What Are Friends For? Ch. 01

The following totally fictitious writings and are intended for the sole readership of those of LEGAL AGE. The ADULT ONLY material contained within is also for personal use only where local standards permit scenes of violence and sex. Please do not read further if any of these subjects offend, or if you are not of legal age.

This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone violence of any sort.

The following is under Copyright and is for your sole enjoyment. Your cooperation in not using the material in any other application without the express permission of the author is requested. Thank you.

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My name is Scott and I am going to chronicle a story about the most amazing weekend of my life.

This story isn’t really about me, it’s about my friend John, or more accurately about his wife Laura. John and I grew up together, being best friends in grade school and staying close through high school, though not as close. Then came college andwe went our separate ways. Several years later we ended up both living back in the small middle class suburb where we’d grown up. We renewed our friend and saw each other frequently. Going to a ball game or getting together for a beer every now and then. We became very close, the exceptionally strong relationship we’d had in our youth providing a special kind of bond.

I need to tell you about myself, but I think I’ll do that later. You’ll get much of it as I tell you how this unusual story unfolded. For now it’s enough to know that shortly after college I got married. It didn’t work out and five years later my dividend is what led me back to my roots. I’m just not the husband type, at least not now. At 29 I just have too much wanderlust to work out before I settle down.

John was a different story. An accountant, he had settled down in a career, got married and was living the stereotypical middle class, suburban life style. Laura was an accountant too, at least by training, though she was working as a bank as a teller. She also is a stone fox! Very good looking, well built and I would have said very sexy, in an almost slutty way. I would have said almost until this event I’m about to describe.

As contrasted to John, I was anything but settled down. I neither apologize nor brag about my life, I just tell it like it is. I’d always been a little on the wild side and was afraid of being a womanizer. Yes that was the reason for the dividend. I like women, I like sex and I sometimes like it rough.

Professionally I followed the same mindset. I’d been heavily recruited by corporate America, graduating near the top of my class at a prestigious liberal arts college. I skimmed up a little money and bought a beer distribution instead. It generates a decent income, but mostly fits in with the lifestyle I enjoy!

Anyway enough background, on with the story. One night when John and I had met for a beer, John seemed unusually serious, even for him.

“Hey John, what’s up? You seem preoccupied” I told him.

“Shows that much huh?”

“Hey buddy, I’ve known you for a long time. Anything you want to talk about?” I’m not generally one to pry, but can be a good listener, at least to another guy.

“Scott, is there any truth to all the jokes and rumors about you?” John asked looking up from his beer for the first time in a while.

It was hardly an answer to the question I’d asked and I was puzzled about why he’d ask something so off the wall, though I knew what he was talking about.

I guess it’s time to tell a little more about myself. Ever since Junior High I’d been teased and had jokes made about the size of my cock. In the locker room guys would give me a hard time. Nicknames like jockstrap and tripod were so old I could hardly stand it. Soft my cock is as big as most guys are hard. Hard, which to the best of my recovery no guy has ever seen, but quite a few girls and later women have, I’m an honest 12 inches. And about as big around as a beer can.

It never ceased to amaze me what big mouths women can have! Now before you think I’m just bragging or exaggerating, let me tell you what I was about to tell John. Having a cock this size is not nearly the ‘gift’ many guys think. Oh there are women who are enhralled with a huge cock all right, but more often than not it scares them off. Sometimes with good reason. There is such a thing as too much and many women can’t handle anything the size of mine.

“John, I’m surprised at you. You’re one of my few friends who has never had the lack of class to ask me that, at least until now!” I said a little hurt and a little pissed too.

“Scott, I’m sorry, and you probably think it’s tacky of me to ask. Hell it is tacky I know, but let me explain. It is related to what’s bugging me” he replied.

Now I was really confused, “What the Hell do you mean?”

He took a long draw on his beer and motioned the waitress for another round. This wasn’t like John.

“It’s about Laura. She wants to try it with a guy that has a really big cock!” he said rather miserably.

I had just taken a swig of my own beer and nearly spit it across the table. It took quite a bit to shock me normally, but this conversation was getting quite weird even by my standards. Especially if it was leading where I thought.

