke again, “Relax, I’m not going to wait all day.”

After a few more taps she started to relax. As soon as she did I whipped the switch back and landing a forceful blow right across the middle of her ass.

She leapt up and screeched a blood curdling, animalistic howl.

Without a pause I laid a second blow on her ass about three inches lower.

This time all that came out of her mouth was a silent scream.

I surveyed my handiwork. It was perfect. The welts were already raising but the force had been exactly right. Sting like a motherfucker, raise a welt that would last a good long time and be sore for days, but didn’t split the skin.

I paused to let the fire sink in. She couldn’t stop jumping around and the tears were streaming down her face. Still no noise came out as she gasped for air.

If she was thinking, which I doubted, she could be praying that I’d planned on one and double was two. Again I doubted she’d replaced her senses yet, but if I gave her another she’d know that means at least one more after that. Double something always ends up with an even number.

I was sure she wasn’t quite together yet when I let her have yet another, this one about three inches above the first. Now she had three perfect strips spaced even up and down that lovely ass.

She’d refused enough breath that the third brought on a scream even more unearthly than the first.

She was sagging from the rope, her legs weren’t supporting her at all. Her head was hanging and her chest was heaving as she sobbed violently. I was sure she had reached sub-space. That point where part of the brain diseases from the rest of the body and shuts down in order to tolerate the pain.

The double thing I’d told her was bullshit. I’d always planned to see how she handled it and stop at the right point. I was sure she could take one or two more, but that would probably mean I would have to abandon some of the plans I had for later. I was unwilling to do that even though the adrenalin rush I was getting from caning her like this was positively euphoric.

I decided it was enough. I reached down and pulled up her shorts. I actually had to heft her over my shoulder to untie the rope. Once that was done I laid her on a big mossy patch under the tree and left her to recover for a while.

It was so idyllic by the lake that the contrast of activity and environment was almost overwhelming. My hunting and fishing trips would never be the same! I strolled down the shore a ways and then back to where Laura lay. It had probably been about 20 minutes since I’d put her there when I returned.

She was just beginning to regain her senses when I got back. I sat downand just watched her for a few more minutes. She was still sobbing, but softly now, and her breathing was nearly normal. Not surprisingly, she was laying on her side so that neither her ass nor her tits were against the ground.

She looked so fucking hot I was tempted to take her right there, but patience can be a virtue I knew.

Finally I spoke to her, “Can you stand?”

She looked up as if just then realizing I was even there.

It took another minute or so for her eyes to fully focus and then she finally rasped, “I’m not sure.”

“Let me help” I said as I leaned down and putting my hands under her arms, lifted her to her feet as gently as I could. I had to hold her until she gained her balance. We just stood there with me steadying her for a few minutes longer.

“Walk?” I finally asked, adding “Take your time, go at whatever pace you can.”

She looked at me with a kind of funny looked and started to almost shuffle toward the cabin rather unsteadily. I firmly took hold of her upper left arm with my right hand and more gently held her wrist in my left, steadying her as she walked.

I didn’t have a watch, but I’d estimate it took us nearly 45 minutes to cover the half mile back to the cabin. By the time we got there she was reasonably stable and under her own power, but moving extremely tenatively.

As we entered the cabin she still hadn’t said a word.

“Go wash your face, it will make you feel better” I directed, not knowing if it really would.

When she came out of the bath I told her to lie down and rest for a while. She still didn’t speak, but just did as I’d said. She was very careful how she got onto the bed, again laying on her side.

I was sure she would sleep for a while. I pulled the door closed and went out to sit on the porch again and just enjoy a little solitude and ponder this entire nuttiness.

It was much to late for second thoughts, but I couldn’t help but hope I was actually assisting John and Laura. As I reflected, I was sure that this was what Laura had wanted, and based on her reactions so far I was pretty sure that ‘needed’ was the right word too. Oh, I knew it was more than she’d experienced before, much more. And certainly more than she’d expected. I wondered if this experience was going to get it out of her system, or increase the need. Again based on the way she’d being reacting so far, I suspected the latter.

I didn’t spend much time thinking about those issues though, I was thinking about how much I was enjoying myself, or rather enjoying using her. I was also thinking about my plan for the rest of my time with her. I still had a couple of things I definitely wanted us to experience together.

I sat there daydreaming until the sun started to go down and the air began to cool quickly. I went back inside and closed up the windows and decided it was time to light the fire, then organize dinner. It was time to go check on Laura, besides I was eager to swap the smaller butt plug for the large one.

When I opened the door to the bedroom I think the noise must have roused her because her eyes where just opening as I sat on the edge of the bed, but she still had a sleepy look.

I brushed the hair hanging in her eyes aside and asked her, “How you doing?”

As she fully woke I could tell she was mostly recovered. Sore to be sure, but had some fight back.

Not answering my question directly she glared at me and nearly spat, “How can you be such a fucking mean bastard one minute and so nice the next?”

I chuckled, “Well fucking mean bastard, by the way, is exactly what you asked for! As for the nice part, it’s easy, I like you.”

She shook her head, but grinned a bit.

I repeated my earlier question, “How are you?”

She stretched a little as if to try and assess the answer, “Okay I guess. I hurt like Hell!”

“Ready to have that little item in your ass removed?” I asked

“LITTLE! Yes I’mready” she snapped.

“Good!” I said with a smile.

“Oh NO! Nope, no!” she said realizing too late what I intended, not that it would have mattered of course.

“Oh Yes! Come on” I said offering a hand to help her stand.

“Scott, not now, not yet, please!”

“Look bitch” I grew, “stop arguing with me. It’s time to stretch that asshole the next step unless You want to get split open with my cock. And if you don’t start behaving a little better, I’m going to use that crop on your ass again. In fact I might just anyway, so stop pissing me off. Now get out of those clothes and out in the other room.”

She took the offered hand and became quite compliant quickly striping off the shorts and shirt. The thought of more ill-treatment on her ass obviously was enough to change her attitude. I continued to marvel at the spunk in this lady.

As we went out in the main room I instructed he to bend over the chair again. The lube and bigger plug were laying right there. She rather hastily did as instructed.

I just stood back admiring her ass as she bent. I’d done just the right job with the switch. She had three nice red welts contrasting against her lovely white skin. The beauty of a switch like that is it hurts like a son of a bitch at the time, but unless used to excess it allows more ‘attention’ to the area to be tolerated rather soon. I still hadn’t made a final decision about cropping her buns some more, but I sure wanted to.

I firmly grasped the base of the plug and told her to relax and grip the chair arms firmly. Again she did as instructed, relaxing as best she could. I began a firm, steady pull on the plug rather than just yanking it out. It started to slide out and then with a POP, burst free.

She gave a large sight of momentary relief.

Without defiance, just a polite request she asked, “Could we wait just a minute before the other one, please”

“Believe me, the sooner it goes in, the easier on you. But, you choose, if you want a few minutes rest you can, but I wouldn’t” I said, meaning it.

She took a deep breath and after about thirty seconds replied, “Okay, go ahead then.”

I took the tube of lubricant and using my fingers worked some in and around her little rosebud. Then I actually squirted some up her rectum. Lastly I latered the plug with it until it was literally dripping. This was going to be an effort to insert and I wanted it to go as smoothly as possible.

Even I marveled a bit at the size of the thing, but it wasn’t as big as me and I knew she could handle it, now that the first one had loosened her up a bit.

As before I told her to relax as I put just the rounded tip of it against her picker. This time I waited for her to really relax.

“Take a couple of deep breaths and relax as much as you can, I’ll be a gentle as possible, honest.”

She did exactly that, and I did as promised. I executed a steady firm pressure on the base of the thing, butpushed it in very slowly. It was pretty erotic watching the black cone stretch her sphincter muscle wider and wider.

By the time it was about 3/4’s in she was grunting and gasping, still doing her best to relax. I pushed a little harder.

“Almost there, just a little bit more” I encouraged as the thing stretched her wider still.

“OH, OW, OH SHIT!” she started to pant.

It was nearly There and then with a final extra push the widest part was at her opening and it popped the rest of the way in.

She gave a loud grunt.

“Fuck! It feels like you shoved a watermelon up there. God it hurts!”

“You’ll get used to it in a minute. Just think what it would have been like if I have tried to fuck your ass without doing this!”

She just grunted and panted some more, still bent over, trying to adjust to the hugeness she was feeling.

“Stand up when you’re ready” I said and leaving her to decide on her own I went to the sink and washed my hands and started to fix dinner. I wasn’t sure how hungry she would be, but I was starved. I was also getting damn horny again, but had my plan and was sticking to it.