Before I could pull myself together enough to respond John went on, “Well, is it true?”

“Jesus John, where the Hell are you going with this?” all too afraid I already knew.

“It is true isn’t it. I mean I’ve seen you in the locker room and stuff, but does it really get as big as the rumors?” I could see he wasn’t going to let it go without an answer.

“Look John, it isn’t something I’m really willing to talk about, and believe me it isn’t the wonderful gift most guys think. It causes a lot of difficulties. Besides, you know about rumors, they are always overstated. But I can see you aren’t going to let up without an answer so let me just say that whatever you’ve heard is probably close to the truth. I’m way bigger than most guys according to everything I’ve ever read or even seen in porn flicks. Way bigger.”

John had been my friend for a long time, so I figured I owed him a straight answer. Besides, I had to see where this was leading.

The beers had come and John took About half of his in one swallow then looked me straight in the eye.

“Scott, you didn’t know Laura before we were married, but in college she was pretty wild. I’m surprised with ever ended up together to tell the truth, but I love her very much and wouldn’t want to lose her. I’m confident she feels the same. The problem is we have a pretty vanilla sex life. Laura has told me about some of the guys she used to go out with. She’s got a kinky side and she has described some pretty rough sex. I just can’t do what she wants. I don’t have it in me to slap her around or treat her the way she wants” he poured out.

Another big gulp of his beer and he raced on, having started he obviously needed to get it all out quickly, “Lately she talks about it more and more. And she’s admitted she knows I can’t give her what she wants. Also, she told me she has been fantasizing about a guy with a big cock treating her like that. Evidently, even in her wild times she never was with a guy much bigger than me.”

“For Christ’s sake John, please don’t tell me what I think you’re about to tell me!” I said louder than I intended.

He took another swig of beer, it seemed he needed it to keep going. “I haven’t said anything to Laura about you, or what I’ve been thinking, but Scott, I know her. One way or the other she is going to do this. I figured if it’s going to happen I want some semblance of control. You’ve been a close friend for a long time. I’d trust you way more than if she ends up picking up some guy somewhere.”

My mind was reeling, and now I needed a belt of beer. I justSat there thinking about what I’d just heard. Neither of us spoke for quite a while.

I couldn’t help it, I started thinking about what it would be like. As I said, I’d always found Laura very sexy. Normally I would never remotely consider moving on a friend’s wife, I may be a bastard in many ways, but I do have some scruples. But when I said I have a fondness for rough sex sometimes, well that was actually and understatement. I too have a kink and I enjoy my not infrequent quests into BDMS. The thought of mixing it up with Laura was certainly appealing. I found myself getting rather turned on at the thought. Finally I pulled my thoughts together enough to speak.

“John, what exactly do you have in mind?” I said much more calmly than I felt.

“Well, Laura knows you and she likes you. She’s even comment how she thinks you’re ruggedly sexy. I know she is going to find an outlet for her desire one way or the other. I don’t believe she wants out of our marriage, just an outlet for something I just can’t give her. I think if I suggest she spent a night with you, she’d go for it and I wouldn’t lose my wife!” he blurted out as if he was relieved to get it off his chest.

Even though I knew where he’d been headed, I was in shock. I just sat there.

Finally I said, “John, I just don’t know. I’ll tell you the truth, I’ve always Found Laura to be one hot lady, and if she wasn’t YOUR wife I’d probably be in my truck driving to your house this very minute, but this is too much!”

“Listen Scott, I’ve given this a lot of thought. I think it’s the only way our marriage is going to last. If she doesn’t get this out of her system with you, she IS going to find someone else. I couldn’t stand that and would probably leave her. If she doesn’t, well either that will do us in or make our marriage so miserable it would be just as bad. Let me talk to her and see if she’ll go along, please!” he was almost begging.

“John, are you sure you could deal with this even if it was me? You may think this is a good idea, but I think you could be deluding yourself that this would solve any problems.”