“I’m going go light the grill, you getting hungry?”

I looked over and she was mostly upright, still bent at the wait a little with her hands on the back of the chair .

“Not really” she grunted, still not adjusted to being so full.

I had planned a simple but nice meal. Grilled stakes, a vegetable salad, asparagus and sautéed mushrooms. In about 30 minutes I was ready to start cooking. I put everything on and seasoned the steaks, waiting till the last minute to slap them on the grill.

Laura was walking around a bit, evidently having come to grips with her new friend.

“How do you like your steak?” I asked, as if she were any old dinner guest.

“Uh, oh medium please” she was apparently still a little distracted.

While the steaks were grilling I opened the bottle of sparkling champione grape juice I brought. No alcohol, remember. Not exactly a Merlot, but festive nonetheless.

I served dinner and just as Laura was about to sit I said, “Hold on a sec” and ran into the bedroom and brought out one of the oversized feather pillows for her to sit on.

“Thanks” she smiled, “I really can’t figure you out.”

Off balance!

She ate surprisingly well, Though slowly. I nearly inhaled my meal, trying to retain some manners at least. There is nothing I like better than a good steak, grilled over a fire and cooked in the great outdoors.

We ate in silence. I split the last of the cider between our two glasses and continued to sip quietly.

As I got up to clear, she said “Want some help?”

“Nope, you’re my guest. Just relax and make yourself comfortable.”

She looked at me skeptically.

“No, really” I said.

She shrugged and went over to the overstuffed couch and sort of sprayed, trying not to sit directly.

I puttered around, put awaythe food, cleaned up the dishes and kitchen, mostly killing time until I figured that big plug had loosened her up as much as possible. I was starting to get hard just thinking about pounding my cock up her ass.

I decided I just couldn’t wait any longer.

“Okay you little slut, it’s time”

She knew what I mean, but didn’t say anything or move, just looked at me waiting for instructions.

“Over the chair again”

She democratically got back in position. She didn’t realize I had a couple of surprises in store. First I took some stretchy Velcro strraps and fastened her ankles to the chair legs, this spread her legs nice and wide and made sure she wouldn’t be able to move much. Next I attached the wrist cuffs and bent her over so her ass was the perfect height and well exposed. I stretched her forward and attached the cuffs via a piece of rope to the front legs.

She was complete exposed and vulnerable and her torso was hanging over the chair seat. I wasn’t done.I went and got the ball gag and without letting her see them, the adjustable nipple clamps and a couple of the heavier weights for them.

The first thing I did was gag her. Then I stopped and standing behind her I started to finger her pussy, playing frequently with her clip. Almost immediately she was flooding my hand with her juices. Even knowing what was coming she was an insatiable little slut. She was squirming and moaning into the gag and wiggling around trying to maximize the stimulation. I let her build very close to cumming before I stopped. I could tell she was groaning into the gag and probably becoming for more.

I went in front of the chair and finally let her see the clamps. Her eyes went wide and she started to violently shake her head from side to side. I knew her nipples would be extremely sore and sensitive, so I didn’t tighten the clamps as much as before, but plenty tight enough to be felt, especially after I hung the weights on them, which I did. As soon as the weights were in place she tried to hold as still as possible because as much as they hurt just hanging there if she moved the tore sadistically at her tender flesh.

I knew she wouldn’t be able to hold still long however. By now I was rock hard. Now normally a cock is going to give some and make anal a little easier than a plug or dildo does, but I swear that to me at least, my cock felt like steel. I stripped off my clothes and stood in front of her.

“Take a good look at what you’re about to feel bitch” I mocked.

I moved back behind her again and though impatient, took the time to finger her some more. For a second time I pushed her right to the edge, though it took longer because as she started to squirm her nipples were feeling exhaust pain.

Still, when I stopped I could tell she was groaning in frustration.

At last it was time. I really had to pull hard to get the plug out, but out it came. I just stared for a moment at her obscenely gapping hole. Much to my pleasure it didn’t close up, but looked like a small tunnel. I squirted some lube inside and much as I had with the plug I covered my massive cock with it too.

As I place the head against the opening I could hear her muffled screams of anticipation.

“Shut up bitch, I haven’t even started yet!”

I couldn’t resist. I slapped her ass hard with my right hand, catching the end of the middle welt. The scream that came out even through the gag was unbelievable.


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