I hesitated before going on, “and there is one more thing. I’ve lived with this situation my whole life. I told you it’s often more of a curse than you’d believe. But sometimes, not often, but sometimes, women get hooked on big cock, not necessary the cock, but having big cock. I’ve seen it happen on occasion and if that happened with Laura, then you might be even worse off.”

I could see by John’s reaction he had thought about this. In fact, and I should have realized being John’s nature, he thought the whole thing through and made up his mind.

“Scott, here is what I propose. Let me discuss it with Laura, see if she’ll consider it. If she will, and I think she will, you two get together and discuss it, then both of you decide if you want to go through with it. You’ve got that cabin up on a lake, right?”

I’d told Scott about my hunting and fishing cabin, but not even what lake it was at. He just wasn’t into those kinds of activities.

“Yeah, of course”

“Well, if you decide to do this, you could take her there for the weekend. I’ll ask her tonight and you could meet with her tomorrow. If it’s a go, you could take her this weekend” John said with a resolution that convinced me he’d made up his mind before we’d ever met that evening.

I still had serious doubts about the wisdom of this, and thought there was a good chance Laura would tell him he was crazy, but the thought of having her all to myself for a week of rockus sex was getting more appealing by the minute.

We parted having agreed that if Laura wanted to, I’d discuss this with her. I emphasized to John that ALL I was agreeing to at This point was to talk with Laura if she was willing. We agreed he’d call me on my cell the next day.

I went home still believing that this nuttiness was already over. That Laura would tell John he was crazy and that would be the end of it. I couldn’t help fantasize a bit about what it would be like to go through with it, but keep shaking that thought out of my head. No way was Laura going to do this. Besides, I honestly didn’t think I’d go through with it even if she wanted to.

I went home and slept easily. When I tired the next morning I had to think real hard to be sure the whole thing hadn’t been some wild dream. My business hours are pretty erratic and tend toward later rather than earlier, so at 9:30 when my cell rang, I was still home drinking coffee. The thought occurred to me that it might be John since I rarely get calls that early in the day. Sure enough it was him.

“God Damn it John, I still think this is a bad idea!” I barked.

John had talked it over with Laura and she wanted to meet me for a drink that very evening and discuss the prospects of ‘solving their dilemma’. I KNEW it was a bad idea, but curiosity, an honest desire to help my friend, butmostly lust, resulted in my finally agreeing to meet her.

It was set for me to meet her at Jake’s, a local watering hole that would be a satisfaction setting to talk confidentially. The appointed time was 6:30 which would allow me to wrap up my day’s calls and for Laura to go home and change after work. I thought that sounded odd, but the whole damn thing was so odd already I really didn’t give it much thought.

All day long I, naturally, could think of little other than my upcoming meeting with Laura. The day seemed to crawl by, but finally I’d finished my last appointment a little early and headed to Jake’s. I got there about 6:15, did a quick survey to be sure I had arrived before Laura, which was the case. I got a small booth in a corner where we could talk in relative privacy. I could see the door from where I was sitting so I ordered a beer and started to wait.

I had just looked at my watch for the tenth time, it was 6:32, when Laura walked through the door. “Ohshit!” I thought to myself. I saw why she’d gone home to change first. I stood up and waved until I caught her eye. She headed my way as every guy in the place followed her with their eyes.

She had on what could only be described as a micro skirt, which coupled with rather tall heels made her legs look fantastic, not to mention about six feet long! And the loose cowl style silk tee she had on showed plenty of cleavage and midriff and made clear she was not wearing a bra. I didn’t remember thinking of Laura as having tits quite that big. The amazing thing was their lack of sag. But they certainly did bounce and jiggle nicely. Like I described, a little slutty.

I was seriously concerned that I’d have a noticeable erection before she crossed the bar. One other failure of a very large cock is that it is Very difficult to conceal a hard on.

Laura is about 5′ 7″, and even in her heels, at 6′ 2″ I had to bend over a bit to receive a hug and a peck on the cheese. She wasmade up nicely. I can’t stand overdone makeup, but certainly hadn’t gone to work like that. She smelled of some very expensive perfume as well.

“Hi Scott, it’s been too long!” she said in a sexy husky tone that I didn’t remember either.

Like I said, I’ve been around a fair bit and had lots of experience with women of all types. This was a lady who hadn’t come to discuss the weather and was expecting to be rather convincing in getting whatever she was after. For the moment I didn’t mind a bit!

“It has been a while Laura. Please sit” I replied.

The waiter showed up almost instantly, no surprise there.

“Chivas, rocks please” she ordered. While her demeanor wasn’t that of a nervous person, I’d never seen her drink anything other than white wine before, albeit I’d not spent that much time around her.

The waiter asked if I wanted another to which I nodded my response.

Once the drinks were delivered she wasted no time, “John says you might be willingto help us with our problem?”

I hadn’t decided exactly how to play this, but was most willing for her to take the initiative. “I told John I’d be willing to talk to you, that’s all I committed to Laura”

“John tells me you’re really big, really, really big” she continued.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “You don’t pussyfoot around do you?”

“Scott, I feel comfortable with you, I always have even though we don’t know each other all that well. You obviously have been a good friend of John’s for a long, long time and that says a lot to me.”

I decided to set a bit of a direction, “John tells me you two have some issues. He asked me to talk to you about perhaps helping, according to what he told me today you want to talk. Your presence here, and I’d say your appearance seems to bear that out. Why don’t you tell me what’s up.”

She didn’t hesitate, but started right in “Scott, I love John a lot. I don’t want to leave him or lose him. But . .” now she was hesitant. She took a drink, not a sip either, of her scotch before going on.

Looking me straight in the eye she continued, “Let me tell you a little about me before I married John. I used to be pretty wild. Ran with some fairly outrageous guys. You know the ‘bad boy’ type. A couple of them were into some pretty kinky stuff, certainly rough sex. At first I told myself I put up with it Because I really liked the guy, even though it was a couple of different guys. I finally had to admit to myself that I liked the sex that way as much as they did.”

She took another drink of scotch and set the glass down.

This time she was looking down at the glass, not at me. She spoke softly, “I miss it”.

I didn’t speak until she looked up.

“Laura, I’ve been called the ‘bad boy’ type a few times myself. I enjoy some pretty rough stuff too. I can tell you from personal experience that there are plenty of women in the world just like you. It doesn’t make you a bad person in any way. If no one gets hurt and everyone enjoys it, what’s wrong with that. You’re problem is you have a husband who is NEVER going to give you that. I’ve known John his whole life, it isn’t going to happen. I’d say by now you know it too” I finally paused.

She smiled at me “You know, for someone who tries to come across as an arrogant, sexist bastard most of the time, you can be pretty understanding and insightful”.

I laughed at that, “Don’t kid yourself, I AM an arrogant, sexist bastard. But that doesn’t make me a bad person, just an arrogant, sexist bastard!”

Now we both laughed.

Finally I went on, more seriously “Look Laura, as I see it there are three choices you have. First, you can go on married to John and just live without this need of yours. If you’re like most people for who it really is a need, not just a curiosity, then that probably won’t work in the long run. At a minimum you’ll be constantly unhappy. A second choice is to divide John and find someone whois more compatible with you, at least in that regard. It doesn’t sound like that’s really what you want though and I know it isn’t what John wants. Lastly, you can try to find a solution that meets your needs and works for John too. That may be way harder than either of you imagine. Very likely impossible!”

Laura seemed somewhat stunned, “You cut right to it too, don’t you? Pretty insightful for a beer salesman too!”

I chuckled. I’d heard similar comments many times before.

“Laura, I sell beer by choice. It allows me to live life the way I choose, not by other people rules. I graduated from college manga cum laude with degrees in business and psychology. I told you, I may be an arrogant, sexists bastard, but not a dumb bastard!”

“I can see why you and John are so close. I never understand that very well before this.”

“Anyway, that’s my take on this and I’m not at all sure I, or anyone else can help you two. For one thing, I think John thinks that one romp in the sack with some rough tough ‘bad boy’ and you’re going to be cured or whatever. Both you and I know that’s not the case.” It wasn’t a question.

She looked away for a minute. When she looked back I thought she might start to cry, her eyes were definitely moist, but she seemed to regroup, “There’s more”.


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